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Lori Alexander 32: Breastfeeding Begets Boners


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Lori April 20, 2012


When Steven was in ninth grade, I taught his class of boys for a month. One day I was teaching them about exercise and had them run around the school once.  They LOVED it!  In ninth grade!

I don't recall where Steven falls in the birth order, second or third?  Obviously she was substitute teaching and NOT AT HOME. 

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Stephen is 3rd in birth order.

OK -- so in 9th grade in school (public? Christian?) her son was in a class of all boys?  And she was teaching about exercise? 

Sooooooo many questions:

Was this boys-only phys ed class?  Did Stephen go to an all boys school?  Why was Lori, who believes women should never leave home, working?  Why did she decide to take a job?  Why was she,  a mere woman, teaching boys.  Where were the other 3 children?  How could she be homeschooling them if she was working?  How long did this "working" last -- a month, 6 months, a year, ........ a week? ..... a day?

And most importantly -- Does anyone believe she ever worked for even a minute after she quit when pregnant with Ryan?  Anyone?  Nope, me neither.

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just a thought that has come to me as I read about Lori's short re-entry into the work force with substitute teaching: 

I wonder if there was a time that she and Ken were separated. I think they would have addressed this as part of the rebuilding of the marriage. Maybe, though, it would only be addressed if it was Lori's "fault."  If they separated because of something Ken did, there's no way he'd allow that to be made public as they are careful to only talk about Lori's faults in the marriage. 

Sorry for speculating - just throwing it out there because going back to work is certainly not Lori's cup of tea. 

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By middle school, aren't most classes divided and taught by subject rather than with a single teacher all day?

I'm trying to imagine Lori being qualified to teach any of the curriculum I experienced in 9th grade public school:

  • English composition, grammar and research methods - (semester 1) - not qualified
  • English literature, poetry, and plays (Shakespeare) - (semester 2) not sure she would be qualified
  • Advanced geometry and trigonometry - I doubt it
  • Advanced Biology, including anatomy and dissection - hmmm
  • Western civilization and European history 
  • Music theory/orchestra
  • and Physical Education - we did every other day of aerobics and yoga. . . 

My wonderful mother would not have been able to teach me any of those, and she is 10 times more intelligent than Lori on any given day.

What did having boys run around a building actually teach?


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1 hour ago, AuntKrazy said:


What did having boys run around a building actually teach?


Oh, please. It taught how important exercise is, so the boys could grow up to be strong manly men.

For women, exercise is important so they dont' get fat, and become one of those poor creatures who do not get men excited and therefore have no reason to live.

I guess Lori thinks these 14 year old boys had never thought of running before, till she came along and suggested it.

I suspect Lori was subbing at her kids' small private Christian school, and wasn't actually expected to teach anything, maybe just help out and do crowd control.

3 hours ago, Florita said:

Lori April 20, 2012

I don't recall where Steven falls in the birth order, second or third?  Obviously she was substitute teaching and NOT AT HOME. 

Why is it so surprising that boys would love to run in ninth grade?

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9 minutes ago, Hisey said:

Why is it so surprising that boys would love to run in ninth grade?

Run around the building or sit inside listening to Lori lecture? 

It's a pretty easy choice.

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The boys probably loved running because it gave them a break from her. 

I have screenshots of what she deleted earlier of anyone is interested. I guess I should have copied the text instead but knew they wouldn’t last long and I was in between meetings so I did a quick screenshot. 

I hate the deleting of comments. I can’t even explain why I hate it- but it hurts my heart for those women. I think she’s a bitter old hag with no emotional depth and she’s playing out her dream of being important or special on the Internet. I think she’s a mean girl and always has been. I just can’t figure out why Ken picked her and why he stays with her. I know finances are likely an issue, but at some point even that wouldn’t be enough. I also feel like much of what she posts is an attack on Alyssa and maybe even Erin and Emily. I would really love their perspectives. 

I did a google search on Ken- one of his presentations has his Divinity degree- why would you put that on something for the dental association? 

There is a comment from a woman complaining about young boys being taught ballet. Because that feminizes the. (Eyeroll). 

How about the well known facts that ballet helps with discipline, muscle development, body control, and performance in other sports? Not to mention it supports strength development. These people can’t handle anything that isn’t inside their narrowly defined worldview. 

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2 hours ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Here she goes again, teaching men!



She forgot Huldah a prophetess and I think a contemporary of Jeremiah, who advised a king after they approached her. And Mordecai did listen to Esther's command just as the king listened to her plea for her people.  But still not a leader for the Jewish people whose lives she saved.  Nope not a leader at all. Just like Lori's not teaching men (eyeroll).  A leader does not mean having tons of followers or writing books. If you can influence people, if people look to you for guidance chances are you're a leader. And Christianity is not about leadership, first shall be last and last shall be first and all that 

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56 minutes ago, Florita said:

Run around the building or sit inside listening to Lori lecture? 

It's a pretty easy choice.

Having taught ninth grade for many years, I'm guessing that they ran until they were out of Lori's sight (and we know there is no way she ran with them) then found a place to screw around unsupervised and not in class which gives meaning to the lives of ninth grade boys. 

As for Lori subbing, I'm sure it went something like this: 

Lori to teacher: I used to teach. 

Teacher: Really? We need subs so badly!!! 

So if it were a Christian school, they could likely let her do so without a certificate and they had her come in. Then, at some point, this would have happened: 

Teacher in a staff meeting: When Mrs. Alexander subs, she's just sending the boys off to "run around the building". I found four of them trying to get candy out of the vending machine without paying and four others clogging a toilet in the west bathroom during 6th period yesterday. 

2nd Teacher in same meeting: That's not even the worst. She's keeping the girls in the room and ranting at them about being submissive wives and never getting a job. 

Principal: We'll take her off the sub list. 

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1 hour ago, Frog99 said:

The boys probably loved running because it gave them a break from her. 

I have screenshots of what she deleted earlier of anyone is interested. I guess I should have copied the text instead but knew they wouldn’t last long and I was in between meetings so I did a quick screenshot. 

I hate the deleting of comments. I can’t even explain why I hate it- but it hurts my heart for those women. I think she’s a bitter old hag with no emotional depth and she’s playing out her dream of being important or special on the Internet. I think she’s a mean girl and always has been. I just can’t figure out why Ken picked her and why he stays with her. I know finances are likely an issue, but at some point even that wouldn’t be enough. I also feel like much of what she posts is an attack on Alyssa and maybe even Erin and Emily. I would really love their perspectives. 

I did a google search on Ken- one of his presentations has his Divinity degree- why would you put that on something for the dental association? 

There is a comment from a woman complaining about young boys being taught ballet. Because that feminizes the. (Eyeroll). 

How about the well known facts that ballet helps with discipline, muscle development, body control, and performance in other sports? Not to mention it supports strength development. These people can’t handle anything that isn’t inside their narrowly defined worldview. 

OMG, you have to be quite the athlete to be a ballerina. 

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The thing that Lori and her ilk don't get is that feminism allows women to have a CHOICE. Want to go out and work? Awesome. Want to stay at home and look after your kids? Cool. 

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6 hours ago, Koala said:

Okay, the thing where she's deleting Facebook comments that agree with her, is so weird.  Why on earth would she do that?  I doesn't make any sense at all.  

My theory about this is that Lori looks up their profiles and decides whether she approves of them or not. If they don't meet her standards then she delete their comment regardless of how nice it may be.

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@Florita that could be it. Although Lori (or one of her admins, I suppose) liked the comment about boys and ballet. I clicked on the woman’s profile and she says she is an Administrative Pastor at a church. I almost commented but refrained. 

I did report the page cover she stole and passed off as hers to one of the authors with content in the book. I don’t know if anything will come of it but it happened to be a blogger I follow and I felt like it needed to be reported. 

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@feministxtian says:

she a member of the itty bitty titty committee...and she's jealous as fuck over those of us who have been either blessed or cursed with big boobs. 

Bingo!  I suspect that Ken likes "large-busted women".  Also calling total BS on tops just disguising it - I only have one thing that really obscures my 36Ds and that would be my body armor.  (My evil godless feminist body armor - part of which was invented by a woman who - gasp - worked!)

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Lori is such a miserably incompetent cult leader. She can’t even get her own stories straight. In order to lie effectively, the lie has to be consistent. *facepalm*

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I have to say the whole deleting comments thing makes them look a little crazy. I was going through and noticed that a discussion between Ken and another I think man was deleted except Ken's replies. So it's just Ken's random comments about some random passage with no real context. I don't understand why they can't have discussion and wonder how Ken feels about being made to look like a loon (well more of one). 

Of course, I know they don't want honest dialogue. They only want praise. Heck I was deleted and banned for saying women might want a voice in the church to speak out against the all too often abuse they experience. Which of course is bad to do because people should apparently just suffer  

New theory as to why she deletes positive comments. Maybe she see they're getting too many likes, gets jealous, and then deletes them. 

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I only casually follow Lori but I have to admit, I had a good chuckle as I was sitting and nursing my infant daughter when I noticed the thread title... and gasp! Shock! One of Mr JFH’s coworkers stopped by to drop something off for him while I was doing so. 

For the record, LF1 went to the door and let him in since we knew he was coming by. He came in, said hi to me and LF1, asked how LF2 was doing, made a comment about his own little boy who’s the same age as LF2, chatted a little about the cooler weather and then talked to LF1 a little about what she was doing in school while he waited for Mr JFH, who was in the shower when he got here. All that time and not once did he become CONSUMED BY LUST AND UNABLE TO CONTROL HIS AROUSAL!!! Wow. It’s pretty sad when some “heathen” man accepts breastfeeding as something natural and nonsexual while good “Godly Christians” like Ken and his ilk can’t control themselves. 

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This will no doubt be deleted




BTW, her post today is a good one.

She says


Besides, there’s nothing about “emotionally connecting” in the Bible that states this is a requirement for a good marriage.

Besides that crazy crap she implies men's sexual pleasure is more important. 

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I was really busy the past few days and finally got caught up on Lori. I call bullshit on her supposed brief period of sub teaching. The story doesn't make sense for several reasons.

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Emotionally connecting as a big part of marriage wasn't taught or brought up much at all in my fundie upbringing. It was all very black and white and "he with penis does this and you with vagina do that." As a naturally more reserved, very logical and less emotional person, I am struggling to get over this as a married woman. That sounds so horrible to admit & I'm sure I'm defective and it makes me tear up just to think about it. I feel like I'm starting over from scratch in so many ways. My marriage is very healing and I'm so glad I married a gentle, tender, very emotionally intelligent, nurturing man because I don't know what marriage would be like with a command man like all the men I grew up with. 

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After reading @AlwaysDiscerning screenshot, I need to share.

A couple threads ago I shared what an abusers house looked like (it was a regular middle to upper-middle class neighborhood). I think the context was that Lori thinks bad looking houses have bad people in them. I think I also shared that the man that lived there wasn't cooperating with police to find his missing wife. Well, he committed suicide yesterday and (thankfully!) left a detailed note with map on where to find her body. The police reported the note included his remorse and he killed her in a fit of rage during a fight and the next day he buried her. She was missing for 5 months before he committed suicide and lead police to her body. Now her students and the community and her family can grieve.

An older church member was interviewed on TV saying that the wife shared with her that they were having a difficult time. (Many in the school knew he was abusing her.) I really, really hope this older church lady advised this wife to leave her abusive husband. (Even though she clearly didn't.)

I bring all this up as proof that the woman can be meek, mild and a Christian and still be killed by her husband because he is the asshole. He is the one with the problem and no amount of "winning without a word" will stop him in a fit of rage. And wives and girlfriends in this type of situation need to GET OUT! They don't have to get divorced but they need to LEAVE!

Lori Alexander, aka The Transformed Wife formally of Always Learning is a charlatan, enabler of abusive relationships and should never teach or mentor anyone in the ways of any relationship.

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Lori's new post is still full of so much bull but hey she looked something up! 

going point by point 

1. Nope not how human beings work there Lori. If you've taken any psychology class you'll know social support is absolutely freaking crucial for humans. Humans. Have.Needs. A wife cannot just support her husband and receive nothing back. Your marriage will not become strong if you enable your husbands poor behavior not will it become strong if you're the only one invested. 

2. She somewhat had a point but I'd say instead of just stopping, communicate differently. Sometimes it isn't that important but for the important things communicate. If a husband loves his wife as he should he'll give her words consideration. 

3. I wonder if this sex advice works for Lori. Again not totally untrue, I don't think not having a great sex life is reason for divorce but.... I think most counselors will tell you that problems in sex life often are related to other on going problems. So I doubt this would be the only reason any sane woman leaves her husband for the most part. Also women aren't sex slaves so there's that. 

4. That emotions crap is a lie from hell in my opinion. It doesn't have a biblical or psychological basis. Men MIGHT process emotions differently but I suspect the non emotional bull is largely culture created a because they're supposed to be stoic manly men. If you've read the Psalms at all you will see buckets of emotions. Try Psalms 88 and you'll know what I mean.  Nor are most women portrayed as overly emotional in the Bible. I mean Jael drove a stinkin tent peg through a guys head. If that's not BA I don't know what is. 

5. Okay so maybe this is true. I don't generally favor divorce I think it's harmful. But again just because some women divorce for this reason does not give you an excuse to vilify all divorced women. Also I wouldn't be surprised if other things were going on in this marriage. 

6. Often women who divorce their addicted husbands are doing so not for themselves but their children. Do you, Lori, understand the horror that a child often experiences when their parent is abusive to their other parent? When their parent has severe addiction? It's psychologically devastating. I have an older brother who's an alcoholic and while it's not the same thing, it leaves scars and wounds that know one wants.

Also if a mother continues to live in that situation she is most likely at risk for losing her children to DCFS. You say it yourself, a wife cannot control her husband therefore she has no control over his addiction. If he doesn't want to stop he won't; it doesn't matter how nice or submissive she is. 

Okay rant done for now, sorry for the long post. 

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One man comments on Facebook:


I can tell you that Satan is a pervert. He wants everything opposite of Gods word. It's for this reason that as the world drifts further from Gods word, men become more passive and women more assertive.
Men need to stand up and RULE, command, lead their homes but unfortunately it's deer season or football season or in many cases they won't try to take the lead back from their wife because it would disrupt peace in the home and world war 3 would break out.

Chapter and verse, please. 

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