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Kamala Harris: Madam Vice President


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Either way - I love that they are labeling her with her strength as if it's bad. 

Not sure how independents see it but I love hearing it.

Did we all enjoy to see the new polls with harris up in the northern battle ground states.

I want to see some updated polling for the southern ones. Come on Georgia! go blue!

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On 8/7/2024 at 4:27 PM, libgirl2 said:

I see a lot of people (not friends) on SM going nuts. The racist insults are flying. Someone even used the "r" word. 

Sorry to be confused, but I’m not American and English is not my native language. What is the “r” word? And how are there racist insults? I thought Tim Walz was pretty much a stereotypical white guy? 

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3 hours ago, GreenBeans said:

Sorry to be confused, but I’m not American and English is not my native language. What is the “r” word? And how are there racist insults? I thought Tim Walz was pretty much a stereotypical white guy? 

The n word means:



It is widely considered the worst racist thing to call Black people. 

Tim is a fairly typical dad-type a white guy. The alt-right hates him because, as governor of Minnesota, he has pushed initiatives that they hate. Some examples: requiring schools to provide free breakfast and lunch for children, enshrining abortion access, and making MN a refuge for transgender people who a fleeing states where they are persecuted. 

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3 hours ago, GreenBeans said:

Sorry to be confused, but I’m not American and English is not my native language. What is the “r” word? And how are there racist insults? I thought Tim Walz was pretty much a stereotypical white guy? 

The r word is "retarded".  

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50 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

The n word means:

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It is widely considered the worst racist thing to call Black people. 

Tim is a fairly typical dad-type a white guy. The alt-right hates him because, as governor of Minnesota, he has pushed initiatives that they hate. Some examples: requiring schools to provide free breakfast and lunch for children, enshrining abortion access, and making MN a refuge for transgender people who a fleeing states where they are persecuted. 

Sorry, I shouldn’t read on my phone early in the morning. I saw an n instead of an r. 

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5 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

The r word is [don’t want to repeat it]  

Thank you! That is a nasty word, but not racist, is it? Ableist probably. I still don’t get why people would describe Tim Walz using that word.

5 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

The alt-right hates him because, as governor of Minnesota, he has pushed initiatives that they hate. Some examples: requiring schools to provide free breakfast and lunch for children

I will never understand why people are against things like free school meals or free health care for children. Abortion, LGBTQ*, transgender rights etc are controversial topics (I personally don’t understand that either, but can kind of understand why those are controversial). But free meals or healthcare for children? How is there even a discussion about this? 

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9 minutes ago, GreenBeans said:

Thank you! That is a nasty word, but not racist, is it? Ableist probably. I still don’t get why people would describe Tim Walz using that word.

I will never understand why people are against things like free school meals or free health care for children. Abortion, LGBTQ*, transgender rights etc are controversial topics (I personally don’t understand that either, but can kind of understand why those are controversial). But free meals or healthcare for children? How is there even a discussion about this? 

Its not racist but when someone uses it and valid point they have flies out the window. 

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1 hour ago, GreenBeans said:

I will never understand why people are against things like free school meals or free health care for children. Abortion, LGBTQ*, transgender rights etc are controversial topics (I personally don’t understand that either, but can kind of understand why those are controversial). But free meals or healthcare for children? How is there even a discussion about this? 

Because the American right wing is against their tax dollars benefiting anyone else they consider less than. It’s absolutely ridiculous, but it’s the mindset. Even so-called normal Rs like Paul Ryan would happily take food out of a hungry child’s mouth or see a child die of a preventable illness rather than spend a penny that could benefit big business.

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The R word is about the only genuinely insulting word you can use against a white man in the US these days.

maybe in some circles "gay/homo" might be worse...but I don't know. I think gay/homo only sticks as an insult is you're very very straight and have some weakness that is perceived as feminine that you are also ashamed of and want to keep secret. So a very specific circumstance.

Being called a "cracker" or "hillbilly" or "redneck" is seen as a screw you to the establishment and is seen as a positive. 

When maga types are broke they blame it on "the economy" and other people taking their jobs. So there's not like an insult word to say "you're a bad provider for your family"

The r word says you're stupid, clueless, biologically damaged - and when you're white and male you are never stupid or biologically inferior. So it's insulting. Plus in most places it's not a word said out loud any more. Like I would openly call somebody an "asshat" in casual conversation or other similar insulting words but it makes me uncomfortable to even type the R word. If I was talking I would whisper it and only if I was comfortable with the people I was talking to.

It's an interesting word really.

I work with kids and a few years ago I worked with an older guy in a position of power who used that word as it used to be used in the 1970s/80s and the shock with which his statements were received was significant. 

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There's a photo of Kamala Harris' jet on the tarmac with people in the foreground. It's being circulate by right-wing media and reich-wing amplifiers like Sean Feuct and  Dinesh D'Souza as AI generated because there are reflections of a hangar along the belly line, rather than the crowd, which seems quite close.  That reflection is an artifact of compression in long-distance photography. The crowd is quite far away, the reflection shows the hangar and not the crowd.  

Brandon @Crucible of Thought decided to delve a little deeper and discovered this: "Here's what I found, after digging through the last couple days of YouTube and Twitter feeds of Newsmax, Fox News, Epoch Times, One America News, Daily Wire, Daily Caller, and The Blaze:   Nothing.  I mean ZILCH. Absolutely ZERO coverage of the latest Kamala OR Trump rallies. 

All those videos that we non-MAGA folks have been watching and enjoying, showing the massive crowds at Kamala's rallies, and the paltry crowds at Trump and Vance events?  Zilch. You just won't find it.

Unroll of the full thread here

Link to thread here:  https://x.com/CrucibleOfThght/status/1822386945013797306

(I don't know why my Twitter links won't show the actual tweet. I use the "Copy Link" function and also copy the link out of the address bar.  Neither works.) 

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56 minutes ago, Howl said:

I don't know why my Twitter links won't show the actual tweet. I use the "Copy Link" function and also copy the link out of the address bar.  Neither works.)

Elon’s crew made life difficult. If you put the URL in a notepad and replace x with twitter, then paste it here, it will embed. 

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17 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Because the American right wing is against their tax dollars benefiting anyone else they consider less than. It’s absolutely ridiculous, but it’s the mindset. Even so-called normal Rs like Paul Ryan would happily take food out of a hungry child’s mouth or see a child die of a preventable illness rather than spend a penny that could benefit big business.

This is basically the entire R basis for all policy. If it benefits someone other than them, they're against it. Extra especially if that person is "lesser" or "different" in their eyes. Extra extra especially if it costs any money at all.

There are many republican voters who will absolutely tell you when asked that "I worked to feed my family, why should I pay to feed somebody else's kids?" 

If pushed, it'll eventually come back around to the old "She should have kept her legs closed" statement, by way of "people shouldn't have kids they can't afford, but they shouldn't have access to cheap or free birth control either, and they absolutely shouldn't have access to abortion."

The facts don't matter. It could (and often does, for many things) cost them less than 25 cents of taxes a year and they'd still resent it. "Because it's my money!" - which is what they ALSO come up with when it's suggested that the wealthy pay their share. "But it's their money!" completely ignoring the fact that the person you are speaking to, as an average-earning working person, actually pays MORE in taxes than the wealthy person in question, percentagewise.

Many of them will try to sound compassionate by suggesting that private charities should be the way people get support, largely because they can then just not donate to those charities.

They're fine with taxes for stuff they like, but resent being "forced" to help people in need in any way. Money to build a wall to keep "illegals" out? They'll reach in their pockets. Lunch for a poor kid so they can focus and learn? Kid's parents should get a fourth or fifth job if they can't afford to feed them.

I used to have discussions like this all the time with a friend's husband. He'd literally say stuff like "it's their fault, they shouldn't be poor." and even implied that people with disabilities didn't deserve to live. As it happens, though it's not changed him entirely, he eventually ended up with a granddaughter who was born not breathing, spent ages in the NICU, came home on oxygen, and had the potential to have disabilities. It helped him see the other side, a little.

They can't see how it can happen to people until it happens to them or someone close to them. And even then half of them double down on the "well WE deserve help, not like those OTHER people..."

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Hide the ketchup, this will drive TFG even crazier!


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3 hours ago, Howl said:

There's a photo of Kamala Harris' jet on the tarmac with people in the foreground. It's being circulate by right-wing media and reich-wing amplifiers like Sean Feuct and  Dinesh D'Souza as AI generated because there are reflections of a hangar along the belly line, rather than the crowd, which seems quite close.  That reflection is an artifact of compression in long-distance photography. The crowd is quite far away, the reflection shows the hangar and not the crowd.  

Brandon @Crucible of Thought decided to delve a little deeper and discovered this: "Here's what I found, after digging through the last couple days of YouTube and Twitter feeds of Newsmax, Fox News, Epoch Times, One America News, Daily Wire, Daily Caller, and The Blaze:   Nothing.  I mean ZILCH. Absolutely ZERO coverage of the latest Kamala OR Trump rallies. 

All those videos that we non-MAGA folks have been watching and enjoying, showing the massive crowds at Kamala's rallies, and the paltry crowds at Trump and Vance events?  Zilch. You just won't find it.

Unroll of the full thread here

Link to thread here:  https://x.com/CrucibleOfThght/status/1822386945013797306

(I don't know why my Twitter links won't show the actual tweet. I use the "Copy Link" function and also copy the link out of the address bar.  Neither works.) 

You can also use the embed option behind the three dots in the upper right of the tweet. A screen opens that you have to actively scroll up to show the URL that works. Copy paste and it embeds.

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@fraurosena, This is what I  get using the Embed option: 

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Today many copies of this silliness popped up in my feed: lots of people claiming a photo of Air Force Two in front of the Detroit hangar full of many thousands of Kamala fans is... yep, fake. I started to wonder why? We&#39;ve all seen the associated video, right? Uh... Nope. /1🧵 <a href="https://t.co/88vWrnBwDc">https://t.co/88vWrnBwDc</a></p>&mdash; Brandon @ Crucible Of Thought (@CrucibleOfThght) <a href="https://twitter.com/CrucibleOfThght/status/1822386945013797306?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 10, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

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TFG was interviewed by Musk on twitter tonight. Apparently it was a real shit show. Kamala's campaign had this to say:


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"cannot run a livestream in the year 2024"

interview "or whatever that was"


I"m going to be lying in bed later to night pondering the SICK BURN that is "cannot run a livestream in the year 2024"


HAHAHAHAHAH I cant stop laughing

and it's mr super tech bro....can't run a livestream! HAHAHAHA

I mean surely he has like - expert computer geeks to do this for him?

but nope - cannot run a livestream!

forget the R word......

you are totally emasculated musk - all any geeky white dude has is his tech skills street cred - but DUDE  - you cannot run a live stream in 2024!

Who wrote this!? Whoever is writing these press releases needs to run the daily show  - next year

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Apparently there will be an abortion issue to vote on in AZ on election day - Which should drive turn out up high. And high turn out on abortion is very likely to benefit Democrats. :)

I wish Harris had done an interview this week.  My news from every which direction is all about Trump and then a few headlines about whether Harris can "maintain the momentum" which is a valid question but frustrating that almost nothing else about Harris is being written.

I wonder if Taylor Swift will publicly endorse?? 

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3 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:


I wish Harris had done an interview this week.  My news from every which direction is all about Trump and then a few headlines about whether Harris can "maintain the momentum" which is a valid question but frustrating that almost nothing else about Harris is being written.


The Democratic convention is next week. The momentum will shift back to her. 

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I love it!


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It seems like others are happy about Kamala:


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I love her communications team:


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