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Lori Alexander 32: Breastfeeding Begets Boners


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2 hours ago, 99bottlesofPlexus said:

Goodness, for a group of people who hate feminists so much, Princess Norwex and her courtiers sure do spend a lot of time thinking and talking about them and their reactions!

Yeah, It’s almost as if they were the ones in a constant, offended uproar, not the feminists...

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In my work, I sometimes get asked to do interviews/speeches. In the course of these, I'm often asked what my advice is for various related things. Just last week, I gave a short talk to about 400 people. This included some general advice about pursuing a job in my area of expertise.

I would be *horrified* if someone took my general advice so literally and specifically that they railroaded over significant aspects of their situation just so they could claim to have followed my advice to the letter. When I get the opportunity to interact more individually, my advice is more individual. This is not because my general advice is wishywashy or that I don't stand behind it. It's because specific situations vary. They vary WIDELY. My general advice is where I *start*, not where I end.

I think there is a lot to learn from the Bible. I think both its general advice, and also its specific advice *to specific people in specific situations*, has a lot in it that can be applied to my life using analogy and extrapolation. But not blindly, for heaven's sake.

As I was speaking to that group, and doing my best to leave room for variation by situation while still making my point, I was thinking how horrifying it would be to be obeyed like that. "No, this is what you SAID so this is what I HAVE TO DO." *shudder*

I don't think St Paul would be impressed by Lori et al for using his words as bludgeons instead of as guides for their own thinking.


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I love that her guard dog Lindy is always jumping all over people, demanding to know what they're doing on Lori's page, and asking them to leave.  Such a meek and gentle spirit!

One such man replied that it just showed up in his FB feed.

Hey, Lindy?  Lori paid for him to see it.  She's admitted that she's done that multiple times.  It works like this:

Lori sits around in a million dollar+ home.  After she watches the maid clean the place, it get's kind of boring.  If there's no one to monitor in the chat room, she might decide to write a post- perhaps, on something like being frugal, or not "dissipating our husband's substance".  If she's bored with that topic, she might write about how godly women shouldn't draw attention to themselves.  Then it's time to post.  But there's a problem...  Lori wants a BIG audience!  She wants lots of attention, and she REALLLLLLLLYYYY wants to go VIRAL!  Did you know she went VIRAL once, Lindy?  Well, she did.  Lori went VIRAL!  VIRAL she did go!  VIRAL, VIRAL, VIRAL!  Say that three times fast!  You understand she went VIRAL, right?  She did.  She went VIRAL!  :pb_rollseyes:

Anyway, back to the problem.  Like most godly problems, it has a godly solution.  Godly Lori takes her Horse of TRUTH'S hard earned money, and she pays Facebook for attention.  Like in dollars.  Cash money.  Yes, she gives them money to pay attention to her.  That is why men like Dan (and all of the other people you're trying so desperately to run off) end up on her page.

Mystery solved.  You're welcome.

*side note* Does Lori get a notification when Amazon reviews come in?  She's got a couple of new ones (both scathing), and with that, she's back down to 2.5 stars.  Guess it's time to put out the ol' review begging bowl.

"If you haven't read my book, but are aware of how very humble and godly I am, please feel free to give me a 5 star review.  If Paul leads, you might consider buying them in bulk...tis' the season!  It's the perfect Christmas gift for the unsubmissive shrew in your life.  Blessings!"

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All one needs to avoid living in poverty is graduating from high school, getting married, and having children!

Translation: "I'm rich, ignorant, and I don't understand how money works!"

Also, Lori's assertion can't be found anywhere in the Bible.  Not there.  Trufax!

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Is it too much to ask that a plethora of HS graduates (women), married with children and living in poverty comment on this nonsense with examples of how it is in the real world?  

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1 hour ago, Koala said:


Translation: "I'm rich, ignorant, and I don't understand how money works!"

Also, Lori's assertion can't be found anywhere in the Bible.  Not there.  Trufax!

<sarcasm> Well that worked out well for for both of our families and for many that we know. </sarcasm>

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It's a pity that I've been blocked by Lori on Twitter now too, otherwise I'd have some words.

Is she saying that it was unnecessary for her meal ticket (sorry, husband) to go to college? Because obviously he only needed a high school education, a wife, and kids to avoid crushing poverty.

And this right here:


The best wife is one who takes good care of her husband, children, and home. No, higher education degree or career makes women better at any of these.

Is bullshit. I WISH I could tell Lori how much of a help I am to Mr. Bonkers with my degree in Organizational Leadership. We talk about motivation, organizational change, performance metrics etc. as it pertains to his job (leading soldiers). The work that I have done outside of my house has given me the skills needed to plan, organize, and run a household like a well-oiled machine even though we move every two years.

Lori wouldn't know an ezer kenegdo if it bit her in the ass.

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What drives me batty about today's post is her pitiful reading comprehension (always) and willful twisting of facts from her "research." 

This is the quote from The Federalist:

“Professor Bill Galston, President Clinton’s domestic policy advisor and now a senior fellow at Brookings, explained in the early 1990s that an American need only do three things to avoid living in poverty: graduate from high school, marry before having a child, and have that child after age twenty. Only 8 percent of people who do so, he reported, will be poor, while 79 percent who fail to do all three will. Sociologists have referred to keeping these things in proper order as the ‘success sequence.'”

And this is Lori's "summary":

"Imagine that! All one needs to avoid living in poverty is graduating from high school, getting married, and having children!"

No, you ignorant twit, the author says having children after age 20 is key. Not just having children willy nilly as if that somehow protects you from poverty. :smiley-signs131:

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I know I have said it before, but life truly did Lori a disservice by sending so much money her way.  She just isn't smart enough to understand that the privilege that she's been granted (for the steep, steep price of sitting around doing nothing), is just that- privilege.  

Yesterday, she said:


my dad was influenced by feminism and felt that we needed to have an education “just in case.” Although, our education was cheap compared to what it is today so it wasn’t that big of a deal or loss

Well, number one, gossiping about your father online isn't honoring him in any way.  It also makes you sound like an ungrateful brat, but whatever.

Number two, IT WAS A HUGE DEAL!  College has never been "cheap", Lori was just too spoiled to realize what a gift she'd been given.

My own mother wanted to go to go to college.  Her parents begged her to do it, but she didn't.  She went to work (at 16), because she knew that her mom was going to have to work two jobs to help put her through.  She worked her ass off, and eventually ended up with a very high paying job.  An education would have made her life so much easier.  

Number three, Lori absolutely squandered her education (which seems a sin itself), and seems almost prideful about having learned nothing.  That is nothing to brag about!  


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And Lori is too dumb to realize that college was cheap back then in comparison because of inflation. I looked up average cost of college in 1980 and got 9.5K a year and if you take that number and plug it into the inflation calculator it is equal to 30K in today's dollar. The average cost of college today is 27K. So college has just stayed in step with inflation, nothing evil or feminist about it. 

Lori may ask her dad and he says something like it cost 9.5K a year to send her to school and she is all "Wow, that is cheap".  Not realizing that 9.5 is 30K today.

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5 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Doesn't someone in Lori's family work for this company??


Her daughter. 

At this point, I'd just be happy if Lori would learn to begin a Youtube video with her mouth closed.  Almost every single video starts with her staring at the camera with her mouth wide open.  It's gross.


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Lori is a marketer's dream! If a product has certain buzzwords ("organic" "local" "handcrafted") she thinks it is AUTOMATICALLY GOOD. No critical thinking necessary. And when she finds a new product (organic elderberries, for example) and it has a pretty label with a picture of a farm and an extra boatload of buzzwords, then it's the best thing ever! Especially if her sister --who took a course in holistic organic naturalopathic nutrition--says it's good.

That's why the Norwex cloth is so super-amazing. It has magical silver in it (we all know silver is "natural" and has "no chemicals"). Since it has silver in it, you can easily clean up raw chicken juice, then use it to wipe your grandchild's face. The silver kills all the germs! 

What's with all the pictures of food, anyway? My daughter would call it "fooding."


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But back to what you were saying...how ironic is it that Lori Alexander's daugher sells...wait for it....leggings!  :pb_lol:  And God laughed.

1 minute ago, Hisey said:

Especially if her sister --who took a course in holistic organic naturalopathic nutrition--says it's good

Well in fairness, she was there for like a whole entire year!  Super long.  :pb_wink:

2 minutes ago, Hisey said:

That's why the Norwex cloth is so super-amazing. It has magical silver in it (we all know silver is "natural" and has "no chemicals"). Since it has silver in it, you can easily clean up raw chicken juice

Yeah, sometimes I just use my bracelet.  It has silver in it, so that works, right?  :pb_lol:

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9 minutes ago, Koala said:

Well in fairness, she was there for like a whole entire year!  Super long.  :pb_wink:


Didn't her husband feel neglected? Wasn't she too exhausted to meet his "needs" at the end of the day? I mean, the man has 10X more testosterone than she does, and works hard every day to earn "his" money. Or is it OK because it was about food, since there's a special exemption about that in the Bible?

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I love your blog! But I have to admit, I think often about your dietary restrictions and think how that must inhibit your ability to live in community with other believers. I'd never be able to invite you over for dinner because I don't believe organic food is necessary. I wouldlo love to eat at your house but how do you handle going to other people's houses and not offending them?



I am the one who has people over to my house to eat mostly and Ken prefers this or I bring a big salad if we go to others’ homes and eat whatever I can even if it isn’t organic.

Wonder why Ken prefers having people over vs going to their house.  Are they too godly to go to other people's houses, or do they just not get invited? 

Better question- who would invite such an argumentative, know it all duo over?

I like that she points out that she "eats what she can".  Remember how you force fed your kids, and your son force fed Emma, Lori?  Yeah, well if you can force a crying baby to eat 20 bites of food, you can darn well be a polite guest and eat your dinner!



Some of you may think that force feeding is just terrible.  I disagree.  You can train your taste buds to like anything. 

Pro-tip: The next time Lori is at someone's house, she can just train her taste buds to like what they're serving!  Same for those sardines she was whining about the other day.  She just needs to train herself.

On another note, it's good to know that the 4 day old salad is portable.  It's probably so slimy she can just slide it wherever they're going.  Yum.  I'm sure her hosts really appreciate her contribution. :puke-front: Nothing like an expired salad w/ a touch of Salmonella to go with a nice dinner.

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Can someone explain to me how two is better than one when the woman is forbidden to work? If something happens to him, if he falls, how can the woman lift him up when she has to stay home with the kids? Lori will just say she is to pray and sell knitting from home, because ya know that will easily bring in a husband's salary. A lot of men will be alone when they fall financially because they have handicapped their wives with no employable skills. 

I think they just aren't invited to dinner. Lori is the Bucket Lady from from Keeping up Appearances (if anyone knows that show).

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For health reasons, yea eating at other people's home is harder for me but you can do it in such a way to not bring any attention to it. I try to stick with meat and a veggie. And will only taste Mr. EW's dessert. The worst are carb and sugar heavy folks like my inlawswhere there is nothing truly fresh and they are always giving me a plate of something that will make me sick lol . I am learning to eat a salad and protein before I go over there to lesson the blow. 

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"I vote my husband's conscience"...WT everloving F? Lindy and crew are some brainless Stepford wife bitches. How the fuck does such a dumb ass statement have anything to do with God or Christianity? Mr. SB would hate it if I was like this. AARGH!!!

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12 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

I think they just aren't invited to dinner. Lori is the Bucket Lady from from Keeping up Appearances (if anyone knows that show).

"It's pronounced Boo-KAY!" lol

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34 minutes ago, Koala said:


Wonder why Ken prefers having people over vs going to their house.  Are they too godly to go to other people's houses, or do they just not get invited? 

If Lori’s statement is true (and with that brainless liar it’s a tossup, frankly) then I bet Ken prefers people come to their house because Lori has embarrassed him in the past. Maybe she was taking pictures of people’s houses, making passive aggressive comments about....whatever. Everything. 

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A bit OT but I feel the need to share give testimony about my evening last night. So I practice hot yoga. Our (my husband & I) neighbor (divorced, male) teaches hot yoga. (No, Lori, he is not gay.) So he had my eldest over to watch his kids and I went to yoga with my neighbor. My husband's response to being asked to go to any type of yoga is "HELLL NO! but you go on and have fun."

So I get in neighbor's jeep and off we go, my water bottle is about to fly on to the floor and at the same time neighbor goes to shift gears. I grab his hand instead of the water bottle. We both laugh. I explain I was reaching for my water bottle and didn't know he was reaching for the gear shift. We both get a good chuckle. At yoga there were several men in the session with about 20 women. All the women were all different shapes, sizes and ages (someone for every taste). All the women were in skin tight leggings, capris, shorts or skirts and various tops from sports bras, tanks or t-shirts.

Guess what, I don't think anyone lusted over another person in the 80 minute session! But then again I couldn't see all the men and I didn't look to see if they were aroused, I was too busy trying to stay in the pose of the moment. Guess what happened on the way home with neighbor? NOTHING! I didn't hit on him (even though I saw him shirtless), he didn't hit on me (even though he saw me in a tank top and skin tight leggings). Guess what Lori, this the behavior that happens when two people are respectful of each other and don't look at others as just sex objects.

And no other man hit on me either, even though I wasn't wearing my wedding ring. (I get way too sweaty, I feel like it will fly off when I do hot yoga.)

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Anyone find it interesting that there is this huge church shooting and Lori is silent? I mean its par for the course for her, but still..

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1 hour ago, Koala said:

At this point, I'd just be happy if Lori would learn to begin a Youtube video with her mouth closed.  Almost every single video starts with her staring at the camera with her mouth wide open.  It's gross.


Oh, I know!

One evening I was laying in bed, scrolling through Instagram and happend to see the you tube she made october 3th about working mothers. Holy h**l! I was truly scared of her in that video :wtsf: The open mouth, the frantic smiling and laughing - like she was really enjoying herself and was happy she could speak nasty words to women, not just write them.

Probably she has some mental issues 

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1 hour ago, littlemommy said:

If Lori’s statement is true (and with that brainless liar it’s a tossup, frankly) then I bet Ken prefers people come to their house because Lori has embarrassed him in the past. Maybe she was taking pictures of people’s houses, making passive aggressive comments about....whatever. Everything. 

I was wondering the same thing.  I also wonder if it's not so Lori can have better control over what/how much people are eating.  She seems to really fixate on making sure the people around her are only eating "their portion".  



I use to be very selfish.  When we had guests, I was always concerned about the food they ate, the water they used, etc. 

The above quote is just...bizarre, but it also goes back to her having people to her house, instead of going to theirs.  If they come to her house, she can pick the meal (no dessert!), pre-fill plates and water glasses, and make sure there isn't enough for anyone to get full, much less have seconds (according to Lori, hunger pains aren't a bad thing).  

Remember her girls weekend a few weeks back?  Twice, she mentioned that they all only ate their portions.  It was painfully (strangely) obvious that she spent most of her time monitoring what the other women ate.

I can't help but think she probably even gave a little speech about it, and used it to intimidate them out of eating what they wanted in front of her.  Most things like that have lots of good food, dessert, and wine...that's kind of what makes it a special treat.  That would have probably sent Lori's food anxiety and control issues into orbit, though, so she probably came up with a way to guilt them out of enjoying themselves.  The more I think about it, the more I wonder why the hell they invited Princess Know It All.


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