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Kamala Harris: Madam Vice President


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A lengthy, but worthwhile read:














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46 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

I love her communications team:


WHO is behind this. This marketing person is amazing. I love it so much.

also the barbie style sign...oh man!!! I almost might consider buying such a thing  - maybe in bumper sticker version?? because I live on a dead end street. 

Also the finnish tiktok made me tear up. ...man....is it just so hard to be a human being in this world?? obviously so but it's still nice that somewhere out there people are watching us and having sympathy for our situation. Sometimes I think I should move to Europe. I don't know if they'd take me. But - to experience life as something closer to a human who is allowed to exist on this earth and not a commodity for consumption? I would really like to know how that feels.

I'm not a big tourist but I'm sure I'd wander around some. But to just sit in my apartment and go to he store and deep down inside know that if I trip and fall and break my leg I won't be homeless in 6 months with impossible to pay off medical debt and that I won't get arrested for looking at a cop "the wrong way" --- well actually arrested for being homeless (as per the new supreme court rulings) and I won't be mass murdered at work/a concert/a club/gas station/a visit to any public place/my home.

European women - what does this feel like???

I can imagine it intellectually but I can't imagine the feeling. 


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This. The press corps is following a trend that is so much a part of the news biz now that I think many people don't know it can be different.

I grew up with a sense of reporters being mostly people who want the truth. Not that it couldn't be otherwise or that they should be trusted carte blanche, but it was literally out of fashion for news to be sensational. The days of yellow journalism were considered old-timey, relegated to films like Citizen Kane, Libeled Lady, and Picture Snatcher, or remaining rags like the National Enquirer.

Then came Nixon's scandal and Woodward and Bernstein, and the reporter as brave rebel seeking the truth was added to the mix - a bit of a return to the wild days of old, but with honesty this time.

I know that the candidate as celebrity, the use of insults, and sensation-seeking reporters (and voters) are not new problems, just ones that have gotten more pronounced with TV (Nixon's five-o'clock shadow and  voice in 1960) and the technology that followed.

Expecting TV news to make money, be entertaining, and run 24/7 is, I think, part of what wreaked havoc, created things like "reality" TV and brought back sensational journalism. Opening up the opportunity for any idiot to declare themselves an expert via the Internet added fuel to the fire.

We can't go back - we can only go forward with the trends we've got. I'm happy to see Harris and Walz defeat Trump and Vance any way they can. I'm happy to see local and state candidates do whatever they need to get honest people into office.

But I really hate how everything needs to be a zinger, "owning" the opponent. I just want to hear what a candidate will do to preserve democracy and enhance the lives and freedom of all. If the only way Harris/Walz can do that is to ignore the press corps, it's fine with me, after months of "Biden is old - never mind the incredible work he's done - old, old, old." I'd rather see them do that than churn out insults.

I've never been crazy about people who take glee in the gladiator-style viciousness of political opposition, or see it all as a game or a way to make money. It's not a game - it's our lives. But if the pro-democracy side has candidates who can play the game, or do well despite ignoring it (and maybe shape it back to expecting press questions of substance by doing so), and still be good people who will do the job well, I'm happy to vote for them.

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More of this, please


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OMG, her communications team is on fire:


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15 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

A lengthy, but worthwhile read:





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I was listening to CNBC the other week and  they complained about not knowing her economic policy, asking her to call in and tell them. Saying they know Trump’s but not hers. 
I thought, do they know it’s been hardly a month since Biden announced he wouldn’t seek reelection. Do they think vice presidents just have their own economic policy hanging around, ready to go at a moment’s notice?


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1. Harris press statements are amazing. AMAZING


2. I tried to watch some interviews on CNN and it's just so ridiculous. They're talking about polls and whatever. And for some reason CNN now has an idiotic GOP pundit come on to give their side over and over. And it's unwatchable. 

This guy in particular doesn't comment on what was actually being discussed but starts going on about how when trump starts to explain his policy about xyz - that's what people want to hear.

And I'm just like....when trump starts explaining ANY policy - that will be something. Obviously this dude is a politically savvy guy - so for him to sit there and calmly talk about how GOP candidate is going to have the policy that  harris doesn't and harris hasn't explained her policy and that clearly voters prefer trumps policy and soon - when he explains it - people will vote for him and not harris.

like...what frikkin reality do you live in?  did you hit your head and think mitt romney was the candidate? there's nothing about trump - in any iteration at all - that implies he's going to explain any policy even if it's his when to wear a red tie vs blue tie policy.

And I'm damn sick of GOP pundits in particular blithely blathers on like they have a perfectly normal candidate and somehow harris is a nut job.

And I'm also sick of media in general because every news channel on you tube seems to suffer from this. Chewing up harris over not doing XYZ...

um  trump could have done absolutely every thing last time he was president - he didn't  - why isn't this being brough up every single time? why isn't his huge tax cut for rich brought up every time. and seriously not in a laughing way "oh that trump and his silly shock statement comments"

this is dangerous and I have no respect for any journalist/news agency that says anything about harris unless they're also pointing out trump's age, tax breaks for the rich, and his failure to do anything about immigration during his previous term (among many other options). It's infuriating.

I think the thing posted before about her ignoring the media is great! keep doing it!


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Of course, Faux and the other reich-wingers got their collective panties in a wad because she binged on Doritos. I love this video from a Sheetz in PA today:


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I really like Doug:


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2 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:




Of course, Faux and the other reich-wingers got their collective panties in a wad because she binged on Doritos. I love this video from a Sheetz in PA today:


You know what I really love about this video? They are in a Sheetz. That's right, a regular gas station or truck stop. Granted, Trump likes his McDonald's, but I am more likely to imagine him sending a secret service agent in or doordashing it.

2 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

I really like Doug:


It is such a warm and fuzzy and comforting feeling to know that our president and his wife are in a deeply loving committed monogamous relationship and our vice president/ future president hopefully and her husband also have a really good solid loving relationship. I love that Tim Walz and his wife are still married 30 years later and again have a committed loving monogamous relationship. 

So much better than the convicted felon and his current wife.

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3 minutes ago, Audrey2 said:

You know what I really love about this video? They are in a Sheetz. That's right, a regular gas station or truck stop. Granted, Trump likes his McDonald's, but I am more likely to imagine him sending a secret service agent in or doordashing it.

It is such a warm and fuzzy and comforting feeling to know that our president and his wife are in a deeply loving committed monogamous relationship and our vice president/ future president hopefully and her husband also have a really good solid loving relationship. I love that Tim Walz and his wife are still married 30 years later and again have a committed loving monogamous relationship. 

So much better than the convicted felon and his current wife.

I love that they are at a Sheetz because Sheetz started near my original home town in Western Pas. I’ve loved Sheetz for almost six decades. 

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Jamie Raskin and Jasmine Crockett are both on fire tonight. Nothing like a little direct speaking! 

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3 minutes ago, AnywhereButHere said:

Jamie Raskin and Jasmine Crockett are both on fire tonight. Nothing like a little direct speaking! 

I’ll have to listen later. I ❤️Raskin. I also love that I get to vote for him 

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On 8/18/2024 at 8:59 PM, GreyhoundFan said:




Of course, Faux and the other reich-wingers got their collective panties in a wad because she binged on Doritos. I love this video from a Sheetz in PA today:



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I'm sure Faux will have a hissy fit.


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On 8/18/2024 at 8:59 PM, GreyhoundFan said:


Of course, Faux and the other reich-wingers got their collective panties in a wad because she binged on Doritos. I love this video from a Sheetz in PA today:




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I mean, I too have been known to buy Doritos twice. And if we’re talking about road trips,  don’t let me loose over by the pretzel cheddar Combos. 

(not) awkwardly buying Doritos vs convicted felon

However will I choose. 

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The Rs seem to really be flailing to find an attack that works, don't they?

So far it's all either veiled sexism and racism (we hate her laugh, we hate how she talks, etc) or just grasping at straws. She eats DORITOS. The horror! 

I suppose she should be being "presidential" by sending an aide to buy her a Big Mac meal instead? 

At some point Kamala is going to do something too "ethnic" for them to tolerate and they'll break out even more unhinged flailing, I bet. Maybe she'll have a dish inspired by her Jamaican or Indian heritage served at a dinner, or wear a sari-inspired dress for a formal or cultural event.

I hope once she's elected (I'm channeling positivity here) she does such things. One of the amazing things about the US is the "melting pot" aspect of our culture - but also that it's less fondue and more like a stew. The individual ingredients don't have to assimilate completely and become all one homogenous mass - each ingredient maintains it's individual characteristics while both absorbing and influencing the flavors of others, so the end result is something better and more flavorful than any of the ingredients could ever be alone. It'd be wonderful for her to lean into that. She's such a good example of the country as a whole, IMO, just as one person - she's black, she's got Jamaican heritage, she's got Indian heritage, her husband is Jewish, and her VP is about as generic regular white guy as it gets and is happy to joke about that it seems. I have no doubt she'd appoint people to office who represent a variety of aspects of America. I hope she's got a gorgeous inaugural ball gown (or evening pantsuit if that's her preference) in the works that is elegant, presidential, beautiful, and has a nod to her mix of cultures.

It would be amazing and so perfectly represent the US to have Harris be our first female president, wouldn't it? 

Also it makes me wonder - would her inaugural outfit go in the Smithsonian? Would her husband's suit go with the first lady's dresses exhibit? I'd hope for a separate adjacent exhibit celebrating our first female president including her inaugural ball ensemble.

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2 hours ago, Alisamer said:

One of the amazing things about the US is the "melting pot" aspect of our culture - but also that it's less fondue and more like a stew. The individual ingredients don't have to assimilate completely and become all one homogenous mass - each ingredient maintains it's individual characteristics while both absorbing and influencing the flavors of others, so the end result is something better and more flavorful than any of the ingredients could ever be alone.

I absolutely love this! Too many times it seems to me the conservatives tout the idea that we are a melting pot instead of a stew. But if they really wanted to carry this idea home, then we wouldn't eat spaghetti or pizza or the American version of Chinese food or any of these other wonderful ethnic foods that have brought their taste into our culture.

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On 8/14/2024 at 9:12 PM, GreyhoundFan said:

A lengthy, but worthwhile read:

It is a brilliant take and totally true.  Also, the Harris campaign understands that many people, and especially young voters, get news from social media. 

By not sitting for interviews, and not making the Sunday talking heads rounds, MSM is forced to report on what's actually happening with the Harris/Walz campaign and that is the simply incredible DNC and her rallies to packed venues. 

And if the MSM wants to know what VP Harris thinks, they can sit down with a copy of the lengthy Democratic platform and listen to her speeches.  

And if MSM wants access, they can STOP NORMALIZING TRUMP and start accurately reporting on the amazing accomplishments of the Biden presidency.  

Another thing to consider is that pollsters don't really know how to poll young voters. Or old voters.  I get numerous (sometimes five or six) spam phone calls A DAY on my cell.  If I don't know the number/there's no caller ID, I swipe down and end the call. 

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On 8/15/2024 at 5:09 PM, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

um  trump could have done absolutely every thing last time he was president - he didn't  - why isn't this being brough up every single time? why isn't his huge tax cut for rich brought up every time.

Everybody seems to forget that for the first two years of the Trump administration Republicans had a majority in the Senate AND the House and didn't do diddly squat except a massive tax break for billionaires.  At that time, it was known that this move would cause inflation and guess what? It did. 

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Yes, she does.


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