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Trump 30: Donald Trump and the Deathly Comb-Over


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7 hours ago, fraurosena said:

In the next episode of the Apprentice Administration, will Sarah Fuckabee Sanders be the one to hear "You're fired..." ?
Make sure you tune in tomorrow and find out!

Heh.  It occurred to me that Miz Sarah is probably pretty damned disgusted by this entire Stormy thing and maybe she was being a wee bit passive aggressive?  I'm sure she'd love to see Pence taking the oath of office with Mother by his side and that might be why she's holding out and putting up with this shit. In addition, how degrading for her that SCROTUS assumes that his press secretary is one of his personal fixers,  who is tasked with lying in order to sanitize or disappear his personal scandals.  Of course, she goes along with it all because she's made a deal with Satan. 

What's apparent is that she made a tacit admission that the contract was real, and supposedly was settled in Trump's favor in arbitration.  Unfortunately, that seems like BS and anyone can access the details of the contract on line. 

The contract also notes that there were FOUR other people who were privy to the originals or had possession of copies of the images/texts referenced in the contract. 

  • Gina Rodriguez, retired porn star and current rep for various people
  • Keith Munyan, Hollywood photographer who helped shot Stormy’s calendars 
  • Mike Mosney, Stormy/Stephanie's ex husband
  • April Ryan, AKA Jessica Drake, porn actress and a 2016 Trump accuser

I have a feeling things are going to get much more interesting in the days ahead.  Stocking up on popcorn. 

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Oh yeah, this will end well. (end sarcasm) "Trump accepts invitation to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un"


North Korea’s belligerent leader, Kim Jong Un, has asked President Trump for talks and Trump has agreed to meet him “by May,” South Korea’s national security adviser said at the White House Thursday after delivering the invitation to the American president.

Kim has also committed to stopping nuclear and missile testing, even during joint military drills in South Korea next month, Chung Eui-yong told reporters in Washington.

After a year in which North Korea fired inter-continental ballistic missiles capable of reaching all of the United States and tested what is widely thought to have been a hydrogen bomb, such a moratorium would be welcomed by the U.S. and the world.

Kim Jong Un “expressed his eagerness to meet President Trump as soon as possible,” Chung said. “President Trump said he would meet Kim Jong Un by May.” Chung did not provide any information on where the meeting would be. In Seoul, the presidential Blue House clarified that the meeting would occur by the end of May.

The White House confirmed Trump had accepted Kim’s invitation to meet.

“President Trump greatly appreciates the nice words of the South Korean delegation and President Moon. He will accept the invitation to meet with Kim Jong Un at a place and time to be determined,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement. “We look forward to the denuclearization of North Korea. In the meantime, all sanctions and maximum pressure must remain.”

Chung led the South Korean delegation to North Korea earlier this week, where he had a cordial four-hour dinner with the reclusive Kim. During the meetings in Pyongyang, Kim and his senior cadres expressed a willingness to hold talks with the U.S. and was prepared to discuss denuclearization and normalizing relations.

During the meetings, Kim “made it clear” that it would not resume provocations while engaged in those talks, Chung said Tuesday upon returning to Seoul.

Chung and Suh Hoon, the head of South Korea’s intelligence agency who was also at the dinner in Pyongyang, arrived in Washington Thursday to brief Trump and his senior officials on the meetings.

In front of the White House Thursday night, Chung credited Trump for bringing the North Korean leader to the table, continuing Seoul’s deliberate efforts to flatter the American president.

“I explained to President Trump that his leadership and his maximum pressure policy, together with international solidarity, brought us to this juncture,” Chung said.

It was an extraordinary scene — a foreign official, unaccompanied by U.S. leaders, briefing the press at the White House about the American president’s plans.

The invitation was the result of Kim’s “broad minded and resolute decision” to contribute to the peace and security of the Korean Peninsula, said North Korea’s ambassador to the United Nations in New York, who is responsible for handling communications with the U.S.

By the “great courageous decision of our Supreme Leader, we can take the new aspect to secure the peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula and the East Asia region,” Pak Song Il wrote in an email to The Washington Post.

The decision to hold the meeting was consistent with North Korea’s principle that the issues should be solved through negotiation, Pak said.

“The United States should know and understand our position and should further contribute to the peace and security-building in the Korean Peninsula with [a] sincere position and serious attitude,” he wrote.

Kim sent his sister, Kim Yo Jong, to South Korea at the opening of the Winter Olympics in PyeongChang last month to deliver an invitation to South Korean president, Moon Jae-in, to hold a summit. Preparations are now underway for that meeting, scheduled to take place at the end of April, even as the American and South Korean militaries prepare to begin drills that anger North Korea every year.

After Chung returned from Pyongyang earlier this week with news that Kim Jong Un was amenable to talks, Trump said that North Korea was responding to the “maximum pressure” his administration was applying. In addition to threatening to “totally destroy” North Korea if it did not give up its nuclear weapons program, the Trump administration has been leading the efforts to impose increasingly tough sanctions through the United Nations, as well as the U.S. applying its own sanctions. 

“I think they are sincere, but I think they are sincere also because of the sanctions and what we’re doing in respect to North Korea,” Trump said Tuesday, describing the measures as “very strong and very biting.” 

He also said that “the great help we’ve been given from China” has played a role, although there are repeated reports of both Chinese and Russian assistance in helping North Korea evade sanctions.

Some analysts say that Kim is suddenly interested in talks because the sanctions are beginning to hurt and because he is genuinely afraid of American military strikes.

But others say that he’s feeling more confident than ever. In November, Kim declared that he had “completed” his missile program and is now ready to deal with the United States — on an equal footing, as nuclear state to nuclear state.

A meeting would be a huge step between the two countries, avowed enemies for 70 years, and particularly between two leaders who have taken delight in insulting each other over the past year. Trump has mocked Kim as “little rocket man” while the North Korean leader has called the American president a “dotard” and a “lunatic.”

However, Trump has also repeatedly said he would be willing to talk to Kim. While running for president in 2016, Trump said he wouldn’t host Kim for a state visit but would be happy to sit down for hamburgers at a boardroom table with the North Korean leader.

The North Koreans have been confused by Trump’s un­or­tho­dox leadership style, making contact with analysts in Washington with Republican ties. Senior North Korean officials have even read “Fire and Fury,” the explosive book by Michael Wolff about Trump’s White House.

Since he took over the leadership of North Korea from his father at the end of 2011, Kim has not met any other head of state. Discussions are now underway to hold a summit with Moon in the Demilitarized Zone between the two Koreas at the end of next month.

This would be the third inter-Korean summit but there has never been a face-to-face meeting, or even a phone call, between the sitting leaders of North Korea and the United States. Former presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton met the then-leaders — Carter met Kim’s grandfather Kim Il Sung and Clinton met his father, Kim Jong Il — during visits to Pyongyang after they had left office.

Both Carter and Clinton went to Pyongyang to collect Americans who had been imprisoned by the regime.

There has been no word on the three American men who have been detained in North Korea, one for two-and-a-half years. North Korea has been treating them as prisoners of war and has denied Swedish diplomats, representing the United States in North Korea, consular access to them since June last year.


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5 hours ago, Cartmann99 said:

Remember during the Clinton administration when parents were complaining about having to explain what oral sex was to their younger children? Well, now you get to explain bondage, watersports, and bestiality to little Bobby, but it's totally fine because Trump loves Jesus. :roll:

How could I forget? As a twenty-something, I had to explain it to a married female co-worker who was my mother's age. She was horrified to hear about oral sex!

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About Trump's stupid tariffs.


The administration is going to try and make deals with our other allies as well. Some of those bargains to let countries avoid the tariffs may involve seemingly unrelated issues like their NATO commitments. “Some of the countries that we’re dealing with are great partners, great military allies and we’re going to be looking at that very strongly,” Trump said during his speech today. “The tariffs don’t go effective for at least another 15 days. And we’re going to be seeing who’s treating us fairly. Who’s not treating us fairly. Part of that is going to be military. Who’s paying the bills. Who’s not paying the bills.”

We have no bills to pay to you fucking piece of shit for the pleasure of being part of NATO! We are a sovereign state, we do not rely on you and you have zero zilch nada nihl right to tell us how much we should spend on OUR military and sure as hell we won't pay for the US military. Fuck you!

You'd think that by now the US government would have learned to stay as far away as possible from other countries internal matters, but NO! AMERICA FIRST! The US is the saviour of the world, the sheriff who loves his guns and needs to fucking meddling with everyone else's matters. I only hope they get condemned for colluding with Russia, it would be the perfect nemesis for all those times the US illegally influenced other countries politics.

I'm only sorry for the innocent Americans that are stuck with these greedy megalomaniacs who take pleasure in destroying everything that truly makes your country great only to win the biggest dick contest.

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The presidunce is such a friendly fellow.

He has many friends, so many friends!
Except Mitt Romney.


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1 hour ago, fraurosena said:

The presidunce is such a friendly fellow.

He has many friends, so many friends!
Except Mitt Romney.


Two thoughts:

1. Does Trump really know what a friend is? It's not just a sycophant (fawning follower) in the same room.

2. So that's what they're calling "ladies of the evening" now.

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Did he just say that his job is to come up with some bullshit that pretends to support whatever stupid idea Trump has in his head now?

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14 hours ago, Audrey2 said:

How could I forget? As a twenty-something, I had to explain it to a married female co-worker who was my mother's age. She was horrified to hear about oral sex!

A few years before the Clinton scandal broke, I got put in the position of trying to delicately explain what fellatio was to my very conservative mother and her best friend. Once I had finished, they wanted to know what the person performing the act got out of this exchange. I just said reciprocity, and refused to continue the discussion. 


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If you have "evangelical leaders make excuses for Trump having orgies on the White House lawn" on your Bingo card, please stand by, as it looks like you will soon be the lucky winner of a case of BLT-flavored spray cheese and a lava lamp that needs a new cord! 

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"Trump's military parade planned for Veterans Day -- without tanks"


WASHINGTON, March 9 (Reuters) - A military parade requested by President Donald Trump will take place in November on Veterans Day in Washington D.C., but to minimize damage to roads it will not include tanks, a Pentagon memo released on Friday said.

Last month Trump asked the Pentagon to explore a parade in celebration of American troops, after the Republican president marveled at the Bastille Day military parade he attended in Paris last year.

The memo listed a number of guidelines for the parade on Nov. 11 and said the parade route will be from the White House to the Capitol and have a "heavy air component at the end of the parade."

"Include wheeled vehicles only, no tanks - consideration must be given to minimize damage to local infrastructure," the memo said.

It added that the parade would focus on the contributions of U.S. military veterans throughout history, starting from the American Revolutionary War.

Critics have argued that a parade could cost millions of dollars at a time when the Pentagon wants more stable funding for an over-stretched military.

The parade will cost taxpayers up to $30 million, the White House budget chief has said.

Military parades in the United States are generally rare. Such parades in other countries are usually staged to celebrate victories in battle or showcase military might.

In 1991, tanks and thousands of troops paraded through Washington to celebrate the ousting of Saddam Hussein's Iraqi forces from Kuwait in the Gulf War.

The District of Columbia Council had ridiculed the idea of a parade on Pennsylvania Avenue, the 1.2-mile (1.9-km) stretch between the Capitol and the White House that is also the site of the Trump International Hotel.

“Tanks but no tanks!” it tweeted last month. (Reporting by Idrees Ali; Editing by Cynthia Osterman and James Dalgleish)

This really ticks me off. We're going to waste money on this display so Dumpy can think he's dictator for life.

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4 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

"Trump's military parade planned for Veterans Day -- without tanks"

  Reveal hidden contents

WASHINGTON, March 9 (Reuters) - A military parade requested by President Donald Trump will take place in November on Veterans Day in Washington D.C., but to minimize damage to roads it will not include tanks, a Pentagon memo released on Friday said.

Last month Trump asked the Pentagon to explore a parade in celebration of American troops, after the Republican president marveled at the Bastille Day military parade he attended in Paris last year.

The memo listed a number of guidelines for the parade on Nov. 11 and said the parade route will be from the White House to the Capitol and have a "heavy air component at the end of the parade."

"Include wheeled vehicles only, no tanks - consideration must be given to minimize damage to local infrastructure," the memo said.

It added that the parade would focus on the contributions of U.S. military veterans throughout history, starting from the American Revolutionary War.

Critics have argued that a parade could cost millions of dollars at a time when the Pentagon wants more stable funding for an over-stretched military.

The parade will cost taxpayers up to $30 million, the White House budget chief has said.

Military parades in the United States are generally rare. Such parades in other countries are usually staged to celebrate victories in battle or showcase military might.

In 1991, tanks and thousands of troops paraded through Washington to celebrate the ousting of Saddam Hussein's Iraqi forces from Kuwait in the Gulf War.

The District of Columbia Council had ridiculed the idea of a parade on Pennsylvania Avenue, the 1.2-mile (1.9-km) stretch between the Capitol and the White House that is also the site of the Trump International Hotel.

“Tanks but no tanks!” it tweeted last month. (Reporting by Idrees Ali; Editing by Cynthia Osterman and James Dalgleish)

This really ticks me off. We're going to waste money on this display so Dumpy can think he's dictator for life.

Is it really a coincidence that his ego-stroking parade will be held right after the midterms? Or was is chosen to appease his anger and frustration at the blue tsunami results? 

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38 minutes ago, AmazonGrace said:


Sweet, adorable baby Rufus prancing around on little cloven feet! From the HuffPo article about this: 


One reason that federal prosecutors likely handled the case the way they did: Saucier destroyed a laptop, a camera and the camera’s memory card shortly after he was interviewed by the FBI. Pieces of a laptop were later found in the woods near a Saucier family home.

Gosh, I ask you, who WOULDN'T do that when under investigation by the FBI? 


Daigle [Saucier's lawyer] said he and his client were “very excited” about the news. He said he hoped Saucier...would be able to get his military benefits back.

“This would make a huge difference to his family if he can get his benefits back,” Daigle said. “This is a very talented young man, and he couldn’t find a job coming out for anything, only as a garbage collector. Now he’ll be able to go after these licenses and stuff to have a nice career on the outside.”

Here's a bit more information about the case from The Guardian

US Navy sailor jailed for taking photos of classified areas of nuclear submarine

Maybe this guy did have stupendous errors in judgement with no nefarious intent, but the fact that Trump is pardoning someone because SCROTUS watched Fux "News" and because of the Hillary angle, and because it's a big FU to the FBI, I can't even....

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On 9/3/2018 at 9:12 PM, AmazonGrace said:

Did he just say that his job is to come up with some bullshit that pretends to support whatever stupid idea Trump has in his head now?

All this gives me really bad "Chairman Mao vibes". WTF?!?

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Did .... did he just say he saved the Olympics? Wtf? 

Why, why, does he continue to amaze me with his stupidity and self-importance? I really should know a lot better by now. *pulls money out of pocket to preemptively fill up the swear jar...it should cover the next few days,hours, minutes.* 

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Not sure where this should go, but I'll put it here.   Here in Trump's version of making America Hate Again.


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3 hours ago, WiseGirl said:

Did .... did he just say he saved the Olympics? Wtf? 

Why, why, does he continue to amaze me with his stupidity and self-importance? I really should know a lot better by now. *pulls money out of pocket to preemptively fill up the swear jar...it should cover the next few days,hours, minutes.* 

I’ve decided to rename my swear jar. It’s now become my son’s college fund. With the way this administration is going, I should have enough to cover the kid through grad school by the time this year is out. 

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What a wonderful example to the American people this presidunce is!


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55 minutes ago, fraurosena said:

What a wonderful example to the American people this presidunce is!


Willie Geist made a joke about this morning when talking to Chuck. Something like "there is Chuck Toss looking wide awake." All the more reason for me to watch Chuck. IMO, If the orange idiot is calling you out, that means you are doing a great job. Give him hell Chuck!

@AnywhereButHere you might not even need the year to make that money. Give it a month or two....unfortunately. 

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Oooohhhh... somebody's scared. Good.

Trump in talks with impeachment lawyer as aide reveals new concerns


Trump reportedly initiated discussions with an impeachment lawyer this week, signaling that he may be more worried about the Russia investigation than he’s willing to admit.

The New York Times reported Saturday that Trump met with Emmet Flood, the lawyer who represented Bill Clinton in his impeachment proceedings, to talk about joining his legal team.

Trump is looking to Flood for help dealing with special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

The revelation that Trump has reached out to an impeachment lawyer comes just as former aide Sam Nunberg is expressing new concerns about potential legal troubles awaiting Trump campaign officials.

After meeting with Mueller and testifying before a grand jury for more than five hours on Friday, Nunberg told ABC News that he no longer believes the Russia probe is a “witch hunt.”

“No, I don’t think it’s a witch hunt,” he said. “It’s warranted because there’s a lot there and that’s the sad truth.”

Nunberg said he believes that many of those in his inner circle may end up facing major legal troubles stemming from the ongoing investigation into Russian interference and potential cooperation with the Trump campaign.

He is particularly concerned that his own mentor, former campaign aide Roger Stone, may be in serious legal jeopardy.

“I’m very worried about him,” Nunberg told ABC News. “He’s certainly at least the subject of this investigation, in the very least he’s a subject.”

Trump’s outreach to an impeachment lawyer suggests that he, too, has come to the realization that Mueller’s investigation is not a “hoax” or a “witch hunt,” despite what he claims in his frequent rage–tweets.

To date, Mueller’s team has already either indicted or gotten guilty pleas from 19 people and three companies, including four members of the Trump campaign.

While Trump’s overture to Flood isn’t a sign of guilt, it does signal an acknowledgement by Trump that the investigation is not likely to come to an end anytime soon — and that the road ahead is not likely to be a smooth one.

I do wonder though, if it's really Mueller's investigation that has got him into talks with an impeachment lawyer. It could very well be the fallout from the Stormy affair that has given him the heebie-jeebies about impeachment. And not so much the affair itself, but rather the fact that campaign-money was fraudulently used to pay her off. That's a criminal offence, and it might be the most realistic option for impeachment with Repugs still in power. Another option is that he's aware that a blue tsunami is a viable outcome of the midterms, and he knows that Dems will start the impeachment process as soon as they can. 

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