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Kamala Harris: Madam Vice President


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3 hours ago, Howl said:

Anyway, John Giles, the REPUBLICAN who has been mayor of Mesa, AZ since 2014, calls on the spirit of John McCain and has just endorsed Kamala Harris in an op-ed published in Arizona Central.  It's a excellent essay that touches on all the reasons Trump is an imminent threat to our country and the ways Democrats have been so effective. It's a template for any Republican who wants to follow in his footsteps. 

It takes guts to do that!

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This would be too funny!


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She does it well! I swear, Luna must be short for lunatic.


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2 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

She does it well! I swear, Luna must be short for lunatic.


Stalks off with her bag of Doritos 😆

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Just gotta say: I live for the way Kamala Harris says, “Donald.”


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A lot of people are saying Shapiro is the most logical VP pick. And that Shapiro cancelled some plans he had next week and they're launching from Philadelphia so it must be Shapiro.

I dunno. I have qualms. and I went on reddit to see what people were saying and apparently there's some sort of sexual harassment pay off - that probably wasn't about him but a staffer (not sure my quick search just found paywall stuff) It looks like he quieted it down instead of dealing with it. And I think his gaza position is very risky with the young people who are very wound up about that. And while he may help with Penn and it's big number of electors - I don't think he'd help with all the sunbelt states that are maybe/maybe nots.

I like Kelly. Because he's got military exp. He's a senator. He's been an astronaut and just has a lot of respect from a lot of people. 

We'll see, we'll see.


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3 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

I like Kelly. Because he's got military exp. He's a senator. He's been an astronaut and just has a lot of respect from a lot of people. 

We'll see, we'll see.


I agree with this. I get very good vibes from the idea of having him on the ticket. And I haven't heard of anything lurking in his past or anything else, unlike you mentioned with Shapiro, that the Trump dirt-diggers might uncover. I think, to borrow a word I see a lot on social media lately, that he's a  'wholesome' choice. Not saying Shapiro isn't, but the Trump campaign would be all over that sexual harassment payoff (I need to look that up, hadn't heard about that before now) for sure, not to mention Gaza and the college students. Harris's team just does not need to be constantly putting out all the fires that will pop up over those things. 😕 

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This is from July 17 but I just saw it now.  It was before Biden withdrew but I'm guessing there will be a Harris sign replacing it soon. 


A Tennessee business is attracting attention for a Biden campaign sign hanging above its front door.

The issue is that the business has nothing to do with the sign.

The massive Biden—Harris sign is hanging above the Honey Blossom Boutique.

The campaign sign was put there by the building’s owner, not by the boutique, and the city says it cannot do anything to help remove it.

I actually agree with the business owner here.  I think the building owner was totally in the wrong.  If you own a business you really don't want to piss off a large part of your customer base by getting involved in politics - regardless of side.  You can be a total Branch Trumpvidian for all I care but if you take care to keep your business separate from that I don't care.  Second one does, though, that's a different story.

As I mentioned before in previous postings, I was in rural Minnesota for a job interview in November 2020.  After the interview I Googled for local breweries and headed for the nearest one.  Second I arrived and saw the large fuck face flag flying out front I moved on to the next closest brewery.  If that first brewery had kept its politics to itself I might have stopped there and who knows.  Might've enjoyed some of its beers too.  But they had to mix business and politics so I went on. 

It's kind of the same reason I refuse to buy Tesla and keep my Twitter use to a minimum.  I don't want to do anything to support Qelon and his whack job Branch Trumpvidianism.

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1 hour ago, Loveday said:

I agree with this. I get very good vibes from the idea of having him on the ticket. And I haven't heard of anything lurking in his past or anything else, unlike you mentioned with Shapiro, that the Trump dirt-diggers might uncover. I think, to borrow a word I see a lot on social media lately, that he's a  'wholesome' choice. Not saying Shapiro isn't, but the Trump campaign would be all over that sexual harassment payoff (I need to look that up, hadn't heard about that before now) for sure, not to mention Gaza and the college students. Harris's team just does not need to be constantly putting out all the fires that will pop up over those things. 😕 

yeah exactly. I feel like Shapiro hasn't endured the national limelight so we don't know what might firebomb him. Similar to Vance (but unlikely to be as bad). Apparently the sex. harass. thing just got dug up today going by what I saw on reddit.

I also like Kelly because he's on some senate defense committee (it's late, I'm tired, I'm not looking it up rn). So I think you could use him to counter the whole foreign countries wouldn't respect a woman BS. but there's a certain contingent that would think about stuff like that. And trump appeals to them.

i wandered around on democrats reddit and a LOT of people were talking about how Kelly is just - good clean american. He's got gun rights cred because he's not opposed to guns even though wife shot. He's got border cred due to being in Arizona. And I honestly just think people are fucking impressed my an ASTRONAUT. A real deal Astronaut.  I mean this is America - NASA! SPACE! I think you could dig into that big time. I don't think he impresses the dems that much but I think he's very appealing to middle america types. Ya know like Michael Bay Armageddon movie --- AMERICA!

I mean I can't run all the numbers like Harris' people can. But I feel like Shapiro as a surrogate would be almost as good as VP pick. But Kelly as surrogate isn't as impressive.  He can stroll right into AZ and look fucking Kari Lake in her face and just vibe: AMERICAN ASTRONAUT.

How can they legitimately attack him?? He's a war hero guy and has been to space. 

I expect NASA wouldn't have anything to do with him if he was anything other than squeaky clean. He's been in the public eye for a long time. I remember watching his interviews around the space time.

He's not the most amazing speaker for firing up crowds. But he's genuine and real deal and I think that does appeal to people. We've got Kamala to fire people up. And somebody on reddit mentioned - you can get coached on speeches.

I dunno. I want whatever's best I'm just worried Shapiro may have too much baggage. Trump and company will be absolutely vicious to him. Plus I don't think he'll appeal to people in AZ, GA, NC. 

Not sure how Kelly plays in Michigan or Wisconsin though??

I just hope Kamala's people are good at this. It seems to me that Kelly should be the shoe in. But there's strongly held views on both sides and maybe the other side is more in tune with the way to do this. 

Anybody think back to the West Wing (tv show) days and think about how ridiculously simplistic it was compared to these days. One of the stars was on an interview and said that if they had pitched anything of what the GOP is doing now they would have been laughed out of the writer's room because there's no way the GOP would do such policies.  And yet here we are.

Oh - and since I'm on the topic and my mind is just running  - Pete B.  - I like him. But I hope he's not the pick. He's way to cerebral. And in truth, he really doesn't have much experience at all and very little getting people to vote for him experience. I hope he gets a nice cabinet position and can get some international relations experience or something. Maybe one day. Although I'd like to see more women before more men because - we're waaaaaay ass behind on women in politics and it's time to catch up!

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The DNC announced Kamala has secured enough delegates to make the convention a formality now


Vice President Kamala Harris earned votes to win the Democratic nomination on Friday, and will become the first Black woman and first Asian American to lead a major-party ticket.

The announcement came during a virtual event with supporters Friday. Delegates began casting virtual ballots for the nomination Thursday.

“I am honored to be the presumptive Democratic nominee for president of the United States,” Harris said during the virtual event. “I will officially accept your nomination next week, once the virtual voting period is closed.”

Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump and his running mate JD Vance on Friday leaned into their personal attacks on Harris.

Of course Man Baby and his Attack Couch Person are busy making fools of themselves again.

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I can't imagine Melania being that excited about anything.


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21 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

Anybody think back to the West Wing (tv show) days and think about how ridiculously simplistic it was compared to these days. One of the stars was on an interview and said that if they had pitched anything of what the GOP is doing now they would have been laughed out of the writer's room because there's no way the GOP would do such policies.  And yet here we are.

Yep. It was so calm. Ever since 2016 I've been wishing Sorkin was still making The Newsroom too.

4 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

I can't imagine Melania being that excited about anything.


That face has the kind of joy that would make me smile even if it was a total stranger whose politics I knew nothing about.

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On 8/1/2024 at 12:21 AM, Alisamer said:

That's amazing, and I hope more Republicans take a hard look at the facts. And I hope their voters actually read that whole thing - it seems very effective to me to read "look, Trump did nothing for us. Under Biden and Harris we've gotten lots of funding to improve our city."

They won't, and that's part of the problem. There are a huge proportion of Republican voters who will never see the article because it won't be shared by their friends and the algorithm won't put it in their news feed; then of those who do see it, the vast majority won't click past the headline, and then of those who do, they will skim read the highlights rather than sitting and reading the whole thing and ruminating on it. This isn't just a Republican thing either, this is the growing trend in how people all around us (me included, TBH) consume information these days. Our attention spans aren't what they used to be, and we're all tired and stressed which makes it harder to think critically.

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More elected Rs need to do this:



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Wow, I'm so glad some Republicans seem to be growing a spine. I hope it snowballs.

I'm leaning toward Kelly as who I'd prefer for VP. I think he'd be a good pick. But literally anyone at this point would be fine, IMO. A strategic pick would be better but I'm voting Harris no matter what.

I like that Geoff Duncan is pointing out that elections are binary choices. I'm seeing a lot of younger people all up in arms about Gaza or this or that, as if Trump wouldn't be worse than Biden and Harris combined. They don't seem to see that in this, there is no other choice. A third party vote is a Trump vote in most places. Yeah that sucks and is terrible and it shouldn't be that way, but it IS. And no amount of bitching and moaning is going to change that in the months before the election - it has to start from the local level up I think, unless/until there's a real complete fracture in the major 2 parties. 

Found out a little more detail on why Cooper withdrew - NC apparently still has some very old law that when the governor is out of state, the Lt. Governor becomes governor while he's gone. And since Lt. Governor is an absolute nutcase, Cooper really does not want to be leaving the state if it's not 100% necessary.

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More of this, please. 

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Personally I'm rooting for a Jewish VP. Also as far as I can tell Shapiro's stances on Israel are pretty in line with both Walz and Harris, other than being more vocal on the antisemitism that happened in the campus protests. Yet he's the only one being scrutinized for it. While I'm not saying there's nothing to criticize with him, not choosing him simply for his stance on Israel feels a bit too close to legitimizing antisemitism for my comfort.

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The BTs are all upset about this. Good.


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On 8/2/2024 at 10:08 PM, Smee said:

Yep. It was so calm. Ever since 2016 I've been wishing Sorkin was still making The Newsroom too.

That face has the kind of joy that would make me smile even if it was a total stranger whose politics I knew nothing about.

I've been binge watching The West Wing, just to feel ok with the world 🤣 Ofc, things have improved, in the last couple of weeks, but it helps my soul lol

Edited by LongTimeLurkerOG
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This would be awesome:


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CNN is reporting that the Veepstakes has been narrowed down to Walz and Shapiro.

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Just now, GreyhoundFan said:

CNN is reporting that the Veepstakes has been narrowed down to Walz and Shapiro.

I saw earlier. I still like Kelly, but anybody (who doesn't pull a Jvd implosion!) is good! Great how that's turning out for them 👏🙌 🛋️🧸🍊

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