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Gwen Shamblin 6: Billy Madison Is Smarter than Gwen Shamblin

Coconut Flan

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Wherein we get more pearls of wisdumb from Gwen.

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Previous quote.....

"what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. "


Which is why I feel dumb and don't understand her latest writings. I'm sure her followers assume she's just this brilliant person who is speaking above their IQ. And of course everyone is too afraid to ask or question. Maybe she's had a stroke. I think I just saw the headline of an article this week or last about diet soda's causing strokes. 


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18 minutes ago, SJWaterford said:

I think I just saw the headline of an article this week or last about diet soda's causing strokes. 


I saw that on FB and immediately thought of Gwen. 

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Starvation advice from Gwen again shows she doesn't have a clue. I'm guessing her only continuing education in nutrition comes from her own starved brain. "Don't eat" seems to be the only thing she knows right now. Anything that contradicts starvation her brain tosses out. 


Some people have been told that if they have been on a lot of diets, taken diet pills, or been on liquid fasts that their metabolism may be altered and their bodies will be resistant to losing weight. To the contrary, we have seen that the minute people start eating less food they lose weight.

Think about it—how could food companies put the calorie count on the side of a package if everyone had a skewed metabolism? Metabolism refers to the amount of energy (or calories) that your body traps from food. Everyone traps 80 calories from a slice of bread— even though some of you feel like you trap 160 calories just by smelling it, while your thin friends can eat 5 slices of bread and trap only 10 calories! It is true that different people need different amounts of food, but this is actually related to how much muscle mass they have. Muscle is the most metabolically active tissue. In other words, it takes more calories to keep a muscle cell active than a brain cell. Your body will accurately call for the needed amounts of oxygen and calories that you personally need.


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Oh good today I learned that everyone's lungs work fine and everyone gets an optimal amount of oxygen.

Why do we have pulse oximeters again?

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6 hours ago, formergothardite said:

Muscle is the most metabolically active tissue. In other words, it takes more calories to keep a muscle cell active than a brain cell. Your body will accurately call for the needed amounts of oxygen and calories that you personally need.

Nutrient dense muscle is what a body will "eat" when you starve it. Ask any bariatric patient and they'll tell you, for someone with a great deal of fat and no muscle to burn through, malnutrition can be a big problem.

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When you are constantly hungry and starving yourself, you become so uncomfortable that you cannot think about anything else except for concentrating on avoiding the uncomfortable painful feeling you’re experiencing. Don’t ask how I know this (juice fasts are not my friend)....

Reading anything from Gwen reminds me of the “pro-Ana” (anorexia) groups. I visited one of those dark forums before and found them ready to basically “off themselves” over Taylor Swift according to them, “gaining weight”. The insanity....

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6 hours ago, AmazonGrace said:

Oh good today I learned that everyone's lungs work fine and everyone gets an optimal amount of oxygen.

Why do we have pulse oximeters again?

I missed that tidbit when I read the devotional the first time. 

I wonder how Gwen explains Pulmonary Fibrosis (PF) or COPD. I can tell you with 100% certainty that before my FIL passed away from PF, his body was not "accurately call(ing) for the needed amounts of oxygen". 

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6 hours ago, AmazonGrace said:

Oh good today I learned that everyone's lungs work fine and everyone gets an optimal amount of oxygen.

Why do we have pulse oximeters again?

Obviously my asthmatic lungs didn't get that memo.  I guess we just need pulse oximeters to waste our time and to make patients feel good?  After all their lungs work just fine.  Except for mine, they didn't get the memo!


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9 hours ago, AmazonGrace said:

Oh good today I learned that everyone's lungs work fine and everyone gets an optimal amount of oxygen.

Why do we have pulse oximeters again?

So, I guess I am just imagining the asthma I deal with fairly frequently?  And so was my mom? And what about my daughter who had life-threatening issues at times as did my sister's oldest son.  And several friends.  And my friend's daughter did not actually die at 17 from a severe asthma attack which left her own baby motherless, because Gwenidiot says so.

Gwen, you just keep getting worse and worse.  SHUT YOUR STUPID MOUTH (except to actually put healthy food in it) and go away. Just go away, Gwen.  But first, make sure your own daughter eats something so her children are not left motherless.

Sorry if I'm coming across angry, which I am but at Gwen and nobody else.  This is just a very near and dear subject to me.

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In today's episode of don't eat  with Gwen Shamblin Lara, we learn that when you aren't hungry food doesn't taste as good, something I haven't found true. 


Slowing down could help to prevent your stomach from getting stuffed. The food entering the bloodstream will signal the hypothalamus to turn off hunger signals. Salivation decreases, as does stomach acid production, the sense of smell, and taste bud acuity. Proverbs 27:7 says, “He who is full loathes honey, but to the hungry even what is bitter tastes sweet.”

This reflects the law of diminishing returns. When you are very hungry, God makes the tongue delight in the taste of the food. As you approach the point that the body is getting enough food, the Lord makes your taste buds lose interest in the taste of the food, even sweet foods! The purpose is to help turn off the eating behavior. If you keep practicing, you will get better at knowing the difference between overstuffed and comfortably full.


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Think about it—how could food companies put the calorie count on the side of a package if everyone had a skewed metabolism? Metabolism refers to the amount of energy (or calories) that your body traps from food. Everyone traps 80 calories from a slice of bread— even though some of you feel like you trap 160 calories just by smelling it, while your thin friends can eat 5 slices of bread and trap only 10 calories!

WTF? The amount of calories in a food has nothing to do with the person consuming the food. It's the amount of calories in the food. Different bodies will do different things with those calories depending on a plethora of circumstances including metabolism. It seems like Gwen doesn't even understand calories, which are not a new thing and should have been a big part of her degree training. 

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The food entering the bloodstream will signal the hypothalamus to turn off hunger signals.

If the food ever enters your bloodstream you're likely to end up in the ER or the graveyard.

If she's talking about glucose and other nutrients entering the blood stream it takes a while for the food to be digested,  depending on what you're eating.  It could take about 15-30 minutes to see a rise and peak in about an hour. If you're not eating carbs it could take longer. The good news is we could feel full and satisfied long before that, you don't have to keep eating for an hour... (although if it's a fancy dinner in good company, go for it gurl...)

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Re calories and food: Forty years ago, when I was pregnant, my ob-gym, like many others, had all his patients basically on a diet to ensure their weight gain was minimal. (The fact that he had lost a patient to gestational hypertension may have contributed to this.) He wanted us to gain maybe 15-20 pounds overall. One month, early on, I gained six pounds instead of the 2-pound maximum he insisted on. The next month, I kept a diary of everything I ate and its calorie content, and gained 2.5. When he grudgingly said, “Well, that’s better than last month,” I slapped my food journal down on his desk and said, “I’ve been eating 1200-1300 calories a day and still gained weight. That damn pregnancy book you gave me told me I should be eating 3000-4000.” He said, “Eh, that must be because you have a lousy metabolism. My nurse in there eats that much and never gains an ounce.” He wasn’t disbelieving me, just acknowledged that people’s bodies are different.

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So I saw this from one of the fundy cousin relatives and thought it belonged here for comments: 

"After praying through things and forgiving people that had hurt me in my life one way or another, all of my health problems including the hypoglycemia immediately deceased"


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Today's devotional is basically Gwen's justification for being a glutton for clothing and material items. God WANTS her to buy all the things she wants to buy. It is practically a sin for her not to go out and buy tons of stuff! Restriction and limitation is only for food, God is cool with you being a glutton in all other areas of life. Gwen takes God clothing shopping with her to help pick out clothes and daily he plans her outfits. Again, I must point out what a superficial God Gwen serves. He spends time each day picking out Gwen's clothing for her yet there are kids starving and being sex trafficked and he can't deal with that? Priorities God! Get some!

Also, don't worry about healthy eating, eat whatever as long as it is in tiny amounts. 


God wants us to taste and enjoy all kinds of foods, including desserts, because it lets you know just how giving and delightful He really is. Delightful foods should have shown you who God is! However, modern medicine and harsh, tasteless dieting rules make God out to be a legalistic torturer who wants you to live an austere life. What a crime against the Creator of all good things and enjoyable times. The Scriptures say He made wine to cheer the heart of man. He is, in fact, the opposite of austere and distant…God is near and He is interactive, lavish, and He sanctions the foods that He programmed your taste buds to enjoy.

This rigid doctrine is a crime against God. It has kept people from pursuing a close relationship with Him. This guilt-ridden training flows over into every area of your life, for example, shopping or dressing. The puritanical teaching promotes a god who does not want you to buy the clothes you adore, so therefore you do not pray or take Him with you as a consultant shopping. Yet the truth is…your Heavenly Father is the topmost clothing authority. I pray daily, and He brings combinations of clothes to mind, and it saves so much time.

Since dieting has convinced you that God does not want you to eat chips and dip, He is not invited as a guest at the table. But the truth is…God is a good dresser, shopper, chef, athlete, teacher, doctor, contractor, architect, auto mechanic, and entrepreneur. There is nothing He cannot help with and solve for you.


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4 minutes ago, formergothardite said:

I pray daily, and He brings combinations of clothes to mind, and it saves so much time.

This has to be a parody, right?  People don't devote their lives to this drivel, do they?  Probably even God tithes to Gwen.  God as a "topmost clothing authority."  Sigh. 

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So god picks out her heinous outfits?! That explains everything! God loves white and black the most. He loves baggy and raggy looking clothing. He loves big ass hair and 6 inch heels. I’m so glad I now know what god likes. I bet he was pissed for those thousands of years that fashion evolved to what it is today. It’s finally here y’all! 

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Let me guess - if one PREFERS plain, unassuming, generally modest clothing...they must be serving the wrong God.

In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny - what a maroon.  She is Bat. Shit. Crazy.

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22 hours ago, AmazonGrace said:

Some of the weight gain during pregnancy may be due to fluids anyway.

I gained 85 lbs with my first. He was 9 lbs, but I walked out of the hospital 50 lbs lighter. By the time my maternity leave was over, I only had about 20 lbs to lose. There's a lot more than just a baby going on in there. Calorie restriction during pregnancy can be extremely dangerous to the fetus. I could tell my doctor wasn't thrilled with my gaining that much weight, but she only cautioned that I make sure my diet was balanced.

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14 minutes ago, DaisyD said:


I gained 85 lbs with my first. He was 9 lbs, but I walked out of the hospital 50 lbs lighter. By the time my maternity leave was over, I only had about 20 lbs to lose. There's a lot more than just a baby going on in there. Calorie restriction during pregnancy can be extremely dangerous to the fetus. I could tell my doctor wasn't thrilled with my gaining that much weight, but she only cautioned that I make sure my diet was balanced.

I would have switched doctors immediately if mine had harassed me every time I went for a check up. But I had to take Zofran my entire pregnancies so she knew I had very few foods I could keep down. 

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3 hours ago, formergothardite said:

Today's devotional is basically Gwen's justification for being a glutton for clothing and material items. God WANTS her to buy all the things she wants to buy. It is practically a sin for her not to go out and buy tons of stuff! Restriction and limitation is only for food, God is cool with you being a glutton in all other areas of life. Gwen takes God clothing shopping with her to help pick out clothes and daily he plans her outfits. Again, I must point out what a superficial God Gwen serves. He spends time each day picking out Gwen's clothing for her yet there are kids starving and being sex trafficked and he can't deal with that? Priorities God! Get some!

Also, don't worry about healthy eating, eat whatever as long as it is in tiny amounts. 


How can I get this stylist God to come to my house to coordinate my outfits? I somehow missed the fashion sense blessing.

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