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Voting Check-In


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2 precincts use my polling place.  One had a line to the door, and mine was 1 dude in front of me.

The kiddo had a headache, so she stayed home.  (she and I had already gone over gubernatorial candidates and 2 of the ballot proposals.  If I field an angry phone call from school this week, one of them was about full Marijuana legalization and it's pros and cons.  SHe asked the ballot proposals and I answered and she asked more questions--so we discussed it at length.  I DID ask her not to talk about that one in front of other grownups, because it makes them worry when 8 year olds discuss pot.)

I'm waiting to look for results, and crossing my fingers.

And I have a bunch of 'i voted' stickers on the visor of my car, but my kiddo stole mine today, so I have to settle for admiring the old ones :P

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Texan voter checking in. Went to the wrong voting place, they printed me out a sticker of where I needed to go to. S Went to proper voting place, did the wait thing, did the extra paperwork to verify and got the vote in.

It was cheerful in line, a lot of first time voters, a lot of littles along with. No police officer at the right voting spot, but one at the library a few blocks down with a smaller line. There's school district stuff, but FFS why does little line of homogenous people have a police officer, while our wrapped around the building line doesn't?

Nothing against the volunteers, but telling each voter your life story while there are open booths isn't awesome, having to pass pens down the line from someone who came prepared for it isn't awesome.

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I went to vote yesterday morning, the only problem was having to tell the poll worker that my last name ends with an "I" and not an "L". 

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I voted on my way home from work, and by the time I got to my polling place, I didn't really have to wait in line. They had plenty of workers, and booths set up, so once I was checked in, I was able to vote right away. As I have a commute in LA traffic to be at work at 8am, I find it's just easiest to stop by the place after work. I live in California which is pretty Democratic, so aside from a couple of races, I was sure Democrats were going to win.

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Popping in to express ecstasy that my new Congresswoman is Jahana Hayes, a teacher and the first black female US Representative in Connecticut history!

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