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Trump 30: Donald Trump and the Deathly Comb-Over


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More confident = "Hey this presidenting thing is so easy. Many people are saying it's so hard, but it's not. I never knew presidents would be so busy watching cable news, and all this golf is so hard, but I can do it. I thought it would be hard, but nobody watches Fox and friends better than I do."

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I see aides decided Fuck Face needed some golf time after a tweet storm...


In a tweet storm on Sunday, Trump mocked former FBI officials James Comey and Andrew McCabe. And he suggested that he was nervous over so-called "fake memos" that McCabe wrote about interactions with the president. Trump also complained that special counsel Robert Mueller was allegedly refusing to hire Democrats.

After Trump fired off three tweets in quick succession, his aides decided to take action, according to New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman.

"Aides have decided to whisk Trump to a golf course today," she wrote, later adding: "Feels a bit cold for golf. But fewer TVs there."


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19 minutes ago, 47of74 said:

Trump also complained that special counsel Robert Mueller was allegedly refusing to hire Democrats.

But I thought it was all Democrats who were working for Mueller. Now he is upset because allegedly Mueller didn't hire any? I'm confused

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43 minutes ago, onekidanddone said:

But I thought it was all Democrats who were working for Mueller. Now he is upset because allegedly Mueller didn't hire any? I'm confused

Yeah I feel brain cells about ready to start sparking and burning out thinking about that.  

Here's some more about the golf course distraction...

I was reading somewhere that distraction is a tool for both toddlers and those with dementia.  Maybe fornicate face is reaching that point where he needs distractions to keep from sabotaging himself. 

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1 hour ago, onekidanddone said:

But I thought it was all Democrats who were working for Mueller. Now he is upset because allegedly Mueller didn't hire any? I'm confused

Obviously, so is he.

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20 minutes ago, AmazonGrace said:

 Trump can't fire Channel 4

Expecting diplomatic crisis with the UK.

The first part where they go undercover was :pb_eek:.   @Cartmann99 was kind enough to post it in the Russian connection thread, so hop over there if you  haven't seen it yet, because you really should see it.

Sweet Rufus, am I ever looking forward to tomorrow's episode!

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Can we also talk about how this speech was in New Hampshire where during the campaign time he called it a drug infested den?!

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2 hours ago, candygirl200413 said:

Can we also talk about how this speech was in New Hampshire where during the campaign time he called it a drug infested den?!

Every time I hear the dog whistle "inner cities", I want to scream. Does he really think all those meth cooks are in south side Chicago? Dumb shit. They are all over back woods Trump country. But, ya know the meth crowd is white, so um yea...nothing to see here..move along.


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3 hours ago, candygirl200413 said:

Can we also talk about how this speech was in New Hampshire where during the campaign time he called it a drug infested den?!

Is Melania going to put one of Nancy Reagan's old dresses and make some new "Just say no!" commercials? 

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A good one from Eugene Robinson: "It’s not your imagination. Trump is getting worse."


It’s not your imagination. Donald Trump’s occupancy of the White House is every bit as insane, corrupt and dangerous as you might fear. Witness this jaw-dropping message to the sitting president of the United States from the former director of the Central Intelligence Agency:

“When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history. You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America . . . America will triumph over you.”

I have met John Brennan, who headed the CIA for four years under President Barack Obama. To say he is not given to hysterics is a gross understatement. His picture ought to be next to the word “sober” in the dictionary. Yet there he was on Saturday morning, using Twitter to tear into the supposed leader of the free world with language normally reserved for the tinhorn dictators of obscure kleptocracies.

What set Brennan off was the administration’s decision to fire Andrew McCabe from his job as deputy director of the FBI just two days before he would have qualified for full pension benefits. Trump had been tweeting with cartoon-villain glee over the dismissal, doubtless because he saw it as furthering his campaign to discredit any witness who might offer damning evidence against him in the Russia probe.

Trump ran the same dishonest routine on fired FBI director James B.Comey, and he’s also trying his best to sully the sterling reputation of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III. The Oval Office has seen pettiness before, and it has seen venality, but it has never seen anything like Trump.

On Sunday, my Post colleague Ruth Marcus reported that the president required senior officials to sign nondisclosure agreements much like the one his lawyers are using in an effort to silence porn actress Stormy Daniels about the affair she says she had with Trump. Such agreements are probably not enforceable in the context of White House service, many legal experts say, but the intent may be to intimidate the signers into silence with the threat of costly litigation.

Read that last paragraph again. We have to discuss attempts to squelch free speech and the public’s right to know, strong-arm tactics of intimidation, furtive sex and a porn star in order to write about an office held by men such as Washington, Lincoln and Roosevelt.

Such decadence is par for the course. Last week, Trump fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson — from an office held by Jefferson, Madison and Monroe — by means of a tweet. Either Trump went out of his way to humiliate Tillerson or he was too cowardly to dismiss the man face to face. It doesn’t really matter which.

There is no “on the other hand” in our current predicament. If Trump were on some kind of learning curve, we’d see some evidence by now. If anything, he is getting worse — perhaps because he senses that the Mueller investigation is closing in, perhaps because he is just hopelessly overwhelmed by the job. At this point, I suppose it’s a good thing that he spends so much time watching Fox News, playing golf and calling old cronies for emotional support. Maybe it’s better that he wallow in self-absorption rather than actually try to run the government, since he has no idea how to make things better but is eminently capable of making them worse.

The Constitution gives Congress the tools it needs to deal with this situation, but Republicans in both the House and Senate refuse to use them. There could be constraints — legislation protecting Mueller from being fired, for example. There could be oversight — hearings into the havoc Trump’s Cabinet is wreaking on government agencies, such as Tillerson’s decimation of the senior Foreign Service or Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt’s war against climate science. There could be investigations — not only into Russia’s election meddling but also into the many apparent and potential conflicts of interest involving Trump’s far-flung real estate and branding empire.

If Trump does try to fire Mueller, House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) should get much of the blame. They have given Trump no reason to believe they will ever stand up to him.

Fortunately, the Constitution gives ultimate power to you and me. With every outrageous, shocking and depressing week, the November election becomes more important. The Trump presidency will keep going from bad to worse, and it is our responsibility to use our votes to make it stop.


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How... predictable. 


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I like McCain's response to Dumpy's congratulations to his overlord Putin:


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Fuck Face's advisors told him not to congratulate his sugar daddy Putin.  He did so anyways.


President Trump did not follow specific warnings from his national security advisers when he congratulated Russian President Vladi­mir Putin Tuesday on his reelection, including a section in his briefing materials in all-capital letters stating “DO NOT CONGRATULATE,” according to officials familiar with the call.

Trump also chose not to heed talking points from aides instructing him to condemn Putin about the recent poisoning of a former Russian spy in the United Kingdom with a powerful nerve agent, a case that both the British and U.S. governments have blamed on Moscow.

The president’s conversation with Putin, which Trump called a “very good call,” prompted fresh criticism of his muted tone toward one of the United States’s biggest geopolitical rivals amid the ongoing special counsel investigation into Russia’s election interference and the Trump campaign’s contacts with Russian officials.

Trump has largely refrained from criticizing Putin amid the ongoing investigation into the 2016 election meddling by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, who in February indicted 13 Russian nationals on conspiracy charges. His tone has at times been at odds with his administration, which has taken stronger actions to counter Russian aggression, including Trump’s authorization of new sanctions against Russia and additional support Ukrainian troops in their fight against Russian-backed forces in Crimea.


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11 hours ago, 47of74 said:

Fuck Face's advisors told him not to congratulate his sugar daddy Putin.  He did so anyways.

I saw the Repug Senator/Apologist James Lankford from Oklahoma on TV this morning. He was minimizing this, saying that Reagan had been told not to say, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall" while in Berlin. Um, I was not, and am not, a Reagan fan, but he wasn't an impetuous toddler who adored dictators. Oh, and Reagan said it as part of a prepared speech.

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He was minimizing this, saying that Reagan had been told not to say, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall" while in Berlin. 

The jokes just write themselves, don't they?  No one who supports Trump should be quoting anything about tearing DOWN a wall, because it leaves you open to...... never mind. 

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