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Plathville 2: The Whole Family Needs Therapy


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18 minutes ago, ifosterkittens said:

Do you the show will get a seventh season? 

God I hope not. But probably. 

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This episode was worth the pain when Kim got dunked. She deserves much worse,but it's a good start.

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I don’t know how much longer the show can go on without any conflict. There’s no more real conflict between the parents and the kids because basically “anything goes” now and the parents are okay with it. Olivia is out of their lives, so they’ll eventually have to stop using her as their scapegoat. The kids have transitioned to alcohol, sex and tattoos and seem to be more basic Southern conservatives with some Christianity thrown in. An honest discussion about how religion fits into their lives now would be interesting, but I don’t think they really want to go there. They’ve all broken free now. It probably would have all happened eventually, but it happened more quickly because Olivia guided Ethan, Micah and Moriah out. Then Kim got out. The three youngest girls won’t have to go through rebellious phases because the parents are okay with whatever.

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What I got form the last episode is that Lydia is the only one attending church. The rest of them went to the pizza joint to decorate, aside from Micah, who drove her. Lydia thought they were all just doing their things.

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12 hours ago, JDuggs said:

I don’t know how much longer the show can go on without any conflict. There’s no more real conflict between the parents and the kids because basically “anything goes” now and the parents are okay with it. Olivia is out of their lives, so they’ll eventually have to stop using her as their scapegoat. The kids have transitioned to alcohol, sex and tattoos and seem to be more basic Southern conservatives with some Christianity thrown in. An honest discussion about how religion fits into their lives now would be interesting, but I don’t think they really want to go there. They’ve all broken free now. It probably would have all happened eventually, but it happened more quickly because Olivia guided Ethan, Micah and Moriah out. Then Kim got out. The three youngest girls won’t have to go through rebellious phases because the parents are okay with whatever.

I mean, they could talk about Kim’s DUI. They could talk about Racist Ken. 

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Description of tonight's episode: 

"Wine Helps the Sex Ed Go Down". While Micah and his girlfriend embrace their future together, Ethan returns to the farm and gets real about some of the ways he and Olivia went wrong. Meanwhile, Moriah talks music and heartbreak with her bestie and Olivia and Lydia Grace host a sex-ed party.

This is supposed to entice people to watch? 👎😷

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I saw yesterday on IG that Micah’s girlfriend Veronica was offended because people were inquiring if she was transgender. She’s pretty and it didn’t occur to me that she might be transgender, but once the question was raised, I can kind of see why people might think that. It is rude to ask though.

Anyway, Veronica decided to no longer be very private and now also has a joint IG with Micah, @Veronica.Plath. They are not married.

I’ve usually had short hair and I usually dress androgynously, so I’ve been mistaken for a guy a few times when I was much younger. It’s not quite the same thing as Veronica, and it wasn’t a big public thing, but don’t think I was ever really offended.  Once my stepmother in her 70s was in Vegas with her adult sons. I don’t remember exactly what was said, but someone thought she was a guy in drag. She thought that was hilarious.

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I think it’s never appropriate to speculate on someone’s gender or sexuality. What they say it is- is. 

I was on an island in Korea once and a hiking group of women came to the beach I was on. One had to pee and went by a rock. I was just hanging around the beach, but her friend asked me if I was a man. Because my shoes were manly (they were regular old sneakers). I said no I wasn’t but also maybe don’t pee in the wide open if it’s a worry. I got huffed at 😂 for my audacity. 

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I think the whole trans mess started when pictures of her surfaced in which she towers over her family members. She's 6'2" and was in heels. 

I do wish she wouldn't slouch. It was very evident during their romantic trip to the beach that she was trying to match Micah's height (he's 5'11"). 

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I was mistaken for a boy a few times when I was a kid. As an adult, I’m tall and big. I have huge feet. I absolutely abhor people who “transvestigate” online. It makes me so angry. Because they just pick on women like me. Women come in all shapes and sizes. Men do as well. Just because a woman is big doesn’t mean she’s a man. 

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I'm a cat's whisker shorter than the average guy in my area and my hair is short. I have broad shoulders and generally wear jeans (of seasonal length) and a t-shirt. I also have a feminine face, ample boobage, and broad hips but I get called "Sir" regularly and a US lady tried to kick me out of the ladies' room at the airport once. Thankfully I had the privilege to find that awfully amusing but I hope she was mortified and never tried that shit again.

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Olivia posted this pic on Instagram in a big group of photos. It’s assumed (speculation) to be the guy she said on the show that she’s been seeing. She said his name is Brendan.




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I'm curious why Olivia is still on the show at all now that she's divorced.  Is the money that good?  Or did she sign a contract that requires it back when she was married?  We'll probably never know, but...

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8 minutes ago, GuineaPigCourtship said:

I'm curious why Olivia is still on the show at all now that she's divorced.  Is the money that good?  Or did she sign a contract that requires it back when she was married?  We'll probably never know, but...

I bet she’s a fan favorite and the producers know it. If Olivia stopped doing the show, it would be cancelled. I guarantee it. 

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56 minutes ago, GuineaPigCourtship said:

I'm curious why Olivia is still on the show at all now that she's divorced.  Is the money that good?  Or did she sign a contract that requires it back when she was married?  We'll probably never know, but...

She said on a podcast that she has a separate contract now. I’m sure she understandably wants the money.

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Season 6, Episode 8 – “Wine Helps the Sex Ed Go Down”

Micah and Veronica are at the beach in unspecified South Florida. They haven’t been to the beach in about a year and a half, because it’s right there and they don’t get around to it. The producer asks what she loves about Micah. She loves his “golden retriever energy.” Micah says he’s more adventurous and she’s a homebody. He says she’s not a pushover. He loves her work ethic, but she’s a little bougie. She claims he dunked her in the ocean the previous time they went to the beach; he denies it. He likes teasing her. They awkwardly agree that they love each other.

In LA, Lydia Grace is visiting Olivia. They’re in the car on the way to a farm. Olivia likes farms, but she never admitted that to Ethan, because she didn’t want to be a farmer’s wife. Olivia says purity culture really messed her up, and she didn’t learn anything about sex. She feels safe with the guy she’s been seeing.

In Cairo, Ethan and the younger girls are having a bonfire at the farm. He brings up the subject of his divorce. In his TH, Ethan says he’s been “scratching the corners of my mind” about it. Like Olivia, he wants to correct some things from the arguments last season. His “When was the last time you cooked a meal?” didn’t mean that all women should cook three meals a day. He says that Olivia used to cook, and that made him feel loved and cared for, and then she stopped. [What did they eat after that?] He felt unloved and angry. He tells the girls, “I want a piece of land, a dog, and a quarter horse.” Mercy hands him some dirt. In a TH, he says that Olivia hated the way she grew up (there’s a photo of nine kids that hilariously has all the faces blurred out except for Olivia, Lydia Grace, and Nathan) and so she was negative about his family. Ethan and the girls climb a tree. He might move back to Cairo someday.

Back in LA, Olivia and Lydia Grace meet Farmer Zach and tell him they want to see who’s better at milking cows. Lydia Grace enjoys milking and doesn’t try to finish quickly. Olivia says in a TH that she can just be herself for the first time in her life. She took care of cows and goats for a decade when she was growing up, and she’s glad to know that she can go to a farm when she feels like it.

Moriah goes to the Florida Strawberry Festival in Plant City with her friend Sydney. She gets a cinnamon roll and a big frozen latte. They talk about Moriah’s heartbreak, and she talks about it more in her TH. She ended the relationship because of his behavior. It’s hard to move forward while she’s still wondering what happened. She’s almost finished with her album and will be filming a music video soon.

Back in South Florida, Will is visiting Micah again (or still – I feel like this season was filmed quickly). Micah says he and Veronica have had ups and downs. He seems worried. Sometimes when he goes out of town, she feels abandoned, even though he calls three times a day. Will does the “whipped” gesture. Micah isn’t sure if he wants to get married. He’s only 22 and very free-spirited.

In LA, Olivia and Lydia Grace are setting up for a sex ed party. Lydia Grace says the title phrase. Olivia has realized that she doesn’t know very much about sex. Guess who the guests are? Micah’s LA friends! They say they haven’t heard from him in ages. Olivia says something about seeing them again, even though she was already estranged from Micah when he lived in LA. I think the producers called the only people in LA who had already signed waivers. The educator, Jocelyn, asks what they hope to get out of this, and Olivia explains that her new guy is much more comfortable about sexuality than she is. They start with a female anatomy quiz, then talk about what’s holding them back sexually (purity culture). Jocelyn talks about how important sexual compatibility is for couples. The producer gets Olivia to say that the guy’s name is Brendan.

Next time: Moriah rents a place in Tampa for the family to stay while they help her film her music video; Olivia and Lydia Grace try speed dating.

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Season 6, Episode 9 – “That’s What Walls Are For”

Kim and Moriah are at a rental house in Tampa. Cassia and Mercy stayed in Cairo with friends, but everyone else is coming. Moriah is happy but apprehensive about having the whole family under one roof again. Kim didn’t bring Ken to avoid “a bar brawl between Ken and Barry.” She looks delighted at the prospect of men fighting over her.

In south Florida, Micah and Veronica are packing to go to Tampa. Veronica does a TH where she claims to love the whole Plath family. Micah says in a TH that Veronica gets along well with her own family, and that’s important to him because of what happened with Olivia. Veronica says she didn’t believe a lot of what Micah told her about his upbringing (no sugar, home births, etc.). Micah only got a birth certificate seven years ago.

Barry and Ethan arrive in Tampa. Moriah chatters to hold the awkwardness at bay. In a TH, Ethan doesn’t know what’s going on in his relationship with his mom. After a confusing discussion about who should sleep where, everyone goes to the kitchen to make supper.

In LA, Olivia and Lydia Grace are going to speed dating. In a TH, Olivia says she loves the conversations she has with Brendan, but she doesn't want to put all of her eggs in one basket. A guy asks Olivia about her dream date, she suggests a museum, and he tells her that’s boring. It’s too bad Olivia doesn’t look like her dorky personality; she attracts the wrong guys. Olivia doesn’t write yes for any of the guys. Brendan looks way better after this experience.

It's the next morning in Tampa. In Kim’s TH, she says the title phrase in reference to being in the same house as Barry. Barry walks to the kombucha bar and McDonald’s instead of waiting for Kim to make breakfast. Kim comforts Moriah, who is crying because the stress of her breakup brought back her alopecia, and she doesn’t know what to do with her hair for the video. She’s not wearing makeup and I wouldn’t recognize her without her tattoos. Kim tells her she’s beautiful and brave. Moriah says she has to keep going.

Moriah is at the studio listening to the album, along with Micah, Veronica, Ethan, and Barry. Barry brings up the subject of Moriah’s ex; she and the producer leave the room. Veronica says Moriah told her that her ex sometimes didn’t show up when they had plans. Ethan says that the reason for his estrangement from Moriah was that the then-boyfriend kept them apart. It turned out that he had another woman and a child in his life. Ethan speculates that he might not have been able to make dates because something came up with his family. Barry says that he spent three hours with the guy and thought he was great, but they didn’t get together again. Barry calls him a “master deceiver.” Moriah says in a TH that when she talked to her family about him, “they did some digging and they found some stuff” and told her to leave. After the commercial, Ethan sings with Moriah on one of the songs. He says he hasn’t sung in six years. In a TH, he says Olivia told him he didn’t have a good voice. He doesn’t sound very good, but I think it’s the song, not him. He says singing helps get rid of pain. The producer asks if they’ll get the family band back together and he’s open to it.

Next time:  Kim and Veronica clash over party arrangements; Moriah films the music video; Olivia and Brendan go on a trip together.

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I can't believe they got ten episodes out of virtually nothing. I hope next week is the series finale. There's just no there there anymore.

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