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Lori Alexander 37: Practicing Medicine Without a License

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Longtime lurker, first time poster.  I have been tracking the Lori train o’crazy through FJ for about a year now and the mention of her possibly moving to Franklin compelled me to register and post. All I can say is “NOOO!!! Stay the heck out of Franklin, Williamson County, and Tennessee as a whole!!!!”  I lived in Franklin for several years and moved away for career purposes.  My fondest wish is to move back and the last thing Franklin needs is that woman moving to town.  It’s such a wonderful place and it doesn’t deserve to have those two living in it!!!! Metro Nashville is sometimes called the buckle on the Bible Belt and there are tons of churches there.  I attended a rather conservative church there myself (not fundie at all but still conservative) but I don’t think Lori is going to find a lot of kindred spirits who share her obsession with women staying home there.  

Forgive me if other people from the area have already chimed in with similar comments.  Lori is possibly the nastiest piece of work I have ever seen who considers herself to be a devout Christian woman.


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2 minutes ago, jerkit said:

I obviously don't know this because I've never met him, but I would guess that Steven is a douche bag. His wedding pictures with his groomsmen convinced me of that. 

On the Always Learning blog, Lori told a story about him going on a date.  Apparently he asked the women if she liked to cook, and she told him she didn't enjoy it.  Lori reported that Steven immediately knew that she wasn't the "girl" for him.  Because she didn't cook.  Seriously.  You would have thought he was hiring household help, not looking for someone to spend his life with.  

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1 minute ago, Koala said:

On the Always Learning blog, Lori told a story about him going on a date.  Apparently he asked the women if she liked to cook, and she told him she didn't enjoy it.  Lori reported that Steven immediately knew that she wasn't the "girl" for him.  Because she didn't cook.  Seriously.  You would have thought he was hiring household help, not looking for someone to spend his life with.  

I remember that. I also found the thread where we discussed their wedding pictures and I had forgotten just how bad his groomsmen pictures were. I remember that *that's* the reason I think of him as a douchebag but I forgot they were grabbing each other's asses and pretending to pee in fountains. JFC.

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More Dr. Lori. Now mammograms cause cancer. 

Smash your breasts them radiate them. That is kinda the model for Smashburgers (if anyone is familiar with that chain). Smashboobies!

And right, just don't go to McDonalds and no cancer for you! 

From the comments its sounds like this "Favorite health conscious doctor" isn't even her doctor but someone online she follows. He interestingly died a few month ago. Makes me wonder more if she is making this up. 

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:pb_rollseyes:  That's not the first we've heard of that particular bit of bullshit.

From 2011:


Dr. Marshall believes mammograms will be outlawed in five years.

She continues:


Smashing a breast and radiating it just doesn't seem healthy to me.  

And how is Lori qualified to decide which medical procedures are "healthy"?

From 2013:


 I think mammograms are very dangerous and greatly increase a woman's risk of getting cancer. Dr. Marshall believes they will be outlawed one day because they are so harmful.

A reader confronted Lori:


I cannot believe you are telling women not to get mammograms. I had my first mammogram last year and found out that I had breast cancer. I had an aggressive form but luckily it was caught early and after surgery and radiation I am okay. 

Dr. Lori's snotty reply (and medical advice):


Get MRIs or sonograms but mammograms are high radiation and are proven to cause breast cancer.


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Lori, I'll say the same thing to you I do the Orange Menace. CITATIONS REQUIRED.

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I really don't know much about Lori and Ken Alexander but reading about cancer causing breast smashing tells me quite a bit. :pb_lol: 

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25 minutes ago, Koala said:

And how is Lori qualified to decide which medical procedures are "healthy"?



Like someone who thinks a 106 fever can safely be ignored has any credibility at all...

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Remember pain is good!! We learn from pain. So what  if you have some breast smashing. Reminds me of how she didn't like her nipple bitten during breastfeeding so she flicked the babies cheek. 

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1 hour ago, Koala said:

On the Always Learning blog, Lori told a story about him going on a date.  Apparently he asked the women if she liked to cook, and she told him she didn't enjoy it.  Lori reported that Steven immediately knew that she wasn't the "girl" for him.  Because she didn't cook.  Seriously.  You would have thought he was hiring household help, not looking for someone to spend his life with.  

Too bad - if Ken asked Lori the exact same question when they were dating, and she was honest, then they would have never got married and we wouldn't have this mess.

Re: bad evil nasty mammograms. Do you know what those doctors did to my dad? the cracked open his ribcage and slashed into his *heart*, people! that doesn't sound healthy at all!! (they replaced a faulty valve and some blocked arteries in the process and he is still alive and kicking 15 years after he could have been gone, but that's beside the point). Oh, and they also slashed my abdomen (while performing an emergency c-section that saved my and my daughter). 

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Well, if it doesn't seem healthy to Lori then it must definitely be unhealthy.

This comes at a funny time for me because 8 years ago drs spotted a possible abnormality on my mammo, and recommended a biopsy. I did the biopsy and waited two LONG weeks for the results which were normal. I was so traumatized, though that since then I have been unable to have another mammogram. I am actually getting treatment for anxiety (fear of medical stuff and fear of flying), and my therapist is helping me get the courage to go to the doctor for checkups, get needed tests, etc. Just last week, I steeled myself to go to the gyno, and of course she pushed me to make a mammo appt, which I did! But I've been struggling to decide whether to go.

I guess what I am saying is, Lori's mammogram talk is very triggering. I don't need another excuse not to go. I never felt like they smashed my breasts, though, perhaps I was missing something. Just felt like a bit of pressure to me.

Jerkit, I am so sorry Emily was rude to you like that. Talk about kicking someone when they are down. Alyssa is the only one worth knowing in that family. 

BTW, I mentioned earlier that I felt verbal diarrhea was catching, and I hope I was clear that I was talking about the garbage that spews out of Lori's mouth, not anything that anyone says here. She is always talking about her "father's money" and it's easy to picking up her phraseology.


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4 minutes ago, Hisey said:

I am actually getting treatment for anxiety (fear of medical stuff and fear of flying), and my therapist is helping me get the courage to go to the doctor for checkups, get needed tests, etc. Just last week, I steeled myself to go to the gyno, and of course she pushed me to make a mammo appt, which I did! But I've been struggling to decide whether to go.

I usually try not to talk about my personal life on FJ, but I identify with this so much, I had to say something.

I have severe medical anxiety...in fact, I canceled my gyno appointment on the 5th.  Made it all the way up to the morning of, and then canceled.  I did go back during the summer, but only because I was having some pretty serious problems that wouldn't resolve on their own.  

The diagnosis ended up not being nearly as scary as what I was thinking it was, and a simple medication completely resolved the issue.  I was so relieved, and I realized it was even worse sitting home and wondering what the hell was wrong with me, or if I was seriously ill.

Anyway, just wanted to offer a bit of support, because it's always nice to know that there are people out there who understand!

Glad you found the courage to go!  It takes a lot, but it's worth it. 

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I wanted to make sure for any who are reading here that they see the determination of the FDA with regard to the issue of Breast Cancer Screening:


"The FDA has taken regulatory action (including issuing warning letters) against health care providers and thermography manufacturers who try to mislead patients into believing that the thermography can take the place of mammography.  To protect the public health, the FDA's regulatory action can include scheduling a regulatory meeting, sending a warning letter or other correspondence, an establishment inspection, and judicial actions."

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Lori will delete this, because how dare anyone question her medical advice.  She's an incoherent housewife, damn it, and if she says mammograms are unnecessary, then they're unnecessary:


If it hadn’t been for my faithful annual mammogram, my breast cancer (most likely stemming from the DES my mom took when I was in utero to prevent miscarriage) would not have been caught as quickly. It might have gone into my lymph nodes before being detected, and my treatment would not have been as easy as a lumpectomy and radiation therapy. Please, anyone who reads this, do not listen to what this lady says. Just think of how you’ll feel if you get breast cancer that is not detected until more treatment is required and it puts your life at risk.


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My sister's best friend was uber crunchy. A "hippie" of sorts. Stopped going to MDs in the 70s. Ate organic, lived on a hobby farm where they grew and raised much of their food. My sister said she could cure everything with teas and yoga. Long story short, she died of breast cancer at the age of 63. Never had a mammogram until she was so sick she couldn't walk.

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I am also one who suffers from "white coat syndrome" aka medical anxiety. I am always calling to reschedule appointments and am usually way behind on any yearly appointment - dental, eye, ob/gyn. I finally explained in detail to my husband what this anxiety felt like. Now, he drives me to my appointments, because the drive has always been the worst part for me. This has helped a lot.  

I recently had to rush to the dentist to be with my sister because she had an anxiety attack in the chair. Thankfully we have the same dentist and she said "call my sister; her name is....and she's in your files."  I felt so bad for her becaue I could so relate. 

I am sorry for those of you who also suffer this anxiety - it is terrible. Maybe we can find a way to share tips.  

P.S. I just returned from the doctor and I feel almost euohoric at having gotten throught the appointment. 

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2 minutes ago, Koala said:

I usually try not to talk about my personal life on FJ, but I identify with this so much, I had to say something.

I have severe medical anxiety...in fact, I canceled my gyno appointment on the 5th.  Made it all the way up to the morning of, and then canceled.  I did go back during the summer, but only because I was having some pretty serious problems that wouldn't resolve on their own.  

The diagnosis ended up not being nearly as scary as what I was thinking it was, and a simple medication completely resolved the issue.  I was so relieved, and I realized it was even worse sitting home and wondering what the hell was wrong with me, or if I was seriously ill.

Anyway, just wanted to offer a bit of support, because it's always nice to know that there are people out there who understand!

Glad you found the courage to go!  It takes a lot, but it's worth it. 

Hi, Koala. Thanks for sharing. I also try to keep my personal life off FJ, but was sort of triggered by Lori's comment. It helps me to know I'm not the only one.

I'm glad you found the courage to go (it is hard!) and were able to get your problem resolved. I had the same exact experience last week! I had something that was bothering me for a while, something that seemed minor but you never know for sure. My husband got tired of listening to me complain and started saying I might have something serious. That scared me into action, and I made an appt for after the holidays. My therapist knew I was going, so that sort of forced me to keep the appt, because I did not want to say I cancelled.

My doctor (who is so nice) helped me immensely, relieved all my fears, and made some suggestions that pretty much resolved my problem, as well as a few others. And the result is that my quality of life is so much improved. I don't have pain anymore AND I don't have the fear that I have cancer or some other terrible diagnosis. "Avoidance is the road to hell" someone once told me, and it is true.

3 minutes ago, usmcmom said:


P.S. I just returned from the doctor and I feel almost euohoric at having gotten throught the appointment. 

I know! I felt euphoric too!

My husband usually drives me, and that does help, mostly because of the distraction. He has even come into appointments with me, as though I were a child. The doctors say it happens all the time. At my gyno, there is even a "husband chair". 

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I'll tell you what's crazy.  Lori presents herself as the sickest person to ever sick on the internet.  How often do we hear about all of her suffering from (mostly) vague illness?  How often do we hear that she was "so, so sick" for 23 years?  

Then she turns around and pretends like her snake oil can cure and prevent everything from tooth decay to breast cancer. 

Please, she doesn't even have the sense to wash her fruit, or not spread chicken juice all over her kitchen.  What on earth makes these people think she knows anything about the prevention or treatment for cancer?  GET REAL.  This is the same woman who suggested that you could just juice your cancer away.

If Lori knows so much, let her cure herself.  The rest of the internet needs to get their advice from actual medical professionals.

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I bet this will be her post topic tomorrow. The fevers started out as an instagram and then a post. Lori is doubling down on the medical advice. 

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@Hisey I'm glad I'm not the only one! I had a scare 18 months ago. It was a very small lump, & benign, even though it had grown since the last mammogram, and the pathologist said there was absolutely no need to remove it because it could not become cancerous, but now I'm terrified to have another mammogram. There has always been dense tissue in that breast, & now there's scar tissue around the path of the needle biopsy. Plus, my insurance screwed me over & I left me owing $1300. 
It sucks, because my doctor gave me an order for another mammogram months ago, & I just can't do it. :(

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Replies continue to pour in:


Right... Let's all listen to Lori here with her degree in , errrr, oh that's right. She doesn't have one.

She'll have to delete this, because who needs a medical degree?!  She's above question.

Another reader (I am thinking one of us):


I wanted to make sure for any who are reading here that they see the determination of the FDA with regard to the issue of Breast Cancer Screening:

This will definitely have to go.  Can't have people putting what the FDA says, over what The Medical Mentor says.

Lots of deleting to do today.

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This one https://thetransformedwife.com/when-a-widow-wants-to-homeschool/

The comments scare the shit out of me. People really think kids need only an hour or two of school each day? 

This is what Lori, Ken and there ilk want. Ignorant and uneducated people who won't question shit stains like Trump, Sessions and others like them. They would believe the bull shit revisionist history about the Civil War or junk 'science'. Keep 'em stupid lets the right wing stay in power.

If I'm not making any sense it is because this shit  makes me so stabby.

20 minutes ago, usmcmom said:

I am also one who suffers from "white coat syndrome" aka medical anxiety. I am always calling to reschedule appointments and am usually way behind on any yearly appointment - dental, eye, ob/gyn. I finally explained in detail to my hisbsnd what this anxiety felt like. Now, he drives me to my appointments, because the drive has always beem the worst part for me. This has helped a lot.  

I recently had to rush to the dentist to be with my sister because she had an anxiety attack in the chair. Thankfully we have the same dentist and she said "call my sister; her name is....and she's in your files."  I felt so bad for her becaue I could so relate. 

I am sorry for those of you who alsp suffer this anxiety - it is terrible. Maybe we can find a way to share tips.  

P.S. I just returned from the doctor and I feel almost euohoric at having gotten throught the appointment. 

I have to take a sedative sometimes I get so anxious.

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32 minutes ago, Florita said:

My sister's best friend was uber crunchy. A "hippie" of sorts. Stopped going to MDs in the 70s. Ate organic, lived on a hobby farm where they grew and raised much of their food. My sister said she could cure everything with teas and yoga. Long story short, she died of breast cancer at the age of 63. Never had a mammogram until she was so sick she couldn't walk.

My idiot sister-in-law is now selling super special organic locally produced herbal teas in her yoga studio ($5 for a small cup after yoga class, as well as looseleaf and tea bags) that she (and the people making them) claim will prevent/cure all illness, mental or physical. 

Then I read stuff like this. I'm fairly certain that someone's blood will eventually be on SiL's hands as she promotes the hell out of that nonsense, including in "seminars" where she charges people to come be educated by her about it all. 

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