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Kamala Harris: Madam Vice President


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I'm intensely curious what her fund raising will be for the month. If this continues she'll outraise trump by soooooo much. and I'll be ssssoooo happy.

I wandered around reddit some to see what people are saying...one guy was so innocently asking why trump was talking about Harris cackling so much. Did she have a weird laugh?

And people were trying to explain....woman...witch...cackle...misogyny. 


Have you guys watched CNN interview with Kentucky gov Beshear??? It was hilarious. I was belly laughing. He dissed Vance big time. I was waiting for a yo' mama joke next. He's SASSY.  I wasn't thinking a kentucky guy I've never heard of would be so ...engaging?  I was expecting a more calm boring middle aged white guy persona. But it was more like Snarky Andy Griffith and I'm here for it. He seemed very easy going and likeable. 

I know I've seen mark kelly interviews in the past. I don't remember a single thing about them. So I'm assuming he presents as expected for an ex nasa dude. A little dull, but calmly and correctly responds to the situation.

I need to see some interviews of the PA guy and the NC guy. Just based on photos, the NC guy "looks" the part. But does he have any sass? I now want a sassy smart alec VP. Ya know the guy who can say what the prez can't say out loud. Reminds me of all the biden/obama memes where obama was the straight guy (an innocent time!)

Tomorrow I have to ask the small children I work with what they think of Harris

(by that I mean the 20 somethings.  They're so freaking naive and cry a lot. They told me one day "if you get fired they have to pay you a lot of money right? severance?? Do you get the same amount if you quit?" They were horrified to learn that they would get  no money in either situation. They didn't understand why you wouldn't. I had to TRY to gently explain to them they are not CEO's of companies and that regular people don't get that stuff)

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After watching how Trump's children and their partners were handed powers they were not qualified for so that they too could defraud the American public, I tend to think a presidential candidate without children is a good thing.

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9 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

Have you guys watched CNN interview with Kentucky gov Beshear??? It was hilarious. I was belly laughing. He dissed Vance big time. I was waiting for a yo' mama joke next. He's SASSY.  I wasn't thinking a kentucky guy I've never heard of would be so ...engaging?  I was expecting a more calm boring middle aged white guy persona. But it was more like Snarky Andy Griffith and I'm here for it. He seemed very easy going and likeable. 

I know I've seen mark kelly interviews in the past. I don't remember a single thing about them. So I'm assuming he presents as expected for an ex nasa dude. A little dull, but calmly and correctly responds to the situation.

I need to see some interviews of the PA guy and the NC guy. Just based on photos, the NC guy "looks" the part. But does he have any sass? I now want a sassy smart alec VP. Ya know the guy who can say what the prez can't say out loud. Reminds me of all the biden/obama memes where obama was the straight guy (an innocent time!)

Oooh I'll have to check that out. I'm down with a snarky VP. I think for electability the VP for sure needs to be a middle aged or older white, straight, preferably married to a white woman, Christian (protestant preferred) man.  I kind of think with Harris being from California someone from the South or Midwest would also be an advantage. 

I get my news from reading so I can't vouch for Sassiness, but I do know Roy Cooper (NC governor) has lots of experience dealing with a hostile oppositional Republican senate situation, at least. NC is very much like the country as a whole - solidly blue cities and population centers surrounded by rural red areas that tend to vote against their own best interest much of the time and are what my mom would call "backward" - meaning a bit behind the times, possibly undereducated, and not forward thinking.

He ticks the boxes - mid-late-60s in age, Presbyterian former Sunday School teacher, wife is a lawyer, has grown kids and a rescue dog. He's a NHL hockey fan (Hurricanes) and likes Diet SunDrop apparently. He's also a Carolina basketball fan but I'll forgive that, LOL! He also won't take away a valuable seat in congress, and he's term limited with his stint as governor up Jan. 1, so that's a bonus. The biggest complaints I've personally heard against him from NC Republicans are about the Covid restrictions he imposed. He also seems to be gracious across party lines, outside of office, as best I can tell.

Really I'm voting for Kamala Harris no matter who is up for VP, she could nominate Satan himself and it would be a big step up from Trump. As long as whoever she picks is electable and not insane, we're going to be better off. Snarky would be a nice bonus!



(by that I mean the 20 somethings.  They're so freaking naive and cry a lot. They told me one day "if you get fired they have to pay you a lot of money right? severance?? Do you get the same amount if you quit?" They were horrified to learn that they would get  no money in either situation. They didn't understand why you wouldn't. I had to TRY to gently explain to them they are not CEO's of companies and that regular people don't get that stuff)

Regular people CAN get that stuff... but you have to have worked for a big company for a long time (sometimes VERY long) to qualify for it at all. Like longer than they've been alive, in many situations. My sister who has worked for the power utility for nearly 20 years probably would get a good severance package. Me, working the same amount of time for a small business, not so much. Boss is nice, I might get a week or two severance maybe at best. 

Hope I never have to find out!

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13 minutes ago, Alisamer said:

Really I'm voting for Kamala Harris no matter who is up for VP, she could nominate Satan himself and it would be a big step up from Trump. As long as whoever she picks is electable and not insane, we're going to be better off. Snarky would be a nice bonus!


I mean, he ticks the boxes. Certainly snarky. I'd vote for him! :confusion-shrug:😏


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Harris has made so much money. Very interesting. 

Van Jones had some interesting comments about black men being not just willing but required basically ( from social pressure/expectations) to support and protect a black woman. I think he was leaning into the idea that the commentary about Harris might not get as nasty as Hillary C. endured. We'll see. I have little faith in maga being able to reign it in even if their advisors want that to happen. and I kinda hope it happens. Harris can deal with it and it will show the people who tend to want to look away exactly what they are quietly trying to ignore.

So far the dems are doing a  good job of coming together 


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3 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

Harris has made so much money. Very interesting. 

Van Jones had some interesting comments about black men being not just willing but required basically ( from social pressure/expectations) to support and protect a black woman. I think he was leaning into the idea that the commentary about Harris might not get as nasty as Hillary C. endured. We'll see. I have little faith in maga being able to reign it in even if their advisors want that to happen. and I kinda hope it happens. Harris can deal with it and it will show the people who tend to want to look away exactly what they are quietly trying to ignore.

So far the dems are doing a  good job of coming together 


Oh I think it's going to get very very nasty but also Harris is a former DA/AG and she's had experience dealing with comments that are both hurtful AND excellent material to build a grenade and toss right back.

Also, I don't think it's going to be as cut and dried as Van Jones says. Because Harris was a key part of the criminal justice system and she locked up a lot of black men. I think she will get deep support from the black community, but it's going to be complicated. She's going to have build some bridges and not take it for granted.

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14 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:


And people were trying to explain....woman...witch...cackle...misogyny. 



And hysteria, let’s not forget that one. 

We were having a conversation at my house about how she should handle Trump in the debates…down and dirty or take the high road. I think somewhere in between, because, yes, sadly, as a woman she has to be a little careful. But we see how “go high when they go low” worked for Hilary. 

What do you all think?  

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10 minutes ago, kpmom said:

And hysteria, let’s not forget that one. 

We were having a conversation at my house about how she should handle Trump in the debates…down and dirty or take the high road. I think somewhere in between, because, yes, sadly, as a woman she has to be a little careful. But we see how “go high when they go low” worked for Hilary. 

What do you all think?  

IIRC, Trump paced behind Hillary Clinton during the debate and it kind of gave a visual of her "cowering."

I don't think they are going to be allowed to pace around like that this time, thankfully.

First, I hope she uses a chunk of time to put forth the platform as if he is not even present. That needs to be the top priority.

Second, I hope she puts him on the defensive: repeat incoherent statements and amplify how incoherent it is, roll her eyes or close them if he tries to make eye contact, call out the gaslighting, criticize his known triggers, make subtle and snarky jabs to his treatment of women and working class and disable people. ("I know it's frustrating right now that you can't grab me.") Trigger the heck out of him.

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33 minutes ago, noseybutt said:

Trump paced behind Hillary Clinton during the debate and it kind of gave a visual of her "cowering."

I don't think they are going to be allowed to pace around like that this time, thankfully.

I think that "stay at your podium" must have had to be added to the rules after that, because I don't think anyone expected someone to do that in a political debate.

It's like all of those ridiculous warnings on products that you know had to be added after somebody actually did whatever stupid thing the manufacturer hadn't foreseen.

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2 minutes ago, thoughtful said:

I think that "stay at your podium" must have had to be added to the rules after that, because I don't think anyone expected someone to do that in a political debate.

It's like all of those ridiculous warnings on products that you know had to be added after somebody actually did whatever stupid thing the manufacturer hadn't foreseen.

It was a straight up bullying tactic. 

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2 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:


I think whoever Harris picks it should someone either about her age or younger in order to short circuit the people whining about Biden's age.  I'd be a little nervous about putting in Roy Cooper because he's in his late 60s and would be more valuable in his current job.  All the others on this list are about Harris' age or younger. 

I might have mentioned this already, but I thought another good pick was former Iowa Governor Chet Culver.  He's about the VP's age and has good political experience.  He would help with getting support in the upper Midwest.  I would've also suggested former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack.  Vilsack did a great job as Iowa Governor and US Secretary of Agriculture.  The main reason I don't think it would be a good idea to name him is that he's in his early 70s now.  It might fire up that whole he's to old shitshow the BTs were having again despite their golden calf being in his late 70s and showing signs of mental decline to pick him.

I'd go with Walz myself.  MN is probably one of the safer states in that we could lose an incumbent governor.  As it looks like MN has has the Lt. Gov step in right away, Lt. Governor (Peggy Flanagan) would have incumbent advantage and win in 2026.  Being a Midwestern governor would likely appeal to voters in this part of the country, especially undecideds who are leaning D.

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I wasn't quite sure where to put this one. But it's related to Kamala Harris and the election so here we are .

The SBC attempted to fire somebody for saying that Biden did the right thing so to speak and stepping aside in the election. Then they shuffled around and said no they didn't fire him and somebody else resigned.





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1 hour ago, noseybutt said:

Also, I don't think it's going to be as cut and dried as Van Jones says. Because Harris was a key part of the criminal justice system and she locked up a lot of black men. I think she will get deep support from the black community, but it's going to be complicated. She's going to have build some bridges and not take it for granted.

There are people (bots? Maybe?) already spreading around posts about how she's "not actually black." So far the attacks seem to be to:

  • Call her a slut or whore and imply she slept her way into office
  • Make sure the white voters consider her an angry black woman
  • Try to convince the black voters that she's not actually black and remind them her husband is Jewish
  • Try to convince family values voters that she is terrible for never giving birth, in case the attacks on her sexual history don't sway them away
  • Imply that because she has no kids and they're convinced she is a slut that she must have had tons of abortions
  • And some of the dumber people are convinced she's not a US citizen, somehow. 

So they are trying to make the misogynists hate her more than they already do, make racists hate her more than they already do, undermine any support she might have from people of color, try to make her look like a horrible anti-family harridan, and try to disqualify her from office somehow.

I think they're throwing everything at her and trying to see if anything sticks.

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1 hour ago, Alisamer said:

There are people (bots? Maybe?) already spreading around posts about how she's "not actually black." So far the attacks seem to be to:

  • Call her a slut or whore and imply she slept her way into office
  • Make sure the white voters consider her an angry black woman
  • Try to convince the black voters that she's not actually black and remind them her husband is Jewish
  • Try to convince family values voters that she is terrible for never giving birth, in case the attacks on her sexual history don't sway them away
  • Imply that because she has no kids and they're convinced she is a slut that she must have had tons of abortions
  • And some of the dumber people are convinced she's not a US citizen, somehow. 

So they are trying to make the misogynists hate her more than they already do, make racists hate her more than they already do, undermine any support she might have from people of color, try to make her look like a horrible anti-family harridan, and try to disqualify her from office somehow.

I think they're throwing everything at her and trying to see if anything sticks.

Along with implying her husband is emasculated, weak, or some other bullshit.  The Russian bot farms will probably try that.

Actually, I could see some of the dumber BTs going with that Harris is not a citizen bullshit.  Harris was born in Oakland, California.  Her mother was from India and her father is Jamaican.  Harris was born in Oakland, California so she's a US citizen by birth, as is her sister.

I think the Senate Judiciary Committee should haul Suckerberg and Qelon in front of them and be as unrelenting as the fucks in the GQP were towards former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle.  Up to and including out right accusing them of batting for the Russian team followed by recommendations for the DOJ to follow up.

Edited by 47of74
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I've heard the not eligible because her parents aren't from here from several places....But that's literally not how it works.  Im sure they will try to see what sticks.  The weird line they have to walk is saying a lot of that stuff is great for rapid maga fans - but how does it play with the very very very critical undecided voters?

I'm getting more excited by the day. She seems tough as nails (like hillary) so hopefully the hate will just slide off her back.  I have no idea how good of a debater or speaker she may be. I'd think that a former prosecutor would be good at that - and probably very good at taking suggestion from a teams of advisers? Because despite what TV portrays, I think most the time prosecutors are a team of supporters.

I wish reporters and talking points would move on from "earning" the nomination and "grassroots" support for her etc. Let's just most past this. It's a done deal.

Saw an interesting thing today on the way to work.

I don't think I've seen a  biden harris car decal of any sort in the 2 years I've been traveling the same route. Today I saw a biden harris bumper sticker .  I was sitting at the red light and had time to ponder it. And then I realize the same car had a "Madam Vice President" (Kamala H.) sticker. And it was old/dirty/worn. So this person some time in the past specifically went out to get a Kamala Harris bumper sticker....a good sign!

I'm so happy that trump and company are spinning their wheels. every time they say something about it's unfair or "illegal" for biden to quit. I just laugh harder. HAHAHAH FUCKERS!


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I've been reading some news since getting home from work and pondering the VP pick. Looks like the kentucky guy isn't under consideration. Bit of a bummer. I'm mostly seeing PA guy, NC guy ,and Mark Kelly AZ guy.

Apparently Harris is pretty good friends with Kelly. I kind of lean away from PA guy. I think she needs a non-northern guy. I don't like the NC guy, he's too old and we need to get past this. If she won she'd be stuck with him and then there would be pressure for him to run and then he'd be very old and we'd be right back again.  Also NC is a hot mess. Just sooooo much mess. I feel like there's probably soooo much dirt on him and soooo much drama that would get stirred up from his time in NC.

I like the Kelly option as he's former military and nasa and both of those appeal to a lot of people. I can't imagine there's any dirt on him. So if we're not considering Kentucky guy, I'm leaning AZ /Kelly. 

I don't know anything about the MN guy and I think that's a liability. And I think MI lady governor is just a no go for so many reasons it's not worth typing them.

I'd also expect that Kelly and Harris already have some level of working relationship plus he's not a governor so I feel like less of liability to give up his spot. I realize his senate spot is important though. 

Not that any of my thoughts matter but just felt like sharing them as we watch the whirlwind. 

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The Boston Globe does a good job of providing pros and cons of potential VP picks:


Article pasted in the hidden comments below.


Who might Kamala Harris pick for VP? Here’s a shortlist of candidates.

By James Pindell Globe Staff, Updated July 22, 2024, 7:08 p.m.

Throughout American history, presidential candidates have chosen vice presidential running mates for various reasons. Sometimes it was to secure the nomination at a convention; create balance geographically, ideologically, by gender, or by age; shake up a campaign; or simply find the best governing partner.

However, Kamala Harris, given her race, gender, and lack of a defined ideological brand, doesn’t have to worry about any of that. Indeed, the decision for Harris in selecting a running mate this late in the campaign appears to be based on one thing: who can help her win.

Former president Donald Trump’s selection last week clearly had different considerations. He wanted someone loyal first and foremost, fully dedicated to the MAGA brand, who looked the part, could help raise money, and could potentially use his Midwestern bonafides to help win a state or two.

In other words, Trump was looking for a matrix of qualities and ended up with 39-year-old JD Vance, the Ohio senator.

For Harris, it is just a clean, cold political calculation.

Because this decision appears so strategic, it is much easier for those of us at home to play along. After all, while it might be nice for Harris to have a good rapport with her pick, that is not the assignment Biden gave her.

The assignment was to simply win and, as Democrats would argue, save American democracy in the process by preventing a second Trump term.

As a result, the shortlist of candidates being discussed is purely political and includes a lot of white men from strategically important spots. Though, as we will find below, some are more important than others.

Let’s explore the vice presidential options:

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro

Pros: If we are going purely on strategy, Shapiro tops the list. There are seven swing states at the moment, and none have as many electoral votes as Pennsylvania. Shapiro, 51, has won Pennsylvania three times statewide, including his single term as governor in 2022. Before that, he was elected as a county official in one of the biggest swing counties in the country.

He is politically talented on the stump and has governed as a centrist.

Cons: Picking Shapiro could upset two groups important to the Democratic base. He is a huge proponent of charter schools, making him somewhat of a villain to teachers unions. Shapiro, who is Jewish, is also a very big supporter of Israel at a time when many in the party are not, especially the Arab American community in the swing state of Michigan.

Arizona Senator Mark Kelly

Pros: He flew combat missions and is a former astronaut. He is married to former Democratic representative Gabby Giffords, who became a folk hero in Democratic circles after she was shot while holding a town hall and then led a gun control organization. He also comes across well as a grown-up compared with other rising stars.

And he is from Arizona, a swing state.

Cons: From a purely strategic sense, Arizona’s 11 electoral votes in play are fewer than Pennsylvania’s 19. In this campaign, eight electoral votes are huge.

Then there is Kelly’s Senate seat. He comes from a swing state and was seen as a huge recruiting get, winning the state twice in both a special election and a regular general election. Arizona has a Democratic governor who would likely fill the seat with a Democrat, should the Harris/Kelly ticket win. But then it would be up in 2026.

North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper

Pros: North Carolina presents the best chance for Democrats to flip a state that Trump won in 2020. Biden barely lost it that year. This year Republicans have a controversial candidate for governor potentially limiting Republican appeals to independent voters. Democrats are investing heavily to grab the state’s 16 electoral votes.

Cooper has not only won statewide six times — involving runs for both governor and attorney general — but he also reportedly had a good relationship with Harris when both served as state attorneys general.

Cons: North Carolina is still not the same size as Pennsylvania, nor is it a must-win for Democrats. It is a reach state, and Trump has been handily up all year over Biden.

Also, if Harris wants to make a generational change argument to the ticket as a bonus, Cooper is 67.

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear

Pros: Here is the story of a two-term governor who beat really good Republican candidates in a very Republican state. In 2023, he won reelection by running firmly on an abortion-rights platform, and his representation of an Appalachian state pairs well against Vance.

Cons: Beshear simply doesn’t help Democrats win anywhere. Kentucky only has eight electoral votes and last voted for a Democrat in 1996.

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer

Pros: She is liked by many in the Democratic base. She represents a swing state that she helped make entirely blue for the first time in decades. Two women on the ticket double down on a campaign message about abortion and would make history.

Cons: Democrats are already making history with a Black and South Asian woman leading the ticket. Michigan isn’t as big as Pennsylvania in terms of electoral votes. Harris simply leading the ticket could be enough to turn out Black voters to swing the state. Also, Whitmer said this week on camera she has no interest in the job.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg

Pros: Buttigieg is among the most talented people currently in politics. He has intellectual and rhetorical skills and would likely be solid in a debate or any portfolio he is given.

Cons: Buttigieg, a former Indiana mayor who has moved residency to Michigan, has no political base. What he has is a liberal/Wall Street/LGBTQ+ donation base, but Harris already has that in many ways. Beyond being good on camera and the stump, it is unclear where and how he can help the ticket win. Remember, the last seat he was elected to was mayor of South Bend, Ind.

James Pindell can be reached at james.pindell@globe.com. Follow him @jamespindell and on Instagram @jameswpindell.


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I thought Gretchen Whitmer was pretty emphatic that she did not want to be picked for VP. Maybe she’s on the list as a red herring?

I like Kelly. He could be a really good choice. Astronaut, military, senator. I think he balances her nicely, and he would certainly come out on top of any head to head with Vance. If he is the pick, Katie Hobbs would appoint a dem to take his seat in the senate. It would be short term until 2026, but providing she makes a smart appointment, it could work out long term. 

I don’t know much about Cooper. I heard someone describe him as a younger version of Biden, but I think he’s the oldest of the choices? 

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That was a good article. Now I like Cooper a little more --but he's still too old - 67.  And I don't mean right now per se. Although let's be real, MANY people are retired in their 60s and I'm beyond sick and tired of all the politicians being older than everybody else and just hanging on using their connections to out bid anybody who tries to take their seat.

1st - he's going to open Harris up to same old guy criticism that biden was getting. I'd rather we move on from that issue. let's not give trump his favorite talking points right back again. Trump's vp is very young. It's going to make Cooper look like Biden 2.0

2nd if Harris wins and runs again - he'd be in his 70s. Then who runs after harris? The VP...a dude in his mid 70s and a decade past retirement age. Come on. He might be the greatest guy ever but we need to stop this. New people need to be groomed and put in the pipeline.

I get the numbers game on the PA guy. But I'd be concerned about all the states far away from PA. But I don't know the numbers all that well. Like how close all the other states were and how they're polling now. I'd assume the harris team is crunching those numbers.

I know GA was only about 11k votes over to the democrat side. I hope we can do it again!

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1 hour ago, AnywhereButHere said:

I thought Gretchen Whitmer was pretty emphatic that she did not want to be picked for VP. Maybe she’s on the list as a red herring?

I like Kelly. He could be a really good choice. Astronaut, military, senator. I think he balances her nicely, and he would certainly come out on top of any head to head with Vance. If he is the pick, Katie Hobbs would appoint a dem to take his seat in the senate. It would be short term until 2026, but providing she makes a smart appointment, it could work out long term. 

I don’t know much about Cooper. I heard someone describe him as a younger version of Biden, but I think he’s the oldest of the choices? 

I think she’s on the public list to show her importance to the Dems. There’s no way, even if she was willing, a ticket with two women will win. Just like a ticket with two black candidates will win. 

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I'm pretty excited that Kamala Harris seems to have activated a younger generation, especially younger women.   They are en Fuego!  I had to look up KHive this morning.  It's been around for years, but I wasn't familiar with it. 

NYT: "On social media platforms including X and Instagram, some users have added coconut and palm tree emojis to their bios and beside their handles, referring to the speech. Clips of Ms. Harris speaking have been remixed into pop songs by artists like Charli XCX and Chappell Roan, and they have spread widely across TikTok.

It’s the latest iteration of a longtime online fandom around Ms. Harris, sometimes known as the KHive. The online encyclopedia Know Your Meme credits the MSNBC correspondent Joy-Ann Reid with coining the moniker — a play on BeyHive, the name of Beyoncé’s devoted fan base — in a tweet in 2017, when Ms. Harris was a first-term senator from California. Both Ms. Harris and President Biden have referred to the KHive on social media over the years."

Honestly, there might be 20 somethings adopting neutral pant suits and heels! 

I listened to a furious young woman being interviewed a few weeks ago before Biden suspended his campaign.  She desperately wanted him to step down, because to her mind, the elderly, who would not be around much longer, were deciding HER FUTURE and she was being denied the calculus that would create the life and political environment in which she would live.  I mentally had kind of snippy response to her for not giving credit to Biden's wisdom and accumulated skills as a politician.  But she does have a point and the energetic outpouring of support for Harris means there are a lot of young women who feel the same. 

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I do wish there was a way to better ensure that the government represents the actual people. Term limits would be a decent first step IMO - no reason anyone should be locked in to their job until they die, and a 14-20 year term limit for congress would be plenty to allow a mix of experienced and newer representatives, and the more experienced older ones could be valuable in a mentoring or advisory capacity. 

Because I do think in large part the government lags behind the people. Some of that is just due to something so huge necessarily being slow, but it is insulting IMO to have people who in any other business would have long since retired who have been living in a political bubble for decades making decisions that will long outlive them. There needs to be a mix - and politicians need to actually listen to and represent their constituents. 

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