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Kamala Harris: Madam Vice President


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So now they're going off because Harris didn't include the time she worked at McDonalds on her resume. FFS here, I looked at my most recent resume (I'm younger than Harris) and I can think of at least 5 jobs (checkout operator, schoolbook packer, fruit picker, parcel sorter, mail sorter) that aren't on my resume even though I worked in some of them for over 2 years. You put the most relevant experience, not everything you've ever done there, sheesh.

I'm sure Trump has developer (failed), casino owner (bankrupt), university owner (bankrupt) etc on his resume, *eyeroll*

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Anybody have some reactions/thoughts about the interview? 

I've had a helluva week between health issues and work being miserable and after I saw the horrible trump tweets of various political opponents in jail and the lewd hillary clinton/harris one plus vance's BS and the cemetery stuff. I just had to turn the tv off.

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1 hour ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

Anybody have some reactions/thoughts about the interview? 

I've had a helluva week between health issues and work being miserable and after I saw the horrible trump tweets of various political opponents in jail and the lewd hillary clinton/harris one plus vance's BS and the cemetery stuff. I just had to turn the tv off.

Haven't watched it yet. I recorded it for viewing later today; had to go to bed really early in order to get up at an ungodly hour for a medical procedure (noninvasive, thankfully!) this morning. 🥴 Will come back later with thoughts, if my brain remains awake enough, one way or another!

Edited by Loveday
hit submit too soon again, gotta stop doing that!
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This was exactly the right response:


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I know it's only a short clip, but it looked to me like Dana Bash was a bit confused and perturbed that it wasn't a long answer filled with hurt and agony. There's nothing now for the media to play up and off of, and I think it's killing them. 

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Kamala actually knows how to cook.


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In my opinion doing something to preserve our democracy doesn’t have to be a big action. Everyone does what they are comfortable with and this is enough. Talking about the election. Liking democratic content on social media. Maybe donate a few dollars. If many people do small actions the combined force is big. 

An example from my experience: I‘m attending an English course at work and we talked about the US election. I took the opportunity to say a few words about project2025 and the GOP. No one had heard of it so an interesting discussion followed. It prompted my co-worker who has US citizenship to ask if she could vote from abroad. She had never voted in an US election before.


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On 8/29/2024 at 12:41 PM, libgirl2 said:

It is just too crazy now to go door to door. I don't trust anyone. 

It would be dangerous in my state now, for anyone to door knock 

On 8/30/2024 at 5:20 AM, Loveday said:

Haven't watched it yet. I recorded it for viewing later today; had to go to bed really early in order to get up at an ungodly hour for a medical procedure (noninvasive, thankfully!) this morning. 🥴 Will come back later with thoughts, if my brain remains awake enough, one way or another!

I thought she and Tim did well. But apparently an intelligent woman is too much for some people 🤷‍♀️

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9 minutes ago, LongTimeLurkerOG said:

It would be dangerous in my state now, for anyone to door knock 

I thought she and Tim did well. But apparently an intelligent woman is too much for some people 🤷‍♀️

I STILL haven't watched the whole thing, because I've come down with a disgusting head cold and can barely think straight, not to mention my ears are so clogged up I can't hear a thing even with the volume on full blast! But the few excerpts I've seen thus far have shown me much the same, from both of them. I just cannot fathom why someone could watch an interview with them and then one with TFG and for one moment think that TFG would be the better choice.😳

But what do I know? I'm just an aging baby boomer with little more than a high school education. By all demographic studies, I should be a TFG supporter. And yet...no.

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It's insane to me, even in conversation with people and friends yesterday. How can good people be SO dumb? plus led to a fight which wasn't necessary  .. alcohol was involved by all , not good but we'll make it thru and perhaps they'll get their heads outta their asses. but I think a lot of it is white guys feeling threatened, and I'm a straight white lady lol I shouldn't have argued and stayed calm, but I was frustrated then upset hate this sh* 

Minority is becoming majority, which was predicted years ago, when I was in a college class. And God forbid, a woman in charge /s . So over that BS. They cited other reasons, but mostly wrong information.

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I've decided I will not get into any political discussions with family or friends again. Nor will I post anything political on FB. I have quite a few elderly aunts, uncles, and cousins on FB who are staunch TFG supporters, and nothing I could possibly say would change their minds, so it's not worth upsetting them. As well, I have some in-laws who are pro-TFG, and while I'd love to get into it with them, again there's no changing their minds. They're all about gun rights and taxes. They're all in uproar over this 'unrealised gains' tax proposal. As if they have $100 million to even be IN that category of taxpayer.🙄 I watched someone try to explain to them on FB the other day that it would not trickle down to those of us in the average middle class, and the one in-law refused to believe it. At that point I realised I'm just better off leaving politics out of all family conversations. Luckily, I rarely see these people anymore, although there IS a family wedding coming up shortly before the election. Not looking forward to the reception, that's for sure!🥴

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@Loveday I‘m sorry. It‘s infuriating how certain political leaders have managed to divide society so much.

I‘m wondering how Trumpers react to Project2025? Is it all lies to them? 

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Many think it's lies or not related to him, despite evidence to the contrary... much like not believing Any of the evidence..since 2016. It's mind boggling 

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Project 2025 is something that's going to happen to someone else until it's not. Just like the abortion bands are something that's not going to happen to them because they're married and they want a baby. They're not going to realize how problematic it is until there's an issue with either the mother's health or the child is incompatible with life and they're not able to get an abortion. It's not going to matter to them until their daughter is SAd and ends up pregnant. They have this mindset that the less deserving will have problems but will get the problems they deserve. Cutting social security and medicare? They won't really do that... Until they will. Then it will be too late.

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This is sweet.


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On 9/2/2024 at 7:40 AM, Smash! said:

@Loveday I‘m sorry. It‘s infuriating how certain political leaders have managed to divide society so much.

I‘m wondering how Trumpers react to Project2025? Is it all lies to them? 


On 9/2/2024 at 8:58 AM, Audrey2 said:

Project 2025 is something that's going to happen to someone else until it's not. Just like the abortion bands are something that's not going to happen to them because they're married and they want a baby. They're not going to realize how problematic it is until there's an issue with either the mother's health or the child is incompatible with life and they're not able to get an abortion. It's not going to matter to them until their daughter is SAd and ends up pregnant. They have this mindset that the less deserving will have problems but will get the problems they deserve. Cutting social security and medicare? They won't really do that... Until they will. Then it will be too late.

This. They twist it around, claim it doesn't actually say what it says, and convince themselves none of it applies to them. "Oh Trump wouldn't do that" and "You're twisting his words" and "That's not what it actually means" they'll say.

They've done this for decades about abortion - abortion, to them, is elective. If it's medically necessary, they believe it doesn't count as abortion, so of course it wouldn't be affected by any bans. No amount of explanation or discussion will make them understand, because to them, just like to pro-choice people, abortion in those situations is healthcare! And of course necessary healthcare wouldn't be banned! If a specific situation is discussed, it's an "exception" or "god's will" or "the doctor didn't understand the law". 

And then when it actually happens that they or one of their loved ones IS affected by whatever they claim Democrats are "misinterpreting" or "misrepresenting" and it turns out the Democrats were right and it does, in fact, say what it says... they're all SHOCKED.

It happens all the time. They are shocked when their husband or co-worker or gardener is deported, because he was "one of the good ones" and the laws were only supposed to apply to those criminals Trump rails about. They are shocked when their daughter or niece or friend can't get proper medical care for a non-viable pregnancy, because that's NEEDED so it's health care and that's not supposed to be affected by bans! There are places in Wyoming who vote Republican because they oppose giving money to the government, and are now shocked when their government services like mail delivery are being negatively affected. There's a guy in Ohio who is running for office as a Republican - he voted for anti-trans laws requiring people running for office to make public any former names they have used. He changed his name a few years ago, didn't make it public, and is now at risk of being kicked off the ballot. Black Trump supporters are SHOCKED when the racists they support are racist toward THEM. Gay Trump supporters are SHOCKED when the homophobic people they support are homophobic toward THEM.  

People living on social security and medicare are voting for people who want to cut out social security and medicare, because they just can't believe that means it'll affect THEM. They assume it will affect other people. Maybe younger people. People not like them. They want to get the money they put in while making sure nobody else gets any of "their" money.

I think, or hope, at least, that at some point there'll be a name and diagnosis for people with this sort of delusional thinking. It's got to be some sort of disorder to be SO unable to reason, to be so self-centered and entitled that they can't understand that words have meaning and yes, laws DO apply to them, and WILL affect them.

They aren't all low intelligence or under-educated, so there's got to be something going on. Personality disorder? Lead poisoning? Some sort of brainwashing built into right wing media? 

Edited by Alisamer
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On 9/1/2024 at 12:10 PM, Loveday said:

I've decided I will not get into any political discussions with family or friends again. Nor will I post anything political on FB. I have quite a few elderly aunts, uncles, and cousins on FB who are staunch TFG supporters, and nothing I could possibly say would change their minds, so it's not worth upsetting them. As well, I have some in-laws who are pro-TFG, and while I'd love to get into it with them, again there's no changing their minds. They're all about gun rights and taxes. They're all in uproar over this 'unrealised gains' tax proposal. As if they have $100 million to even be IN that category of taxpayer.🙄 I watched someone try to explain to them on FB the other day that it would not trickle down to those of us in the average middle class, and the one in-law refused to believe it. At that point I realised I'm just better off leaving politics out of all family conversations. Luckily, I rarely see these people anymore, although there IS a family wedding coming up shortly before the election. Not looking forward to the reception, that's for sure!🥴

Come sit by me. I went off FB years ago because I couldn't deal. Not all of my extended family are on the MAGA bandwagon but some of them are and a subsection of them are deep down the conspiracy burrows. It's horrifying but not a thing I can do about it. Arguing only makes them more entrenched. The best I can do is live my life and politely disagree and disengage when they try to bate. Over and over and over again. It is madness. A few of them have pulled back from extremism and one of them told me that they wanted to be more like me, not ruffled by politics. The heck. A more accurate description is that I get super anxious about the state of the country but I don't let it rule my life or my relationships. I am not willing to cut off the MAGA people I love, but neither am I willing to listen to what they say. It's a constant balancing act.

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On 9/1/2024 at 4:48 AM, Smash! said:

In my opinion doing something to preserve our democracy doesn’t have to be a big action. Everyone does what they are comfortable with and this is enough. Talking about the election. Liking democratic content on social media. Maybe donate a few dollars. If many people do small actions the combined force is big. 

An example from my experience: I‘m attending an English course at work and we talked about the US election. I took the opportunity to say a few words about project2025 and the GOP. No one had heard of it so an interesting discussion followed. It prompted my co-worker who has US citizenship to ask if she could vote from abroad. She had never voted in an US election before.


I'm going bananas with little actions (while trying to not burn out). I've got 400 postcards from TurnOutPAC (and over 200 of those are addressed, written and stamped). If I'm not using my phone, I leave some pro-Harris video or voting info playing on TikTok because it is an algorithm driven social media and the more something gets watched, the more it pushes it. (This works on YouTube too.) If I get done with postcards fast enough, I'll phone bank even though I hate hate hate hate it but word on the street is that phone banking has gotten better since I did it in 2020. 

And then, of course, everyone's favorite - cold hard cash right to the campaign.

I did some of these things in 2020 but I just don't think I can look my students in the eyeballs the Wednesday after if I don't do something every day (and hopefully I won't go crazy doing it). 

Edit: FWIW, for those nervous about door knocking (fair), I'm fairly certain most places will only send you to registered democrats or blue areas. It's a game of turn out, not a game of convincing people, but you could certainly ask how they acquire the addresses. This is how address/phone number selection works for postcards and phone banking works though. I knocked for Obama and was only sent to friendlies. 

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Liz Cheney says she's voting for Kamala


Former Republican Rep. Liz Cheney on Wednesday said she would support Kamala Harris for president, ending weeks of speculation about how fully the member of a GOP dynasty-turned-Trump critic would embrace the Democratic ticket.

Cheney, who co-chaired the House investigation into the Jan. 6, 2021, attack, became a fierce Trump critic and was ousted in her 2022 Republican primary in Wyoming as a result, made her announcement at an event at Duke University. In a video posted on the social media network X, she finished by talking about the “danger” she believed Trump still poses to the country.

“I don’t believe that we have the luxury of writing in candidates’ names, particularly in swing states,” she said. “As a conservative, as someone who believes in and cares about the Constitution, I have thought deeply about this. Because of the danger that Donald Trump poses, not only am I not voting for Donald Trump, but I will be voting for Kamala Harris.”

Fuck Trump.

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Interesting listening w speakers from "the other side" on a call tonight. The enthusiasm and hope, desire for change and country over party was great. Really interesting to hear this guy and read some of his q&a afterwards. 

Edited by LongTimeLurkerOG
Verifying url. ... Ya know, words ... typo geez
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Unlike TFG and JD, Kamala actually interacts with people naturally.


Side note: TFG and JD wouldn't take things back to Melania and Usha. They'd eat the pretzels themselves before going home.

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I posted this in the Harris thread because this dad's comments about Kamala Harris were very powerful.


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On 9/4/2024 at 8:14 PM, 47of74 said:

Liz Cheney says she's voting for Kamala

Fuck Trump.

And now Dick Cheney is as well. 



Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Friday that he will vote for Democrat Kamala Harris over fellow Republican Donald Trump in the November election, warning that the former president “can never be trusted with power again.”

“In our nation’s 248-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump,” Cheney said in a statement. “He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him. He can never be trusted with power again.”

“As citizens, we each have a duty to put country above partisanship to defend our Constitution. That is why I will be casting my vote for Vice President Kamala Harris,” he concluded.

Dare I hold out hope for the Bush family?

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2 hours ago, AnywhereButHere said:

Dare I hold out hope for the Bush family?

I'm surprised they haven't endorsed either candidate yet. Have they endorsed candidates in the past? 

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