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Weird Internet Binges You’ve Been On


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I’ve found the Mondragon Chiropractic videos on YouTube. It helps when I’m in between adjustments. 

I had one yesterday and am supposed to have another one next week. The pain is better now that I’ve gotten in to see a chiro but when I have flare ups these help me relax. 

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On 2/2/2021 at 9:06 AM, Howl said:

Sovereign Citizens can range from wacky wingnut to the truly homicidal. 

When I lived in SW corner of Colorado many years ago (25+), one Sovereign Citizen decided that not getting a septic permit/completion inspection from the county was THE hill they would die on.  

There was also the truly bizarre incident in  SW Colorado at the end of May 1998, when three guys stole a parked water truck near Durango, headed west, killed a police officer outside Cortez, and continued west through McElmo Canyon.  IIRC, one of the three left the group near Hovenweep National Monument and probably died not long after.  A second person set up a sniper's nest just outside Bluff, Utah and shot, but did not kill, a policeman.  The remains of the third man were found many years later. 

I found this all absolutely fascinating because I worked in the area between Cortez, CO and Bluff, Utah for many years, so the landmarks were all very familiar.  It's rugged, rugged canyon and mesa country. 

This all spawned one of the biggest (and least coordinated) manhunts in the history of the West and resulted in two books:  

Dead Run: The Murder of a Lawman and the Greatest Manhunt in the History of the West 

FBI Diary: Home Grown Terror 

If interested, I'd suggest reading the books in the order listed above. 

There is no evidence of what the ultimate motive was for these three. Some suggested that the water truck was stolen to ultimately create a fertilizer bomb, similar to that devised by Timothy McVeigh, to possibly blow up Glen Canyon Dam, but no one really knows.

I still watch videos of sovereign citizens along with court videos in case being on either side in a courtroom is in my future.  I watch some.  And also videos of body cam footage.  Not from the bodycam or court channels directly but I subscribe to people who are decent enough they recognize a lot of people are in the middle of mental health crises, that if it's clear someone is in the midst of a crisis and not just being an asshole it's time to cut away.  Law Talk With Mike recently had a stream of someone who may have been suicidal and instead of blowing him off she cancelled court for everyone else and just kept him and his attorney on.  They didn't talk about business - she was at the point where just keeping the guy talking and in front of the camera was way more important for over two hours until police could arrive and take him into custody.

And of course I've fallen into the 1A "auditor" rabbit hole where losers go out to public or private facilities, harass employees, and then claim their 1A rights were violated when action is taken against them.

I saw a video today that was really creepy of a video from an "auditor" down in the Cedar Rapids area.   It would not surprise me if he was on a registry somewhere.  He was going into government buildings and was being a complete incel.  One was him going into a building and the female employees saw him coming in so they shut the blinds on their windows and refused to open the blinds and identify themselves to this creep.  The cops eventually showed up and hauled his ass away.  Pisses me off it took so goddamn long for the cops to tell this guy to fuck off and then arrest him.  Had I been the employees manager I'd be having an appointment with the chief of police and the subject at hand would be how the police failed to protect my employees.  And reaffirm to them they don't have to play nice with these douchebags.  (I saw later that he had to face some consequences for his actions.  Of course my idea of consequences for incels like this are years locked up in Fort Madison).   

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Some good news about the guy who seemed to be suicidal.

He appeared in court yesterday and was doing much better after some treatment and medication. Hopefully he gets more but this is a good sign. 

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  • 2 months later...

And now over the past few days I've gone down the sports ejection rabbit holes.  Including classics like this which included plenty of magic and special words.


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 I saw this thread title and my first thought was, gotta be Freejinger... why do I keep following some of these folks? Why wouldn't i follow people that I like?

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Well, sporadically browsing topics for Mormon Stories (YouTube channel/ podcast) - which I can thank/blame a combo of FJ, Jordan & McKay, and my own adventures in deconstructing, has led me to a just found older podcast involving Mormon history.  And as a history nut (history would have been my choice of degree in college were it not for my not wanting to teach and a personal need for a degree that would provide a stable job) I consider this a legitimate study of history.  


if you all would send the rescue ferrets to check on me periodically, I’d appreciate it.

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Lately, I’ve been watching reviews of the “Become Jehovah’s Friend”(aka “Caleb and Sophia”)cartoon series on Ex-JW Panda Tower’s YouTube channel.  I don’t think I’ve ever felt more sorry for fictional animated kids. 😟

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2 hours ago, smittykins said:

Lately, I’ve been watching reviews of the “Become Jehovah’s Friend”(aka “Caleb and Sophia”)cartoon series on Ex-JW Panda Tower’s YouTube channel.  I don’t think I’ve ever felt more sorry for fictional animated kids. 😟

I’ve watched some of those, also mostly in reaction videos on ex-JW channels.  The kids are supposed to inspire, but I’m mostly depressed when I think about how it must feel in real life.

My binges lately have morphed from ex-LDS to anti-MLM.  

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22 hours ago, CTRLZero said:

My binges lately have morphed from ex-LDS to anti-MLM.  

As I said earlier in this thread, I love Noble Zenon’s videos.  He has a wonderfully snarky attitude(plus I love the way he says “Hmmmmmm…”).

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11 hours ago, smittykins said:

I love Noble Zenon’s videos

Thanks for the recommendation.  I’m binge watching his anti-mlm playlist.  I love how he reads the posts, typos and all.  

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For me on YouTube it's just been more of the sovereign citizen videos and such.  Not too much other than that unless it's people at their establishments grabbing empty glasses from patrons.  I do not enjoy the bodycam/DUI arrest videos too much anymore.  I'm starting to feel like it's really kicking people when they're really down no matter what they did and the streams are more Republicans foisting their moral superiority on everyone else.  

During the day it's a lot of ATC videos.  Whether it's dealing with what ATC has to deal with on a daily basis and so on.  Also some good ASMR videos to put me to sleep.

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Lately I have been binging Jane Austen fan fiction.... Does it qualify as weird? It might make perfect sense to read stories about the same characters arguing and reconciling all over again and all over again.

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