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Lori Alexander 32: Breastfeeding Begets Boners


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@AlwaysDiscerning I saw that but couldn’t get past the fact that she’s shopping and cleaning on a Saturday. I know someone once posted on the site or the blog  about how women who are keepers at home can fully enjoy weekends bc they don’t have to do chores and such on the weekends like us sinful (sarcasm) working moms. 

@KatBonD I believe that’s a troll site (for lack of a better word). If you look at some of the laughing responses to comments on the original transformed wife site, this duplicate Lori is leaving them. 

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@KatBonD Yes, that other Lori site is a fake and quite frankly I think what that person is doing is wrong. Taking Lori's images and pretending to be her.  That person commented on my page today and I had to carefully look to see if it was the real one or the fake one.  I think whoever is behind the fake site is trying to play all of us. 

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I clicked on the James Cooley You Tube ( Old Paths Baptist Church). Yeah he looks like a huge nutter all right. Lots of YTs railing and yelling about everything,  including why Christian schools are bad, bad ... very bad.  He likes filming himself in his truck, like TAM in her mini-van

But this link   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S1uYPLslOY    lead me to others-- the related/ suggested ones that appear on the right side of the screen.........

......  Anyway there are oodles of YT's about witches and demons in the workplace and all around you in life -- how to recognize them, what to do about them, etc. A veritable treasure trove.

This one in particular had a comment (#1) that made me think of Lori's demon possessed colleague from her teaching days:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4y9rE3BjlA

A sampling: 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4IkDiDy61Q -- all the commenters on this one seem to have witches at work who are plaguing them





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@Frog99 and @AuntKrazy Thank you for sharing that, while it's sad those struggles are there, it's also comforting to know that people have gone through similar things. And AuntKrazy, I have to say it breaks my heart that you went through that. I genuinely teared up because I can't imagine how painful that must have been. They should never have done that to you. I hope you have been able to find some healing along the way.  Having had friends that have gone similar experiences, had I been there I would have stood by you. 


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2 hours ago, SuperNova said:

Mr Nova is an indulgent man who focuses on my happiness. There was a time in our lives when we could hardly afford food. During those extremely lean years I was careful not to express a desire for something out of reach because it would make him feel terrible that he couldn't give it to me.

I wouldn't go so far as to say that expressing a desire is a moment of weakness but I can understand where she's coming from.

Yes, I empathized with this. Having grown up without a lot of money I learned to be careful about what I asked for because I knew my parents felt bad because they wanted to be able to give their kids the world. And as a teen or even now, if I'm at home (I don't live with them) and  I mention craving chocolate and my mom was going to a store she'd probably come back with chocolate even if I never actually asked for it. Even going to a store she'd steal the stuff I was planning on buying and pay for it.  Being the stubborn woman of German stock that I am, I'd usually turn around a buy something for her when she's not looking. 

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3 hours ago, fundamentallyfearless said:

And yet ANOTHER example of how Lori’s followers live a lifestyle completely contrary to her own... They practice what she preaches while she practices nothing of the sort...

I completely agree. Melissa, Lindy, and that Mark Kristina chick have pissed me off lately on Lori's FB with some of their shitty comments on working mothers. But, I felt bad for Melissa as she is describing something that Lori probably doesn't relate to at all. As much as Lori's fangirls piss me off, I still have hope that a few will eventually wise up to Lori and ditch her.

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3 hours ago, PennySycamore said:

@adidas,  I'll have to remember "niplash" if I talk to a mom experiencing it.  It's been almost 27 years since I experienced it myself.

14 years for me and I still can’t forget the feeling :D

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3 hours ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

@KatBonD Yes, that other Lori site is a fake and quite frankly I think what that person is doing is wrong. Taking Lori's images and pretending to be her.  That person commented on my page today and I had to carefully look to see if it was the real one or the fake one.  I think whoever is behind the fake site is trying to play all of us. 

@AlwaysDiscerning I agree that I don't think this is a good thing. The one person that is a follower has the below as her intro on her FB page. Makes me wonder if this person runs the page.

Screenshot 2017-11-04 at 10.14.09 AM.png

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Can someone please explain to me how someone could copy her account on FB and have it look the same?  Am I understanding this correctly?  Does it look just like Lori's?  I can't find it on FB.  

I'm not sure I understand what is going on.  I am a semi-literate technophobe who didn't buy a microwave until 8 years after they came out because I didn't understand how they worked so,  please speak s-l-o-w-l-y.

ETA. I watched a James Cooley video...he is a mentally sick fuck who quotes the Bible to excuse abuse of woman.  God-damn, are these guys all over the place?!

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2 minutes ago, Carol said:

Can someone please explain to me how someone could copy her account on FB and have it look the same?  Am I understanding this correctly?  Does it look just like Lori's?  I can't find it on FB.  

I'm not sure I understand what is going on.  I am a semi-literate technophobe who didn't buy a microwave until 8 years after they came out because I didn't understand how they worked so,  please speak s-l-o-w-l-y.

Just from looking at Facebook pages, it's possible to save pictures put up by others (scary right? A good reason to be careful about posting pictures of children). I brought up her page and clicked on her profile pic. I was given the option to save the picture. So theoretically whoever made it can just steal the pictures and add them as they're setting up a new account. And using screen shots they can repost the notebooks sketches like we do here. And since they're adding comments to the ones that link back to the actual website they just have to add the url link to the post. Otherwise they'd have to share the posts and it doesn't look like that's what they've done.

Does that make sense? It's hard to describe what I'm talking about without actually showing it live. I'm not 100% sure on it all either but it's an educated guess.

I just took the picture below directly from the copycat so it's possible to steal photos. FIY promise it's not me! I'm pretty sure doing that can get you kicked off Facebook and that's not my goal in life. 


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They are discussing voting in the chatroom and how it would be better if just the man voted for all the family!!!!!   Cos if wife voted differently it would cancel his vote.  Some do not even vote and some think that women should not have the vote.  Sorry but I really do not think I can remain in the chatroom.  It breaks my heart especially the women who are being treated badly by their husbands and the crap advice given by Lori.  Some of the women at least try to give some decent advice albeit not advice that would actually solve anything in the long term.  But Lori no, bascially just suck it up cos 1st Peter you know the drill

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12 minutes ago, EowynW said:

Hey guys, could this be Ken on his Horse O' Truth in the comment section of this post?



If it is I don't know why he'd go over there. It's definitely not something he would be able to win and the replies to him prove that. But idk maybe he's seeking and I can only pray that he will find something that will touch his heart and bring about change. 

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Hmm. It's hard to say. If it is Ken, he's worked hard to keep himself from using his 'tells.' You know: "Can we not..." and 'You bet!" :pb_lol:  But some of the convoluted sentence structure sounds like it could be his work. 

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@Celtic Rose Maybe it's a good thing is they don't vote. Also did you see the post about how negative that page is? I copied it before it was deleted. That's why Lindsay made that post about happy marriages. I swear I've never seen half of those posters who're responding. On some post or another lindsay posted that she was "combative" and I've never been able to forget that. It's so obvious. She's meaner than Lori. Smarter but meaner. 

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1 hour ago, Sarah92 said:

He almost sounded too nice to be Ken

Yea true. But it's right around the same time that Lori attacked Gail and her Junia Project post and I wonder if that brought the real Ken over. 

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13 minutes ago, fluffy said:

@EowynW I think it's Ken. That obsequious, oily salesman quality is all over it. He can be more diplomatic than Lori in his approach. The message is the same though. 

That's exactly what I thought. 

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1 hour ago, EowynW said:

Yea true. But it's right around the same time that Lori attacked Gail and her Junia Project post and I wonder if that brought the real Ken over. 

I actually looked at the date of his comments and I think you may be right. Whoever it was didn't really stand a chance either way.  I wonder if he'll come over here and put the matter to rest for us. He might be like  Beetlejuice and if you say his name enough he'll appear. 

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Her post today is about women voting. Lindy comments that the feminists will be out in full force. I think she’s hoping for a viral post. I didn’t read it but I swear she’s channeling that nut Jason Cooley...

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Lori outdid herself today:


Feminism hasn’t accomplished one thing that is biblical, not one. The right for women to vote isn’t biblical. 

Yes, and if you care to discuss the matter further, you can just head on down to the polls on voting day.  That's where Lori will be.  Exercising the "unbiblical" privilege she's bitching about having.


Feminism promoted birth control and abortion. God calls children gifts and blessings. He wants us to be fruitful and multiply. Now, most Christians even have no problem using birth control and only having a few children. 

Nothing worse than those "Christians" who only have 3 children, as opposed to a more godly number...let's just say 4.  That sound godly enough to everyone?


Since feminism, children have become a hindrance and inconvenience. Many women value their careers and “me time” over having precious children and being home full time to raise them in the Lord.

Yes, and many sahm moms value their "rest time" over their "precious children".  They leave their babies to cry ("crying never hurt anyone"), they refuse to get up and care for them at night, and they make them stay in their rooms all afternoon.


Now, we have all these women “preachers” who travel around and have no problem being shameful and speaking in the churches. 

Lori would know, because several of these "preachers" were featured on her Always Learning blog.  It seems Lori actually promoted them, before she became absolutely green with jealousy.


Women insisted on leaving their homes and their children in the care of others so they could “pursue their passions” 

Or, they stayed home and pursued pure laziness while a nanny tended their children, and a housekeeper cleaned their house.  


Feminism promoted immodesty and affairs. It turned women into sex objects as they burned their bras

Why not just say, "Hi, I'm Lori Alexander of The Transformed Wife, and I don't understand history!" :greetings-waveyellow:

*side note* Lori, don't blame your immodesty on feminism.  Pretty sure you bought that navy top, not the feminist.  Have a nice day, though. :pb_rollseyes:


Feminism has promoted ill-health and a fast food nation. Women are too busy pursuing what they want and have no desire to work hard in their kitchens making nutritious food for their families. Everything is for convenience sake now and not for what’s best. 

Working hard in your kitchen, she says?  Please, tell us more about your 4 day old salad w/ 3 week old dressing!   Or better yet, give us the recipe for the soup that you make once a week, and then serve for dinner every.single.night. that Ken doesn't insist on eating in a restaurant.  

She quotes from a book she's reading:


Women were thought to be at their best pleasing their husbands sexually and raising healthy, happy children.”

And she tells us that feminism turns women into sex objects?  Oh, really?


Yes, this is how life was for most women back then.

No, Lori.  That may be how it was for most rich women, but my grandmother and great-grandmother couldn't afford a houseful of kids.  They also couldn't afford a household staff, and they sure as hell couldn't afford to sit around on their asses doing nothing.  They had to work if they wanted to eat.  It was that simple.



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Whenever I see Ken comment on anything that isn't Lori-fied, I get the impression that he is dying to communicate with people who can hold a conversation. Lori, from her own youtube videos, come across as not all there.

But maybe Lori should not vote, just as much as she should not blog, have a cell phone, flick babies, or make disgusting salads and salad dressing.  Has anyone gotten through to Lori just how hypocritical she is??

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Lori, replying to a comment on today's post: 


No, a Christian man or woman can't be a feminist since none of their ways are from the Lord.

What she's really saying here is that 'No, a feminist, man or woman, can't be a Christian.' :GRONDE:


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