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Question for Megachurches & Missionaries


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I thought Rep. Castro (D-TX) makes an absolutely brilliant point with his tweet.  

"Activist" churches and celebrity pastors want to get all up in our faces about how Christians in the US are persecuted, but they sure as hell are not using their influential voices to stand up for the truly persecuted. 

And here ya go, celebrity pastors!  Pete Buttigieg has even provided a useful Bible verse to guide you. 

*hmmm, just as I thought.  Crickets from celebrity pastors. 

Joel? Joel Osteen?  Hmmm, maybe Joel's prosperity gospel church is busy going all out to help those suffering from the hurricane coming ashore in Louisiana, just across the Gulf of Mexico from Houston.  After all, he has experience helping victims of Hurricane Harvey during massive flooding in his own city.  Oh....Joel kept the doors to the church locked during that disaster?  Oh, OK. Never mind. 

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Given that these same celebrity Christians were and still are totally on board with the “regime changes” in Latin America that have created the refugee crisis in the first place, don’t expect them to lift a finger to help or even reconsider their positions.


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Not to mention supportive of vile legislation criminalizing LBGT in Africa. 

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Silly, @Howl!  They're not going to listen to Pete Buttigieg.  Not really a Christian if he's gay.  A real Christian is someone like Mike Pence.  (heavy sarcasm here) 

Most of the Church has lost its damn minds.  That includes my husband and one daughter.  I overheard a bit of their conversation not the 4th about immigrants and I was sickened.  This guy is not who I married nor was my daughter raised like this.


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11 hours ago, PennySycamore said:

Most of the Church has lost its damn minds.  That includes my husband and one daughter.  I overheard a bit of their conversation not the 4th about immigrants and I was sickened.  This guy is not who I married nor was my daughter raised like this.

Hugs, @PennySycamore.  This has to be tough. 

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@PennySycamore I am sorry to hear this.   It has to be very hard to see that change in them.  

On 7/14/2019 at 8:02 AM, Howl said:

"Activist" churches and celebrity pastors want to get all up in our faces about how Christians in the US are persecuted, but they sure as hell are not using their influential voices to stand up for the truly persecuted. 

Seeing churches repeatedly backing up stuff like this is why Mr. No will not having anything to do with any church.  He is very anti-war having having grown up in the Vietnam era and saw what it did to both soldiers and civilians.  When the church he grew up in backed the Iraq war as a "just" war, he was done.  And though he is not Catholic, he is absolutely disgusted with the ongoing abuse scandals.   He still believes in the teachings of Jesus, just not in any way interested in attending and supporting any church.  

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