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NBC Fires Matt Lauer


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While the whole thing with Matt Lauer can easily be described as disgusting.

What amazes me though is how fast these take downs are coming. Even as lately as July the response was no where near as fast as it is today. I wonder whose next

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10 hours ago, klabourdeth said:

What amazes me though is how fast these take downs are coming. Even as lately as July the response was no where near as fast as it is today. I wonder whose next

Actually, in many situations, the take downs have been incredibly slow.   Today/NBC knew full well about Lauer for a long time.  It wasn't until they knew major media pieces were coming that they took action.  

These organizations are watching the cascade and trying to get of what little they can in advance.  But the fact that many appear to be acting so quickly tells me that many had a lot of knowledge about what these men were doing for a long time.  

Keith Olbermann implied a few days ago there would be three major media names coming out shortly.  Since then there have been two.  (I'm hoping he's not the third.  He shut down his GQ-sponsored "Resistance" vlog shortly thereafter.)

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Looks like the story coming out is that he horrifically raped a colleague over a chair, and did so until she passed out. She sought medical attention, which (sadly) explains why he was fired in such short order. I suspected they had some kind of physical evidence against him. 

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@ViolaSebastian, @2manyKidzzz, is there an article available yet, covering the rape accusation? I tried to find something, but only found a mention that the NYTimes has an article. I couldn't find the Times article.

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I want to say I'm surprised but I've become too cynical of human beings.

Kind of funny story but when this news broke I was on the phone with the nurse, scheduling an appointment. She gasped and said "Matt Lauer got fired!?" and we may have spent the next five minutes discussing it/Harvey W rather than scheduling. 

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Well, to be fair, the evidence you are referring to was a video of him saying they "let him" so while I don't think it is a nice thing to say, no woman came forward with that info, it was a tape released. Damning, yes, vulgar, yes. He didn't say he forced himself on anyone.

Fuck you. FUCK YOU. What he was describing is fucking sexual assault. Just because a woman doesn’t say something to a powerful man harassing her doesn’t mean it’s fucking ok. It means she is afraid for something. The lengths you go to to fucking apologise for Trump are fucking breathtaking.

Some things never fucking change. You, and all your dirty fucking socks are an asshole. (Yes, that is number three. No, I’m not sorry.)


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4 hours ago, JenniferJuniper said:

Actually, in many situations, the take downs have been incredibly slow.   Today/NBC knew full well about Lauer for a long time.  It wasn't until they knew major media pieces were coming that they took action.  

These organizations are watching the cascade and trying to get of what little they can in advance.  But the fact that many appear to be acting so quickly tells me that many had a lot of knowledge about what these men were doing for a long time.  

Keith Olbermann implied a few days ago there would be three major media names coming out shortly.  Since then there have been two.  (I'm hoping he's not the third.  He shut down his GQ-sponsored "Resistance" vlog shortly thereafter.)

Oh Rufus not Keith.  Please not Keith. He has been my future husband since 2008. Seriously, I shouldn't be surprised by the abusive behavior of any of the men named, but it is starting to feel as if every man has done this and there is no hope.

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22 minutes ago, WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo? said:

@ViolaSebastian, @2manyKidzzz, is there an article available yet, covering the rape accusation? I tried to find something, but only found a mention that the NYTimes has an article. I couldn't find the Times article.

I think I saw it on facebook or something.....it is really distressing. This is violent assault and she was unable to press forward with charges somehow. 

So, NBC knew this of course they did. This has gone on since the beginning of time I do believe. 

We know the “famous” people here, I do not know how many men overall do this and would not begin to speculate. I do hope it is a small percentage.

I am rambling, sorry. So sad for all of the victims. Lauer is sick. A violent predator. 

Raping a woman until she passed out. 

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14 minutes ago, Destiny said:

Fuck you. FUCK YOU. What he was describing is fucking sexual assault. Just because a woman doesn’t say something to a powerful man harassing her doesn’t mean it’s fucking ok. It means she is afraid for something. The lengths you go to to fucking apologise for Trump are fucking breathtaking.

Some things never fucking change. You, and all your dirty fucking socks are an asshole. (Yes, that is number three. No, I’m not sorry.)


@Destiny you nailed it.  Not saying "no" is not consent. It often means the victim is too afraid for their lives, jobs, family to speak out or stop the assault. I'm sick of the "to be fair' when it comes to abusers especially Trump.   He (as do all of these men) uses his power and money to beat people into submission either physically, emotionally or financially 

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15 hours ago, OtterRuletheWorld said:

Well, to be fair, the evidence you are referring to was a video of him saying they "let him" so while I don't think it is a nice thing to say, no woman came forward with that info, it was a tape released. Damning, yes, vulgar, yes. He didn't say he forced himself on anyone.

Wow, you have stooped very, very low in you desperate attempts to never criticize Trump. 

This wasn't him saying what "women let him do" this is him saying how as a star he gets away with assaulting women. He can just grab them and because of his position of power he gets away with it. And yes, women have come forward and said he assaulted them just like he described doing. 

The actual transcript:



You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.


This was Trump saying he could do anything because of his powerful position. Again, women have come forward to say he assaulted them just like he described, and you defend this as just him describing what women let him do to them. Do you feel like women who don't fight back when being assaulted are to blame because they "let him do it to them"? 

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37 minutes ago, WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo? said:

@ViolaSebastian, @2manyKidzzz, is there an article available yet, covering the rape accusation? I tried to find something, but only found a mention that the NYTimes has an article. I couldn't find the Times article.

Here is the NYT article detailing that and other accusations so far (as of yesterday).

Re: Keith Olbermann: This is his own explanation for stopping his resistance videos. 

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35 minutes ago, onekidanddone said:

Oh Rufus not Keith.  Please not Keith. He has been my future husband since 2008. Seriously, I shouldn't be surprised by the abusive behavior of any of the men named, but it is starting to feel as if every man has done this and there is no hope.

I'm with you on Keith.  But just to be clear, he didn't imply in any way that he'd be one of them.  I just thought the timing of him shutting down his YouTube series was odd.  But maybe his contract just ran out?   :my_confused:

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29 minutes ago, JenniferJuniper said:

I'm with you on Keith.  But just to be clear, he didn't imply in any way that he'd be one of them.  I just thought the timing of him shutting down his YouTube series was odd.  But maybe his contract just ran out?   :my_confused:

I just read the article @hoipolloi posted. Keith outlined 7 ways orange man's presidency will meet an untimely end, and believes that it will end soon so strongly he's retiring from political commentary in all media. Which would explain shutting down his series. Is his YouTube channel still available?

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27 minutes ago, HarryPotterFan said:

I just read the article @hoipolloi posted. Keith outlined 7 ways orange man's presidency will meet an untimely end, and believes that it will end soon so strongly he's retiring from political commentary in all media. Which would explain shutting down his series. Is his YouTube channel still available?

One fewer voice for the resistance is never a good thing even if he is right and Trump will soon be gone. Trump's departure won't end the infection of hate, lies and alt-right which has taken over. The story still must be told. The truth broadcast. The fight fought. Bannon, Ryan, McTurrtle, Moore They are all going strong. I'm deeply disturbed by Olberman's closing up shop. Somebody got to him to shut  him up.

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29 minutes ago, HarryPotterFan said:

I just read the article @hoipolloi posted. Keith outlined 7 ways orange man's presidency will meet an untimely end, and believes that it will end soon so strongly he's retiring from political commentary in all media. Which would explain shutting down his series. Is his YouTube channel still available?

It is.  My concern is that the orange menace is still menacing bigly with no end in sight currently. I'm all for being optimistic here, but The Resistance has yet to prevail. 

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2 hours ago, Destiny said:

Fuck you. FUCK YOU. What he was describing is fucking sexual assault. Just because a woman doesn’t say something to a powerful man harassing her doesn’t mean it’s fucking ok. It means she is afraid for something. The lengths you go to to fucking apologise for Trump are fucking breathtaking.

Some things never fucking change. You, and all your dirty fucking socks are an asshole. (Yes, that is number three. No, I’m not sorry.)


I am not excusing anything. I did not mean that these woman didn't say anything to Trump at the time, I am saying that the media came forth with the the tape WITHOUT it being brought to the media by any victims.  In fact, the media made Zucker a public victim without even asking her about it. She was initially very resistant on commenting, saying  I am pointing out that we don't know for certain, that Trump forced himself,  intimidated or took advantage of anyone. He clearly stated he "failed" with Nancy O'Dell. Many people operate under the presumption that people are innocent until proven guilty. I am by no means shaming the victims or calling them liars. I just don't know the facts and while I support any woman coming forward, I also realize that we have a court of law for a reason and unless there is clear evidence, I don't think the people can rightful lynch anyone.  Evidence of him bragging that women allow him to do anything, including grabbing them, is not evidence that he actually did these things. He certainly didn't start kissing Zucker, so it is possible Trump was all talk. There is nothing wrong with expecting due process. 

However, I light of so many people coming forward, I would assume that more people would feel empowered to come forward themselves. Any individual who is guilty of such things has to be a bit nervous at this time and people are taking this stuff much more seriously.

6 hours ago, ViolaSebastian said:

Looks like the story coming out is that he horrifically raped a colleague over a chair, and did so until she passed out. She sought medical attention, which (sadly) explains why he was fired in such short order. I suspected they had some kind of physical evidence against him. 

Over the course of all of these allegations we have been hearing, Matt Lauer is probably the most chilling of them all. Just based on what we have heard. How the fuck did someone not report this kind of thing ages ago?

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@hoipolloi Thank you for posting the articles.

Why didn’t the nurse report anything I wonder?

And I agree with the above that Matt Lauer’s allegations are absolutely chilling, 

And there are more assaults just this bad I would guess. 

I have no more words. This should stop. But will it.

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Are you daft? Something like 12 women came forward and said Trump sexually assaulted/harassed them.  Do those women not count for some reason in your mind?


26 minutes ago, OtterRuletheWorld said:

Evidence of him bragging that women allow him to do anything, including grabbing them, is not evidence that he actually did these things. He certainly didn't start kissing Zucker, so it is possible Trump was all talk


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3 hours ago, formergothardite said:

 Do you feel like women who don't fight back when being assaulted are to blame because they "let him do it to them"? 

No. Do you realize that it is possible that women may have actually "let him do it to them" because they wanted to consent? Or that he was just full of shit? We don't know any of this with certainty. We know what was said and can make many assumptions based on what he said, but we do not have a photo of him groping a woman while sleeping.

21 minutes ago, Curious said:

Are you daft? Something like 12 women came forward and said Trump sexually assaulted/harassed them.  Do those women not count for some reason in your mind?



They absolutely do and I would LOVE for them to have a fair trial.

3 hours ago, onekidanddone said:

@Destiny you nailed it.  Not saying "no" is not consent. It often means the victim is too afraid for their lives, jobs, family to speak out or stop the assault. I'm sick of the "to be fair' when it comes to abusers especially Trump.   He (as do all of these men) uses his power and money to beat people into submission either physically, emotionally or financially 

Why are you sick of people wanting to be fair?

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13 minutes ago, OtterRuletheWorld said:

Why are you sick of people wanting to be fair?

I see I need to spell this out S L O W L Y....I'm sick of people still excusing Trump. But you know that. You just keep on with the pick pick pick because you like the reaction.  I'm done.

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Just now, onekidanddone said:

I see I need to spell this out S L O W L Y....I'm sick of people still excusing Trump. But you know that. You just keep pick pick pick because you like the reaction.  I'm done.

PPS doesn’t know many words, much like her beloved Orange Menace. 

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38 minutes ago, Curious said:

Are you daft? Something like 12 women came forward and said Trump sexually assaulted/harassed them.  Do those women not count for some reason in your mind?

THANK YOU! And demanding to know why victims of assault/harassment/abuse don't come forward sooner, especially while grasping at straws to support a sexual adviser, shows extreme ignorance and lack of understanding the trauma that comes with assault/harassment/abuse, fears about being not being believed or blamed, fears about damage to their career, power dynamics, and more. 

Unrelated to being a defender of the groper-in-chief, I texted my dad because an actor from a tv show he loved as a kid died.

Me: Did you hear about Jim Nabors?

Him: Did he die or is he a sex predator?

It's really sad when we realize that men abusing their power is so rampant that concerns about abuse jump to our minds immediately when they're in the news.

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6 minutes ago, Destiny said:

PPS doesn’t know many words, much like her beloved Orange Menace. 

I just broke my own rule about public plonking.  Sometimes I just lose my shit.

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17 minutes ago, OtterRuletheWorld said:

Why are you sick of people wanting to be fair?

Fair to TRUMP?

Sweet Jesus.  :pb_lol:

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