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2020 Election Results Part 9: Biden Wins Again And Continues Building An Administration


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The gall of Ted Cruz is infuriating.


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Twitter just blocked his "video" from being replied to or retweeted.   I wonder if they will FINALLY delete his account before he's out of office.. 

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What the fuck.  I was in work mode all day and just caught up.


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Ilhan Omar is drawing up articles of impeachment. It is within her right to bring them to the floor of the House. However, counting the electoral votes has precedence first. Once the joint session has been adjourned she could possibly do it right after. 


Edited by fraurosena
adding Omar's tweet
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DC Mayor just thanked, among a host of assisting jurisdictions - The New Jersey State Police - thank you Jersey!

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Someone get this un-American disgrace out of our government now.

Edited by TuringMachine
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MSNBC is reporting that a congressman was trapped in chamber while the mob tried to ram doors. 

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4 minutes ago, fraurosena said:

Ilhan Omar is drawing up articles of impeachment. It is within her right to bring them to the floor of the House. However, counting the electoral votes has precedence first. Once the joint session has been adjourned she could possibly do it right after. 

luckily, she knows where everybody is..

I wonder, once they continue counting, wheter cruz and the other douchebag (Hawley or something) will still try to delay the counting?!


edit: i know there are others, but i don't know all their names..

second edit: correct name from hollis to Hawley?

Edited by SeekingAdventure
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13 minutes ago, Browneyed Girl said:

After this disaster I think it might mean a few of them vote to impeach.   I would hope.  

The vote to impeach is easy. It means nothing. Trump has already been impeached once. It's the vote to remove him from office that matters. It takes 66 votes to accomplish removal and McConnell will never allow that.

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Just now, SeekingAdventure said:

luckily, she knows where everybody is..

I wonder, once they continue counting, wheter cruz and the other douchebag (hollis or something) will still try to delay the counting?!

I think it's Hawley.

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1 minute ago, Black Aliss said:

The vote to impeach is easy. It means nothing. Trump has already been impeached once. It's the vote to remove him from office that matters. It takes 66 votes to accomplish removal and McConnell will never allow that.

I'm not so sure. I think McConnell will allow it, encourage it even. His political survival depends on it.

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Impeachment will take too long. McConnell would delay a vote long enough to make it moot. 25th Amendment his ass. However, Pence lacks the balls to start that process.

So we will have to wait two weeks.


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Oh, great - some that are still in the building say they are planning to stay all night. I guess they still think it's a fun romp, and are now including a sleepover.

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"Nice" to see that Gov Parsons nose is still firmly up Trump's backside.


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1 minute ago, Snarkasarus Rex said:

Impeachment will take too long.

It wouldn't have to. It is (theoretically) possible to hear the articles in the House and then immediately vote, send them to the Senate, where they hear the articles and immediately vote. It wouldn't even need to take more than a day.

Not saying it will happen that way, just pointing out the possibility.

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CBS is interviewing Sen Tammy Duckworth and apparently they’re talking about going to a secure chamber to re-start the proceedings. 

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NAM urges Pence to invoke the 25th.



The National Association of Manufacturers, the nation’s largest manufacturing association, called on Vice President Mike Pence Wednesday to consider removing President Trump from office.

Pence “should seriously consider working with the Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to preserve democracy,” NAM CEO Jay Timmons said in a statement.

NAM is one of the most powerful business groups in the nation, representing small and large manufacturers in all 50 states.


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23 minutes ago, Ozlsn said:

Start by requiring all non-law enforcement personnel to relinquish arms on entry, no matter what permits you hold. You can check them in, they will be stored safely and securely, but you do not carry weapons into these places.

Many Democratic states already require this when entering government buildings. It won't help if the assholes break down the doors and windows.


20 minutes ago, smittykins said:

I heard about it, and thought, “Now that he will no longer be majority leader, he suddenly finds his balls.”

I'm guessing his next statements will be about "reaching across the aisle" and "bipartisanship", as in expecting Dems to reach out to Rs.

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4 minutes ago, smittykins said:

At least CNN is calling it what it is:  an insurrection.

CBS just started using insurrection, too. 

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Replies are calling for impeachment and 25th. Also that Hawley and Cruz should be expelled.


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Ron Estes (R, of course), said he was surprised this turned violent.

ETA  - and keeps refusing to say whether Trump had anything to do with it.

Edited by thoughtful
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