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Jinjer 49: Westward Ho!

Coconut Flan

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31 minutes ago, SassyPants said:

This is psychological abuse IMO. Those kids have been growth/maturation retarded by their parents. 

I absolutely agree. Their aunt has tried to help and the result is her brother no longer speaking to her. I have tried to nudge the daughter (she's 24) but it's to no avail. Their aunt tried to get the daughter to move in with her out of state to go to college thinking that if she lived with family, they'd think it was safe. But they made both kids go to school as close to home as possible. live in single rooms in the dorms, be involved in zero extracurricular activities and come home every single weekend. It's just awful. It breaks my heart. They are smart people who could contribute to the world, but they are stuck in their parents's house in perpetual childhood. The son literally works with his mom at the same company. She controls his schedule. 

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Found this on fb and thinks about Jinger and Felicity...



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My daughter (5) is very particular about wanting to wear dresses all the time and choosing what to wear, but thankfully she has not yet asked for a bow. She’ll ask for plaits, braids, pigtails, ponytails, hair out etc, but is not fussed on accessories. Then again, I’ve never offered to buy her one. 

My son (7) has never cared what he wears or picked out his own clothes. I mean, he does now because he gets himself dressed, but I’m pretty sure he just pulls the first thing out of the drawer that he can. A few weeks ago he needed new T-shirts and I tried to get him to come shopping with me but he was like “nah, you pick them, I want to stay at home and play”. I warned him that he might not like what I chose and then he’d have to wear it anyway, but he shrugged and basically said “I trust you”.

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@CharlieInCharge, my husband was just visiting one of our daughters out-of-state.  Our granddaughter just turned four.  One of the days my husband was visiting, they were going out somewhere.  On the way out, my daughter had to stop at the store to buy the birthday girl some panties.  She'd forgotten to wear underwear under her dress.  

Other than her Frozen or Moana garb,  this little girls preferred state of dress is nudity.  She comes by it naturally though.  One of her great grandfathers liked to go on naturist vacations (Club Hedonism comes to mind) as does one of her great-aunts.  Her great-grandfather would be proud of her for preferring life in the buff.

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My son at 2.5 has taken little to no interest in what he wears. The closest he’s come is whining about wearing jeans over a comfier pair of sweatpants, or letting me know that dad has accidentally put his shoes on the wrong feet. ? Other wise he’s completely uninterested. I was like that. I specifically remember being in fourth grade before it ever occurred to me that I could help decide what I wore. 

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My spirit animal, my niece is 7 and she is ALL about the Jojo bow. My other 7 yr old niece doesn't care as much but her parent's SUCK and I want to steal her away  but I can't, fucking family. 

I love this kid she is so extra and over the top, so much like me.  My daughter is more like my sister so it evens out. 


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My son will be 6 next month. He doesn't care what he's wearing as long as it has some sort of dino on it. He's very much a go with the flow type of kid. My daughter is 3, almost 4, and she's super girly (right now) so its all about dresses, bows, sparkle and she constantly wants makeup/nail polish on. She's hilarious because every morning she lays her outfit out on the floor, under garments and all, including all accessories and stares at it for a few minutes, makes changes and then gets dressed 

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I remember when my niece was younger, my mother took her to the mall and let her pick out something at Claires (young girl/teenage accessories & the like) LOL my mother said she gravitated towards the tackiest, pinkest, glitteriest (not a word, but what she used), most hideous items.  I forget now what she picked, but, my mother said hopefully she grows out of it.  She did :)

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When she was about 3 years old my sister loved wearing a one-piece bathing suit over a T-shirt with a skirt. It looked hideous.

A few years ago I brought this up in a conversation and my sister explained to me that this was her favourite outfit because it made her feel like a ballerina. 

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On 5/20/2019 at 6:15 AM, lizzybee said:

... letting me know that dad has accidentally put his shoes on the wrong feet. ?

Miniway often puts his shoes on the wrong feet and when we tell him he says he likes them like that. I don’t know if he actually does or is just too lazy to change. :happy-jumpyellow:

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My grown daughter is very much a minimalist. She avoids most jewelry, even her wedding rings, just not her thing. For mother’s day her  4 YO daughter bought her these long, fringey., dangling, bright pink earrings. My daughter wore them to school the next day. She is a high school principal. The things you have to do.

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I've pretty much been a jeans and t-shirt type of girl...except for those hideous Catholic school uniforms. I wear my hair long mostly because I'm far too lazy to have an actual "hair style". I figure if I remember to brush my hair, brush my teeth and my shoes are on the right feet, I'm doing good. 

#1 child, daughter, has ALWAYS had her own opinions. Her current style is 1950's meets goth. Whatever. Who cares. She's 36. #2 child, #1 son used to be the semi-punk guy. He changed once he went in the Army. Now it's nice jeans, nice tops, suits. #3 child, #2 son is particular about his haircut but clothes? Geez...we're lucky he has clothes ON! He'll wear things until they're worn out, including shoes. He has 2 pairs of shoes, a pair of tennis shoes and a pair of work boots. That's it. He also looks kinda funny because he's 5'7" tall and wears size 11 shoes. 

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I don't have kids, but when I was a little girl in the early 1980s, the dress pictured below was very typical for party dress, holidays, etc.  I was a "girly girl" I guess if you want to call it that.  I begged and pleaded.  Mom said no.  She said I'll only buy you a dress like this if you play softball.  LOL! Apparently she didn't know who I was.  I stayed in my room, played with dolls and friends, painted pictures and eventually played an instrument. I get a little sad when I see when I see things like "tacky, pink, glittery" or "I hope she grows out of it."  I mean, I don't wear ruffly and frilly pink things these days, but during that time, I felt like my Mom just wanted me to be a young version of her, and she was disappointed.  I was pretty young, but I  had a good sense how others felt about me.  So, if you have a daughter and she likes "pink, frilly, glitter" and you don't, please don't be disappointed or hope it's like a sickness that will soon pass. ?  I'm not a mom, so I can't offer advice from that side... only from the side of a young child who so wanted to please her mom but just couldn't.



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My son is 6 and the only real opinion he has is "comfy pants only". 

When he dresses himself - he will often come downstairs sporting pants on backwards, shirts on inside out, questionably matching socks.(and likely - backwards underpants) And I look at him and say "Awesome! you're all dressed! What a big helper!" 

I will comment if I think the clothes might be too warm/not warm enough - but other than that - rock those santa claus socks with your green pants and yellow tshirt! 

I only step in when it's a holiday or an event. And even then - I try to make sure it meets his 'comfy pants' criteria whenever possible.

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On 5/21/2019 at 6:41 AM, Iamtheway said:

Miniway often puts his shoes on the wrong feet and when we tell him he says he likes them like that. I don’t know if he actually does or is just too lazy to change. :happy-jumpyellow:

This makes me think of the story of the parent who told his kid that his shoes were on the wrong feet. The kid thought for a minute, shrugged, and said “These are the only feet I have.” 

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5 hours ago, Kailash said:

This makes me think of the story of the parent who told his kid that his shoes were on the wrong feet. The kid thought for a minute, shrugged, and said “These are the only feet I have.” 

I have pointed out shoes on wrong feet and my son has said “Miss did it” (really? Your teacher put your shoes on backwards??)

or “no they’re not”

or “I don’t care”

so- I give up. (But sometimes joke that he put his feet on wrong— sarcasm is a little lost on 6 year olds)

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6 hours ago, Kailash said:

This makes me think of the story of the parent who told his kid that his shoes were on the wrong feet. The kid thought for a minute, shrugged, and said “These are the only feet I have.” 

My daughter asked, "whose feet should they be on"?  ?  I love these stories!

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Yesterday while shopping I thought I found a really cool t-shirt that Miniway would love. Turns out it was a dress, really simple t-shirt dress with pockets. I bought it anyway because it’s awesome and he has a dress that he sometimes wants to wear, I also figured I could shorten it if he wanted me too. He loved it. 

We also went together to get some new pants (5-year olds should have steel caps on their knees) and he chose black tights with gold pineapples from the girl’s section. So today he is sporting those black tights with his yellow dress with tigers and a gold glittery jacket. I think I’ve said it before but he really is my fashion role model. 

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14 hours ago, Meggo said:

will comment if I think the clothes might be too warm/not warm enough - but other than that - rock those santa claus socks with your green pants and yellow tshirt! 

I had a rule with my kids 'You aren't old enough to know if you are going to be hot or cold till 4th grade.'  Then when they entered fourth grade I shut my mouth and let them deal.  I don't know how I came up with 4th grade but it made sense at the time.   My youngest is 20 and wears hoodies when it's 90 degrees out and refuses to wear jeans. He lives in sweatpants and has one pair of  khakis for anytime he has to dress up.   I live in jeans and, it makes me nuts, but I make my girly glittery girl mom insane with my lack of caring over dress.  What goes around comes around.   

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16 hours ago, Meggo said:


I will comment if I think the clothes might be too warm/not warm enough - but other than that - rock those santa claus socks with your green pants and yellow tshirt! 


Same! We live in the Northeastern US so in the fall and spring dressing is seriously hard. This morning it was roughly 45 degrees but it is supposed to be mid 70s by the afternoon so I usually just make a compromise. My daughter loves sun dresses and skirts and once it warms up she wants to wear them everyday so I make her put a hoodie on in the morning that she can take off easily at daycare when it warms up in the afternoon. 

My son is almost 6. He will ask me what the temp will be and ask if he can wear shorts, short sleeves, needs a jacket but otherwise he picks out his own clothing. 

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I have a 6 year old boy (and the steel knee caps in pants is a real necessity!!). To combat weather issues wtih him choosing his own clothes, I just make sure he mostly only has weather appropriate stuff in his dresser to grab (he usually goes for whats on top). The only challenges are in the spring and fall when the weather is less consistent. 


My daughter (now 10) used to be so girly with her clothes, skirts EVERY DAY, now, nope, never wears them unless it's an event (wedding, etc). Times change!

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My nephew picks his own clothes too. He almost always wears shorts no matter how cold it is. He loves his shorts. Shirts its always hockey, anything military or neon colors. His parents love when he picks the neon colors because its easy to pick him out in a crowd when they go somewhere. 

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On 5/23/2019 at 5:06 AM, Iamtheway said:

Yesterday while shopping I thought I found a really cool t-shirt that Miniway would love. Turns out it was a dress, really simple t-shirt dress with pockets. I bought it anyway because it’s awesome and he has a dress that he sometimes wants to wear, I also figured I could shorten it if he wanted me too. He loved it. 

We also went together to get some new pants (5-year olds should have steel caps on their knees) and he chose black tights with gold pineapples from the girl’s section. So today he is sporting those black tights with his yellow dress with tigers and a gold glittery jacket. I think I’ve said it before but he really is my fashion role model. 

I'll never forget my daughter's little friend. He was wearing a dress and someone pointed it out and he was silence for a second before yelling out. 


and ran off to pee on the house.

It. was. hilarious. 

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On 5/23/2019 at 12:31 PM, JordynDarby5 said:

My nephew picks his own clothes too. He almost always wears shorts no matter how cold it is. He loves his shorts. Shirts its always hockey, anything military or neon colors. His parents love when he picks the neon colors because its easy to pick him out in a crowd when they go somewhere. 

My nephew took it literally when my sister told him he had to wear clothes that match, now he almost always insists his shirts and shorts/pants are the same color.  He LOVES neon too, he wears neon orange, yellow and green.  I tell him he looks like a highlighter. 

My son hated anything with stripes, collars or buttons. When he was little he would flip his shit if I put a collard or striped shirt, Once a put on a striped collard shirt, I thought he was going to burn the house down, he was only 2 and damn was HE PISSED!  He wasn't talking much at that age, so needless to say we never found out WHY. He's 21 now and still hates stripes and says he has no idea why. :confusion-shrug: :pb_lol:

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My grandson used to have regular screaming melt-downs when the seasons changed.  When he needed to go from long pants to shorts, he would walk around screaming, for days, while trying to pull the short legs down.  Reverse season, several screaming days while trying to pull the long legs of his pants up.  My daughter would call me and say "guess what" and there would be screaming in the background.  I don't remember when he finally outgrew it, but it lasted a few years.  He's 23 now, so it's been a while.

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