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United States Senate 2


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The Felon Guy met with members of the cult in DC today. The slavish adoration has been over the top. An example:


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I'm curious about what dirt TFG and/or Putin has on Lindsey:


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I really don’t understand what he has on any of them. It’s not like, in this day and age, there’s anything all that shocking. Unless they’re all members of a secret society of cannibals or something…

Gay? It’s not a big deal anymore. Republican “morals” aside - I’m sure they’d welcome a tame one to trot out. Like, Lindsey can’t really be worried about being outed. If he actually is gay, rumors aside,  he’s really good about keeping it tightly under wraps, but could he just be worried about finally having to give up the secret?

Embezzlement? Not unusual. Say a few mea culpas, get a slap on the wrist. All’s good. 

Cheat on your spouse? A 60/40 split might be on the conservative end of how many members of government have. 

So, yeah. Cannibalism? Devil worship, maybe? Ooohhh, members of the Illuminati! 

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Everyone who reads this forum knows I have no love or respect for Hawley, but his questioning here is excellent.


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It's amazing how much Lindsey debases himself:


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Lies are truth and truth is lies

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  • 1 month later...


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14 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:


I'm not a fan of Manchin, but if he were the nominee I'd vote for him over Trump. Then again, I'd vote for toenail fungus over Trump.

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I hope this actually goes somewhere:


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He's not showy, but Kelly is so well-spoken:


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It amazes me how many lies and how much bull Lindsey can sling.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Cotton is a jerk and an idiot.


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Elizabeth Warren went there!


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