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Joe Biden 2: President Dark Brandon For The Win!


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25 minutes ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

and oh yeah...who would be a good VP pick???????????? I've not even thought about it. I don't think PeteB is reasonable at all. Harris is a hard enough sell. Mark Kelley sounds good as far as I know anything about him - which is very little

I hope Obama comes out strong and soon - sets the tone. People see him as being calm and reasonable.

Mark Kelly would be good, though we would be sad to lose him. Maybe Andy Beshear? Then they wouldn't be risking a democratic senate seat. 

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Well, this is not unexpected, and I think it is for the best, for the country and for President Biden as well. 
Now - let’s see if the party can put together a powerhouse ticket and a kickass campaign. 

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2 minutes ago, nvmbr02 said:

Mark Kelly would be good, though we would be sad to lose him. Maybe Andy Beshear? Then they wouldn't be risking a democratic senate seat. 

But Mark K would possibly help to bring a major swing state

The shock has settled and I feel better than before. It sucks and it will be a mess but  I'm glad something has been decided rather than sitting through a another week of will he/won't he. 

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9 minutes ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

But Mark K would possibly help to bring a major swing state

The shock has settled and I feel better than before. It sucks and it will be a mess but  I'm glad something has been decided rather than sitting through a another week of will he/won't he. 

I just doubt that his seat would be replaced with another democrat with the current climate here. Ruben Gallego is popular and has a good shot at taking Simema's seat but I don't see another popular democrat on the horizon. 

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I'm sad for him, and hope he is truly at peace with this decision. He's worked so hard and so long for our country. My Delawarean cousin worked for and contributed to his 1987 presidential campaign, and always said he is a good man.

As for the election, and our hopes of not disappearing into a fascist hellscape, I don't know what to say. I haven't participated in this discussion until now, because, whether he stayed in or dropped out, I knew I'd still be frightened.

Personally, of course, I'd vote for the contents of my dryer's lint trap over Trump and the people he plans to drag in with him. I just wish I could feel sure that enough of the rest of the country to override the idiocy of the electoral college felt the same.

I hope that there are no legal issues that trip up the Democrats somehow. Here's hoping all of the smart lawyers have deserted the GOP by now.

I have always hated the It's All About The Candidate, pop-star feeling to elections. There's a huge team involved, and, as cynical as I can be about politicians sometimes, I have always seen a lot of truly decent, capable people on the Dem side. I see so many of them now - people who really want to run the government efficiently and for the benefit of all of us.

Edited by thoughtful
removing redundancy
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This is not the bday day I wanted. Scared, depressed, worried for myself and others, and for my job that I love! White guys don't get it, because they're not women. Even as cisgender, white, straight woman this sh* will impact me, I've already lost control of my own damn uterus! Hope we can pull this out! 💙🤞

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My preference is Andy Bashear as he is a Dem governor in a red state.  If a Blue governor can win twice in a red state like Kentucky he can help carry PA, NC, GA, AZ, NC, WI, MI.

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Well, now we can confidently say that the orange one is too old. 

I feel bad for Biden, but I think he didn't have a choice. God bless him. He is a good man. 

I remember the covid days and trump has the blood of the 29 people who died at the nursing home near my house on his hands among many others. He can roast in hell along with the rest of them.

Oh yea, I'm Hispanic. We are not any more criminals, drug dealers and rapists than the Anglo kid down the street. The GOP can go to hell.

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13 minutes ago, SPHASH said:

My preference is Andy Bashear as he is a Dem governor in a red state.  If a Blue governor can win twice in a red state like Kentucky he can help carry PA, NC, GA, AZ, NC, WI, MI.

I'm a Bashear fan too. Maybe with Whitmer as Veep? Sadly, I don't think Harris is electable. And it's not because she's a black woman. Many of my liberal friends just don't like her.

Edited by livinginthelight
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Dang, I wanted and expected this, yet it’s a nail biter.

Kamala Harris makes sense. Not because she is electable or not, but because she already is the VP. 

Tangential, but I am wondering if Michelle Obama will campaign for her? Michelle kept her distance from Biden.

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35 minutes ago, livinginthelight said:

I'm a Bashear fan too. Maybe with Whitmer as Veep? Sadly, I don't think Harris is electable. And it's not because she's a black woman. Many of my liberal friends just don't like her.

I like Whitmer but I think it's best to keep Kamala in as VP to molify the left wing just like four years ago.

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I'm seeing a lot of "cop or dictator?" No matter who her runningmate is I'm losing what little hope I began to feel. What an emotional day! 

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The Clintons have announced support for Harris.


The next little bit is going to see everyone making their statements and endorsing their picks. I’m wondering how quickly there’s any sort of majority support seen for Harris or whoever else. I’m kind of all over the place with this, but I guess what I’m really wondering is how much of this was worked on and coalesced behind the scenes before today’s announcement. Is it going to be as chaotic as I fear, or is there really a more stable plan?

6 minutes ago, SPHASH said:

I like Whitmer but I think it's best to keep Kamala in as VP to molify the left wing just like four years ago.

Sadly, I think it’s going to have to be a white man in at least one of the roles. We’re not ready yet for a fully female ticket. And yes, that does get a serious eye roll from me, but I don’t think we’re there. 

3 minutes ago, Giraffe said:

I'm seeing a lot of "cop or dictator?" No matter who her runningmate is I'm losing what little hope I began to feel. What an emotional day! 

I knew a few people who were so anti-Kamala due to her prosecutorial record when she was running for president and were very much NOT HAPPY (all caps theirs) with her as the VP pick, but they all still showed up on Election Day. And for every article I hear knocking her, I hear something else about voters who will be very unhappy and feel she’s being shafted if she’s not the nominee now. So it’s really going to be a tightrope.

Ugh. I hate this. I do like that we’re sucking Trump’s oxygen though. The NYT had an editorial praising Biden today. First nice thing I’ve seen them write about him for eons. 

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11 minutes ago, AnywhereButHere said:

The Clintons have announced support for Harris.

Sadly, I think it’s going to have to be a white man in at least one of the roles. We’re not ready yet for a fully female ticket. And yes, that does get a serious eye roll from me, but I don’t think we’re there. 

Sadly, I agree with this. And I think Kelly or Bashear would be good choices. Kelly even if it does mean sacrificing a dem Senate seat. Anything to keep Trump out of the White House! Although I do think there are enough other good choices that a sacrifice like that would hopefully not be necessary. Honestly, I'd love to see Buttigieg on the ticket, whether for Harris or whoever else, or even in the top slot. But just as we're not ready in this country for an all-female ticket, we're not ready for a gay person on the ticket in either position. Pisses me off to no end, but for right now that's where we are. :( 

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1 hour ago, livinginthelight said:

I'm a Bashear fan too. Maybe with Whitmer as Veep? Sadly, I don't think Harris is electable. And it's not because she's a black woman. Many of my liberal friends just don't like her.

I like Whitmer too, but I would be surprised if the nominee ends up being anyone other than Harris. Time will tell on that. 

I do think democrats, and even independents need to stop caring if a candidate is likable and look at what (IMO) is the bigger issue. How will these candidates vote on the issues that are important to me because not voting for them (by voting for another candidate or staying home) is a vote for Trump/Vance/heritage foundation. 

We all have our candidates that we like better than others but at the point I'd vote for a paper bag that has a D next to its name. 

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Have you guys watched Van Jones' comment on Biden. God it had me crying along with him.

Because he's right, this is humanity. This is real people and not some narcissistic con man running another con. It got me in the FEELS. I don't cry about Biden specifically because I don't feel anything personal about his performance as a politician. But I did well up over the idea of a man making the decent fucking choice in this day and age and in this political climate. 


I've been hopping around social media and sort of taking the temperature and I'd say most people seem to be accepting that it has to be Harris and whatever we don't like  - fuck it - let's move on. Most people are just talking about the VP pick and assuming Harris is a done deal. I would say about 25% are VERY EXCITED and pumped up.

Interestingly, I called my mother who is living with extended family right now. They hadn't heard about it yet. To my knowledge they all seem pretty conservative and probably vote republican. But mother told them and I heard in the background "oh no!"  I have no idea what that means. They're not rapid MAGA types so it wasn't oh no, biden was easy to beat. It was "oh no"/how sad- I think. Unexpected reaction whatever it may mean.

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59 minutes ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

Have you guys watched Van Jones' comment on Biden. God it had me crying along with him.

Because he's right, this is humanity. This is real people and not some narcissistic con man running another con. It got me in the FEELS. I don't cry about Biden specifically because I don't feel anything personal about his performance as a politician. But I did well up over the idea of a man making the decent fucking choice in this day and age and in this political climate. 


I've been hopping around social media and sort of taking the temperature and I'd say most people seem to be accepting that it has to be Harris and whatever we don't like  - fuck it - let's move on. Most people are just talking about the VP pick and assuming Harris is a done deal. I would say about 25% are VERY EXCITED and pumped up.

Interestingly, I called my mother who is living with extended family right now. They hadn't heard about it yet. To my knowledge they all seem pretty conservative and probably vote republican. But mother told them and I heard in the background "oh no!"  I have no idea what that means. They're not rapid MAGA types so it wasn't oh no, biden was easy to beat. It was "oh no"/how sad- I think. Unexpected reaction whatever it may mean.

I watched him on CNN and it did make me tear up. 

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3 hours ago, noseybutt said:

Dang, I wanted and expected this, yet it’s a nail biter.

Kamala Harris makes sense. Not because she is electable or not, but because she already is the VP. 

Tangential, but I am wondering if Michelle Obama will campaign for her? Michelle kept her distance from Biden.

When I was out today and trying to get back to my happy place 😕 I told someone. They hadn't heard yet and immediately said Harris, Michelle Obama. While I love Michelle and like Harris, I don't think the former wants to run and unfortunately, don't think the country would go for two women or two African American women, yet.

I try to explain to people (not the person from earlier today), how it would impact the people in their lives, specifically. Like their wives, daughters, whomever; family who are teachers, anyone Dept of Ed related (which is fkin insane... but keep 'em uneducated, and lemmings is p25 goal, and try to armies for Christ their way into another frickin Reich.

It's just insane the potential prospect we're facing. I'm scared for us and sad for the country. And for Biden. That wasn't okay how anything has been handled by the party or MSM, the campaign people all seemed ok (from my perspective, online). I haven't watched any coverage yet or Van Jones yet. I knew it would give me the feels, didn't want to be in public! Guess we just have to do what we can, vote Blue, and hope/pray/do a rain dance/go to the prayer closet whatever 

Time to start drinking... as if I'm not chatty enough already! lol

Edited by LongTimeLurkerOG
Broke up the wall of txt, whoops! lol and typo
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I am going to have an unpopular opinion here: I do not think Harris is the best and brightest candidate to present for this huge job. The sound bytes I have heard from her over the years have not impressed me.  

All is not lost, however.  Hillary/Newsom? You bet.  Newsom/Harris?  Could be.

And you can bet your bottom dollar the Dems had a Plan B and C in play for months before now.  We might even be surprised at the final result.

I know none of us had "assassination attempt" or "Biden exiting" on our Bingo cards this week..... stay tuned!  :D


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I live in Ilhan Omar's district which is solidly blue.  I've been more inclined to vote for Don Samuels in the upcoming primary figuring that it's a safe bet the seat will still stay blue regardless of how things go.  (And support Ms. Omar in the general if she wins).  I wrote him that if he wanted my vote he needed to support VP Harris and his campaign he needed to be pretty quick about responding back about his endorsement of VP Harris as the new nominee.

I hadn't seen anything about that so I was a little uneasy that he wouldn't endorse her and try to sabotage her campaign.  As I said I'm more inclined to vote for Mr. Samuels because I felt he'll try to do right by us in Minneapolis and the wider world at the same time.  I felt Rep. Omar sometimes was so committed to being a left wing culture warrior she forgot about us in her Minneapolis district and all the problems we have to deal with.  If she wins next month's primary I will support her in the general provided I don't move down closer to family before then.

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6 minutes ago, MarblesMom said:

I am going to have an unpopular opinion here: I do not think Harris is the best and brightest candidate to present for this huge job. The sound bytes I have heard from her over the years have not impressed me.  

All is not lost, however.  Hillary/Newsom? You bet.  Newsom/Harris?  Could be.

And you can bet your bottom dollar the Dems had a Plan B and C in play for months before now.  We might even be surprised at the final result.

I know none of us had "assassination attempt" or "Biden exiting" on our Bingo cards this week..... stay tuned!  :D


I saw her during a live virtual session and she was enthusiastic and engaging, and spoke to important aspects for women's rights. 

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I’ve been fairly meh about Harris from back when she was in the primaries. There was just something that didn’t resonate with me. As much as I would hope I wasn’t that superficial, I honestly think it’s her voice. It’s got kind of a whine to it that gets on my nerves. As vice president I really had no opinion, as she seemed to stay out of the limelight (as VPs really kind of should do), and just went about her business quietly and I’m assuming efficiently. 

All that to say, I wasn’t that jazzed to think of her as the heir apparent, but I’ve been remembering how I felt about Hilary Clinton back in the day. She wasn’t my favorite either. She seemed remote, aloof, uncomfortable, etc… And then I went to a speech/event she did at Hofstra and really listened, and my opinion basically flipped overnight. Whether running against Trump or anyone else, I would’ve loved to have had her as president. I’m hoping that the same holds true for me if Kamala becomes the nominee. I want to listen and chuck my preconceived notions and see where I stand. 

She’d be getting my vote regardless, but I’m hoping I wind up just as impressed as I was with Hilary. 

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I am super critical of pretty much every politician out there, and I am beginning to think that I may be part of the problem. LOL. 

This time I think I am going to look at general policies and nothing else.

Who cares if their clothes are ugly or their voice squeaks or they are snotty or even if there is something of a checkered past--provided they seem reasonably honest and not addicted to drugs and have a semi-coherent platform, I think I will be in.

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