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Trump 27: Happy Holidays Orange Menace


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I saw this little item on my news feed this morning.  I never know it was illegal to say Merry Christmas in the US.  

Happy Holidays FJ'ers.  I'm off to spend the holidays with my Trump loving family.  Thankfully the wine will be flowing.  I'm contributing a case of my favorites Trainwreck Winery, plus Conviction, Caught Red Handed, and Felony Red.   

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2 minutes ago, PsyD2013 said:

.  I'm off to spend the holidays with my Trump loving family.  

My Trump loving father in law is coming by today. Rufus please keep the topics away from politics and Fox news conspiracy theories. 

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I was talking with my brother last night and we were talking about a gif Trump tweeted. After a little bit we realized we were talking about different gifs -- he was talking about the one where Trump hits a golf ball at Hillary, and I was talking about the one where he bashes CNN with a chair -- and we started laughing at the absurdity of the fact that we have a president who has tweeted multiple doctored gifs of him attacking his perceived enemies.

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1 hour ago, AmazonGrace said:


He is so pathetic. He should kick all those slacker "friends" out of Mar-a-lago because they're clearly not praising him enough if he needs to take time out from his continual blowjob there to tweet this. Useless millionaires.

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4 hours ago, PsyD2013 said:

I saw this little item on my news feed this morning.  I never know it was illegal to say Merry Christmas in the US.  

Happy Holidays FJ'ers.  I'm off to spend the holidays with my Trump loving family.  Thankfully the wine will be flowing.  I'm contributing a case of my favorites Trainwreck Winery, plus Conviction, Caught Red Handed, and Felony Red.   

If these people were members of my family I'd likely tell them to go fuck themselves and walk out of the party.  Fortunately most people in my family have the good sense not to talk politics at family gatherings.

And I see Fuck Face is at it again today


Military families, Trump said, are "always underappreciated" and "the greatest people on earth."

Trump also revisited a common refrain during the brief portion of the call open to members of the media: He bragged that Americans, under him, are now proudly saying Merry Christmas.

"We say Christmas again very proudly," Trump said from the living room of Mar-a-Lago.

Trump and other conservatives, in past holiday seasons, have slammed political correctness -- and Democrats -- for saying "Happy Holidays" and not Merry Christmas, arguing the difference was part of a "War on Christmas." Since he has become president, Trump has claimed, without evidence, that people are now freer to say Merry Christmas.


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Because I’m an asshole I’ve been going out of my way to say happy holidays instead of merry Christmas this year (which I typically said unless I knew the person celebrated something else).
.... it annoyed the actual fuck out of my trump loving dad. Oops?

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So I've figured out why Trump keeps hammering on Merry Christmas and is so opposed to Happy Holidays. The New Year will be so bad with him as President that he doesn't want people to think about it! (Yes, I know the real reason has to do with acknowledging other religions'  holidays, but I know the New Year will suck, too.) Next, he'll declare war on Happy New Year and replace it with Making America Great Again.

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I don't spend a huge amount of time on twitter, but found some good memes. I've pasted them below the spoiler. I hope they make your holidays a little happier.









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I saw this today, referring to the orange menace's comments to his billionaire buddies:


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Ladies and gentlemen of the Fuck Trump thread, I wish you all the happiest of holidays, no matter what you celebrate. I hope the new year is amazing for all of you. Peace and love and fuck Trump.

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In the spirit of the season, one more from Twitter:


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He's nuts.

Merry Christmas was never outlawed. And Trump didn't bring back what was never gone.

Aside: I self-identify as Christian, and I find it to be good to be respectful and considerate of others (who may or may not share my same belief system).

Aside #2: There seem to be several principles in the story of the birth (and life and death) of Jesus that he completely misses.

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I do not identify as christian though once upon a time I did, and I'm 150% certain he needs to go back and reread some of the finer points of the Christmas story. 

Jesus was born to Jewish brown people. He'd probably be the first one to lock them out of the fucking inn. 

33 minutes ago, iweartanktops said:

He is fucking batshit crazy! 


I replied with a happy holidays donnie. :-P

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I just want to say that it makes me chuckle every time I come to this thread and see the, "fuck this guy" tag. :laughing-rofl:

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Once again a real President shows us all how it is done. Notice the lack of "I" statements, lies and self service BS.  Just a sincere wish for a Merry Christmas from a kind man and his beautiful and happy family. On that note: Holy time warp Bat Man, when did those little girls turn into stunning women? 

Also notice he says MERRY CHRISTMAS. I'm sure Trump will take credit for that as well.


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57 minutes ago, onekidanddone said:

Once again a real President shows us all how it is done. Notice the lack of "I" statements, lies and self service BS.  Just a sincere wish for a Merry Christmas from a kind man and his beautiful and happy family. On that note: Holy time warp Bat Man, when did those little girls turn into stunning women? 

Also notice he says MERRY CHRISTMAS. I'm sure Trump will take credit for that as well.


Fake News! Everybody knows Obama is an atheist Muslim. My neighbor's cousin's mechanic's third grade teacher posted a story on Facebook which proved it. 

Also, Pedo Jesus is going to fix the election for Roy Moore! Those that think the state of Alabama is going to certify the election results for avowed Satanist Doug Jones are in for a big surprise! #MAGA 

Also, too, Mueller is going to clear President Trump's name, and he'll be your president forever!! Suck it, libs! #Heisyourpresident

Also, too, too, Merry Christmas you Godless losers!!! I know how uncomfortable that word makes you!!!!!!!! #triggerthelibs #snowflakes 

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Here’s what fornicate face does for Christmas


President Donald Trump headed into his first Christmas in office by taking note of those he considers naughty -- a top FBI official, the news media -- and nice -- U.S. troops overseas, kids eagerly awaiting Santa's arrival. He also squeezed in golf, family time and worship.

Trump opened the day by tweeting against the FBI's deputy director and the news media.
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14 hours ago, iweartanktops said:

I just want to say that it makes me chuckle every time I come to this thread and see the, "fuck this guy" tag. :laughing-rofl:

Me too. It's one of my life goals to get fuck this guy into the tag cloud, cos fuck that guy.

I haven't darkened the door of a church in years, but I would immediately depart one that welcomed the Orange Menace show. 

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38 minutes ago, Destiny said:

Me too. It's one of my life goals to get fuck this guy into the tag cloud, cos fuck that guy.

I haven't darkened the door of a church in years, but I would immediately depart one that welcomed the Orange Menace show. 

All kinds of terrible things could happen. Locusts, flies, lightening. In the church. Or him standing up and talking. It's hard for me to imagine him keeping his mouth shut for an entire service. And I'm going to guess this was a Catholic mass because Melania. Or maybe he won't go with her.

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