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Trump 33: Making Norman Bates Look Like a Choir Boy


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On 6/30/2018 at 3:18 AM, fraurosena said:

It's petty, but this makes me giggle.

All I can think from looking at that pic is that Trump has some major, MAJOR junk in the trunk.  Not a flattering look.

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I am going to assume, considering their grasp of history, the Trump clan believes Mt. Rushmore is one of the Natural Wonders of the World. Trump's image will surely appear miraculously!
Spoiler 1735972000_mtrushmore.jpg.29d7d5df1839e2c026b709eef2c23133.jpg
Hmm, I think I like this one ...
Spoiler 145744657_mtrushmoreass.jpg.342a10f55315a73857136f0370ce8b15.jpg

Someone might wanna tell Spanky McFuckface and Junior there’s not enough granite for that.
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Cuba City, Wisconsin has these signs with the profile images of each President.  Plus a few blanks for future ones. 

I'm hoping for the day to come when the sign for Pompus Pilate is replaced with one that looks like this after he is impeached and removed from office.


And for those not knowing Latin it says "This space reserved for Donald Trump, incarcerated for his crimes."

(Got the idea from the Venetians)

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34 minutes ago, Drala said:

This in particular spoke to me.

"Don’t waste your energy arguing with Nazis on Facebook. Don’t let your conservative family “devil’s advocate” you into a state of rage and panic. Don’t allow people to burn through energy you could spend on something useful."

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This in particular spoke to me.
"Don’t waste your energy arguing with Nazis on Facebook. Don’t let your conservative family “devil’s advocate” you into a state of rage and panic. Don’t allow people to burn through energy you could spend on something useful."

One of my friends has a simple rule. She simply says Trump toads and toadettes blocked. I’ve taken that to heart. If you printed out my block list on FB alone it’s probably taller than I am.

I don’t have time or energy to deal with Spanky McFuckface’s groupies. I wouldn’t let them come in my home and shit on my carpet, so why would I allow the virtual equivalent?
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I love Ted Lieu:



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1 hour ago, GreyhoundFan said:

I love Ted Lieu:



Perhaps Trump can enroll in a summer school civics class.  Brush up on his Constitution knowledge, maybe go over the different branches of the U. S. government and how they work WITH each other (and how one branch doesn't dominate the other two).

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43 minutes ago, JMarie said:

Perhaps Trump can enroll in a summer school civics class.  Brush up on his Constitution knowledge, maybe go over the different branches of the U. S. government and how they work WITH each other (and how one branch doesn't dominate the other two).

Sweet Rufus, @JMarie, what are you thinking? The presidunce going to school? Of course not, whatever for? His stable genius knows everything there is to know ever, like really bigly ever. Plus, it would be like.... *shudder*.... working.

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3 hours ago, fraurosena said:

Sweet Rufus, @JMarie, what are you thinking? The presidunce going to school? Of course not, whatever for? His stable genius knows everything there is to know ever, like really bigly ever. Plus, it would be like.... *shudder*.... working.

He'd only go back to school to hit on the women in the class.

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"Keep the focus on Trump’s cruelty and incompetence"


President Trump is professing great confidence that overreaching progressive criticism of his cruel and disastrously executed immigration agenda will prove devastating to Democratic chances in the midterm elections. And a number of pundits are rushing to endorse that view.

In an interview on Fox News, Trump said that the growing calls to “Abolish ICE” among Democrats will result in them getting “beaten so badly,” adding: “I love that issue if they’re gonna actually do that.”

“These are the guys that go in and take MS-13, and they take them out,” Trump said. “You get rid of ICE, you’re going to have a country that you’re going to be afraid to walk out of your house.” This comes after Trump tweeted that the “liberal left” wants “Open Borders,” which would make crime “rampant and uncontrollable,” and that the left wants to do away with “all police.” Trump has absurdly claimed that he has “watched ICE liberate towns” from MS-13, and has falsely called Nancy Pelosi an “MS-13 lover.”

As an answer to all this, Democrats might consider offering some variation of the following, in every conceivable forum:

Trump’s cruel and incompetent policies just ripped more than 2,000 children away from their parents, and there are no indications when he’ll be able to reunite them, even though a judge has ordered him to do so. It’s time for him to show some leadership and clean up the immense humanitarian catastrophe he has created, rather than wasting all of our time with his petty little tweets and lies.

The claim that “Abolish ICE” is a liability for Democrats is a proxy for a larger argument over whether the broader liberal backlash to Trump is unleashing an insurgency that will force Democrats to take overly radical positions or compromise the party among swing voters. After the shocking win of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who supports doing away with ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), The Post and the New York Times reported that this prospect has Democratic leaders worried.

I’m agnostic on the question of whether this presents a big political problem for Dems. Sure, maybe some swing voters will find the displays of left-wing energy troubling. But individual Democratic candidates can tailor their messages to their states and districts. We all know juiced-up enthusiasm among Democratic voters is crucial to their midterm hopes. In that context, it’s hard to argue that the hundreds of marches over the weekend against Trump’s family separations amount to a bad thing for Democrats. A lot of people said the tea party in 2010 was pretty radical. I don’t recall that doing much to harm the GOP’s midterm prospects that year, do you?

Some pundits are suggesting that the phrase itself, “Abolish ICE,” is too radical, that Democrats should distance themselves from it, and that it will help Trump distract from family separations. But let’s not forget that now that the reality of Trump’s immigration agenda has been on display for all to see, Trumpian immigration attacks have repeatedly failed this cycle, in big races in Virginia, Alabama and Pennsylvania. What’s more, this line of punditry actually helps reinforce Trump’s substantive framing of the argument, by exaggerating the radicalism of what’s actually being floated and the degree to which that one phrase represents a partywide position.

No one is arguing for ending enforcement. As Moira Whelan explains in a must-read thread, the general topic of whether ICE needs major reform is a perfectly legitimate one, rooted in serious questions about whether the agency’s original creation as part of a post-9/11 reorganization of homeland security has now left it out of sync with the times. ICE’s practices are deeply disconcerting to many Americans, perhaps even a majority of them. Democrats can argue that theirs is a big-tent party, and that there are some voices who want to reform and reorganize the agency that’s carrying out Trump’s unshackled deportations — that is, the steady stream of horror stories that are causing people across the country to recoil. But above all, they must not do so defensively.

Indeed, there’s no evident way for Democrats to engage in the debate over the politics of “Abolish ICE” without doing so on Trump’s terms, so there’s no real percentage in making a big show of policing their left flank over it. Trump wants Democrats to publicly wring their hands in terror of his attacks. This is a sucker’s game, one that is designed to bait Democrats into projecting timidity, equivocation, lack of conviction and weakness. Instead, Democrats should continually turn this back on him, by going on offense against his horrible policies and the immense human toll they are inflicting.

Trump and Republicans should fear the immigration debate

Indeed, it’s Trump and Republicans — and not Democrats — who should have the most to fear politically from the immigration debate right now. First, we are learning horrifying new details about the family-separations fiasco. The Associated Press reports that the policy “sowed confusion from the start,” due to a “lack of coordination among some of the government agencies involved in the process” rooted in the fact that, to the administration, “how or whether families would be reunited wasn’t much of a concern.”

What’s more, this isn’t going away. As Politico reports, the courts may soon decide that Trump cannot detain families indefinitely, as he wants to do, now that he has ended family separations, which may tempt him to want to restart them. House Republicans say they won’t pass a fix to that problem unless Trump endorses it. But he’s likely to insist on his wall money as part of any fix. And Politico also reports Republicans fear he’s likely to insist on his wall again this fall, creating more turmoil for them right before the elections. Republicans can’t pass Trump’s nativist and xenophobic immigration agenda; they can’t pass protections for the “dreamers,” which is leaving moderate Republicans exposed; and they can’t pass a fix to the latest huge mess he has created. This will continue.

The Trump administration is presiding over a moral and logistical disaster of gargantuan proportions. The explicitly declared rationale for the policy’s cruelty was that it would deter people from crossing the border — including desperate refugees fleeing other horrors. That cruelty is now being exponentially maximized by blundering and disastrous incompetence. As Jill Lawrence says, this is Trump’s “Katrina,” or even worse. Are Democrats really not able to win this argument? Seriously?



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The mayor of Annapolis, Maryland, says President Donald Trump has turned down a request to lower U.S. flags in the city to half-staff to honor the five people killed at The Capital Gazette newspaper last week.

Gavin Buckley said Monday afternoon he was informed by Maryland Rep. John Sarbanes of the decision turning down the mayor’s request.

Buckley says he was only requesting that some of the capital city’s prominent flags be at half-staff, and he’s upset about the decision.

He says he has been considering lowering the flags himself, but the Democratic congressman and his wife talked him out of it, saying protocol should be followed.


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6 hours ago, fraurosena said:

Sweet Rufus, @JMarie, what are you thinking? The presidunce going to school? Of course not, whatever for? His stable genius knows everything there is to know ever, like really bigly ever. Plus, it would be like.... *shudder*.... working.

Jeez, it wasn't like I suggested he get homework, or even have to do a book report (could you imagine what a book report from him would look like?).  Even if it was just having him watch Schoolhouse Rock episodes over and over, I think he'd learn a lot!

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I liked that about our PM. Our news also showed that a few American newssources captioned him as a supreme court candidate and Denmarks PM. Oh well.

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Trump is a moron, Exhibit A. 

He thinks Harley sales in 2017 are a reaction to a decision they announced in 2018 

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I hope that caused Trump to stress eat a gallon of ice cream.  MOAR SCOOPS! Best. Thing. Evah!  Um, well, at least since the 2009 Mike Ditka/Ricky Williams nuptials. 

Screenshot 2018-07-03 at 11.22.42 AM.png

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This Broidy thing has me rubbing my hands together with glee.  If Mueller has followed the money and the information in the Cohen tranche, he'll know exactly how this thing played out. 

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From the article @AmazonGrace posted above:


• By claiming that their agreement is void, Broidy is putting Bechard in a position to tell her story — whatever it may actually be — in whatever forum she likes.

I suspect this last point contains a key to understanding why Broidy is trying to back out of the agreement now.  Perhaps like so many other people, Broidy has concluded that Donald Trump is a bad business partner.

I wonder if Ms. Bechard is currently deciding which media outlet will get the rights to the real story? I'm going to amuse myself for the rest of the afternoon by picturing Trump screaming on the phone for Broidy to fix this, and Broidy telling Trump to go to hell.

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