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Theobros, Patriarchs, Dominionists, Christofascists et al.


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I've been observing Chase Davis, a pastor of a colorado church that left Acts29 last year. He's part of clear truth media now too and I've been watching him as a barometer of that group. They say Tim Keller was too woke. Davis has been going off about women/feminism and now is harping the same talking points as Wolfe about owning the heritage of ancestors who "settled" in the US. 

These dudes are emboldened right now. They're not just saying women shouldn't preach, they're saying churches should lead women to stay at home. They're not just saying to vote pro-life, they're saying seven mountains bullshit.

I'm highly concerned about these movements. 

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1 hour ago, theotherelise said:

These dudes are emboldened right now. They're not just saying women shouldn't preach, they're saying churches should lead women to stay at home. They're not just saying to vote pro-life, they're saying seven mountains bullshit.

I'm highly concerned about these movements. 

So am I. The media are not paying nearly enough attention to them and the connected Project 2025, much of which is their wish list. Instead, like 2016, the media are printing endless stories about Bidenʻs age, etc.


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  • 3 weeks later...

More about Ziklag, which was mentioned earlier in this thread - a Christian nationalist political organization that masquerades as a charity:



ProPublica and Documented obtained thousands of Ziklag’s members-only email newsletters, internal videos, strategy documents and fundraising pitches, none of which has been previously made public. They reveal the group’s 2024 plans and its long-term goal to underpin every major sphere of influence in American society with Christianity. In the Bible, the city of Ziklag was where David and his soldiers found refuge during their war with King Saul.

“We are in a spiritual battle and locked in a terrible conflict with the powers of darkness,” says a strategy document that lays out Ziklag’s 30-year vision to “redirect the trajectory of American culture toward Christ by bringing back Biblical structure, order and truth to our Nation.”

Ziklag’s 2024 agenda reads like the work of a political organization. It plans to pour money into mobilizing voters in Arizona who are “sympathetic to Republicans” in order to secure “10,640 additional unique votes” — almost the exact margin of President Joe Biden’s win there in 2020. The group also intends to use controversial AI software to enable mass challenges to the eligibility of hundreds of thousands of voters in competitive states.

In a recording of a 2023 internal strategy discussion, a Ziklag official stressed that the objective was the same in other swing states. “The goal is to win,” the official said. “If 75,000 people wins the White House, then how do we get 150,000 people so we make sure we win?”


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Jenny  Cohn (@JennyCohn1 on Twitter, jennycohn on toadsocial) has covered NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) extensively.  They are 7 Mountains and I think also Ziklag connected.  Many influential people involved in these movements are incredibly wealthy business people.  She has been sounding the alarm about how dangerous and influential they are. 

Right now Jenny Cohn is covering extremeist Christian Nationalist Peter Thiel's support of JD Vance -- Thiel's millions got Vance elected.  

Lara Trump has been busy proclaiming "We don't know nothin' about no Project 2025. Don't know who came up with it, it's a total mystery." 


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  • 3 weeks later...

This pretentious twit, he just oozes pretentiousness. Notice he's recording himself speaking -- might be live streaming for his leg humpers. Great response from Mhairi Forrest


Also the setting. The quintessential male library -- dark wood paneling and dark leather for gravitas -- where you talk about quintessential male stuff, like disenfranchising half the population. The bookshelves are staged (like everything else in that space), there's no real reading material.  All fake, like Theobros. 

Also, the beards. 

(I think Ms. Forrest meant to say, "Women didn't have a vote, and neither did men." 

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Posted (edited)

I don't know where my tweet went in the previous post.  The post is in reference to pretentious twit and Chritian Nationalist Joel Webbon who heads Right Response Ministry and Covenant Bible Church. This is a Family Integrated Church. For those of you not familiar, Family Integrated Churchs have no accommodations or separate groups for babies, children or teens. Everybody comes to church together.  

Here's an excerpt from the statement on marriage and sexuality from his church's website:  "We believe that God intends marriage between a biological man and a biological woman to be the only context for sexual intercourse to occur. We believe that any form of sexual immorality, such as adultery, fornication, homosexuality, bisexual conduct, bestiality, incest, pornography or any attempt to change one’s sex, or disagreement with one’s biological sex, is sinful and offensive to God in any context.

So, yeah. Joel Webbon.

He could have left it at this, "We believe that God intends marriage between a biological man and a biological woman to be the only context for sexual intercourse to occur" without going into such delicious, tempting detail. 

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1 hour ago, Howl said:

For those of you not familiar, Family Integrated Churches have no accommodations or separate groups for babies, children or teens. Everybody comes to church together.  

Also worth noting that FIC is Scotty Brown's business ministry. Webbon's "church" is in Georgetown, TX.




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Posted (edited)
53 minutes ago, hoipolloi said:

Webbon's "church" is in Georgetown, TX.

Well, sort of.  Once a month they meet in the evening on the lawn in front of the  Williamson County Courthouse (in Georgetown) for public prayer and general carrying on. 

Granular detail alert!  We used to start bike rides in Walburg when our cycling club was still active and even had an incredibly good German lunch there a few times. 

On Sundays Webbon's church meets in an old building (Dale's Essenhaus during the week and on Saturdays) in the itty bitty crossroads community of Walburg, TX, 12 miles NE of Georgetown. Walburg is the German restaurant, a post office, an old storefront or two and a few old houses.  There is a lovely area beside the old building with picnic tables under live oaks, and (IIRC) a little stage/platform for live music. 

There is a huge Boerne Christian Assembly vibe going on here.  If y'all recall, Boerne Chrisitian Assembly (also a Family Integrated Church) didn't actually meet in Boerne, but in (again) a tiny crossroads community well outside of Boerne.  

In an area originally settled by Czechs and Germans, the beautiful old churches in that area tend to be Lutheran. It's lovely,  bucolic rolling countryside with mostly empty roads on Sundays. Housing development has begun in that area, so maybe Pastor Webbon will pick up a few families from that. 

So, a note on Williamson County.  Extremely, extremely conservative.  The only good thing about Williamson County is that they have mandates that dogs must fenced in; there are hefty fines for miscreants.  Great for cyclists because you don't get chased by loose dogs  while riding out in the countryside. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Joel Webbon is a horrible, vile, misogynist, racist human being.  I can't get tweets to show up in my posts, but "He chose a young White doctor over a young Black doctor because the chances of a Black doctor being unqualified, and given a free pass, is higher in today’s world."


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12 hours ago, Expectopatronus said:

@Howl The disgust reaction is directed at his comment, not you. 

Yup, the only rational response!  He's disgusting, and in general getting way more coverage than he should for his outrageous beliefs. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

This could probably go in several threads here, but Kristin Kobes Du Mez (author of Jesus and John Wayne) has a documentary film called For Our Daughters coming out on Sept 26. It focuses on the abuse of women in evangelical churches & spaces and will be streaming free on YouTube.


From Kristin Kobes Du Mez, the creator/author of Jesus and John Wayne, comes a powerful new documentary highlighting how a culture of submission and sexual abuse in the evangelical church ties directly to the Christian nationalist quest to use the outcome of the 2024 election to deprive all American women of basic democratic rights. FOR OUR DAUGHTERS speaks to all women of faith, encouraging them to use their voices and their votes to ensure that their daughters will have the rights to health and happiness guaranteed to all Americans.

A timely exploration of the intersection between faith, politics, and women's rights in America, the film honors the brave sexual and spiritual abuse survivors within the church who have shared their stories, and those who have not yet spoken. It delves into how the church has cared more about power and political influence than love, and how the harm done to women and children threatens to extend beyond faith communities in light of the choices before us this election season.

People in it, besides Kobes Du Mez, include Rachael Denhollander, Cait West, Jules Woodson & Christa Brown. I will definitely be watching this film & I am grateful to them for ensuring it's widely available, especially before the election.

[Theobro heads & beards exploding in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6....]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Should Christian men run America? Hell no, say abuse survivors in new documentary

9.19.2004: In ‘For Our Daughters,’ a new film from Kristin Kobes Du Mez, author of ‘Jesus and John Wayne,’ abuse survivors argue that if pastors can’t keep their own churches safe, they should not be running the country.

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I wish the political section and the snark sections of FJ weren't separated, because there is a hella lot of cross over between fundamentalist Christianity and politics.  I came across this Twitter thread by Matthew Taylor.  He's alarmed by what he's hearing from the Speaker of the House of Representatives.  Unroll of Twitter thread here.  

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-Fanatic) has publicly stated in a Prayer and Policy Call on Sept 23,  that  "It seems apparent to us that God has chosen [Trump] to lead the greatest nation in the world for a 2nd time."

Speaker Johnson also believes that God has chosen him for a Moses moment.


At a National Association of Christian Lawmakers (a close New Apostolic Reformation ally group that promotes the Appeal to Heaven Christian revolution campaign) gala last Dec, Johnson famously compared himself to Moses & claimed God was preparing him for a "Red Sea moment." 

That's not a casual phrase: in Christian nationalist rhetoric, a "Red Sea moment" invokes a scenario where God's people (here: conservative Christians) are imperiled & God must intervene miraculously (through a "Moses") to save them from the heathen hordes of oppressors. 


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8 hours ago, hoipolloi said:

For Our Daughters is now available for free viewing. 


Just watched this. Brutal. I had to pause it several times to rant about things to my husband. Recommend taking the half hour to watch it.

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"Men whether they are more competent or intelligent. Doesn't matter. Men are charged w/ responsibility of being [the] primary initiator w/in Family. Women are designed to be supporters of man fulfilling that role" -Christian Dominionist #NAR Apostle Lance Wallnau

What could possibly go wrong?


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On 9/21/2023 at 10:18 AM, Antipatriarch said:

🤣 Jerry Falwell Jr. is continuing to press his lawsuit against Liberty U., trying to salvage some money or dignity or something.

Well, it's settled! 

Jerry Falwell Jr. is back and it's bad for everyone   (RNS) — Falwell and school officials have kissed and made up.

Jerry and Becki are allowed back on the Liberty U campus and had prime seats at a recent football game.  

"Never mind that Becki Falwell has been credibly accused of sexually predatory behavior with a student. It’s settled.

Never mind that Jerry Falwell has a long, documented history of posting inappropriate comments, videos and photographs, often involving students and other young people. It’s settled.

Settling is more important than keeping students safe from alleged sexual predators. Indeed, it’s increasingly difficult to deny that this is simply business as usual for too many Christian institutions. Liberty University is simply one example — if a notable one...

...Fallwell wasn’t just allowed back on campus but was given a sort of hero’s welcome. With his return taking place during homecoming festivities, numerous photos of the family circulated that were taken in prime seating during that weekend’s big football game. A letter sent by the current president admonished staff that it would be 'unhelpful to discuss, speculate, or gossip about details' that aren’t public."

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Sorry to be the bearer of icky news.  Marky Driscoll is baaaaaack to help everyone understand what's going on in he world and how to vote accordingly.   The Jesus on the cover of the book looks remarkably like my long ago boyfriend. 

Also, Driscoll has partnered up with Sean Feucht for a podcast: Mark Driscoll and Sean Feucht Say Harris/Walz Are Backed by Demonic Forces

Driscoll's book:  Vote Like Jesus: Answering 15 Big Questions About God vs. Government

Blurb: Our world has lost its mind. Most Christians are prepared for peace time, but we have entered war time, and our world is now against Christianity. In times like these, we as Christians need to ask ourselves: "What would Jesus do?" "How would Jesus vote?" To do that, we need to educate ourselves on the important issues. This book answers the big questions like: "Why is the government against God?" "Is America a nation in decline?" "How is globalism a sign of the end times?" As we lose hope in government, we can find hope in God because God rules over government.

 A one-star review is probably the most accurate, and maybe the one review not written by Driscoll or one of his family members. 

Spoiler: This book does not tell you how to vote like Jesus.

Reviewed in the United States on September 9, 2024

As Americans prepare for another contentious election, Mark Driscoll presents Vote Like Jesus as a beacon of hope shining through the darkness that is American culture. However, this book is less like a lighthouse in a storm and more like a phone flashlight in a dark movie theater - unnecessary, attention-seeking, and disruptive to everyone nearby. Driscoll fails to offer any actual guidance and instead uses the book as a personal soapbox to air his grievances with other Christians.

This book is poorly written and filled with typos, grammar mistakes, and run-on sentences. Driscoll’s arguments are weak with flimsy evidence, often citing unnamed “Bible teachers” and “commentaries” without any context or credibility. He claims that killing and lying aren’t sins if done for the right reasons, cherry picks Scripture and sources to back up his talking points, and ends the book with telling you to hold your nose and vote for Donald Trump anyway. Vote Like Jesus is a gross misnomer - this book is really Vote Like Mark, a self-serving manifesto where Driscoll can publicly shame every other prominent Christian he’s ever had a problem with.

The Bible offers many warnings against false teachers; I would be wary of anyone who claims to be the one teacher who has it all figured out. You would be better off consulting your own Bible directly.

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