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Trump 53: Orange Florida Man Awaiting Indictment


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1 hour ago, onekidanddone said:

He will cry ‘perjury trap’ at the hands of the ebil dems. There is one sure fire way to avoid committing perjury. Just don’t lie

I just saw someone suggest people make a drinking game out of every time he perjury himself. Of course that would lead to a scorching case of alcohol poisoning. 

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1 hour ago, onekidanddone said:

He will cry ‘perjury trap’ at the hands of the ebil dems. There is one sure fire way to avoid committing perjury. Just don’t lie

Is it lying if you believe the delusion? Not that I think Trump does, but I'm starting to wonder about Rudy.

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2 hours ago, 47of74 said:

This ought to be interesting 

Maybe they can get him for perjury 

He's too much of a coward to ever consent to a cross examination. He will never willingly subject himself to such an ordeal, where he knows full well he can't bluster and bluff his way out of it.

36 minutes ago, Ozlsn said:

Is it lying if you believe the delusion? Not that I think Trump does, but I'm starting to wonder about Rudy.

Rudy has lied so much that you just might be right, and he's actually begun to believe the lies.

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Trump is probably so starved for attention that he might just testify out of desperation. He has to be very deep in the midst of media attention withdrawal symptoms. 

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The union’s reaction


Carteris and David White, the union’s national executive director, responded to the angry missive with this hilariously concise response: “Thank you.”

Saves them the trouble of having to give that son of a bitch the boot and the inevitable BT whining that would’ve resulted. 

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6 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:


I've got fuck face pegged as a Scooby Doo type of villain who would speak under oath just to deliver a "you meddling kids" statement about how he would have gotten away with it if not for them.  (And yeah I hope that's the case too).

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8 hours ago, formergothardite said:

Trump is probably so starved for attention that he might just testify out of desperation. He has to be very deep in the midst of media attention withdrawal symptoms. 

Maybe. But his ego got very badly bruised when he was labeled a loser for all the world to see. He might just be fine with hiding out of the public eye right now, pretending everything is fine (baselessly dreaming about is base somehow bringing him back to power) and consciously avoiding confrontation with the reality that he is the biglyest loser who got impeached twice, who is facing not only a ban of ever holding public office again, not only several court cases on federal and state level, but also has a sword of Damocles hanging over him from his debts coming due in the upcoming years. With his world crumbling all around him, he might just prefer to remain in his Mar a Lago bubble for as long as he possibly can.

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Maddow talking about the weird way that Trump's team is avoiding of calling him the former president.

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18 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:


I guess our livers are safe after all!

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I think there will be more law school classes dedicated to analyzing the gigantic cluster fuck that was the fuck face presidency.  So my question for all the FJ land lawyers/law students/etc is what would be a good name for such courses? 

Some of mine included.

  • Legal Analysis of The Great American Clusterfuck.
  • Professional Responsibility II: How to Not Dynamite Your Professional Career for an Asshole.
  • Legal Solutions when the President or Other Elected Official Hinder Disaster Response.
  • Advanced Criminal Procedure: How to Prosecute Elected Lawbreakers
  • Ways to Deflate Facebook University School of Law Graduates.
  • When Your Boss is a Branch Trumpvidian: Risk Management Strategies for In House Counsel

And I can't wait to see the casebooks that are created.  I think there's more than enough material by now for one.

Edited by 47of74
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I think not


President Joe Biden doesn't believe former President Donald Trump should receive classified intelligence briefings, as is tradition for past presidents, citing Trump's "erratic behavior unrelated to the insurrection."

When asked in an interview with "CBS Evening News" anchor Norah O'Donnell if he thought Trump should receive an intelligence briefing if he requested one, Biden said, "I think not."

"I'd rather not speculate out loud," Biden said when asked what he fears could happen if Trump continued to receive the briefings. "I just think that there is no need for him to have the -- the intelligence briefings. What value is giving him an intelligence briefing? What impact does he have at all, other than the fact he might slip and say something?"

Former presidents traditionally have been allowed to request and receive the same intelligence briefings that their successors have.

Who else here imagined the President saying that in a Yohn Royce voice? 

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11 hours ago, AmazonGrace said:


Maddow talking about the weird way that Trump's team is avoiding of calling him the former president.

But Trump now has the perfect job as the 45th President. Someone else does all the work, has all the headaches, and takes all the blame in Washington and he can stay at Mar-a-Lago and golf all the time, his favorite part about being President. He can even make the government pay  to take the Secret Service with him for protection- more charges for his golf course. Cha Ching!

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4 hours ago, Audrey2 said:

But Trump now has the perfect job as the 45th President. Someone else does all the work, has all the headaches, and takes all the blame in Washington and he can stay at Mar-a-Lago and golf all the time, his favorite part about being President. He can even make the government pay  to take the Secret Service with him for protection- more charges for his golf course. Cha Ching!

But no adulation! No attention! No adoring crowds! 

Also it'd be a lot cheaper to protect him in federal prison, just saying.

And because I had to go look up how old the 5 current and former Presidents are  is anyone else surprised that the Mango Moron, W and Clinton are the same age? Just me?

(Also if I thought Carter were capable of spite I'd suspect him of trying to outlive the MM. As it is apparently the good don't always die young!)

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Fuck Face has cost us half a billion dollars. 


President Donald Trump’s onslaught of falsehoods about the November election misled millions of Americans, undermined faith in the electoral system, sparked a deadly riot — and has now left taxpayers with a large, and growing, bill.

The total so far: $519 million.

The costs have mounted daily as government agencies at all levels have been forced to devote public funds to respond to actions taken by Trump and his supporters, according to a Washington Post review of local, state and federal spending records, as well as interviews with government officials. The expenditures include legal fees prompted by dozens of fruitless lawsuits, enhanced security in response to death threats against poll workers, and costly repairs needed after the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol. That attack triggered the expensive massing of thousands of National Guard troops on the streets of Washington amid fears of additional extremist violence.

Although more than $480 million of the total is attributable to the military’s estimated expenses for the troop deployment through mid-March, the financial impact of the president’s refusal to concede the election is probably much higher than what has been documented thus far, and the true costs may never be known.


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But Laurence, Trump isn’t exactly known for his logical thinking skills...


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One thing fuck face won’t be able to slither back into 


On the heels of Donald Trump’s resignation from SAG-AFTRA on Thursday, the union has passed a resolution banning the former president from ever applying for readmission.

The decision was made via a Zoom conference on Saturday, citing “his antagonism of the union’s journalist members and disregard for the values and integrity of the union,” according to a statement from SAG-AFTRA announcing the resolution.

“Preventing Donald Trump from ever rejoining SAG-AFTRA is more than a symbolic step,” said SAG-AFTRA President Gabrielle Carteris. “It is a resounding statement that threatening or inciting harm against fellow members will not be tolerated. An attack against one is an attack against all.”

SAG-AFTRA first initiated disciplinary action against Trump in mid-January following the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. However, before the union could officially expel him, Trump resigned his membership, saying that the union had “done nothing” for him.


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That's small potatoes compared to everything else he has stolen.

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I'm not sad that he didn't help elect Republicans, and I'm not mad that Trumpists wasted their money.

Just a bummer that he's not broke.

He deserves to be broke.

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1 hour ago, AmazonGrace said:

I'm not sad that he didn't help elect Republicans, and I'm not mad that Trumpists wasted their money.

Just a bummer that he's not broke.

He deserves to be broke.

Although I agree with you that he's not broke, I'd like to add a single word to the sentence:


Why? Because he's got literally hundreds of millions in outstanding debts coming due starting next year. That paltry $76 million simply won't cut it. 

He deserves to be broke, yes. And he's going to be.

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