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Lori Alexander 68: June Gloom Has Arrived

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Ah, that fresh thread smell.  I'll start this one off by sharing a comment from a dude, for a dude who mentioned MGTOW.  It's refreshing reading, relative to what we usually see in one of Lori's FB posts!  Still ridiculous and sexist, but not exclusively pointing fingers at the opposite sex!



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For our new thread, I must turn over a new leaf. I must come clean, so I can be transformed.

I checked the label on my butter again, and realized I had posted in error -- it was $18/lb, not $19.

Lori Alexander, however, remains a monster.


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Discovering MGTOW and RedPill made me deeply depressed for a good solid weekend. I could not believe the way they talked about women, especially as we age, as if we’re invaluable and disposable. They humiliate women and discuss our value only in how “fuckable” we are and when they believe we no longer are. They truly hate us with a vile passion.

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9 minutes ago, luv2laugh said:

Discovering MGTOW and RedPill made me deeply depressed for a good solid weekend. I could not believe the way they talked about women, especially as we age, as if we’re invaluable and disposable. They humiliate women and discuss our value only in how “fuckable” we are and when they believe we no longer are. They truly hate us with a vile passion.

And they all have the same photos on their FB pages - selfies trying to show off muscles. It makes me laugh every time.

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11 minutes ago, luv2laugh said:

Discovering MGTOW and RedPill made me deeply depressed for a good solid weekend. I could not believe the way they talked about women, especially as we age, as if we’re invaluable and disposable. They humiliate women and discuss our value only in how “fuckable” we are and when they believe we no longer are. They truly hate us with a vile passion.

It made me depressed too. Even worse, it made me worried about the world my teenage daughters were entering. Would they meet monsters like the MRA crowd? Would they get approached by disgusting guys who would try to use “game” on them and see them as a valuable “commodity” because of their youth?  It’s a scary world out there.

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Someone in one of the threads on Lori's page stated that these men seriously overestimate their sexual market value and while I refuse to devalue someone by discussing sexual market value the sentiment is true. Even when I was a complementarian young woman with dreamed of finding a husband so that he can be the spiritual leader of the home, I wouldn't have touched any of these men with a ten foot pole let alone go near them for ten minutes and some lube. Even when I was a pick me girl who put down other women to seem cool I wouldn't accept them. 

They're full of themselves yet have such a fragile ego. If men need to be leaders in order to feel good about themselves then they shouldn't be leaders. Leadership roles aren't in place for you to get your rocks off, they're in place to be helpful and directive. 

Heres to wine and vibrators because it sounds so much more appealing! :wine:

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@SilverBeach, thank you for your beautiful post.  While you did hit a sore spot, there's no way you could know the story of my life.  You said 


 Your husband is really following Christ. It may also help to follow your husband's example, just start with a simple hello, how are you?

This is one of the things that attracted me to him, but it has turned out to be a lot more challenging than I thought it would.  Our relationship (hubby and me) is complicated, but he definitely leads, without making an effort, when it comes to having compassion and showing Christ's love to the unseen in society.

You are very right about this:


I find it helps if, when I am around the least of these as Jesus put it, to see Jesus in their faces and understand that love is not optional, it is a form of worship and is one of the two great commandments.  It's so easy to love the good looking, well dressed members of your congregation.  Takes no spiritual muscle at all.

Loving others comes only after loving God, and if we love God, we love others. I know I need that kind of love to flow from me directly from God. This has been a topic that has been weighing a lot on my mind (hence my post, I guess), since I see such a lack of pure love in the Church, even a very loving church like ours.  We'll hold a meal to raise funds for our "official" missionaries who are working in foreign countries, yet the hungry who walk into the dining hall and eat at the tables with us are just barely tolerated.  

So, anyway, thanks for your kind words and the good advice. 

@livinglongerthanyou, thank you for your kind words as well.  I really wish we were more honest about what holds us back in the Church. I'm sure there are many others, like myself, who struggle with the same feelings of desire to love but are full of fear. Of what? I don't know.  Thanks for the advice. I'm taking a break from teaching Sunday School for a few weeks over the Summer holidays so I'll try out what you suggested, see what happens.  

You both had me thinking again about the passage on true fasting in the book of Isaiah chapter 58

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22 minutes ago, Sarah92 said:

Someone in one of the threads on Lori's page stated that these men seriously overestimate their sexual market value and while I refuse to devalue someone by discussing sexual market value the sentiment is true. Even when I was a complementarian young woman with dreamed of finding a husband so that he can be the spiritual leader of the home, I wouldn't have touched any of these men with a ten foot pole let alone go near them for ten minutes and some lube. Even when I was a pick me girl who put down other women to seem cool I wouldn't accept them. 

They're full of themselves yet have such a fragile ego. If men need to be leaders in order to feel good about themselves then they shouldn't be leaders. Leadership roles aren't in place for you to get your rocks off, they're in place to be helpful and directive. 

Heres to wine and vibrators because it sounds so much more appealing! :wine:

In their entitlement they don't see that their so called sexual market value isn't tied to their looks or jobs, but rather to their ugly personality. They see themselves as god's gift to mankind and no woman out there, no matter how meek and submissive, will fill their expectations. And they not only want to lead, they want to be worshipped, everything less their bloated ego can't take.

With all the vibrators here, maybe we all pool together and buy the new batteries in bulk? Saves money for more wine. I'm now off to the kitchen to make strawberry punch for my best friends birthday today. The recipe: Cut up 2 lb of fresh strawberries, mix them with a tablespoon of sugar and let it sit overnight in the fridge, to get some juice. Add a bottle of white wine the next morning and put it back into the fridge for a few hours. When it's time to serve, add a bottle of prosecco into it and enjoy.

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Some very pointed and refreshing comments from a woman on the "femininity" thread on Facebook:


Austin Corleone If our duty as Christians is to share the gospel in love, for the glory of God so that ALL may know Him...how do you think you’re doing with that?



David Eifert Jean sounds like a young woman who openly admits she doesn’t know Jesus. When He walked the earth, His judgement was harshest for those who said they knew God and had no compassion for God’s people. Just some food for thought my brother.

Lori is allowing some terrible conversations to go on on Facebook. After reading some of her male followers' comments,  I don't know how Christian women are still following her and commenting on her posts.  The vileness is getting harder and harder to hide. 

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@onemama when you’re taught that women are always wrong and men are always right you’ll just go with it. Lori teaches women to not openly rebuke men. Lori’s female followers are taught to not question. So if a vile man comments and Lori allows it it must be okay. 

It sucks that they don’t see the truth. Some eventually do but others take their place. 

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Over the years, I’ve noticed A TON of turnover in members, especially among the popular posters in Lori’s “Super Secret” Chat Group. Are some of them sick of her BS or becoming enlightened?

Also, I noticed Lori shut down a post because she disagreed with one of the said popular members. It’s amazing how quick Lori is to dump on one of her fan girls but I guess that’s what narcissists do.

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Before it gets deleted. This was on the women who talk bad about Lori post. 


women have more value then being a doormat. Most men like women who stand up for themselves. 

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Today Lori says 'If we live a life of lowliness, we will not be arguing and contentious with our husbands or others because when we do this, we do it from a spirit of pride (exalting ourselves over them).'  By thy words thou shalt be condemned, Lori. By your own contentious, pride-filled, stupid words. 

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7 minutes ago, delphinium65 said:

Today Lori says 'If we live a life of lowliness, we will not be arguing and contentious with our husbands or others because when we do this, we do it from a spirit of pride (exalting ourselves over them).'  By thy words thou shalt be condemned, Lori. By your own contentious, pride-filled, stupid words. 

If she had any less self-reflection, I'd be asking if she was a vampire LOL

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8 hours ago, Hisey said:

It made me depressed too. Even worse, it made me worried about the world my teenage daughters were entering. Would they meet monsters like the MRA crowd? Would they get approached by disgusting guys who would try to use “game” on them and see them as a valuable “commodity” because of their youth?  It’s a scary world out there.


8 hours ago, luv2laugh said:

Discovering MGTOW and RedPill made me deeply depressed for a good solid weekend. I could not believe the way they talked about women, especially as we age, as if we’re invaluable and disposable. They humiliate women and discuss our value only in how “fuckable” we are and when they believe we no longer are. They truly hate us with a vile passion.

Hopefully this will make you guys feel better. My career is in the "online" world, and one of the truisms that my colleagues and I always try to keep in the back of our mind, is that alot of the negative stuff you see online can make it seem like it is coming from a far larger percentage of the population than it really is. In this case the population of men. Especially when you spend alot of your time reading it, it can really suck you into a vortex and make you feel like it's everywhere.  But it's because, to quote Good Omens  "you can't see America if you are in Times Square."  The men who treat women normally, and who love and respect women just aren't dedicating online forums and spending time posting about  how much they love treating women normally.  So I think it can seem really skewed.  Not to say you shouldn't be aware that some men are into the dangerous rhetoric, it can affect the real world, i.e. Elliot Rodger. And we should combat it.  But I really don't think it's as "everywhere" as it seems online.   

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Contrary to Lori’s belief, some men actually prefer the woman to lead and make the majority of decisions. In my case, my husband and I are like this.

He prefers me to decide what we’re doing, where we’re going, what we should eat, and decide what to do in more complicated situations. He asks for my opinion frequently and I also ask for his help and his opinion frequently. We’re equals.

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11 hours ago, luv2laugh said:

Discovering MGTOW and RedPill made me deeply depressed for a good solid weekend. I could not believe the way they talked about women, especially as we age, as if we’re invaluable and disposable. They humiliate women and discuss our value only in how “fuckable” we are and when they believe we no longer are. They truly hate us with a vile passion.

I fell down the MGTOW rabbit hole a long while back....it made me want to wrap my daughter in bubble wrap and keep her in the closet.  I swear those guys scare the living hell out of me.  I have always worried about her because we live in a college town and frat boys can be flat out assholes...but add these clowns to the mix??  Yeah, I've learned to stay off the website and away from the Reddit threads.  Thankfully she and her friends are fabulous and they look out for each other, but I still worry from time to time.

ETA:  am I the only one who never heard of "sexual market value" until Lori/MGTOW/MRA's?  I literally never heard it or anything like it.  I didn't know such a rating system existed....

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I have a wonderful summer weekend (pool party for my daughter who just graduated 8th grade from "evil" CAtholic school) lots of time outside, cooked outside for dinner last night -- a fun, relaxing weekend all around .....avoiding Lori's nonsense the whole time.


I come back today and now I want to punch someone.  Probably Ali Ch...LOL

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I love this response to a Lori post...

Marie Kondo asks, does this human spark joy? Alas, no. Into the pit they go.

Lori sparks no joy in anyone except the vile men who thrive on hateful insults to women.  What really chaps me is they hide behind fake profiles and spew their venom.  Grow a pair of balls and use your real name if you want to show how manly you are.  

Ken, if you are reading here, realize this is what your wife's little pastime has evolved into.  It's not a ministry or teaching, it's a giant hatefest with her as the gang leader.  But I'm sure you don't care because her focus on her fanboys keeps her snipey self out of your hair.  

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6 minutes ago, Koala said:

Is it me, or are all of Ali's comments gone?

I think Ali is now Char Al.  I wondered the same thing but when I read that persons comments they seemed to line up and the profile is almost the same as Ali Ch.

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4 minutes ago, Imrlgoddess said:

I think Ali is now Char Al.  I wondered the same thing but when I read that persons comments they seemed to line up and the profile is almost the same as Ali Ch.

I can't see that person either.  I see several comments where people are responding to Ali, but her comments are gone.  

I would say she had blocked me, but I have one account, and I have never responded to Lori in any way whatsoever from it.  Super weird. 





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11 minutes ago, Koala said:

I can't see that person either.  I see several comments where people are responding to Ali, but her comments are gone.  

I would say she had blocked me, but I have one account, and I have never responded to Lori in any way whatsoever from it.  Super weird. 


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I see what you're saying, I see the same feed you have here.  It is odd...although I've had this happen on other "open" pages like this one.  Ones that I'm certain I've not even mistakenly hit the like button on any post or comment.  I saw in one of the long exchanges that someone called out Ali Ch for disagreeing with the post, but then not....it's weird.  And like you, I can't see the Ali Ch comment.  Maybe she finally went rogue and Lori banned her.  I do suspect tho, the Char Al person is the same character.  




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