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Lori Alexander 69: cold, angry, mean and racist


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I am still speechless over the dude who said he'd just slap his wife.  It's bad enough he would think that way (and probably actually do it), but to boast about it publically....

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11 hours ago, thoughtful said:

"doesn't have the sense that God gave lettuce"

  I say doesn't have the sense God gave a turtle. Don't ask me why.

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i love when Lori gets called out on her shit. This person is right. Lori isn’t supposed to be teaching men but she is. She is teaching them what to expect from their wives instead of teaching wives what to expect from their husbands. She teaches men it is okay to abuse women. 



Liam is right. If it’s the women’s job to have kids then it is also her job to raise them. No one should have to help her aside from her husband. Some women have “careers” or work to take care of their kids and family. 

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When I saw that Janelle lady talk about how women should come to help her talk care of her ten kids I was blown away. Why? Why should they help you, when you and your husband produced those crotch goblins (unless they're adopted). Even if they were adopted, that is a responsibility that you and your husband took on. Liam and Amanda have a point. Don't have what you can't talk care or and don't attempt to make others do it for you. Heck, I refuse to even get a fish because I don't think I'm in a place where I can give it the level of care I think an animal deserves. Is she gonna pay these women to babysit or expect then to do it for free?

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7 minutes ago, Sarah92 said:

When I saw that Janelle lady talk about how women should come to help her talk care of her ten kids I was blown away. Why? Why should they help you, when you and your husband produced those crotch goblins (unless they're adopted). Even if they were adopted, that is a responsibility that you and your husband took on. Liam and Amanda have a point. Don't have what you can't talk care or and don't attempt to make others do it for you. Heck, I refuse to even get a fish because I don't think I'm in a place where I can give it the level of care I think an animal deserves. Is she gonna pay these women to babysit or expect then to do it for free?

Free of course. That’s what women who don’t have kids are supposed to do. 

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2 hours ago, Sarah92 said:

When I saw that Janelle lady talk about how women should come to help her talk care of her ten kids I was blown away. Why? Why should they help you, when you and your husband produced those crotch goblins (unless they're adopted). Even if they were adopted, that is a responsibility that you and your husband took on. Liam and Amanda have a point. Don't have what you can't talk care or and don't attempt to make others do it for you. Heck, I refuse to even get a fish because I don't think I'm in a place where I can give it the level of care I think an animal deserves. Is she gonna pay these women to babysit or expect then to do it for free?

My thought was, what is she helping the other women with? Does she cook/clean for them while they watch her children? Does she watch their children/pets/grandkids the next day? She doesn't? Why does she deserve a break and the other women don't? Who's the truly selfish one here?

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On 7/18/2019 at 11:09 PM, Alisamer said:

Agreed, 100%. 

It's probably hard for Ken to recognize gradual changes, since he sees her every day - and probably most of their conversations consist of him focusing on something else while saying "yes dear" and "oh, really?" at appropriate intervals while she rants about whatever. But he needs to take a clearer look, or invite a friend they've not seen i n a year or so over to visit and ask their opinion afterward, or just look at an old video compared to a recent one. Something is very, very wrong with her. It needs to be caught before she starts forgetting people, getting lost, or leaving the oven on.

I think Lori is horrible and mean, and I'd love for her to get off the internet and shut up. But I also think she needs medical attention, and soon. As awful as she is, I still wouldn't want her to suffer or die early of something that could be helped!

I wonder if this decline is a symptom of illness or just of the life she leads. I have seen this sort of decline in people when their degree of physical or mental activity went down. For example, for my grandma and great grandmas, once they were not able to do work around the house and keep active due to either illness or age, there was an obvious decline in general awareness and physical/mental capacity (more that explainable by their already existing illnesses or age).

After all, what does Lori do all day? She doesn't like leaving the house, so she is probably not interacting with a lot of real-life people or doing different kinds of outside activities. She is on the internet all day, so she isn't probably doing much around the house either. Even when she watches the grandkids she is probably not running around after them, or doing anything interesting with them since she thinks they need to obey and doing any activities with them would cut into her internet time. She cooks the same meals day after day, so she's not looking for new recipes/ trying different things. She is always reading and writing about the same things on the same topics, there's nothing to mentally challenge her and make her put her brain to use.  To be honest, I am surprised that she even knows what day of the week it is since her daily activities seem to be mostly the same day to day.

I am not saying that this has to be the reason for her decline, but it may be a factor. 

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104692850_Icalltrollonthis.JPG.c413535f97cbffa80157bbc30006ded3.JPGI call troll on this one.  Of course, Lori's answer is that the son should go to college and the daughter, not.



NO ALWAYS MEANS NO.   It is really sad to see how these people think.  

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14 hours ago, Free Jana Duggar said:

I am still speechless over the dude who said he'd just slap his wife.  It's bad enough he would think that way (and probably actually do it), but to boast about it publically....

Why do these men think they can just use physical force against their wives? They're bullies. I'd love for one of these jerks to get what's coming to them, that is a wife who just hauls off and hits him with a nice right hook. 

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Lori going on and on about Jesus Calling again. How is this level of immaturity helpful? Note the use of scripture in the devotion? You can go back and read those passages. Then again a big problem they seem to have with it is the Revelation like aspect to it. It appears Lori is a cessationalist which I personally find to be an unbiblical position given what scripture says. But this is a classic case of Lori getting upset over nothing. 


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lori what you do is blaspheme the word of god. You add things and take things away. You “believe” that mothers shouldn’t work and stay home with their kids even though the Bible never says that. You refuse to understand, or believe, that Paul’s letters were to specific groups of people not the entire body of Christ. You put Paul’s words of jesus’s. Jesus the son of god. You allow men who are supposed to be Christians call women whores and abuse their wives. It’s okay because it’s not happening to you. You say you don’t teach men, something your lord and savior Paul said not to do, but you do it anyways.

the Bible was written by men who were spoken to by god. God didn’t hand write the book himself then hand it down to someone like he did with the Ten Commandments. I haven’t read Jesus calling. I assume that she has written down what god has laid upon her heart like the men of the Bible did. By the way Lori, or @Ken, since we know you read here, the Bible was edited by men. The early church picked and chose what books to include. What stories to add, and what to take away. 

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What?  Oh, hell no!  Huh? Oh, okay.  That's how I feel about Lori taking Sarah Young to task.  Her logic once again crumbles.  We are not to read books by women, yet women are supposed to read Lori's books, blog, FB, Twitter, IG, etc.  Often her doodles are not scripturally supported, as exemplified by her doodle today.  There are zero Biblical references on this doodle.  It's strictly an opinion piece.  She hasn't heard from God for so long (if ever) because of her hard heart that if he bopped her upside the head she wouldn't recognize it.  


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Sometimes I can't understand what Lori is even talking about unless I listen to it or read it secondhand.  Not that last note, more her way of rambling.  Other times she's very blunt.  That's humans in general, but with her it's to a worrisome point I can't explain.

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7 hours ago, Lgirlrocks said:


lori what you do is blaspheme the word of god. You add things and take things away. You “believe” that mothers shouldn’t work and stay home with their kids even though the Bible never says that. You refuse to understand, or believe, that Paul’s letters were to specific groups of people not the entire body of Christ. You put Paul’s words of jesus’s. Jesus the son of god. You allow men who are supposed to be Christians call women whores and abuse their wives. It’s okay because it’s not happening to you. You say you don’t teach men, something your lord and savior Paul said not to do, but you do it anyways.

the Bible was written by men who were spoken to by god. God didn’t hand write the book himself then hand it down to someone like he did with the Ten Commandments. I haven’t read Jesus calling. I assume that she has written down what god has laid upon her heart like the men of the Bible did. By the way Lori, or @Ken, since we know you read here, the Bible was edited by men. The early church picked and chose what books to include. What stories to add, and what to take away. 

Wasn't Ken telling everyone a few days ago what the Bible should have said? Ken, you in grave danger, boy! Too bad Lori just has to let him go to hell for it because she doesn't teach men, don't you know? The good part is he's probably well equipped to deal with hell after being married to her.

I always wonder how they explain the fact that so much of the biblical writing was left out of the official Bible. Weren't those books just as divinely inspired? 

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1 hour ago, Cora Persephona said:

Wasn't Ken telling everyone a few days ago what the Bible should have said? Ken, you in grave danger, boy! Too bad Lori just has to let him go to hell for it because she doesn't teach men, don't you know? The good part is he's probably well equipped to deal with hell after being married to her.

I always wonder how they explain the fact that so much of the biblical writing was left out of the official Bible. Weren't those books just as divinely inspired? 

Yes and yes. People have done a lot of crazy shit in the name of god. For some reason those books were chosen. The best explanation I’ve ever been given for the purpose of the Bible is a way to get to know god. It’s not a list of rules and regulations. God did give us a set of rule, the Ten Commandments. Lori has forgotten all about those. Those are the only commandments we are to live by. Jesus said to follow the first two and the rest will follow. Without Lori’s Titus 2 crap she would have no platform. If Lori actually taught women how to be keepers of the home, how to home school and where to find resources, how to be a good wife and mother, and how to live off of one income she would reach more people and have a better platform. All she wants to do is spew hate and justify being lazy. She can’t actually teach Titus 2 because she has never lived it. She couldn’t help anyone with home schooling because she herself didn’t do it. And no having your kids read for several hours a day isn’t home schooling. It takes a lot to home school and it can be costly. 

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On 7/19/2019 at 6:29 AM, livinglongerthanyou said:

Here is something from Trey. He is an ardent Lori supporter and she adores him as well. She has featured some of his writings in her various blogs. There was some speculation that Trey may have been Ken, but that was proven false. My understanding is that they do live close to each other. These are the people Lori and Ken hang with. 

Trigger warning: This describes and advocates for the sexual abuse of a wife by her husband. 


Ken calls Trey a "godly man".  None of what I read in that post is godly. 

On 7/19/2019 at 3:52 PM, Loveday said:

A public rebuke requires you to actually go to the person's FB page or other social media, and 'rebuke' them there, on their own turf. Where they will see it for themselves. Josh Harris isn't going to see your post; I seriously doubt his wife will see it, either. And while there may be Biblical precedent for rebuke, shouldn't that be done by Christians they know? People in their own church? Their pastor, the elders? What good does a rebuke from a complete stranger on the internet do?

You are gossiping, plain and simple, and you're enjoying the hell out of it.

Lori takes great joy in her gossipping. I truly wish the women who still look to her for wisdom and encouragement would see who she really is. 

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10 hours ago, wallysmommy said:

What?  Oh, hell no!  Huh? Oh, okay.  That's how I feel about Lori taking Sarah Young to task.  Her logic once again crumbles.  We are not to read books by women, yet women are supposed to read Lori's books, blog, FB, Twitter, IG, etc.  Often her doodles are not scripturally supported, as exemplified by her doodle today.  There are zero Biblical references on this doodle.  It's strictly an opinion piece.  She hasn't heard from God for so long (if ever) because of her hard heart that if he bopped her upside the head she wouldn't recognize it.  


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Yeah, I can actually seeing Lori do this.  "How do you feel about this?  No, you are wrong and bad and hate God because of those feelings!  Do you want to hate God and His Perfect Ways?  Do you?  I said DO YOU?  I didn't think so.  Now, where is my leather strap - go get my purse.  I carry it in there. I'm going to teach you how you really feel!  I'll teach you to think Godly if its the last thing I do!"     Yeah, heard variations on this growing up.  How dare children have feelings!  Especially the wrong ones!   It's always real fun to be quizzed knowing you are going to be wrong and probably get beat for it.  Praise God and his perfect ways!  

 Adding - what this does is not teach kids to be led by truth, but it teaches them to be excellent liars.   

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33 minutes ago, SweetLaurel said:

Yeah, I can actually seeing Lori do this.  "How do you feel about this?  No, you are wrong and bad and hate God because of those feelings!  Do you want to hate God and His Perfect Ways?  Do you?  I said DO YOU?  I didn't think so.  Now, where is my leather strap - go get my purse.  I carry it in there. I'm going to teach you how you really feel!  I'll teach you to think Godly if its the last thing I do!"     Yeah, heard variations on this growing up.  How dare children have feelings!  Especially the wrong ones!   It's always real fun to be quizzed knowing you are going to be wrong and probably get beat for it.  Praise God and his perfect ways!  

 Adding - what this does is not teach kids to be led by truth, but it teaches them to be excellent liars.   

It’s the same with dogs.* when you beat dogs when they do something wrong it doesn’t teach them it’s wrong it teaches them to be sneaky. Kids don’t learn from being hit. I watched my brother get spanked time and time again for the same shit. They learned to be sneakier. Didn’t always work. 

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12 hours ago, wallysmommy said:

What?  Oh, hell no!  Huh? Oh, okay.  That's how I feel about Lori taking Sarah Young to task.  Her logic once again crumbles.  We are not to read books by women, yet women are supposed to read Lori's books, blog, FB, Twitter, IG, etc.  Often her doodles are not scripturally supported, as exemplified by her doodle today.  There are zero Biblical references on this doodle.  It's strictly an opinion piece.  She hasn't heard from God for so long (if ever) because of her hard heart that if he bopped her upside the head she wouldn't recognize it.  


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Oh my god, this is so insidious.

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6 hours ago, Lgirlrocks said:

It’s the same with dogs.* when you beat dogs when they do something wrong it doesn’t teach them it’s wrong it teaches them to be sneaky. Kids don’t learn from being hit. I watched my brother get spanked time and time again for the same shit. They learned to be sneakier.

Absolutely. And I've learned to even avoid the word "sneaky" and guide students and parents away from it.

If a dog is creeping out of a "stay," eyeing the human, stopping when they know they are being watched, it's easy for humans to see sneakiness. I like to think of it more like a driver trying to make a left turn from a side street with bad visibility -- it's really about checking to find out if it's safe. Sometimes they are testing the parameters, but I see even that as information-gathering, not defiance.

Little kids are like this -- the 2-year-old who has been asked not to touch something, and is alternately eyeing you and reaching out for it, either really wants that thing, or is gathering information about that rule, like a little scientist.

Kids grow more complex, of course, but the "common sense" part of behaviorism still applies; figure out how to get what you want, or at least get through a day, without getting hurt. For some kids, that means "follow the rules," for some, especially if there is something they really want or need and are being denied (the Anderson kids and food, the Rod kids and attention, etc.), it can mean "bypass the rules without getting beaten" or "be funny/charming and mock-mischievous."

Pretty logical, really - it's a shame they have to deploy all kinds of tactics to survive their own parents.

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I got to thinking, perhaps Trey is a very "godly" man after all. His god is very small, it dangles between his legs and has one squinty eye.  He lives in perpetual submission to that little god and will do anything to keep it happy.

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12 hours ago, SweetLaurel said:

Yeah, I can actually seeing Lori do this.  "How do you feel about this?  No, you are wrong and bad and hate God because of those feelings!  Do you want to hate God and His Perfect Ways?  Do you?  I said DO YOU?  I didn't think so.  Now, where is my leather strap - go get my purse.  I carry it in there. I'm going to teach you how you really feel!  I'll teach you to think Godly if its the last thing I do!"     Yeah, heard variations on this growing up.  How dare children have feelings!  Especially the wrong ones!   It's always real fun to be quizzed knowing you are going to be wrong and probably get beat for it.  Praise God and his perfect ways!  

 Adding - what this does is not teach kids to be led by truth, but it teaches them to be excellent liars.   

Lori has referred to Ken working on their kids' wrong thinking on several occasions and it always, always raised a huge red flag for me.


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The comments under Lori’s no abuse rant are horrible. Someone posted the domestic abuse hotline. I got a snap Incase it gets deleted. You can tell Lori is trying to go viral because she isn’t deleting anything. The spoiler below is a women’s story of marrying a man who claimed to be Christian and turned out to be an abuser. *rape warning as well*



People tend to forget that women were property in the Bible. Bought/sold to the highest bidder. I’ve joked with my mom about my bf having to buy her a goat and some chickens before he can marry me. Lori would have no platform if it wasn’t for evil feminist. 



The Bible isn’t 100 percent relevant today. We no longer, in Christian nations, stone children for not listening.  Deuteronomy 21:18-21 


18 If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:

19 Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;

20 And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard.

21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

Jesus said we can eat anything as long as it is clean and blessed. The list goes on. 

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I can't help but feel that those who deny abuse as a reason for divorce are either abusive individuals or complicit in encouraging abuse. Although many of the men who hate divorce on her page are the same ones who are constantly rude to women. These people are toxic. But then again if Lori actually recognized abuse she'd have to feel convicted of her treatment of her husband and he did have a right to leave her so shes going to down play everything. 

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