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Joe Biden 2: President Dark Brandon For The Win!


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In this video, Mary Trump blasts the corporate media for how they report on the US presidential election, and frankly, I could not agree more.

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On 7/12/2024 at 2:49 PM, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

god these fucking people. we can't win fair and square so let's fuck it up state by state

I agree.

I was actually in DC this weekend. My friend and I were walking back to our hotel from dinner when I realized the heritage foundation HQ was on my right. I stopped and flipped off the building with both hands. My friend started laughing and joined me in the salute.

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1 hour ago, GreyhoundFan said:

I agree.

I was actually in DC this weekend. My friend and I were walking back to our hotel from dinner when I realized the heritage foundation HQ was on my right. I stopped and flipped off the building with both hands. My friend started laughing and joined me in the salute.

Yes I will also admit to have "saluted" Trump signs because I'm too far away from DC to do this to the Heritage Foundation HQ.

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5 minutes ago, Audrey2 said:

Yes I will also admit to have "saluted" Trump signs because I'm too far away from DC to do this to the Heritage Foundation HQ.

There's a house up the road that has a huge flag that reads: "God, Guns, and Trump." My middle finger gets a workout whenever I pass by.

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We took the GWB on our way to Connecticut this past weekend and were overjoyed to see they finally took his name off the golf course. You could see it in huge letters while coming off the bridge. We’d flip it off every time. It’s now Bally Links. Thank god. 

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Good for Joe. He needs to call out the BS.


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9 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Good for Joe. He needs to call out the BS.


Go Joe! 

I've become so cynical but I am thinking maybe the media wants Trump back as president so they constantly have drama to report on from the White House.

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1 hour ago, Audrey2 said:

Go Joe! 

I've become so cynical but I am thinking maybe the media wants Trump back as president so they constantly have drama to report on from the White House.

No question. Sex, scandal, and sensationalism sells, and he provides an over abundance of all of it. They’re not playing it out to its possible conclusion though. If the tyrant in chief attains office again, their ability to publish may be seriously contained… 

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7 hours ago, Audrey2 said:

Go Joe! 

I've become so cynical but I am thinking maybe the media wants Trump back as president so they constantly have drama to report on from the White House.

I was literally thinking to myself not 2 hours ago as I watched some CNN videos on youtube while I waited for dinner. And I just couldn't believe how pro trump the commentary was. It was weird.

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On 7/16/2024 at 11:48 PM, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

I was literally thinking to myself not 2 hours ago as I watched some CNN videos on youtube while I waited for dinner. And I just couldn't believe how pro trump the commentary was. It was weird.

Extremely weird, for CNN especially. I was confused earlier (yesterday, can't sleep it's now tomorrow/today lol). CBS News, too, especially Tony D. There's been a shift recently in their "commentary" that makes me wonder if it wasn't Oprah who bought them out 😉 but someone else lol

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On 7/15/2024 at 6:35 PM, GreyhoundFan said:

There's a house up the road that has a huge flag that reads: "God, Guns, and Trump." My middle finger gets a workout whenever I pass by.

There’s a house next to my apartment complex with Trump flags(which change periodically)on each side of the driveway. Both of mine get workouts.

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14 hours ago, LongTimeLurkerOG said:

Extremely weird, for CNN especially. I was confused earlier (yesterday, can't sleep it's now tomorrow/today lol). CBS News, too, especially Tony D. There's been a shift recently in their "commentary" that makes me wonder if it wasn't Oprah who bought them out 😉 but someone else lol

I am super frustrated at the corporate involving the media. It’s not good in terms of maintaining a free and independent press.

 But, unpopular opinion here, I do think Biden’s inner circle has been trying to keep him out of the media and that creates something of a vacuum. The press could cover his policies (unsexy) but it’s kind of hard to cover Biden at the moment. 

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7 minutes ago, noseybutt said:

The press could cover his policies (unsexy) but it’s kind of hard to cover Biden at the moment. 

The press needs to spend more time covering policy and less time analyzing what people are wearing. Even if it isn't sexy. Most people don't know or care about policy or procedure, and that's why we are the way we are. 

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16 minutes ago, Maggie Mae said:

The press needs to spend more time covering policy and less time analyzing what people are wearing. Even if it isn't sexy. Most people don't know or care about policy or procedure, and that's why we are the way we are. 


Be even about it- agent orange speaking incoherently; JDV (almost typed vd, that would work, too) on the issues he supports & hypocrisy*. 

Talk about the policies, platforms... Or lack thereof for ya know, a democracy. 


*on a News show the other morning a female co-anchor said that in an interview with his wife, that JDV was looking at her with "such love." F No, that was say what you're supposed to or there will be trouble later, not an adoring fundy towards your wife gaze .... 


vote Blue 💙 

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22 minutes ago, Maggie Mae said:

The press needs to spend more time covering policy and less time analyzing what people are wearing. Even if it isn't sexy. Most people don't know or care about policy or procedure, and that's why we are the way we are. 

Well duh.

Of course. Don’t you think that is a direct result of the corporate conglomerate takeover of much of the media? We have become something of an oligarchy and it’s a lot like fight club: the first rule is not to talk about it.

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Media outlets want clicks and views, either to prove why they should continue to receive funding or to convince advertisers to spend a ton of money on them. And what generates clicks and views is not discussion of the issues or policies, or even the people and what they each said. What 'sells' best is "who we think is going to win and why". People gamble on election outcomes like they gamble on sporting matches or horse races. The gravity of WHY democracies have elections is lost.

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I'm increasingly disappointed in Biden. He had an opportunity with trumps drama to redirect the conversation but it's bounced right back and there's nothing from biden to detract from it.

Crazy times. I feel like biden "digging in his heels" is making the narrative seem more and more like kids trying to take the keys away from Dad....not a good look. 

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53 minutes ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

I'm increasingly disappointed in Biden. He had an opportunity with trumps drama to redirect the conversation but it's bounced right back and there's nothing from biden to detract from it.

Crazy times. I feel like biden "digging in his heels" is making the narrative seem more and more like kids trying to take the keys away from Dad....not a good look. 

I suspect the "keys away from Dad" scenario has, unfortunately, been going on for many months. Robert Hur, for example, was willing to say the quiet part out loud. 

This is super complicated. A lot of the press coverage around Biden strikes me as over-the-top ageist. As in, there's an assumption in the media that older people are not cognitively sharp while we know scientifically that there is wide range of functioning among older adults. In other words, it's disingenuous to blame symptoms on age alone.

His stutter doesn't help how lay people view him.

But also, he has a history of significant left-side aneurysm (brain bleed) that he recovered from AND also puts him at greater risk for future/later life cognitive issues and likely had some impact on verbal processing (gaffes).

And, while it's not appropriate to diagnose from afar, he shows a number of symptoms consistent with Parkinson's or some other form of neurodegenerative decline: motor stiffness, flat affect/facial movement, the odd voice (hypophonia), memory issues, etc. 

It is has been super interesting reading Op Ed's by physicians. This one here by LA Times is careful to note that he is not suffering from Alzheimer's, but completely ignores the possibility ofParkinson's, which is the elephant in the room. 

Interestingly, one of the personality changes that often accompanies Parkinson's is increasingly rigid thinking and stubbornness. In other words, if he does have Parkinson's or some other similar neurological condition, his not wanting to let go is likely part of the illness.

The situation is so sad. I have my disagreements with Biden policies but he has been a very capable politician over the years and he did a lot of good bringing the US out of the first Trump administration. The problem is, he is not well and the ongoing protests otherwise come across as dishonest. It's sort of like how FDR took steps to hide his wheelchair because he wanted to be seen as strong and capable and not disabled. The problem here is that Biden's symptoms, unlike FDR's, are directly tied to his ability to do his job.

The prospect of another Trump term is terrifying.

I really hope the Democrats get it together. 


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I love Biden. I’ve wanted to see him as president each of the times he’s run (never made it to the primaries in my state until this last time), and I’ve been extremely happy to have had him as president these past four years. 
Even I am starting to see the value in someone else, which sucks.

I’m  wondering if they’ll use his bout with Covid as the exit strategy. He’s dug his heels in so hard on not dropping out, and this may help him make the choice to leave knowing he could save face. 

It’s going to make for an interesting convention. No joke, if they put up an actual donkey, I’d vote for it. But Biden, Harris, Newsome, whoever runs gets my vote. 

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20 minutes ago, AnywhereButHere said:


It’s going to make for an interesting convention. No joke, if they put up an actual donkey, I’d vote for it. But Biden, Harris, Newsome, whoever runs gets my vote. 

Same. And I haven't always felt that way. Anything that helps Trump/Vance is simply not an option for me.

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I agree with voting for whoever Dem put up. Which is shocking all by itself that we're saying this.

I'm a speech path and the way he talks has never bothered me in the least. BUT it's not actually about any of that.

The problem is Biden/Biden's team and to some extent unknown to me the dem. political machine is just terrible.

Trump is a horrible option and has given just SO MUCH for dems to work with here. And yet - nothing really comes of it. At the height of the trump felony conviction news cycle. Biden was running many many ads about not needing a college degree to be successful in america...1st - weak ad. 2nd wrong ad to playing at that moment. I've not seen any other ads from biden since then. I'm not sure why the algorithm decided I a middle aged woman with a masters degree would need to see a biden ad with visuals of welders and blue collar men's jobs talking about not needing college? Thanks - but I'm way past that and I'm pretty into the student loan forgiveness thing and now you're saying I didn't need college??? Like those ads actually were off putting to me.

They're not using social media well/at all?? The only social media from Biden I've ever heard of (I don't seek it out) is that horrible fake homey cookie baking video that made him seem so much older and out of touch plus it was a long time ago.  The president doesn't have all much direct power, the president needs to be a persuader and communicator.  In this respect Biden has always been a weak candidate. People say he "shines" in small groups and one on one...that's terrible for a president. So this was always a problem before the debate.

So you have a weak candidate, with what appears to be a clueless inner circle, who is looking worse by the day and it's all complicated by incompetent campaigning. A good behind the scenes apparatus should be able to mitigate this. There's just plenty of shit from trump they could sling and they're doing nothing. 

I didn't think biden stepping down was the way to go at first but I think at this point the 48% who were going to vote for biden do not matter. They will vote for whoever the dem is. It's the 2-4% of undecided/independents that need to be thought about. And they're not going to go along with the "he's your father, respect your father, listen to your father, and he's not ready yet" narrative that biden and co seem to be pushing. 

Extra damning is the past 2 days or so I'm seeing more and more little blurbs about Jill Biden being the top adviser/everybody goes through her - I don't know if it's true and it doesn't matter if it is. The narrative is turning to say that Biden is a senile old man puppet of his un-elected wife. and I honestly don't know what worse thing could be said about him from a PR perspective. 

Trump may be crazy but he's a known crazy at this point and half the nation either fully approves it or thinks he'll be "reined in." 

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My concern all along is that the Democrats have been running a defensive campaign and focusing on the problems with Trump rather than their own platform.

With that kind of campaign, the defensiveness and dishonesty around Biden having neuropsychological issues becomes a central issues. I mean, if you are running a defensive campaign and it starts to look like your guy has a similar character flaw as to Trump, it's game over.

And lest anyone get worked up over the fact that I am saying Biden and his team have been straight up dishonest about neuropsychological issues, go read about the Parkinson's expert who didn't visit the White House, oh wait he visited but saw patients other than Biden, oh noes he did see Biden but all is well, and he returned 8 times but still all is well.

Biden is 100x more honest than Trump, but at this point it's impossible to say that he has been honest and forthright over this issue.

Which, again, would be less of a problem if the campaign were actually about the issues rather than Trump the person.

Even die hard Democrats are scratching their heads and wondering who really is in charge.




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The dems have GOT to get their act together and soon!

I hate that they are doing this calling for Joe to drop out in public.  Not saying maybe he shouldn’t, but I wish it was behind the scenes. They don’t look cohesive at all. 

Whatever happens, I’ll always be grateful to Biden for giving us a 3 and a half year drama free White House.  I hate that this is happening now.  



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7 minutes ago, kpmom said:

The dems have GOT to get their act together and soon!

I hate that they are doing this calling for Joe to drop out in public.  Not saying maybe he shouldn’t, but I wish it was behind the scenes. They don’t look cohesive at all. 

Whatever happens, I’ll always be grateful to Biden for giving us a 3 and a half year drama free White House.  I hate that this is happening now.  



***I strongly disagree. There has clearly been backstage drama for months if not years based on how Biden has presented in public. I would bust it open--say, yup this has been going on and we have disagreed over how to handle it because of what it is at stake but here are the current discussions and, yes, there will be a path forward.

Keeping it behind closed doors is more business as usual and that is exactly the problem.

Also, I suspect the reason they are calling it for it publicly is that the concerns are not being addressed privately. I mean, you don't write a letter to the town newspaper editor about ongoing school board corruption if the school board listens and changes their ways. I see it as frustration that high level Democrats are either not getting access to Biden or Biden and his inner circle aren't listening.


***Maybe I don't disagree as strongly as I think I do. LOL.  This is unprecedented (at least in modern times with the modern press) and, kind of like the COVID pandemic, there is no playbook here. 

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32 minutes ago, noseybutt said:

***I strongly disagree. There has clearly been backstage drama for months if not years based on how Biden has presented in public. I would bust it open--say, yup this has been going on and we have disagreed over how to handle it because of what it is at stake but here are the current discussions and, yes, there will be a path forward.

Keeping it behind closed doors is more business as usual and that is exactly the problem.

Also, I suspect the reason they are calling it for it publicly is that the concerns are not being addressed privately. I mean, you don't write a letter to the town newspaper editor about ongoing school board corruption if the school board listens and changes their ways. I see it as frustration that high level Democrats are either not getting access to Biden or Biden and his inner circle aren't listening.


***Maybe I don't disagree as strongly as I think I do. LOL.  This is unprecedented (at least in modern times with the modern press) and, kind of like the COVID pandemic, there is no playbook here. 

I hear you. My sister said basically the same thing when I complained to her about Biden being called on to resign in public. 

I just hate that the felon’s party seems to be in lockstep with him no matter what the hell he does, and the Dems don’t seem cohesive at all. 

And I’m frustrated that the universe seems to be conspiring to get the felon back in the White House. Just this past spring I was convinced the Dems  would win in November, and now it seems to be falling apart. 

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