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2020 Election Results Part 8: Lawsuits, Qualified Biden Nominees, and a Pouty Toddler


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From Biden's chief of staff:


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39 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

From Biden's chief of staff:


Why do they think big personalities are needed to drive policy exactly? Why do they think professional staff are not capable of producing and pushing good policy? 

Gah, I am so over the idea that "big personality" is a requirement for freaking anything - I DGAF if my doctor is boring as hell, as long as they know what they are doing, will listen and treat appropriately. Big personality in a politican can be good to get votes but disastrous if they're also thick as two planks.

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Oh, honey, they're not going to do a damn thing. The real question is, are you going to remain a member of a party that treats you like this?

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1 hour ago, Ozlsn said:

Why do they think big personalities are needed to drive policy exactly? Why do they think professional staff are not capable of producing and pushing good policy? 

Gah, I am so over the idea that "big personality" is a requirement for freaking anything - I DGAF if my doctor is boring as hell, as long as they know what they are doing, will listen and treat appropriately. Big personality in a politican can be good to get votes but disastrous if they're also thick as two planks.

I hate that term.  I was told I was hired because I have a 'big personality' and I'm still offended every time I think about it.

I told him during the interview that I was offended and it was explained to me the term was meant exuding confidence and not likely to be intimidated by people.  Maybe that's how they are using it.

To me it will always mean loud and obnoxious which if you knew me irl, obnoxious maybe.  But quietly obnoxious beneath a pretty aloof exterior.


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54 minutes ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

I hate that term.  I was told I was hired because I have a 'big personality' and I'm still offended every time I think about it.

I told him during the interview that I was offended and it was explained to me the term was meant exuding confidence and not likely to be intimidated by people.  Maybe that's how they are using it.

To me it will always mean loud and obnoxious which if you knew me irl, obnoxious maybe.  But quietly obnoxious beneath a pretty aloof exterior.

It's also something that can be very culturally determined. What is seen as confidence in an American setting can be seen as arrogance in a UK setting; conversely what is seen as professional confidence in a UK setting can be seen as not confident in a US setting. I realise this is all within the US, but even internally there are quite different cultural ways of expressing confidence/competence, and that's before you add in things like personality, underlying neurodiversity etc. 

Competence, passion and drive can be quiet I think is my tl;dr. 

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2 hours ago, Cartmann99 said:

Oh, honey, they're not going to do a damn thing. The real question is, are you going to remain a member of a party that treats you like this?

I don't disagree with him about the GOP, but really was he not paying attention these last 4 years??  Did he speak up and condemn at all when Trump regularly threw people under the bus?  He said in his OP-Ed that he and his family donated to as well as voted for Trump. Obviously he was ok with the wild mob til it came for him.

And I agree with @Cartmann99 ,will he now remain a Republican? 

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48 minutes ago, Ozlsn said:

It's also something that can be very culturally determined. What is seen as confidence in an American setting can be seen as arrogance in a UK setting; conversely what is seen as professional confidence in a UK setting can be seen as not confident in a US setting. I realise this is all within the US, but even internally there are quite different cultural ways of expressing confidence/competence, and that's before you add in things like personality, underlying neurodiversity etc. 

Competence, passion and drive can be quiet I think is my tl;dr. 

And also, sadly, what is seen as confidence in a *male* can be seen as arrogance in a *female*  grr...

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A motion to declare Diaper Don the victor of the election was filed in Pennsylvania by one of his Branch Trumpvidian groupies


I decided I needed to get more involved in the project of making fun of Rudy Giuliani and the ridiculous arguments he and his ilk have been making, even though I mostly reserve more political statements for my Twitter feed. I feel this has moved beyond the normal legal realm into the farcical legal realm, and so is therefore within my official jurisdiction.

Anyway, in furtherance of that project, I happened to be on PACER looking at the docket for the case in which Giuliani argued yesterday, mainly hoping to find a transcript of that argument. (The audio has been released, but I’m not sure it’s transcribed yet.) But I also found this remarkable document that was just filed in that case by a pro se plaintiff seeking to intervene on behalf of the Trump campaign, and I thought the public should be aware of that immediately.

Entitled “MOTION TO DECLARE DONALD J. TRUMP VICTORIOUS FOR INJUNCTIVE RELIEF BECAUSE OF CRIMES … [TO] COMBINE CASES FOR JUDICIAL EFFICIENCY AND SUMMARY JUDGEMENT,” it is pretty much incomprehensible, and I might not pick on it except that the legal arguments in it have almost exactly the same chance of succeeding as the arguments Trump’s actual lawyers are in court pretending to make.

Plaintiff spelled the defendant’s name wrong, to start with, but it gets much, much weirder than that. The motion alleges a number of conspiracies and several murders, invokes the crime-fraud exception, complains about the Affordable Care Act, appears to support Bill Cosby as well as Donald Trump, claims that one of Plaintiff’s documents mysteriously vanished “just like the white bunny HARVEY,” and in the most intriguing reference, alleges that “[t]he current election for president may be just like 2 Star Trek Episodes combined.”

And here's the legalifesto in all its glory.  I feel sorry for the judge and other court personnel who have to parse that. 

I looked on line and this is not his first go-round at the court with pro-se wackiness.

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@47of74 I tried to read it, I really did, but after the second mention of Bank robbery, which clearly is connected to the KKK and murder of people in New York, I just realised that Trump need to be president again, because there's a white bunny ?

I'm not sure if I should just laugh non stop or cry non stop.. Mixed feelings. help me?!


(i only got to page 4 and couldn't even comprehend half of it, because I feel like a lot repeats itself, also it makes NO F****** sense and also, english is not my first language. I strongly believe this is the smallest issue in this case though..)

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9 hours ago, 47of74 said:

A motion to declare Diaper Don the victor of the election was filed in Pennsylvania by one of his Branch Trumpvidian groupies

And here's the legalifesto in all its glory.  I feel sorry for the judge and other court personnel who have to parse that. 

I looked on line and this is not his first go-round at the court with pro-se wackiness.

I do hope they get fined for submitting frivolous motions and wasting the court’s   already limited time with this idiocy.


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It seems like this person could just have filed a declaration saying, "i am mentally ill", with exactly the same information content. 


Everything and the kitchen sink is a crime against his rights in his world.

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1 hour ago, SeekingAdventure said:

@47of74 I tried to read it, I really did, but after the second mention of Bank robbery, which clearly is connected to the KKK and murder of people in New York, I just realised that Trump need to be president again, because there's a white bunny ?

I'm not sure if I should just laugh non stop or cry non stop.. Mixed feelings. help me?!


(i only got to page 4 and couldn't even comprehend half of it, because I feel like a lot repeats itself, also it makes NO F****** sense and also, english is not my first language. I strongly believe this is the smallest issue in this case though..)

I would love to have turned my professors from law school loose on this guy and have them grade his legalifesto.  If I turned in something like that even on day 2 of school I would've gotten laughed out of school.  One of my early assignments in criminal procedure I got the virtual rapping of the knuckles for overusing bold typeface so he wouldn't have fared well.  Let's not even talk about his utter lack of using proper bluebook citations. (Yes, I realize this a pro se litigant but you would think he would know something about how to cite given this isn't his go-round).

I saw that according to the footer there were 322 pages total to this document.  I wonder what sort of wackiness the remaining 290 some pages would have contained.

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Has anyone read the Vanity Fair article called ""Mad King” Trump’s Post-Election Spiral Was Even More Deranged Behind Closed Doors"?

VF has notified me that I have apparently "viewed my last free article" and so I was wondering if someone had read it and could summarize.  Apparently it's about how much worse he's been in person since the election.

I have run out of free articles on various sites and none of them had as amusingly rude verbiage to let me know...I can appreciate the snark.

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2 minutes ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

Has anyone read the Vanity Fair article called ""Mad King” Trump’s Post-Election Spiral Was Even More Deranged Behind Closed Doors"?

VF has notified me that I have apparently "viewed my last free article" and so I was wondering if someone had read it and could summarize.  Apparently it's about how much worse he's been in person since the election.

I have run out of free articles on various sites and none of them had as amusingly rude verbiage to let me know...I can appreciate the snark.

You mean this one?


Donald Trump, unwilling to accept his defeat to President-elect Joe Biden, has spent the past three weeks in denial. Though his crusade to shift the outcome of the 2020 race has failed, his efforts will nevertheless leave a lasting stain on public faith in America’s elections. Publicly, he has mounted an increasingly desperate effort to reverse the election results by filing toothless, conspiracy-laden lawsuits, which judges have repeatedly tossed out of court, spreading nonstop lies about widespread voter fraud, and making false declarations of victory on social media. The president’s break with reality, according to the Washington Post, unfolded behind closed doors, too, with one close adviser comparing Trump’s post-election delusion to “Mad King George, muttering, ‘I won. I won. I won.’”

The president’s “devolution into disbelief of the results,” according to the Post, was aided by advisers willing to tell the president what he wanted to hear, as well as Trump’s readiness to believe it. When top aides presented Trump with a potential legal strategy during a meeting that occurred a few days after the election, they reportedly estimated a “5 to 10 percent chance of winning,” a virtually impossible quest Trump gave the green light to anyway. “You really have to understand Trump’s psychology,” said Anthony Scaramucci, former White House communications director. “The classic symptoms of an outsider is, there has to be a conspiracy. It’s not my shortcomings, but there’s a cabal against me.” In his search for an explanation that would reverse unfavorable returns, the already conspiracy-obsessed president became fixated on the baseless claim that machines manufactured by Dominion Voting Systems, used in Georgia and other states, had been expressly programmed to rig the election in favor of Biden. “Do you think there’s really something here? I’m hearing...” Trump would say, according to the Post.

I'm waiting for us to get to the Der Untergang bunker scene of this Presidency.  

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15 minutes ago, 47of74 said:

You mean this one?

I'm waiting for us to get to the Der Untergang bunker scene of this Presidency.  

Thanks - I was hoping someone had spilled with more details.  (Yes, I'm owning my schadenfreude.)

Any bets on who of the current administration writes the first tell all?  

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41 minutes ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

VF has notified me that I have apparently "viewed my last free article" and so I was wondering if someone had read it and could summarize.  Apparently it's about how much worse he's been in person since the election.


Go into private mode in your browser and you should be able to view it. I can't possibly afford the variety of media I consume, so alas, I must use private mode more than I'd like. 

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29 minutes ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

Thanks - I was hoping someone had spilled with more details.  (Yes, I'm owning my schadenfreude.)

Any bets on who of the current administration writes the first tell all?  

I’m thinking Kayleigh or one of the Bonespur Buttplug’s spawn spouses after they divorce said spawn.  Especially if the exes don’t get enough in the settlement. 

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22 minutes ago, Destiny said:

Go into private mode in your browser and you should be able to view it. I can't possibly afford the variety of media I consume, so alas, I must use private mode more than I'd like. 

Or even just a different browser than the one that has used up its views.

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12 hours ago, 47of74 said:

A motion to declare Diaper Don the victor of the election was filed in Pennsylvania by one of his Branch Trumpvidian groupies

And here's the legalifesto in all its glory.  I feel sorry for the judge and other court personnel who have to parse that. 

I looked on line and this is not his first go-round at the court with pro-se wackiness.

I love the references to Star Trek and Harvey.

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12 hours ago, 47of74 said:

A motion to declare Diaper Don the victor of the election was filed in Pennsylvania by one of his Branch Trumpvidian groupies

And here's the legalifesto in all its glory.  I feel sorry for the judge and other court personnel who have to parse that. 

I looked on line and this is not his first go-round at the court with pro-se wackiness.

This is amazing!  The typos alone are jaw-dropping.  Ammend?  Governmemt?  Exzemption?  Faucci?  Priority Mail Tacking Number?   I guess his consistent misspelling of the Ku Klux Klan ("Klu") might be seen as a good thing.  On the very first line of text: Paintiff.

Then later on the same page, a double exclamation point.  If I were the judge that's about where I would realize the situation.

I also love the assertion that a state that received CARES funding for promoting mask wearing was OBVIOUSLY promoting Biden's campaign since that was one of Biden's priorities.

And that something is illegal "just like that horrible Philadelphia team the ILL EAGLES."

OMG I hadn't even gotten to Harvey the rabbit yet...

25 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

I love the references to Star Trek and Harvey.

and "my friend Daria from Russia"

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I pity anyone who has to read through the whole file and I hope they get paid big big bucks for that, and also, i wish them a full cellar of excellent wine or whatever makes them forget what they just read as soon as they can

yeah, the ill eagles.. wtf.. ?

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Holy shit. I never knew that the Constitution states that the Vice President is also the PRESIDENT of the SENATE. 

How VP Harris Can Sideline Moscow Mitch


Even if the Democrats don’t win control of the Senate, there is a way to strip Mitch McConnell of his power for good: priority recognition.

According to Article I, Section 3, Clause 4 of the Constitution, the Vice President is also the President of the Senate. The Majority Leader is not a position that exists anywhere in the Constitution. The reason that the Majority Leader has near-dictatorial powers to control floor votes is because of a tradition that dates back to 1937. The tradition is that the Vice President gives the floor leaders priority recognition. Most notably, this is not a rule in the Senate.

As President of the Senate, Vice President Harris could give any senator priority recognition. That senator could then decide on all legislation that is brought before the entire Senate. Even with a minority in the Senate, Vice President Harris could simply give Chuck Schumer priority recognition. He could decide what is voted on and what isn’t.

This would change everything. Without Mitch McConnell to hide behind, the moderate Republican Senators would be forced to vote down every cabinet member, bill, resolution – everything that Harris would want done. Without McConnell, anything even remotely popular with at least two senators would pass, including getting a cabinet assembled.

I see some debate as to what the Senate rules do and do not permit. I encourage everyone to read this article on the actual written rules and why the Majority Leader is so powerful today. It should be noted, however, that unlike the House of Representatives a large part of the Senate rules is tradition. As Mitch McConnell will gladly tell you, tradition is not written rule.

Also, This wouldn’t be the first time Schumer has done something like this. And yes, while there’s the possibility of rule changes, they cannot change the Constitution. At the end of the day, Madame Vice President Harris is President of the Senate. Period. Not Mitch McConnell.

From the article linked to in the above report:


[...] That members have been conditioned to think in this way sheds light on the paradoxical source of leader power in today’s Senate. Put simply, party leaders are powerful because rank-and-file senators defer to them to manage the institution how they see fit. This deference is not mandated by the Senate’s official rules. Rather, it is simply grounded in its past practice. The implication is that frustrated members can easily change how the Senate operates at any point. All that’s needed is a willingness on their part to recast their relationship with the Senate’s leaders. [...]

What surprises me is that Biden didn't use these powers when he himself was VP and therefore president of the Senate. 

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15 minutes ago, fraurosena said:

Holy shit. I never knew that the Constitution states that the Vice President is also the PRESIDENT of the SENATE. 

How VP Harris Can Sideline Moscow Mitch

From the article linked to in the above report:

What surprises me is that Biden didn't use these powers when he himself was VP and therefore president of the Senate. 

At the time I'm sure there was a lot of legitimate concern that doing so would look like a power grab from the executive branch and cause everyone to clutch their pearls and worry about whichever party won the presidency taking away the voice of the people via their elected representatives.  

Seems silly now after 4 years of naked power grabs from the WH, but there used to be a thing about decorum and respecting the democracy.

(Not that McConnell ever respected the democracy, but back then far fewer people knew the senator from Kentucky by name.)

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