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Bro Gary Hawkins 23: Give Us the History

Coconut Flan

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Just weird vagueness implying that people who remind others to set their clocks back somehow don't care about getting to church the next morning.

Those who forgot to set their clocks back were an hour early for church so they are better Christians.

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What does being a true Christian have to do with not being reminded to set your clocks back? Is he saying that if you’re a Christian, you’ll be in church on Sunday, so you’ll know the right time? The workings of his mind frequently baffle me. 

I would be willing to bet the pastor reminded everyone of the time change during last week’s service. Does that mean he isn’t a true Christian? 


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13 minutes ago, postscript said:

What does being a true Christian have to do with not being reminded to set your clocks back?


A true Christian doesn't need to know because God takes care of it


that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.


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14 minutes ago, AmazonGrace said:

Those who forgot to set their clocks back were an hour early for church so they are better Christians.

I know  - if Gary wrote this about the spring change, it might come a bit closer to making sense.

One of the years during which I was a church choir director, the clock change happened on Easter  (Resurrection Sunday, per Gary). Easter was the only Sunday at which the choir sang for an early service, then two more services after that - most Sundays, we started with a warm-up at 9:30 AM for one 10:00 service.

That week, I asked for a shorter warm-up than usual, and was very sympathetic telling those dedicated volunteer singers that they'd have to be in church at 7:45 which would feel like 6:45, but I still felt like a villain!

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1 hour ago, thoughtful said:

I thought you knew for sure it was pneumonia, Gary.

Probably Covid.  Gary would never admit it though.

Also, it appears that Gary's mother is close to the end.  The sister (?) posted that Sheila was having trouble breathing and asked for prayers for an easy passing.

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4 hours ago, Xan said:

Probably Covid.  Gary would never admit it though.

I was wondering about that, myself.

He got a comment I would have loved to see him get many times in the past - seems like bad timing under such a worried post (although, if she really can't figure out what the post is about, I guess it might not be as mean as it seems):



4 hours ago, Xan said:

Also, it appears that Gary's mother is close to the end.  The sister (?) posted that Sheila was having trouble breathing and asked for prayers for an easy passing.

I saw that, as well, and yes, that's his sister.

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I was checking this morning's video from Family Baptist, to find out whether the pastor said anything about the Hawkins family's trials, and there was Gary, in his usual spot, without Becky.


He wasn't at the evening service, as far as I could tell.

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Y'know, Gary, just this once, you could have dispensed with the "OK folks."


ETA - among the lovely and kind comments, he also got some . . . other things. Pastor Baker responded with a trite childish thought:



This person had an unfortunate typo:



And, of course, how much God loves death had to be mentioned:




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I'm sorry they are having to deal with his mother's passing especially while Becky is ill. Hope she recovers quickly. I'm also boggled a bit that during all that - his mother's imminent passing, Becky being ill and weak, himself just recovering from (apparently) pneumonia - that Gary's priority is going on facebook and reminding people that he's a better Christian than them because he didn't need to be reminded to set his clocks back so he'd be at church at the right time. 

I think there are maybe 2 clocks I'll have to set back? The one in my car, and an old style analog one on the wall by my desk at work. I'd say the one on the stove as well but I've not figured out how to set that one in the first place, so...

Everything else automatically sets itself, here. I need to double check the thermostat but it's a Nest one so I'd assume it updates too via wifi. 

Seeing as how Gary had spent several years basically homeless traveling around church to church, I'd imagine even he probably figured out how to use his phone as an alarm by now. 

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1 hour ago, thoughtful said:

Y'know, Gary, just this once, you could have dispensed with the "OK folks."


ETA - among the lovely and kind comments, he also got some . . . other things. Pastor Baker responded with a trite childish thought:

  Hide contents


This person had an unfortunate typo:

  Hide contents


And, of course, how much God loves death had to be mentioned:

  Hide contents



I think Pastor Baker is reciting the lyrics to a chorus/song. It’s the entire extent of the chorus, if I remember it correctly. I’m sorry for his family’s loss. It’s so hard to lose a much- loved parent/ family member. 

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1 hour ago, MathQueen said:

I think Pastor Baker is reciting the lyrics to a chorus/song. It’s the entire extent of the chorus, if I remember it correctly.

That possibility had crossed my mind. Having watched a lot of his preaching and interactions with others, I still think it's very in keeping with his slick and uncaring manner; a pat, trite gesture because he is supposed to do so, not a sincere condolence from one person to another.


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I have a great deal of sympathy for Gary and his family, much as I find their views repulsive. Losing a parent is incredibly difficult, even when you know it’s imminent I wonder how Gary intends to deal with the funeral with Becky sick and himself still recovering from mystery disease. 

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And he’s posted a Go Fund Me for Sheila’s burial expenses. My sympathy level just decreased exponentially. 

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1 hour ago, postscript said:

And he’s posted a Go Fund Me for Sheila’s burial expenses. My sympathy level just decreased exponentially. 

Yeah.  So did mine.  I'm sorry about Sheila but I think sticking your hand out for donations immediately is tacky and greedy.  I'm sorry that they seem to not have saved any money towards funerals but, considering her poor health, this just makes them look irresponsible.

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Becky posted it as well, and, of course, so did Kim.

So they had nothing set aside, no plan, no insurance, and went right to a GoFundMe - why am I not surprised.

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Sarah (Caleb's wife) and Michaela (Gary's daughter) posted the link to the GoFundMe.

Michaela also posted, a day before Sheila died, that she was about a week away from giving birth, and was hoping Sheila could meet her great grandson.

I'm always so torn when these people have real sadness. That tugs at my heart, of course, and I feel for her. I feel for all of them - losing a beloved family member is universal, something we all can relate to. Wanting an elder to meet a new baby, and being afraid they won't, is also heart-tugging.

On the other hand, based on what Gary said about his upbringing, Sheila might have been as eager to give a baby it's first "whupping" as Gary was. I'd like to think she was one of those people who treated her grands better than she had her own kids, and most pictures with little ones show them cuddled up to her and looking like she was a comfort to them. But who knows?

Michaela's post starts with "Please for my family and I." I assume she means "Please pray for my family and me."

Knowing that this family that beats and undereducates children, and doesn't plan for how they will support them (or bury an older family member who has been ill for many years), and is part of a movement to make my country a theocratic dictatorship, keeps bringing more people into the world to be "raised" this way, makes it harder to be sympathetic, even when they've lost a loved one and are expecting the joy of a new baby.

They make everything so complicated and ugly.

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A comment under Gary's post linking to the GoFundMe. I assume he means not ready in an emotional sense, but I couldn't help thinking "Yeah, Terry, they weren't - hence the GoFundMe."


This man is a member of Gary's church, who recently "graduated" from the program at Onesimus House and still works there. I hope he's not planning to give anything other than emotional support, since I doubt he has any money to spare.


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Sheila's obituary - notice that Becky's kids are listed among her grandchildren, Joshua is listed without spouse, and that they are asking donations to Danny's radio station in lieu of flowers.


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The last I looked, they had only gotten $745 in the GoFundMe and $100 of that was from Caleb.  It looks like they'd ask for donations for funeral expenses before they'd have the nerve to ask for money for Danny's radio messages.

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58 minutes ago, Xan said:

The last I looked, they had only gotten $745 in the GoFundMe and $100 of that was from Caleb. 

And one is $500 from "Dear Friends," which could be them donating themselves, to get things moving and set a precedent that they hope people will take as a typical amount to give.

I hadn't noticed before - their goal is $15,000.

ETA - I just looked at the comments on Michaela's facebook - she got some condolences from her other grandmother (the mother of Gary's ex-wife). I had noticed, in the past, that she was facebook friends with Gary's kids.

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OMG. Gary’s mom was only two days older than I am.

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2 hours ago, Hane said:

OMG. Gary’s mom was only two days older than I am.

I thought she was closer to 80 with Gary being in his 50s. 

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Oh she was the last of her siblings?

Is this a typical obituary around where they live? Just a list of relatives, and not a single word about what the deceased used to do  or what she was like as a person, apart from being someone's child, spouse, or (grand)parent?

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He’s posted the GFM link again, with the caption “Ok folks let’s be a blessing to the Hawkins family.” At least say please. I hope the other family members who are posting this leave off the arrogance and demanding tone. 

I bet if he were being asked to donate to someone else’s funeral expenses, he wouldn’t give a penny. 

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