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You almost feel sorry for Charles who mostly has his late mother to thank for this standoff. She coddled Andrew and this is the result.


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56 minutes ago, hoipolloi said:

You almost feel sorry for Charles who mostly has his late mother to thank for this standoff. She coddled Andrew and this is the result.

He should have been dealt with years ago but Lizzie was too soft. However, Charles has his own battles with a coddled son, so I can’t feel too sorry for him. Or any of them, really. 

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10 hours ago, Loveday said:

That's why I said I was 'guessing,' because I don't know for sure. All I do know for sure is that there's a Sovereign Grant, and Anne and Edward are paid out of that as working royals. And William and Kate will never be in the poor house even without their share of the SG. 

William is now funded by the Duchy of Lancaster, which, partly thanks to his father’s superb management while he was Prince of Wales, provides a very comfortable living for the Cambridge/Wales.

Regarding Andrew’s residence, his lease is not with Charles, it is w/ the Crown Estate & it runs for another 50 or so years. Although he only pays a de minimus rent on the mansion, it costs a lot of money to run a 30 room place & of course he has staff - housekeepers, cooks, gardeners, etc., plus he’s responsible for maintaining the property, & then there’s the issue of security & who’s paying for it. Andrew lost his publicly funded security in late 2022 & since then rumor has it that Charles has been paying for Andrew’s security from his private funds, but it’s costing over $5 million a year. If Andrew moves to a residence w/in Windsor great park such as Frogmore he’d be w/in the security perimeter.

In the past Andrew has always relied on his mother to fund his lifestyle & after he was forced to step back from public duties he no longer got money from the sovereign grant, but the Queen likely continued funding him from her private estate/wealth. While it’s possible he inherited money from the Queen, or she put money into a trust for him (she funded a trust for his daughters Beatrice & Eugenie when Andrew & Sarah divorced,) I doubt he inherited enough to fund the $7 million per annum that he’s likely spending. Charles likely inherited the lions share of QE2’s wealth/estate to avoid inheritance taxes. 

I doubt that Charles wants to move into Royal Lodge - he now has nearby Windsor Castle as a base. If anyone were to move into Royal Lodge it would more likely be William & Kate, Adelaide cottage is very small compared to their Kensington Palace Apartment & Anmer Hall Country Estate. 

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I have read Son in Law Edo is helping with various matters concerning the the Upkeep of the pile.  

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4 hours ago, sndral said:

William is now funded by the Duchy of Lancaster, which, partly thanks to his father’s superb management while he was Prince of Wales, provides a very comfortable living for the Cambridge/Wales.

Isn‘t it the Duchy of Cornwall for the Waleses? The Duchy of Lancaster is the sovereign‘s I believe.

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1 hour ago, prayawaythefundie said:

Isn‘t it the Duchy of Cornwall for the Waleses? The Duchy of Lancaster is the sovereign‘s I believe.

I thought so, too.  Wasn't Charles Duke of Cornwall while he was Prince of Wales?

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8 hours ago, sndral said:

I doubt that Charles wants to move into Royal Lodge - he now has nearby Windsor Castle as a base. If anyone were to move into Royal Lodge it would more likely be William & Kate, Adelaide cottage is very small compared to their Kensington Palace Apartment & Anmer Hall Country Estate. 

There have been rumors for years that William and Kate want Andrew out so they can move into Royal Lodge. It wouldn't surprise me if there was some truth to that. Adelaide Cottage never made much sense. 

4 hours ago, prayawaythefundie said:

Isn‘t it the Duchy of Cornwall for the Waleses? The Duchy of Lancaster is the sovereign‘s I believe.

You're correct. 

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5 hours ago, prayawaythefundie said:

Isn‘t it the Duchy of Cornwall for the Waleses? The Duchy of Lancaster is the sovereign‘s I believe.


4 hours ago, SoSoNosy said:

I thought so, too.  Wasn't Charles Duke of Cornwall while he was Prince of Wales?

Yes, oops, I got my duchies mixed up - Lancaster for the sovereign & Cornwall for the eldest son of the sovereign. 
I assumed the Cambridge/Wales moved into Adelaide because they feared public backlash if they acquired/refurbed a 3rd grand residence, because they were basically abandoning Kensington after the expensive refurb of their apartments there & Anmer was also refurbed for them.

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52 minutes ago, sndral said:

I assumed the Cambridge/Wales moved into Adelaide because they feared public backlash if they acquired/refurbed a 3rd grand residence, because they were basically abandoning Kensington after the expensive refurb of their apartments there & Anmer was also refurbed for them.

I was always under the assumption that they wanted a base in Windsor since they wanted out of London and Adelaide was available. The size never made much sense though, and I could see them wanting a larger home. 

I don't think they worry too much about public backlash. They make so many repeated decisions that shows they care very little for criticism. They're going to do whatever they want. 

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