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Bowe Bergdahl


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3 hours ago, Lurky said:

I don't understand how it's worse than prison, because the other things you say (not being able to get jobs because of the stigma, not getting military benefits) also count for a ton of people who go to prison, too - plus aren't there parts of the USA where people are disenfranchised if they've served time in prison?  Or is this another one of those USA things where it completely depends on the state?

Some States now have laws to try to help Prisoners find jobs after incarceration. Things like giving employers benefits for hiring felons, expunging records a certain amount of time after a sentence has been completed, etc. Some states allow certain inmates to qualify for training in trades and also help find jobs within that trade upon release. 

A dishonorable discharge is a big deal and I think you are less likely to find employers who are sympathetic to it than a low level Felon. A dishonorable discharge is limited to serious crimes such as sexual assault, murder, desertion, etc. His benefits are cut, etc. In some states it means loss of civil rights and Federal Law prohibits possession of firearms. It is a very big deal.

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I am wondering about any future medical care that he will need. Whether or not the Army knew of his mental health issues, they did let him in. Then, he left his team because of his mental health/poor thinking issues...his wanting to help but choosing the most ridiculous and hopeless way to do so. His plan could not ever work.  Now, he has physical problems because of his captivity. Who is responsibe to care for those needs?  Shouldn't the VA/government take care of him? They kind of created this mess. They shouldn't throw him out completely on his own. 

He was not a good candidate for homeschooling. I think more trauma happened in his childhood than specified in his interview.  My heart breaks for him, in some ways. But the severe injuries received by those attempting to find/rescue him outweigh that.

I wish I knew why I even care about this case so much. Maybe because I am a teacher, and his needs were not met.

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25 minutes ago, jojo said:

I think more trauma happened in his childhood than specified in his interview.

I really wanted the interviewing officer to ask for more information when Bergdahl said that his house was not a good place to grow up. Or when he said that his dad always expected him to fail. That's the difference between an interview and a counseling session, I guess. 

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