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Lori Alexander 32: Breastfeeding Begets Boners


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23 minutes ago, Loveday said:

Lori, replying to a comment on today's post: 

What she's really saying here is that 'No, a feminist, man or woman, can't be a Christian.' :GRONDE:


Well we are screwed then. 

I remember Al Mohler saying once that an egalitarian marriage was basically a same sex martiage since there aren't roles and authority. Lori thinks basically the same. 

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This is great. LOL trolls out in full force.. There is one possibly two here. But I wouldn't even call them trolls. Michelle made an excellent point.  UPDATE: This is deleted now, 10 minutes later. 


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Here we go. This captures it well. 

Lori says voting isn't biblical but yet back in October of 2016 in the "posts of old" she said "I never said women shouldn't vote". So basically now what she is saying is that she has told women to do something unbiblical by not saying they shouldn't vote". Oh and if men are the leaders (created by God to be so) they are the ones who gave women the vote(the men in congress), so in turn women are voting because they are following their leading men who paved the way for them. 



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You know what else is not biblical? Men voting! Men did not vote in the Bible. It was a different type of government so her point makes no sense.  By her reasoning, Christian men should not  vote either.

Lots of other things are not in the Bible so she should give them up too if she wants to live biblical. She can start with her computer!

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Key BIBLICAL concepts Lori & her minions are missing: JUSTICE and MERCY.

How is denying women access to education, to employment, to health care, to suffrage, to home ownership, or to business ownership either just or merciful?


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Today's post definitely has a desperate air of 'I WANNA GO VIRAL AGAIN!'  about it.  :my_dodgy:

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Just ugh with today's post. I'm not obligated to prove my Christianity to a person just because I'm a feminist. And it contrasts with being a salt and light from her earlier blog post. How does using such language and encouraging your fans to speak like that reach nonChristians? Will it draw in those evil feminists or push them away? Love, gentleness, kindness, and goodness are not evidenced in that post. Your fruit has become spoiled potatoes. 

Seriously Lori, learn history. Not one good thing? Please tell me you don't wear pants or shorts because feminism helped make that okay. Oh wait, you do  And it's probably because of feminist's that you're able to drive around in your car. Domestic violence shelters anyone? Child labor laws was another. Being believed when a woman said she was raped or abused is an improvement. Education is better for women, probably even homeschool education for those who actually educate their children. (I question her followers homeschooling abilities).  

And history shows us that not working was a luxury for many mothers even if the esteemed 50s. 

Lori as usual likes to focus on precieved negatives but doesn't dare mention the benefits she reaps from it. 

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From Lori today:

"Feminism has promoted women in high places. Women are now governors, mayors, senators, and CEOs and many of them are leaving their children in the care of strangers. God made men in all of the high places. He made them the kings, priests, prophets, patriarchs, disciples, elders, and deacons. God created men to be the leaders of nations, churches, and families, not women!"

Wait a minute...didn't we hear from Ken that Lori is a prophet? 

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11 minutes ago, SuperNova said:

From Lori today:

"Feminism has promoted women in high places. Women are now governors, mayors, senators, and CEOs and many of them are leaving their children in the care of strangers. God made men in all of the high places. He made them the kings, priests, prophets, patriarchs, disciples, elders, and deacons. God created men to be the leaders of nations, churches, and families, not women!"

Wait a minute...didn't we hear from Ken that Lori is a prophet? 

Annnnd there were several named female prophetesses in the Bible so there goes Lori not reading the Bible again. And yes at least her followers have called her one. I'm sure Ken has as well. 

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1 hour ago, Sarah92 said:

Just ugh with today's post. I'm not obligated to prove my Christianity to a person just because I'm a feminist. And it contrasts with being a salt and light from her earlier blog post. How does using such language and encouraging your fans to speak like that reach nonChristians? Will it draw in those evil feminists or push them away? Love, gentleness, kindness, and goodness are not evidenced in that post. Your fruit has become spoiled potatoes. 

Seriously Lori, learn history. Not one good thing? Please tell me you don't wear pants or shorts because feminism helped make that okay. Oh wait, you do  And it's probably because of feminist's that you're able to drive around in your car. Domestic violence shelters anyone? Child labor laws was another. Being believed when a woman said she was raped or abused is an improvement. Education is better for women, probably even homeschool education for those who actually educate their children. (I question her followers homeschooling abilities).  

And history shows us that not working was a luxury for many mothers even if the esteemed 50s. 

Lori as usual likes to focus on precieved negatives but doesn't dare mention the benefits she reaps from it. 

Lori needs to learn history. But, she won't. She has a pattern of blogging about how things were better in eras where women didn't work, she is usually wrong on details. FJers have called her out, but she didn't allow their comments to go through. She even claimed that when her mother was a young woman in the 1940s/50s that women weren't being raped or murdered. She has made up a bunch of other BS about past eras.

I doubt she has any appreciation for child labor laws or workplace laws that protect both men and women. You bring up a good point about her driving a car. I wonder if Lori can imagine not being able to drive and having to depend on Ken to drive around and get groceries. On domestic violence shelters, I recall that Ken or Lori made some awful comment against being against shelters.

Lori like everyone else has benefited from feminism and working women. She is just ungrateful and also a major idiot to believe the world would be better without feminism and working women. If women didn't work or have certain rights, Lori would be bitching if she and Ken had to spend hours in a grocery trying to check because there isn't enough employees around to run checkout lanes or monitor and assist at self-check out. If Lori fell ill and ended up in an severely understaffed facility she would be bitching up a storm.


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This afternoon we sang In Christ Alone during our church service. Living in Germany, this whole week has been about the Reformation, so the sermon was based on the 5 Solas, with emphasis on Solus Christus.

This week I had a hard time with my faith in God's grace and Christ alone being sufficient. I was stressing a lot over certain portions of Scripture that point towards the importance of works, perseverance, love, etc...  I never want to go back to stressing over salvation by following men's interpretation of a few passages! 

While we sang the first verse, I had to think about Lori and her followers. I wish them the heights of love and depths of peace that come from knowing that it's the Love of Jesus, the grace of God that save us. This verse I wish to her:

In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand

Lori is leaving out the most important message: the Gospel. Lori allows comments that feed women's fear of damnation if they don't follow the laws according to Lori, Ken and company. Like a pharisee, she lays a heavy load on her followers (notice how they all run to her seeking her approval), and does absolutely nothing to help them carry the load. 

There are passages in the Bible that point to the importance of certain works, but Interestingly, those works are not sticking to "biblical gender roles".   Lori's teachings are dangerous because they distract from the Gospel.


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2 hours ago, Chocolatedefrauded said:

You know what else is not biblical? Men voting! Men did not vote in the Bible. It was a different type of government so her point makes no sense.  By her reasoning, Christian men should not  vote either.

Lots of other things are not in the Bible so she should give them up too if she wants to live biblical. She can start with her computer!

She wouldn't last without her computer. Recently, she was having issues with her computer and iPhone and complained about it on Instagram. She knows she has to keep up with chatroom and fangirls. There are other things I doubt she would give up to live biblical.There are things in the Bible she doesn't appear to practice like helping orphans and widows. We know she had blogged and said that churches should be helping widows out. But, why isn't Lori doing anything herself to help widows and their families out?  I doubt she ever donates to those Christian charities that supposedly help widows and single moms set up home based businesses.

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@onemama I love your response!

I wonder if Lori paid to boost a post again- Dan, who appears young and educated (not her typical fan) commented with a great response. Lindy wants to know why he’s on the page and he replied that it showed up in his news feed so he figured he would offer his opinion  

i don’t think she’s gotten the attention she was hoping for and I am glad. 

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Ken said she had the gift of prophecy -- which to me is the same as saying she's a prophet.  But you never know in LoriKen world,  Words don't seem to mean what they really mean when LoriKen use them.

On feminism:

I grew up in a "traditional" family. My mother was a SAHM, although she had weekly household help and was busy (and frequently not home during the day) with volunteering, charity work and bridge club/ garden club/ lunch with her friends.  She did cook  a "nutritious" dinner every night, from scratch. We ate lots of vegetables as my father's hobby was his giant garden. 

She was also whip smart and an ardent feminist, who believed there were no limits on what her children (especially her daughters) could do. She thought Phyllis Schlafly was a dangerous idiot.  My father was probably an even bigger feminist than she was.  He saw how women in the work world were treated and thought of and was determined that as much as he was able he'd change things for his daughters and the women who came after.  He taught all of his children there wasn't anything we couldn't do, couldn't achieve and that gender had nothing to do with accomplishments or how you lived your life.

He practiced what he preached too, mentoring and promoting women in his office whenever he could.  He was a champion vegetable and potato peeler and cleaned the kitchen after dinner.  My mother always said he also changed diapers and would do the 2:00 am feeding (we all were bottle babies) so she could get some sleep. She also said he was the one who would get up in the middle of the night if one of us cried and rock us back to sleep.  I've seen the pictures. My favorite one is him asleep in the chair and me wide awake cuddled on his shoulder.

To me feminism was what I saw growing up -- two people who loved and respected each other, who didn't put labels on who was "supposed" to do what but worked together to create a marriage and a home.  I though the whole world was like that, until I graduated college and smacked right into mysogyny and chauvinism.  Fortunately, my parents taught me I was as good as if not better than the men who wanted to derail me, so I was able to fight back.

And now we have Lori and her leghumper fangirls who want women to believe we are too stupid to vote, and that our lady parts make us incapable of thinking for ourselves and doing things "men" say we shouldn't do because they are "manly" things.  They want to go back to the "days of old".  Eff them and let them I say -- but stay out of my way and my life, and all the lives of women who want choices in their lives. 

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59 minutes ago, lilwriter85 said:

Recently, she was having issues with her computer and iPhone and complained about it on Instagram. She knows she has to keep up with chatroom and fangirls. There are other things I doubt she would give up to live biblical.There are things in the Bible she doesn't appear to practice like helping orphans and widows.

Do you think Lori cares about helping the young women (and men) who make her beloved iPhone in slave like conditions? Or how about the monkeys that are forced to pick coconuts to make her precious coconut oil lube so that Ken can enjoy his 10 minutes? Probably not. She doesn't even see the very prevalent problems in her own country. She doesn't offer help to the women who reach out to her directly about their hardships.

I'm beginning to think that Lori uses religion as a smoke screen for her hatred. *sarcasm*

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@onemama, we played that this morning as well, instrumental. Funny how things overlap.

We also sang A Mighty Fortress is Our God. I don't think Lori would appreciate that one, either, especially the line about Satan being "armed with cruel hate," given her attitudes.

@Red Hair, Black Dress, I regret thatI have but one upvote to give you.

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@onemama I don't know that hymn but it is lovely and yes Lori and the fangirls should take it to heart.

Whenever I am stressed, overwhelmed or in general freaking out about something, I repeat the Prayer of Saint Teresa of Avila**. I am then reminded of what's really important. 

If it weren't an evil unChristian Catholic prayer I'd recommend it to Lori.  But then it doesn't say one thing about submission or Biblical gender roles or being a Proverbs/ Titus 2 woman, or modesty or feminism is of the devil or headship or SAH wives/mothers/daughters or homeschooling so Lori would reject it without a nanosecond's thought.

Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you; 
All things are passing away.
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things.
Whoever has God lacks nothing.
God alone suffices.

**St Teresa was a bit of a bad ass and a feminist.  She went up against the Inquisition at a time when that was dangerous to do, and openly wrote about how the cloistered life had become far too open and uncloistered.

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And Ken rode in on his horse to make claims that those who claim equality and mutual submission have no biblical grounds. But Ken knows that's not true, because I can guarantee that even if he wasn't the Ken commenting that he's been on the Junia website. They like to check out their competitors. And quite frankly whoever was commenting was completely smoked by those individuals who replied. 

Most egals don't claim Pauk was wrong but was misinterpreted. And that isn't surprising given how early church fathers' (Augustine etc) view women. And I think a lot of this nonsense is by the church following their culturally based teachings and not the Bible. 

And Ken proposes that we should  view our culture through a biblical lense rather than let our culture affect our view of the Bible. Yeah if they actually did that then wouldn't be treating people as they do. 

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"Be kind to people who are into health...accept them the way they are." 

You know; just as Lori is so kind about others' food choices and NEVER derides them for eating sugar or enjoying a brownie every now and then. *end sarcasm font*

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That video. Have you ever listened to a preschooler tell a loooong drawn out story? They have weird speech patterns and no breath control. Yeah. That's Lori. 

Lori says, if you look in the olden days, people's entire life revolved around eating. No shit, Lori. In olden days, there wasn't a Whole Foods around the corner to go get your organic grass fed butter.

She also talks about natural organic food being food that is exactly how god created it to be. A hundred years ago, our produce looked very different than it does now. Does she realize that? Carrots, watermelons, apples, even livestock, has been heavily altered through selective breeding and cultivation for maximum yield and nutrition content. 

As for organics, there is early evidence that they may not be superior to regular produce. Some types of organic fruits and veggies test high in heavy metals. I have no opinion one way or another. I'm just trying to illustrate that Lori throws all of her organic eggs in one basket without really researching. She seems to really go for health food fads and buzzwords.

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9 hours ago, Loveday said:

Today's post definitely has a desperate air of 'I WANNA GO VIRAL AGAIN!'  about it.  :my_dodgy:

I think so too. But here it is 6:00 pm pst and the post got a meager 29 shares.


Sorry, but there was no uproar.  Just a yawn.  She'll have to try to be more offensive next time.

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2 hours ago, Florita said:

I think so to. But here it is 6:00 pm pst and the post got a meager 29 shares.


Sorry, but there was no uproar.  Just a yawn.  She'll have to try to be more offensive next time.

Really I think her posts are small rotten potatoes in the grand scheme of things. Feminists have bigger things to worry about than a woman who has obsessive compulsive  delete comments disorder. I mean really she's kinda covered everything she can about not liking women's rights. She needs to save some ammunition for later posts. 

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Goodness, for a group of people who hate feminists so much, Princess Norwex and her courtiers sure do spend a lot of time thinking and talking about them and their reactions!

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