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Coronavirus 8: One Million Dead in 2022 and We're Only in August

Coconut Flan

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For anyone interested in Long Covid and/or ME/CFS there‘s a super cool online conference happening May 15-16

According to the website it‘s „The biggest community-driven ME/CFS and Long COVID conference ever“  https://unitetofight2024.world/program/

Speakers are among others: Akiko Iwasaki, Karl Lauterbach, David Putrino, Ed Yong, Carmen Scheibenbogen.

Registration is free. I can’t wait! 😊

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I have COVID- It’s my first rodeo!

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1 hour ago, SassyPants said:

I have COVID- It’s my first rodeo!

I hope your symptoms are mild.

My sister had Covid a few months ago and said it was like a mild cold, but I know that’s not everyone’s experience.  My daughter and I are the last in our immediate family to not have had it yet.  

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15 hours ago, SassyPants said:

I have COVID- It’s my first rodeo!

Awww, I hope you're not feeling too poorly, Sassy.

13 hours ago, CTRLZero said:

I hope your symptoms are mild.

My sister had Covid a few months ago and said it was like a mild cold, but I know that’s not everyone’s experience.  My daughter and I are the last in our immediate family to not have had it yet.  

My BF and I haven't had it yet. Well, we had *something* in early March 2020 after going to a couple packed spring training games where a rude asshole literally sneezed in my hair and I almost levitated, but who knows what.

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It's so hard to know especially now when I read that currently 50% of cases are asymptomatic.  My grandkds have something as do I, but it's mainly gastrointestinal although granddaughter had a headache with it.  Grandson and I got sick two days after granddaughter who spent the day Sunday at Knott's Berry Farm so who knows what she picked up there.  

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17 hours ago, Coconut Flan said:

It's so hard to know especially now when I read that currently 50% of cases are asymptomatic.  My grandkds have something as do I, but it's mainly gastrointestinal although granddaughter had a headache with it.  Grandson and I got sick two days after granddaughter who spent the day Sunday at Knott's Berry Farm so who knows what she picked up there.  

I hope you're all feeling better, Coconut, and you too, @SassyPants.

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20 hours ago, Coconut Flan said:

...granddaughter...spent the day Sunday at Knott's Berry Farm...  

OMG! I haven't been there since I was a child!  I wasn't even sure it still existed.  I hope she had fun.

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I seem over it.  Granddaughter we thought was over it and then she suddenly got sick again last night.  

She had a wonderful time at the park and only left because it was closing.  Her dance group performed and then stayed to enjoy the rides.  Boysenberry festival was on.

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Checking in. My husband is now COVID negative. I retested on Saturday and was still positive. Still have a cough and fatigue. Otherwise, doing OK. I have had to cancel so many things that I had scheduled for these last 2 weeks. Evidently, there is a COVID spike in my county. 

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Power mad people.

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8 hours ago, Coconut Flan said:

Power mad people.

Probably the same people who claimed it should be a personal choice at the peak in 2020.

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Posted (edited)

Kind of OT, I have a prescription meds appointment next month (stupid health insurance) and they gave me 1 asthma rescue inhaler to tide me over until then. It's a generic I've never seen before, and seems not very effective. It's making me really nervous bc I get asthma sometimes from my cat allergies (I have 3 cats). I'll call my pharmacy tomorrow to see if I can get a replacement. Just a word to the wise.

Edited by Kiki03910
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Thank you.  The illness has left the house.  Daughter who was doing most of the clean up and tending was compulsive about mask wearing and hand washing did not get it.  I spent 36 hours in the guest room and then was in separate rooms from the sick people and did not catch it.  

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I am into week 3 of the horrible Covid cough. Aside from the cough and perhaps 36 hours of fevers and aches, I likely had a fairly mild case. The cough is wicked though. I have found the best relief with organic cough syrups made from Slippery Elm, Cherry Bark Extract, Elderberry, Echinacea, Zinc and Vit C. OTC tussins make me feel odd.

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7 hours ago, SassyPants said:

I am into week 3 of the horrible Covid cough. Aside from the cough and perhaps 36 hours of fevers and aches, I likely had a fairly mild case. The cough is wicked though. I have found the best relief with organic cough syrups made from Slippery Elm, Cherry Bark Extract, Elderberry, Echinacea, Zinc and Vit C. OTC tussins make me feel odd.

I'm so sorry. I hope it goes away soon. I like an occasional hot toddy when I'm under the weather. 😜

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Ugh ... I have just developed a mild to moderate sore throat. There's no apparent reason for it, and I've only been around one person unmasked in the last week, all evening Friday. He KN95s in public, but isn't the most careful about making sure his mask fits well. So should I do a covid test if I still feel this way tonight? I am decidely not prone to sore throats, not even when I was a kid; the air quality has been okay; my asthma and allergies haven't been bothering me. I guess it wouldn't hurt to test...

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Can't hurt to do one. And another in 24 hours.

We're in flu/covid/rsv/what is this respiratory virus winter season now. Half the team is out sick. I'm mostly just tired (but not sick). Meanwhile it's business as usual and I really wish it wasn't.

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17 hours ago, Ozlsn said:

Can't hurt to do one. And another in 24 hours.

We're in flu/covid/rsv/what is this respiratory virus winter season now. Half the team is out sick. I'm mostly just tired (but not sick). Meanwhile it's business as usual and I really wish it wasn't.

I'm sorry to hear that, Oz. People just don't care anymore.

I woke up feeling fine the next day, and I'm WFH at the moment, so I didn't bother testing. Nothing since.

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