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Kamala Harris: Madam Vice President


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This is truly impressive:


My neighbors have a winter home in FL, in the community adjacent to the Villages. They told me it's full of crazy BTs. I'm glad to see maybe there are some people who aren't in the TFG bag.

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They need to keep hitting TFG:


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“America can do better!”

That about sums it up. From someone on the other side of the big pond, PLEASE - do better! 

EDIT: Aptly, this post just raised my post count rank to “Passed the Good Person Test”.

Edited by GreenBeans
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The news today is all about how Harris has embraced calling Vance "weird"

Which is not good - the news is focusing on how it's strange that Harris focused on it - and they're skipping over the actual disturbing Vance shit. Hopefully they refine the message shortly. I'm not sure "weird" is going to appeal to independents. and it's right of of the big baby's play book - let's move on

I hope they start going after his total lack of experience and trump's age combined.

or the racism

or the scary uber right wing agenda

or the general sketchiness of trump

or the highly unpopular supreme court situation

"weird" doesn't cut it for a guy who thinks childless people shouldn't vote.

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On 7/27/2024 at 10:28 PM, GreyhoundFan said:

This is truly impressive:


My neighbors have a winter home in FL, in the community adjacent to the Villages. They told me it's full of crazy BTs. I'm glad to see maybe there are some people who aren't in the TFG bag.

My sister REALLY wants to move to the Villages when she retires, but is hoping many of the MAGA morons are gone by then.

I keep hoping that  a combo of young people getting energized to vote, the fact that MAGA voters disproportionally were killed by Covid (as a direct result of listening to Trump, who got vaccinated himself when they didn't), natural aging, and hopefully some people coming to their senses will result in a win for Harris. A real actual win, not just a popular vote win.


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23 minutes ago, Alisamer said:

My sister REALLY wants to move to the Villages when she retires, but is hoping many of the MAGA morons are gone by then.

I keep hoping that  a combo of young people getting energized to vote, the fact that MAGA voters disproportionally were killed by Covid (as a direct result of listening to Trump, who got vaccinated himself when they didn't), natural aging, and hopefully some people coming to their senses will result in a win for Harris. A real actual win, not just a popular vote win.


I have a friend who has a cousin who lives there. She is going to be visiting next year. I would find it sheer hell to be surrounded by magats. 

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3 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

The news today is all about how Harris has embraced calling Vance "weird"

Which is not good - the news is focusing on how it's strange that Harris focused on it - and they're skipping over the actual disturbing Vance shit. Hopefully they refine the message shortly. I'm not sure "weird" is going to appeal to independents. and it's right of of the big baby's play book - let's move on

I hope they start going after his total lack of experience and trump's age combined.

or the racism

or the scary uber right wing agenda

or the general sketchiness of trump

or the highly unpopular supreme court situation

"weird" doesn't cut it for a guy who thinks childless people shouldn't vote.

I agree with you, however if “weird” hits home with independent and non-MAGA Rs, they should use it. 

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1 hour ago, GreyhoundFan said:

I agree with you, however if “weird” hits home with independent and non-MAGA Rs, they should use it. 

It's nicer than the word(s) I would use. 

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8 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

It's nicer than the word(s) I would use. 

Same here.   I've got plenty of less than family friendly words to use to describe fuck head.

Vox put this out about the racist and sexist attacks against the VP


In their opening wave of attacks on the Democrats’ likely presidential nominee, some Republicans are homing in on Vice President Kamala Harris’s race and gender — despite certain party leaders’ pleas for them to steer clear.

Members of the religious right have dubbed her a “jezebel,” while other conservative activists suggested that she’s slept her way to the top by citing past romantic relationships she’s had. GOP commentators have also echoed many of the same “birtherism” attacks that were once used against former President Barack Obama, falsely claiming that her candidacy isn’t viable because her parents were Jamaican and Indian immigrants. (Harris is a US citizen who was born in California.) And they’ve tapped into common GOP talking points about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), implying that Harris isn’t up for the job and was selected for VP solely because of her identity.

“The media propped up this president, lied to the American people for three years, and then dumped him for our DEI vice president,” Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) said in a post on X. (Burchett has since said he wishes he hadn’t said this, while adding that it’s the “truth.”)

There is a common thread in all these attacks: They take aim at Harris’s identity, rather than her agenda or experience.


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48 minutes ago, 47of74 said:

Same here.   I've got plenty of less than family friendly words to use to describe fuck head.

Vox put this out about the racist and sexist attacks against the VP


Some of the things I'm seeing... calling her a slut and all these sex jokes. Like no one has a past. She is around my age and I can only imagine what they would say about my friends and I. And trump.... he is as pure as white snow. Still married to the same wife, never cheated..... blech! These people are awful. It really is sad that this is what women face. 

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The polls are looking good!! let's hope the rats are shaking in their nests.

I think the weird thing isn't good for independents. I watched a bunch of stuff from a focus group lady and she said that what the swing voters are saying is they don't know harris. they don't know what she's like or thinks etc.

I think harris needs to get out there and show them a sane rational adult with actual policies. not  more school yard name calling.

I've also seen some interviews with pundits who think people voted for biden last time BECAUSE he was boring. They were just so tired of the arguing. And I can see that. People want to go about life and not have to think about politics all the time. Harris needs to show them that it's safe to go back to every day life.

not because she's going to "fix it" so nobody has to vote again - but because she's not going to do crazy shit.  I hope she can  show that. trump's rhetoric from his minnesota speech is uber crazy


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I don’t mind the weird thing so much. At least not for the short term. The first time I heard it, it made me do a double take and laugh. We all call him names, call him crazy, delusional, whatever, so  it was just refreshing to hear a politician say it, out loud, that their opponent is madder than a box of frogs (I have been waiting YEARS for a place to use that phrase 😂 ). Like “Oh good! You see it too.”

If it was just left there, I think it would wear off fast, but  I’ve seen that word followed up by whatever policy/statement/proposed platform was weird and why. I think that because they’ve got to shove a season’s worth of campaigning into a short amount of time, they’re going to quickly cycle through different strategies. Right now, it’s the weird thing, but I think we’ll soon start seeing more ads on policy

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The news is now fixated on "weird"  - probably because every dem in every interview found some way to work it into their statements. 

They should talk about old/senile/untrustworthy for trump and something stronger for vance than weird. I think it's a misstep and they need to get off it fast. You want the news to go back to talking about the enthusiasm and money not having debates about "weird"

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This is not an original thought to me—-Historically ridicule and humor have been effective against fascism because fascist arguments are not logical. It’s hard to reach people under the spell of fascism with rational, well-thought arguments but sometimes you can nudge their thinking by pointing out the absurd and especially in a humorous way when they are caught off guard/less defensive.

We all know JD Vance didn’t have sex with a couch but the absurdity of the memes IMO is entertaining and ultimately a good thing. He’s a smart and slippery guy but no match for couch rumors.


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Kamala is fantastic! Not only in her Atlanta speech, but also live afterwards on a virtual call 💙 Sterling K. Brown and America Ferrera are also Awesome! (knew that lol) Seriously, if you haven't looked at the site or joined yet, do so! 

"When we fight, we win."

"We Are Not Going Back!"

Feeling hopeful and excited. Such a nice change. I 💙 Joe, don't get me wrong; just the overall level of momentum is great. So many volunteers joined over the weekend and in the last week, and donated. (I think it's insane and disgusting how much money goes to campaigning, especially when people are homeless and starving, but that's a separate issue). 

Vote! 💙

On 7/29/2024 at 3:21 PM, 47of74 said:

Same here.   I've got plenty of less than family friendly words to use to describe fuck head.

Vox put this out about the racist and sexist attacks against the VP


Unrelated but related, the book Vox... Scary af read about the direction of things ala  Handmaid's Tale but contemporary, quick read, novel.

Edited by LongTimeLurkerOG
added hyperlink
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On 7/29/2024 at 10:35 AM, Alisamer said:

My sister REALLY wants to move to the Villages when she retires, but is hoping many of the MAGA morons are gone by then.

I keep hoping that  a combo of young people getting energized to vote, the fact that MAGA voters disproportionally were killed by Covid (as a direct result of listening to Trump, who got vaccinated himself when they didn't), natural aging, and hopefully some people coming to their senses will result in a win for Harris. A real actual win, not just a popular vote win.


Tell her to bring protection... Lots of STIs there. Bad rep 

Hmmm... but no one calls them man whores or Jezebels on the news... 🫤

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I caught pieces of the rally in between making dinner. I need to see the whole thing, because from the little I did hear, she was on fire! I think she drew 10,000 attendees? Trump has a rally in the same location coming up. I’m looking forward to comparing crowd size. 😆

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8 minutes ago, AnywhereButHere said:

I caught pieces of the rally in between making dinner. I need to see the whole thing, because from the little I did hear, she was on fire! I think she drew 10,000 attendees? Trump has a rally in the same location coming up. I’m looking forward to comparing crowd size. 😆

Size does matter! 🤣 Especially to agent orange's ego

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"She either likes or loves me..." Wow.


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just sad....but not like I can sad....just a sad man



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5 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

"She either likes or loves me..." Wow.


I just can't even... He's talking about his wife and "she likes me or loves me" um, ok my dude .. she's supposed to... but ok (read plenty of Blind Gossip before the site just dropped off the face of the earth w no new posts, so "traumatized " might not be the word I would pick... ). It's like the hyperbole just expands because, well, mein Drumpf... I am not a conspiracy Nut but I swear there's something just not right (other than the obvious), the situation... and ensuing adulation exalted aftermath (I want to vomit typing this). JFC I don't go to church anymore, but he's not JC or the new chosen one! And Cory fking Died so speak coherently and respectfully at least about That. And we hear nothing about the other injured ..? Plus, his Miracle Grow ear, you can't see anything wrong. I have lots of scars, etc (not just from exPOS, but life, preemie, etc). I doubt the kotex healed his ear "perfectly" ...God I just.. the ego ... and cognitive decline..

...ok, I need to go back to sleep lol 

Edited by LongTimeLurkerOG
grammar is your friend...sigh
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On 7/29/2024 at 9:36 PM, noseybutt said:

We all know JD Vance didn’t have sex with a couch but the absurdity of the memes IMO is entertaining and ultimately a good thing. He’s a smart and slippery guy but no match for couch rumors.

Someone asked AI to do a country song about JD having sex with a couch and the resulting  TikTok is (sorry Randy Rainbow) THE most brilliant parody I've ever seen. 

Anyway, John Giles, the REPUBLICAN who has been mayor of Mesa, AZ since 2014, calls on the spirit of John McCain and has just endorsed Kamala Harris in an op-ed published in Arizona Central.  It's a excellent essay that touches on all the reasons Trump is an imminent threat to our country and the ways Democrats have been so effective. It's a template for any Republican who wants to follow in his footsteps.  Some context: Mayor Giles is term limited and his time as mayor ends in January.  City politicians in AZ don't run on a party platform but John Giles has remained a steadfast Republican. 

Here ya go. 

Why, as a Republican mayor, I support Kamala Harris over Trump   Arizona Republicans like me can emulate Sen. John McCain's motto of 'Country First' and beat back Trump and his threat to democracy.

The time has come for my fellow Arizona Republicans to return to the core foundations of the Grand Old Party.

Our party used to stand for the belief that every Arizonan, no matter their background or circumstances, should have the freedom, opportunity and security to live out their American Dream.  

But since Donald Trump refused to accept the outcome of the 2020 election, Republicans have yet to course correct. The Republican Party with Trump at its helm continues down the path of political extremism, away from focusing on our fundamental freedoms. 

Now more than ever, we need leaders who will put country over party.

I believe my party has a moral and ethical responsibility to restore faith in our democratic institutions. In the spirit of the late Sen. John McCain’s motto, “Country First,” I call on other Arizona Republicans to join me in choosing country over party this election and to vote against Donald Trump.  

Trump did not support Arizona cities

In Arizona, we have faced the brunt of misinformation, election denialism and an erosion of trust in our justice system.

The Grand Canyon State is ground zero in the fight against repeated false claims to disrupt our electoral process — from fake presidential electors attempting to undermine Arizona’s election, to a sham “audit” by Arizona Senate Republicans that was spurred by conspiracy theories.

Significant reforms to immigration and border policies that would have addressed the crisis at our southern border were blocked by Trump because he didn’t want the problem solved. He wanted to exploit it for personal political gain.

Since 2014, I have had the honor of being mayor of Mesa, the nation’s 36th-largest city and one of the most conservative. Under Trump, American cities didn’t get the support they deserved. Infrastructure week was made into a joke.

But under the Biden-Harris administration, Mesa has seen historic federal funding for the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport, along with investments to make sure our streets and public transit systems benefit from modern technology.

With the CHIPS Act, Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden are delivering thousands of new jobs to Arizonans and helping us grow critical industries.

Harris is the competent leader we need

Trump poses a serious threat to our nation. We can’t have a felon representing us on the national stage, let alone one who would threaten to abandon NATO and ruin our standing abroad.

We are in a moment that only happens once every few generations, when we have to defend democracy, and stand up for the right to vote and our civil rights. It is essential that we proceed in a manner that strengthens, rather than diminishes, public confidence in our democratic institutions. 

What kind of country do we want to live in?

Vice President Harris is fighting to make sure Americans can get ahead and be safe from gun violence and to restore and protect the rights of women. Donald Trump, on the other hand, could enact the extreme and dangerous Project 2025 agenda if elected, which would roll back our rights and freedoms.

We can choose a future for our children and grandchildren based on decency, respect and morality — or succumb to the crudeness and vulgarity of Trump and J.D. Vance and the far-right agenda they would champion.

Arizona leaders like McCain and Sen. Mark Kelly have embodied the commitment to country over party. And it’s that same high caliber of character and leadership I see in Vice President Harris.

That’s why I’m standing with her. Kamala Harris is the competent, just and fair leader our country deserves. This year too much is at stake to vote Republican at the top of the ticket.

It will take Arizona Republicans, independents and Democrats standing together against a far-right agenda. Let us put country over party by voting to stop Trump and protect our democracy.

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1 hour ago, Howl said:

Someone asked AI to do a country song about JD having sex with a couch and the resulting  TikTok is (sorry Randy Rainbow) THE most brilliant parody I've ever seen. 

Anyway, John Giles, the REPUBLICAN who has been mayor of Mesa, AZ since 2014, calls on the spirit of John McCain and has just endorsed Kamala Harris in an op-ed published in Arizona Central.  It's a excellent essay that touches on all the reasons Trump is an imminent threat to our country and the ways Democrats have been so effective. It's a template for any Republican who wants to follow in his footsteps.  Some context: Mayor Giles is term limited and his time as mayor ends in January.  City politicians in AZ don't run on a party platform but John Giles has remained a steadfast Republican. 

Here ya go. 

Why, as a Republican mayor, I support Kamala Harris over Trump   Arizona Republicans like me can emulate Sen. John McCain's motto of 'Country First' and beat back Trump and his threat to democracy.

The time has come for my fellow Arizona Republicans to return to the core foundations of the Grand Old Party.

Our party used to stand for the belief that every Arizonan, no matter their background or circumstances, should have the freedom, opportunity and security to live out their American Dream.  

But since Donald Trump refused to accept the outcome of the 2020 election, Republicans have yet to course correct. The Republican Party with Trump at its helm continues down the path of political extremism, away from focusing on our fundamental freedoms. 

Now more than ever, we need leaders who will put country over party.

I believe my party has a moral and ethical responsibility to restore faith in our democratic institutions. In the spirit of the late Sen. John McCain’s motto, “Country First,” I call on other Arizona Republicans to join me in choosing country over party this election and to vote against Donald Trump.  

Trump did not support Arizona cities

In Arizona, we have faced the brunt of misinformation, election denialism and an erosion of trust in our justice system.

The Grand Canyon State is ground zero in the fight against repeated false claims to disrupt our electoral process — from fake presidential electors attempting to undermine Arizona’s election, to a sham “audit” by Arizona Senate Republicans that was spurred by conspiracy theories.

Significant reforms to immigration and border policies that would have addressed the crisis at our southern border were blocked by Trump because he didn’t want the problem solved. He wanted to exploit it for personal political gain.

Since 2014, I have had the honor of being mayor of Mesa, the nation’s 36th-largest city and one of the most conservative. Under Trump, American cities didn’t get the support they deserved. Infrastructure week was made into a joke.

But under the Biden-Harris administration, Mesa has seen historic federal funding for the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport, along with investments to make sure our streets and public transit systems benefit from modern technology.

With the CHIPS Act, Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden are delivering thousands of new jobs to Arizonans and helping us grow critical industries.

Harris is the competent leader we need

Trump poses a serious threat to our nation. We can’t have a felon representing us on the national stage, let alone one who would threaten to abandon NATO and ruin our standing abroad.

We are in a moment that only happens once every few generations, when we have to defend democracy, and stand up for the right to vote and our civil rights. It is essential that we proceed in a manner that strengthens, rather than diminishes, public confidence in our democratic institutions. 

What kind of country do we want to live in?

Vice President Harris is fighting to make sure Americans can get ahead and be safe from gun violence and to restore and protect the rights of women. Donald Trump, on the other hand, could enact the extreme and dangerous Project 2025 agenda if elected, which would roll back our rights and freedoms.

We can choose a future for our children and grandchildren based on decency, respect and morality — or succumb to the crudeness and vulgarity of Trump and J.D. Vance and the far-right agenda they would champion.

Arizona leaders like McCain and Sen. Mark Kelly have embodied the commitment to country over party. And it’s that same high caliber of character and leadership I see in Vice President Harris.

That’s why I’m standing with her. Kamala Harris is the competent, just and fair leader our country deserves. This year too much is at stake to vote Republican at the top of the ticket.

It will take Arizona Republicans, independents and Democrats standing together against a far-right agenda. Let us put country over party by voting to stop Trump and protect our democracy.

That's amazing, and I hope more Republicans take a hard look at the facts. And I hope their voters actually read that whole thing - it seems very effective to me to read "look, Trump did nothing for us. Under Biden and Harris we've gotten lots of funding to improve our city."

The NC Governor Cooper has pulled out of consideration for VP - largely because the Republican running for governor to replace him is an absolute batshit insane nut job. He's an openly anti-semitic holocaust denier, who considers LGBTQ+ people to be lower than literal cow manure (he actually said that, not in so many words), who is anti-abortion with no exceptions (despite he and his wife choosing to have an abortion early in their marriage), who believes in the Illuminati and that the moon landing may be faked, and who says that black people who vote democrat are "slaves". He called the Parkland high school shooting survivors "media prosti-tots." Also he's a black man himself. 

He's also lieutenant governor so if Cooper was picked as VP he'd make a charge at taking over the minute the announcement was made.

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Yeah NC (I'm a former resident) is severely gerry mandered and is a hot mess politically. I'm glad he dropped out. I think he would have brought political baggage.

I thought the Arizona mayor was very well spoken. I haven't read what he wrote but watched 2 interviews with him yesterday. He was a calm rational fellow and I couldn't help but think - this is what we used to have! 

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