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John David and Abbie 7: Happiness Continues

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38 minutes ago, SorenaJ said:

Something I think would be cool to do, would be to give the mother's maiden name, as the child's first name e.g. if the mother was Matthews and the father Jones, the child could be Matthew Jones. 

I actually thought of doing that, I have two surnames, the second one is a "sen" surname, which are very common in Denmark, basically a male name with "sen" added (meaning son), for example Petersen, Davidsen, Nielsen, Mortensen, so the child would be Peter, David, Niels or Morten. 

My maiden name is a one syllable common noun (part of the reason I don't like it). And one that could have inappropriate connotations as well. Giving that to a child as a first name would downright cruel. 

My married name is a three syllable, nine letter ethnically Jewish name that would not make a workable first name at all. 

It's a cute thought. If your last name is Allen or Ryan or Matthew(s) and such. Most people's names are, well, not in that mode. 

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I just really loved my husbands last name I thought my first name sounded really pretty with it. My old last name was a harsh, difficult to pronounce, and an uncommon  polish name. Plus I like feeling free of my family and all the bad memories there. I felt like I got to start over with a life I wanted and a family I wanted with my new name. I think it's just a personal choice based on how you see it. 

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2 hours ago, VelociRapture said:

I think there’s a really simple rule  just don’t be an asshole.

A simple rule for life!

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19 minutes ago, louisa05 said:

My maiden name is a one syllable common noun (part of the reason I don't like it). And one that could have inappropriate connotations as well. Giving that to a child as a first name would downright cruel. 

 My married name is a three syllable, nine letter ethnically Jewish name that would not make a workable first name at all. 

It's a cute thought. If your last name is Allen or Ryan or Matthew(s) and such. Most people's names are, well, not in that mode. 

Yeah, I could you wouldn't want to name your kid Brown/White/Black or something like that. Most people probably wouldn't have a suitable last name to use as a first name, but a fair few people would (also a trend giving girls last names as first names like Bailey, McKinley, Sawyer, Hayden etc), maybe especially if they are of Welsh/Irish/Scottish descent (Hopkins becomes Robert, Jones becomes John, Anderson becomes Andrew/or Anderson I suppose, O'Brien becomes Brian, O'Reilly becomes Riley). 

One of my surnames is quite rare, and I intend to keep it and pass it on if I have kids. I am into genealogy, and it was fun going back and see who was first given the surname, and speculate why. 

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2 hours ago, VelociRapture said:

I think there’s a really simple rule when it comes to this - just don’t be an asshole. 

That reminds me of this little gem of a song. 




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42 minutes ago, SorenaJ said:

especially if they are of Welsh/Irish/Scottish descent (Hopkins becomes Robert, Jones becomes John, Anderson becomes Andrew/or Anderson I suppose, O'Brien becomes Brian, O'Reilly becomes Riley). 


Wait, how are those two bolded names connected? I don't get it but am curious (I love name stuff).

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My name has been changed around a lot and I think at this point it doesn't matter to me. I was given my father's last name, but then he broke my mother's heart within weeks and buggered off so she gave me hers (conveniently, he hadn't registered me so I technically was born with her maiden name, making life easier) then she remarried and I took my stepdad's name (it makes it easier a lot of the time with school pickups and paperwork etc). Last names have always been a way of understanding who you are and your connections. Think of names ending with -son, or refering to an occupation like Baker.
I understand that people think it's a patriarchal, problematic tradition, but at the end of the day it doesn't mean my partner (or father) owns me and that's pretty understood by most of society I think.

I love the idea of maiden name as middle name! And I love names that honour family or friends. I also love the flow of names, anyone else? For example pulling two names out of the air, Evelyn Leilani has such a nice ring to it! My favourite names flow nicely like that, with the first name being one I love and the middle having meaning being my grandmother or my mother's name.
Although I don't have any names for boys... has anyone else found it harder to name boys than girls? I feel like there are so many pretty girl names, then boy names are either super traditional (ie max, lachlan, james etc) or a bit out there to me. Thoughts?

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1 hour ago, scoutsadie said:

Wait, how are those two bolded names connected? I don't get it but am curious (I love name stuff).

Hob is a nickname/diminutive of Robert, this then became Hopkin, as a nickname for Hob, adding the s then made it patronymic. Hopkins is then the son of Hopkin (like Tomlinson comes from Tomlin and Tompkins from Tompkin, which are nicknames of Tom, which is a nickname of Thomas). The H in Hob might have come from the Germanic name Hrodberht, where Robert comes from. Why the b was made into a p, in Hopkins, I'm not sure. People spelled names in all sorts of ways, so this might just have been the one that stuck. 

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My BF happens to have the same last name as my maternal grandmother's maiden name. I have always said if I got married I would take my spouse's name and use mine as a middle name. I don't care what other people do when they get married as long as they don't judge others.



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A guy that i used to work with took his wife’s last name when they got married. A girl at the same job got married & she & her new husband swapped last names. I thought it was sweet in both cases.

As for me, i couldn’t wait to drop the maiden name. I had no relationship to that part of my family, so there was no doubt in my mind that i would take my husband’s name. 

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7 hours ago, VelociRapture said:

I think there’s a really simple rule when it comes to this - just don’t be an asshole. Some examples:

- Your friend changed her last name upon marriage and you don’t agree because “feminism”*? Cool, but don’t be an asshole by applying your personal criteria for feminism in this specific area on other people.

- Your sister opted not to change her name and you think she’s not committed to her marriage for it? Keep your thoughts to yourself and don’t be an asshole. 

- You hyphenated your names and now think that anyone who doesn’t clearly doesn’t have an equal partnership in their marriage? You do you, but don’t be an asshole by opening your mouth and saying it. 

- Your cousin decided he wanted to change his last name to his wife’s and you’re clutching your fucking pearls? Loosen your death grip on the necklace and don’t be an asshole by saying something about a decision that in no way affects you. 

- Your lovely LGBTQ+ neighbors told you they chose to pick a brand new last name rather than use one of their own and you want to ask why they’d do something stupid like that? Shut your pie hole and don’t be an asshole because other people don’t owe you any explanations about this choice. 

Seriously. Debate the pros and cons of societal norms relating to name changes all you want - just don’t be an asshole when someone chooses something you don’t personally like or approve of. 

*In quotations because it’s not really feminism if you want everyone to make the same choice you would. 

Love it, and I'd say it applies pretty generally to life.

Do any of you belong to your local "NextDoor" social media site (you can post/reply to postings that are only to your immediate neighborhood of around (in my case) 1000 people, or go one more level out to your own neighborhood plus the next few closest as well.)  Most postings are little things like 'for sale' or 'free' stuff, or asking for recommendations for handymen or plumbers or babysitters.  But anyway, I have to laugh sometimes.. not really, but I have this sort of thought that here in the SF Bay Area no one really cares what your nationality or skin color or gender or sexual preference is, but you darn well better pick up your dog poop and not drive or park like an asshole or people will totally call you out all over the NextDoor lists ;-).

 (And then there are the threads about airport noise...  omg... with the same 5 people always saying 'the airport was here before you were!' and everyone else saying 'um, the planes got a lot louder 2 years ago when the airport remodeled and we just want it to go back to how it was then...' anyway, sorry, that's a whole 'nother story... )

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2 hours ago, Jana814 said:

About 10 years ago I dated someone who had the same last name as me. 

I have friends that live together (not married) that have the same last name, but spelled a little differently. I’m not sure wich version they gave their kids.

My BIL once dated a girl that had the same first name as him to the great amusement of his friends and brothers. That would be a bit confusing if you get married and take the same last name as well. 

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My aunt (mother’s sister) had her two children before getting married. They’re both boys. The eldest has his mother’s surname as his middle name, then the same surname as his dad. His younger brother has our grandmother’s maiden name as his middle name. 

My surname rhymes with a curse word :pb_lol: and my cousin’s surname is an adjective. 

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On 12/15/2018 at 5:23 PM, SapphireSlytherin said:

We just returned from Iceland where surnames are apparently unimportant, and where family names are nonexistent. Nobody we met used a surname. Those that did followed the “son” or “dottir” convention, such that:


Robert and Janet had two children:  Lance and Lily. They are known as Lance Robertsson and Lily Robertsdottir. (These are not real names of anyone we met.)


And a woman can’t take her husband’s name. 

Swedes used to do that too. I don't when they stopped. Its really cool. My family continued it for a few generations after immigrating to US in the mid 1800s before one stopped. All sons had "son" and all daughters had "dotter". They would also take the father's name to become his children new surname for example Lar Robertsson children became Larsons and Larsdotters. My last name that I love has only really been our family's last name for the past 4 generations.  

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2 hours ago, Sops2 said:

I was just glad to move up the alphabet from U to near the top.Got pretty fed up always being at the bottom of the list. School was worst.

I like how my high school handled this. We had three separate “Houses” based off of last names and how they were split up depended on the year (because each year had a different number of kids and different last names.) I think my year the Houses were grouped as A-F, another for G-N, and the last O-Z. During graduation, they had us sit in sections based off our Houses and each House had their own platform and announcer, etc. Each announcer would call one person from each House at a time. So instead of going alphabetically all the way through, they’d call Alberts, then George, then Oswald, and repeat that all the way through until the last kid in the biggest House was called. 

I have no clue how they came up with that idea, but I thought it was nice that the O-Z kids and their families didn’t necessarily have to wait until the very end. 

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Love all the really interesting naming tradition information ! 

Lately in my family a lot of the daughters have been given a middle name of an older or deceased much loved family member or close family friend. The names are pretty and it’s a sweet way to memorialize or draw attention to a connection. 

Two of our daughters have an extremely common Sur -name. They both have partners/spouses with a different extremely common sur-name . If things go as planned, in the next couple of years there will be cousins with the same last name. 

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I have nice alliteration going on with my first name and last name. Plus my biggest thing is length of name. My current last name is 6 letters long, my first name is 9 letters long. I have two middle names that are 3 and 8 letters long. So my name is 26 letters long if you fill it all out. Imagine subtracting six and adding say 9 or 10, that would be a 30-31 letters long. I don't have time for that haha. Ain't no one got time for that.

If it were shorter and not starting with a vowel, we might talk...but I quite like my last name.

Everyone just do what they are comfortable with.

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Re alphabetical order: I think Macedonia made a bad choice by choosing Republic of North Macedonia as its new name (in agreement with Greece) because its old name, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, came up earlier in the Olympic Parade of Nations. Republic is way further down. DR Congo was smart; Zaire --> Democratic Republic of the Congo. Further up in the parade! If I ever started a country, I'd call it Aaaaaaaaaa and make its Japanese and Chinese name "一" so that we'd always come first in the parade. 

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48 minutes ago, nastyhobbitses said:

Re alphabetical order: I think Macedonia made a bad choice by choosing Republic of North Macedonia as its new name (in agreement with Greece) because its old name, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, came up earlier in the Olympic Parade of Nations. Republic is way further down. DR Congo was smart; Zaire --> Democratic Republic of the Congo. Further up in the parade! If I ever started a country, I'd call it Aaaaaaaaaa and make its Japanese and Chinese name "一" so that we'd always come first in the parade. 

It's obnoxious how frequently I name a file "aaaaaaNameIActuallyWant" so it pops up at the top of the folder it's in. I am also quite thrilled to move forward 14 spots alphabetically with my new last name.

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17 hours ago, Sops2 said:

I was just glad to move up the alphabet from U to near the top.Got pretty fed up always being at the bottom of the list. School was worst.

My maiden name was a W. One elementary school made us go through the lunch line in alphabetical order. I was last in the lunch line every day for three years and had about three minutes to eat. 

At my last full time job, they left my name off the faculty list at honors night and graduation three years in a row. I was last as they were listed alphabetically and apparently it jumped to another page and the secretary doing it didn't notice it. 

My married name moved me up. But not much. It was still nice to move up. 

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I have the alliterative first and last name now. I will have had this last name as long as I had my maiden name soon. I was an only child and my father's line died out with me (I have 2 first cousins who never had kids either). It's just not a big deal to me. I like my current first name-last name combination, I'm happy to be Mrs. Xtian. It's also a helluva lot shorter than my maiden name was so for me, it was a win all the way around. 

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My first love’s last name was a diminutive version of my first name. To make it worse, his last name also rhymed with his sister in law’s first name, so she sounded like a Cabbage Patch Kid every time she introduced herself with both names. I’m not saying that to be snarky, either - her full name literally rhymed perfectly with the CP doll I’d had since I was a kid. 

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Something I think would be cool to do, would be to give the mother's maiden name, as the child's first name e.g. if the mother was Matthews and the father Jones, the child could be Matthew Jones. 
I actually thought of doing that, I have two surnames, the second one is a "sen" surname, which are very common in Denmark, basically a male name with "sen" added (meaning son), for example Petersen, Davidsen, Nielsen, Mortensen, so the child would be Peter, David, Niels or Morten. 

Like Fitzwilliam Darcy!!!
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