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Kamala Harris: Madam Vice President


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The AP put out this fact checking article the other day


The announcement that Vice President Kamala Harris will seek the Democratic nomination for president is inspiring a wave of false claims about her eligibility and her background. Some first emerged years ago, while others only surfaced after President Joe Biden’s decision to end his bid for a second term.

Including the old disgusting standbys that she's not a US citizen, isn't really black, and has been in relationships with married men.  (One of them was with a man who was married but separated at the time.

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Kamala had the perfect comeback for the orange fuck over his wanting to pull out of the debate (or at least have it on what he thinks is state TV).


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Apparently BTs have another reason to be upset with Kamala.


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I hope VP Harris refuses to do a Fox News sponsored debate.  

At minimum, mics have to be cut when it's not the candidates turn to speak. 

Trump absolutely cannot be allowed to roam around the stage; but must stand at his lectern. 

There has to be fact checking. 

Otherwise, it's just a regular Trump clown show, which Fox will only be too happy to allow. 

15 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:


Finally, calling Trump out for the disgusting, failing human that he is.  I hope they hammer this every day.  It will get under Trump's skin like a bad rash. 

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Why should Harris debate TFG at all?  I would like her to say "He refused to debate  for his nomination, he lies and obfuscates, a debate would be a waste of my time and resources.  Anyone who wants to know my positions on issues important to the American people can check my website or call their local Harris for President campaign office."  She could give a series of interviews with mainstream media outlets or online livestreams.  

I must say I am happy with Harris as Presidential candidate, but I am very sad to miss the entertainment that would have been a Harris/Vance debate.  She would eat his lunch!

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My sense, and I could be totally wrong, is that pundits and pollsters are clueless about the tsunami of support building for VP Harris.  In the same way that MAGAts took Hillary's "Basket of Deplorables" and rallied behind that identity,  Democrats are rallying behind the identities of Cat Ladies and whatever else Vance/Trump is trying to throw out.  There's huge excitement and energy for Harris; whatever is being thrown out by the opposition just isn't going to stick.  My only concern is whoever she picks for her VP.  He (and it will be a he) needs to have charisma and an absolutely wicked sense of humor.  

I've been checking out the New York Timees the last few days.  Shocking the extent they normalize Trump by not calling out his crazy.  And they had a nice, soft, very kind article about how Vance went from being a Never Trumper to being a Trump supporter, because, ya know, Vance came to the realization that Trump, who has been unfairly vilified, is in reality, a kind, very thoughtful guy who really is for the working man.  Yeah, I'm not making this up. 

It's open season on Trump's age and cognitive decline free fall and Harris' campaign is calling that out plus Trump's mental pathologies. 

Interesting times ahead. 


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Barack and Michelle Obama have endorsed Kamala


Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential bid in a video released Friday.

“Michelle and I couldn’t be prouder to endorse you and to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office,” the former president told Harris on a phone call joined by his wife, according to the video.

Harris thanked the Obamas for their support and expressed gratitude for their decades long friendship.

“Oh my goodness. Michelle, Barack, this means so much to me. I’m looking forward to doing this with the two of you, Doug and I both. And getting out there, being on the road,” the vice president said.

Now that they have I wonder if fuck head is going to try continuing weaseling out of the debate. 

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26 minutes ago, 47of74 said:

Barack and Michelle Obama have endorsed Kamala

Now that they have I wonder if fuck head is going to try continuing weaseling out of the debate. 

I bet he will. One excuse after another..... 

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Team Kamala’s press team is doing a great job:


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This morning I found myself internally chanting "please please please please"

and it took me a minute to process I'm begging people to please be sane, vance to please continue alienating people, kamala to please keep it up, please pick the  best VP, for the momentum to please stay....and just everything. Please.

Watched some "undecided" voters interviews from GA this morning. And I'm still so confused. several saying: I'm conservative, just because I'm a POC doesn't mean I'm automatically voting for harris!

And yet they never ask what conservative means to them. Because conservative used to mean "family values" and "traditions" and middle america decent people (among other things). And trump represents none of that and in fact really ought to be incredibly insulting to that idea of conservative.

So I genuinely would love to know - what are these people thinking when they say "conservative" and they're not the stereotypical non-college educated white male?

I don't understand the undecideds. How can rational people not sucked into the maga cult and fears of "being replaced (by POC, women, gays)" ...how can these presumably mostly sane people look at trump and go "yep....not my favorite, but he's good with me" the way they did about Bush jr.??

I hope Kamala understands it and can answer to it.


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9 hours ago, Becky said:

Why should Harris debate TFG at all?  I would like her to say "He refused to debate  for his nomination, he lies and obfuscates, a debate would be a waste of my time and resources.  Anyone who wants to know my positions on issues important to the American people can check my website or call their local Harris for President campaign office."  She could give a series of interviews with mainstream media outlets or online livestreams.  

I must say I am happy with Harris as Presidential candidate, but I am very sad to miss the entertainment that would have been a Harris/Vance debate.  She would eat his lunch!

She should make him agree that if he really wants to debate her that he allows himself to be handcuffed to the podium.  (And for fairness Kamala should then say she'd do the same if he agreed to that).  It'd keep him from leaving the podium to walk behind her or trying some of his other bullshit tactics.

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26 minutes ago, 47of74 said:

She should make him agree that if he really wants to debate her that he allows himself to be handcuffed to the podium.  (And for fairness Kamala should then say she'd do the same if he agreed to that).  It'd keep him from leaving the podium to walk behind her or trying some of his other bullshit tactics.

easy way to resolve it is to have 2 raised areas with steps up to them so he'd have to go down steps and look ridiculous. And put a clear waist high divider. Can still get their camera angles etc but he's contained like a toddler

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2 minutes ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

easy way to resolve it is to have 2 raised areas with steps up to them so he'd have to go down steps and look ridiculous. And put a clear waist high divider. Can still get their camera angles etc but he's contained like a toddler

I like the idea of a dog kennel.



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21 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Apparently BTs have another reason to be upset with Kamala.


Oh noes.

(My standard response from here on out.)

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I am getting very excited to see all this. In all these clips she seems smart and articulate without sounding condescending or elitist, she talks as if she respects her constituents' intelligence while also using plain language that doesn't assume everyone has a college degree. She seems approachable, like someone who would shake your hand and listen to you if you went out of your way to talk to her. She's fiery and sometimes sassy/sarcastic but looks composed at the same time.

I've been thinking today about Australia's first (& so far only) female prime minister, back in 2010. She's an unmarried childless atheist and she became PM in what was at the time a bit of a scandal - she was deputy PM and while her party was in office, basically they decided they didn't want the current PM to be their leader anymore and so they had a leadership spill and gave her the top job. She pretty much immediately called an election so that the Australian people could "choose" whether to keep her or not, and that was held a few weeks later. It was an extremely tight race with each party receiving an equal number of seats, her party scraped back in to form government thanks to a couple of independents and a third party. In the end she was elected and in my opinion became a very good prime minister who got a lot of important things done in a very difficult working context. I consider her a better/more effective PM than pretty much anyone else we've had in my reasonably short voting life. Australian politics is very different from the US in a lot of ways, but I've been thinking about it because of these unusual circumstances with Biden pulling out so late and handing Harris the baton, no primaries, having to rally support quite quickly to see if she can win etc. Maybe it's not ideal. Maybe it will go down in history for the way that it happened. But maybe she'll be your first female President anyway.

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Kamala's speech about her meeting with Netanyahu, the complexity of the situation and history of the region & people, and the need for unity and a way forward (there and here) was amazing! Very much a "Presidential voice" and like Joe, a reassuring stance (IMO) and obviously a stark contrast to the idiot Mr. Miracle Grow. I am becoming much more hopeful this week (about the country and voters, didn't doubt Madam VP). The campaign has pivoted well and I know they are structured to get Democrats elected. 

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If all members of Congress and the President are subject to a minimum age limit, then why on earth is a maximum age limit so hard to accept?! The same goes for the Sumpreme court. We will almost certainly never have any one under 35 on the Supreme Court, yet no real controversy over chief justice William Renquists age?! Make it make sense!

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I have my issues with Kamala but I'm thrilled how it feels like this election is no longer a shoe-in for Trump! And JD Vance hasn't been welcomed with the open arms I was sure he would get!

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I'm trying to remain hopeful but people are still so willfully ignorant and a huge chunk are happily horrible. I'm not sure when it became not just ok, but celebrated, to say stuff about refusing to cooperate with the other side and purposefully making rules/law/policy not to meet in the middle - but go ultra to one side (lately republican). I did see a documentary about nancy pelosi that put the blame on her for digging into the idea that you shouldn't compromise with the other side....I don't know enough political history to know whether that's accurate or nuanced enough. but I am sick and tired of it. Nobody wins when that's the policy. and I hope Harris can convey that. I think that's what the undecideds want.  a meet in the middle  sanity again.

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45 minutes ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

I'm trying to remain hopeful but people are still so willfully ignorant and a huge chunk are happily horrible. I'm not sure when it became not just ok, but celebrated, to say stuff about refusing to cooperate with the other side and purposefully making rules/law/policy not to meet in the middle - but go ultra to one side (lately republican). I did see a documentary about nancy pelosi that put the blame on her for digging into the idea that you shouldn't compromise with the other side....I don't know enough political history to know whether that's accurate or nuanced enough. but I am sick and tired of it. Nobody wins when that's the policy. and I hope Harris can convey that. I think that's what the undecideds want.  a meet in the middle  sanity again.

I think that's a fairly accurate take on Pelosi. 

I am very much similar to @Giraffe--I have my disagreements with Harris but dang, she has enough character and talent and skills to be a good leader and, at this point, I will not nitpick. I am thrilled for there to be energy and hope and especially with younger people who have felt completely shut out. I very much wanted to see Biden not run again because it's very likely he has a serious neurodegenerative condition but no way, no how could I have predicted the energy and enthusiasm generated by how he withdrew and who he endorsed. Suddenly MAGA is looking as racist, tired, and mean as it always has been, but this time it's the young and social media proficient who are driving the tide and they are doing so with humor and intelligence.

I am here for it.

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3 hours ago, Pecansforeveryone said:

If all members of Congress and the President are subject to a minimum age limit, then why on earth is a maximum age limit so hard to accept?! The same goes for the Sumpreme court. We will almost certainly never have any one under 35 on the Supreme Court, yet no real controversy over chief justice William Renquists age?! Make it make sense!

I guess my only qualm is that as medical science gets better and people live longer they may either run for Congress later in life.  I think term limits would be the better solution just because it ensures we don't have people uy ndergoing fossilization while in office (such as Chuck Grassley) while allowing older people to run for office.  My mom will be 78 in a few months and she's still mentally with it so I'd have no problems voting for someone her age.  (Senile fornicate faces like TFG, on the other hand, yeah I do have a problem with voting for them).

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TFG slurred at the end of "landslide" at a rally recently. I heard it quickly on the news this morning and my day has gone downhill so haven't watched/read news again yet 🫤 Why is no one talking about his cognitive decline, (or lack of cognition? 🤣)  I'm hopeful for Kamala to win. I had to explain to a few people today, though (including tow truck driver - there was a reason the subject came up) because they haven't been paying attention to the news or P25 and how much worse than just D/R choice this is 😱 smh 

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Punctuation is useful
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There's so much new stuff to talk about - dementia don is old news.

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