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Lori Alexander 37: Practicing Medicine Without a License

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I've been eating homemade banana bread for breakfast for about four days. Now that it's gone, I'll be switching to the orange/cranberry/walnut coffee cake that I bought to have on hand for Christmas. Thank goodness we didn't eat it then. :content:

I can no longer eat dairy and I really miss yogurt for breakfast. I almost always reach for something sweet in the morning but I would really like to break that habit. 

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2 hours ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Here is when she originally posted the pie recipe. 


In comments she says its good to have for breakfast because it has eggs in it! Many baked goods have eggs in it. I guess we should start eating cake for breakfast too. The reasoning, my God!

I make pumpkin pie 2 times a year.  I don't eat leftover pie for breakfast because there is never any left over.  I do, however, eat left overs for breakfast.  Who says you have to eat "breakfast foods" for breakfast?  I had left over broccoli/chicken casserole for breakfast this am.  Why make justifications for your food choices???  Eat what you want.  


2 hours ago, SongRed7 said:

I use that exact recipe, too. have for years and not one complaint!  LOL 

My chocolate chips cookies have eggs in them. I ALWAYS knew they were a breakfast food..now I don't feel guilty at all when I haven't given my child a "proper"  "nourishing"  breakfast while I'm running her to Catholic School and I'm off to work and I shove a cookie in her hand and say, "here eat this"   LOL (we are awful by Lori's standards all around)

Your chocolate chip cookies also have chocolate, which comes from a plant, so is a vegetable. :)  Do you use butter?  If so, that's dairy, so you have eggs, dairy and a veg: well rounded breakfast.  

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I eat salad for supper.

It's mostly fruit salad.

It's all grapes.


I have wine for supper.

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3 hours ago, Koala said:

Now you people have me thinking about pie.  My husband makes a chocolate pecan that's the best thing you've ever tasted.

Men are not naturally inclined towards housekeeping and cooking (it's part of their DNA). You might want to have a talk with Lori to learn what you are doing wrong (because it's generally the wife).

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Today Lori says:


All women who are speaking, teaching, prophesying, and praying in the churches are in rebellion to God’s clearly stated role for them. And in case women and the leaders of the churches didn’t quite understand what Paul was writing, he wrote it again just to make sure everyone understood.

The Bible says:


Then returned they unto Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is from Jerusalem a sabbath day's journey. And when they were come in, they went up into an upper room, where abode both Peter, and James, and John, and Andrew, Philip, and Thomas, Bartholomew, and Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon Zelotes, and Judas the brother of James. These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren. - Acts 1:12-14

This is the first "church service" recorded in the Bible. So according to Lori, the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God is in rebellion to God's clearly stated role for her. Wow! 

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2 hours ago, Sarah92 said:

I don't really like pumpkin pie, I think it's the texture that bothers me. But now I do want some pie, specifically my dad's apple pie, or maybe some brownies. I make some great brownies with raspberries and chunks of chocolate in them. (Drools) Heck is take any baked goods right now. Probably be making a mug brownie when I get home. 

Same here!  I like pumpkin bread, cake, cookies. But not pumpkin pie.

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I like sweet things for breakfast but try to eat healthyish breakfasts. I've fallen in love with overnight oats. I make "apple pies" ones with oats, milk, diced apples, cinnamon, and honey. So good and easy to carry around in a little mason jar. I also add chia seeds in. Ooor I'll just throw chocolate chips and nuts in some oats and call it good. That's like chocolate chip cookies for breakfast. Lori would be proud lol. 

On a side note: A joke in my circle of friends (mostly feminists) is now telling each other that we're "transformed wifing it up" when we make nourishing meals  or do something traditionally feminine. 

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1 hour ago, CelticGoddess said:

I  I do, however, eat left overs for breakfast.  Who says you have to eat "breakfast foods" for breakfast?  I had left over broccoli/chicken casserole for breakfast this am.  Why make justifications for your food choices???  Eat what you want.  



I used to love leftover pizza for breakfast!!  

My daughter almost always asked for supper leftovers for breakfast when she was growing up. Broccoli/rice casserole or baked beans were some of her favorites. *shrugs shoulders* I never really cared what they ate before school, just so it was fairly healthy and filling. 

Speaking of justifications, why do SOME organic eaters always have to say "organic pumpkin, organic cream, organic salt...I let my kids have organic lollipops!"  Geesh! We get it. You only eat organic!  I know not all people do this, but the ones who do drive me batty. I can't decide if they are bragging or trying to compensate for something. 

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2 hours ago, CelticGoddess said:

Your chocolate chip cookies also have chocolate, which comes from a plant, so is a vegetable. :) 

Mmm, chocolate....




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Also in reply to no women should pray out loud in the church. And her post on women prophetesses. They were in the temple courts with baby Jesus and Anna approach them right after Simeon. But no, no of course she didn't actually speak, she just stood there silently waving her arms around. 

Edit: This passage also seems to note that she was widowed quite young. And it looks like she never remarried. So that goes against Lori's comments on having to remarry. Rather it seems to be that Paul was probably suggesting that it was better to get married so a young widow does not break her vows. In this case, Anna kept her vow to the church. Of course idk for sure as I'm not a scholar in the topic. 


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@quiversR4hunting I'll write up an Amazon review after I finish writing up critiques on all of the chapters. Unlike Debi Pearl, I plan on making it through the entire book. That may require more wine than usual to accomplish!

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23 hours ago, luv2laugh said:

Lori won't fit in in the south. She and Ken should just move way out in the boonies in rural Texas if they insist on living in the south. I think she and Ken would fare better living in rural Connecticut or Maine. 


I can’t answer for Maine, but as a Connecticutter of 62 years, I can say that she wouldn’t fit into even our most conservative small rural towns. People there may be politically or even in some cases religiously conservative, but the whole “submissive wife” thing? Not going to get many fans in the Nutmeg State!

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So we all know how Lori says Deborah was a judge, not a leader, right? Well, my Bible has a note on it that leader may be a more accurate translation. Take that Lori.

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13 minutes ago, EmiGirl said:

So we all know how Lori says Deborah was a judge, not a leader, right? Well, my Bible has a note on it that leader may be a more accurate translation. Take that Lori.

Yeah saying she's not a leader doesn't make sense anyways. All the other judges were leaders and then all of a sudden Deborah's not because of her genitals? I don't even think she cited a source for that statement and is just pulling it out of her butt.

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10 hours ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Here is when she originally posted the pie recipe. 


In comments she says its good to have for breakfast because it has eggs in it! Many baked goods have eggs in it. I guess we should start eating cake for breakfast too. The reasoning, my God!

I use the same reasoning to eat oatmeal raisin cookies for breakfast.  Oatmeal breakfast food.  Raisins in the oatmeal  Check!  Eggs Check!   perfect breakfast food!

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I remember I’d sometimes order a Dominos pizza at university, eat half or slightly more, then refrigerate it and have it the next day for breakfast. I like both hot and cold pizza, so sometimes it got bunged in the microwave and sometimes not. :pb_biggrin:

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Firstly, cold pizza for breakfast is the food of the gods.

Secondly, there is a school of thought that these two verses in 1st Corinthians were added to the text:

"Let the women keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but let them subject themselves, just as the Law also says.
And if they desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman to speak in church."


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Wilson (who is most definitely a man) asked:


How about those that are ordained by their respective churches to be ministers/priests. Are they in contempt here?

Lori (who most definitely doesn't teach men) replied:


Sorry Wilson, would you mind asking my husband instead?  I am told to not teach men (1 Timothy 2:12).  I am not supposed to teach men anything.

:pb_lol: Just kidding!  Of course, Lori didn't say that.  Are you crazy?!?  She was more than happy to teach Wilson.  

Lori's real reply:


Yes, they are disobeying God’s Word.

Wilson (who's so thankful to have Lori as a teacher) writes:


I thought so too, thanks. I love your posts. Keep going!!


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A comment on her doodle yesterday:



I'm sorry, does Lori think that feminism started in the 1970's? Has she heard of Elizabeth Cady Stanton? Lucretia Mott? Susan B. Anthony?

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Remember this guy?

Although I don't care for his dismissive "Now, I don't want you to think this is the best way to eat breakfast..." As everyone here has stated, food is food, and tbe suggestions he makes are reasonably healthy; no donuts or Pop-Tarts in sight.  I like donuts and Pop-Tarts as much as anyone, but I don't pretend they're nutritious. 

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This is the site her blog links to for the anti feminists stuff, http://www.whale.to/b/feminism.html. Yep looks very reliable ...not. Opened one article to see almost literally no citation except from the Daily Mail which from what I heard has little credibility. The APA person in my cringes. Again it's clear she learned little from her teaching degree, way to squander your father's hard earned money there Lori.

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19 minutes ago, Sarah92 said:

Again it's clear she learned little from her teaching degree, way to squander your father's hard earned money there Lori.

Lori kind of confirmed that for us.  She boasts:


 I can’t remember anything that I learned in college. I didn’t like any of my classes. I can’t remember any of my professors.


Am I a smarter mother because I went to college? I don’t think so.

Gotta agree with her there...


what I learned in college didn’t interest me at all.

Money well spent.  Her father could have saved himself a lot of trouble, by donating Lori's college fund to someone who wouldn't have proudly squandered it away.

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