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Branch Trumpvidians 7: They Still Think He Loves Them And Will Fight For Them


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Seen at Trump's Las Vegas rally (NSFW):




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That doesn't even make sense

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11 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

That doesn't even make sense

Definitely needs punctuation. "Fuck me! Great again?" works. "Fuck! Me great again!" sounds a bit like Cookie Monster is on the booze. "Fuck me great! Again!" sounds like Trump on a normal day.

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Still doesn't make sense...what was SHE thinking it conveyed?

Considering the ahem...neck bearded mouth breathers than seem to attend MAGA events - I think I'd be rather reluctant to invite them, whatever the specific implication was/is. 

just shudder.

"well your honor, she specifically wrote it on her ass, that's a contractual obligation right?"


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I don't know what they think it means - I just know you can buy it on shorts, panties, etc. Really - I did a google  search.


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So creepy...


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4 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

So creepy...


Little Hitler meeting an embalmed corpse.

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This poor infant.


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Because of course:


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15 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

Still doesn't make sense...what was SHE thinking it conveyed?

"Look at me" and "cult member" I think.

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The stuff these rubes will buy...


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Good grief. I have so many thoughts but they don't really go anywhere. Why is every thing for sale why must everything be about selling something to somebody? It's just depressing in the end. 

I've been reading "prairie fires" and Laura Ingalls Wilder biography somebody recommended somewhere on FJ. and it's so interesting. I've read other Bios of her but this one had a different slant and context. And it's making me think a lot about consumerism, rich people, sucking the life out of every person in every way possible to get a few more cents out the transaction....and what do you really need? None of it's new to me of course but the current events setting feels very next level.

Lots of "hmmm" in my brain over it all.

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1 hour ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:


I've been reading "prairie fires" and Laura Ingalls Wilder biography somebody recommended somewhere on FJ. and it's so interesting. I've read other Bios of her but this one had a different slant and context. And it's making me think a lot about consumerism, rich people, sucking the life out of every person in every way possible to get a few more cents out the transaction....and what do you really need? 

Have you read Pioneer Girl?  It was excellent. 

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1 hour ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

And it's making me think a lot about consumerism, rich people, sucking the life out of every person in every way possible to get a few more cents out the transaction....and what do you really need? of "hmmm" in my brain over it all.

I just hope the afterlife is a whole like lot this for the Musks, Bezos', and Fuck Faces of this world...


 “There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day.  At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores and longing to eat what fell from the rich man’s table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores.

“The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried.   In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side.  So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’

“But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony.  And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’

All three of them really deserve to burn in hell for all eternity.  Along with the oil company shitheads who rake in record profits while regular people who have to chose between things like gas or groceries. 

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4 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Have you read Pioneer Girl?  It was excellent. 

You know what's crazy/weird? I can't remember!  I started having health issues, covid happened, some serious family stuff happened and basically since 2020 my memory has been absolute shit. Also my focus to any task. A lifelong devourer of books - since 2020 I can't finish books hardly, even familiar favorites. It's been very strange - to have always had a very good memory and always reading reading reading. Now struggling to finish a page and not remembering last week much less things that happened years ago. I think it's 70% stress and 30% health issues (of course stress adds to health issues). Slowly been coming out of it over 2024 and am very surprised I've been able to read Prairie Fires. If I did read Pioneer Girl I have no memory of doing so. I can't remember all sorts of things- my close friend is constantly saying variations of, "how have you forgotten that! you were so serious about it/it was such a big deal to you"

Although I love rereading favorites. So if I can keep reading, it wouldn't bother me at all to read it (again?)

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Good new guys (totally off topic) but I'm mostly done with Prairie Fires. It was so nice the past several days to read it and actually not have to reread every page 10x until I get frustrated and give up. I'm sure it helped that I already knew 80% of the content so my brain had training wheels. I've gotten to the last bits that are post-Laura's death. I low key hate Rose W.L. and I'm not sure I want to hear details about how she was an ass about her mother's legacy. I don't *know* that's what it will say - but I suspect it and maybe I'd just rather not know. The P. Fires author is very nice about Rose but she sounds like the most sterotypical "Karen" ever and would probably definitely support MAGA and nanobot vaccine conspiracy theories. I just want to kick her in the shins. 

Now I'm very renewed in my long deferred desire to go see Laura's home in Missouri. I had the great accidental fortune in seeing the homesite (-ish) in Wisconsin for Little House in the Big Woods one time and would love to go see them all. Missouri is closest to me. So now I can day dream about that trip one day.  (I have a somewhat elderly dog, who hates other people, and can't be left with anybody, so it's all daydream plans for hopefully a long while).

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On 6/15/2024 at 9:42 PM, GreyhoundFan said:

The stuff these rubes will buy...


"We don't have a conservative movement anymore. We have an infotainment complex aimed at pushing merch to morons."

Honestly? The farther this insanity goes the more things look like The Hunger Games. Right now, these people think they are the Capitol citizens. They think they're going to stay that way. But what will happen is some of them will end up in the districts that support the Capitol and have some wealth, but most of them will end up in the poor downtrodden districts. The majority of Trump's supporters are those who would, in those books, be in one of the lower districts where life is hard and they work hard all day for no real benefit, while the spoils of their work goes to the Capitol. A few might end up in the richer districts where they think they might have a faint hope of someday making it to the Capitol. And the ones who are supporting Trump for their own benefits are largely already Capitol citizens effectively. The rich wanting to stay rich and milk every cent from the working people they consider an expendable resource. 

The MAGA faithful think they are a stroke of luck away from becoming millionaires themselves, or that by supporting Trump and others like him they will get a hand up once those people are in power. But the reality is they are being stepped on and climbed over and will be forgotten and spurned the moment they are no longer useful.

But events like these really do start to look like the Capitol in the Hunger Games. Carefully crafted entertainment to keep the masses focused on what you want them to focus on and take as much of their money as you can get. The dumber and more focused on following they are, and the more distracted by the dazzle they are, the more you can squeeze out of them. 

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On 6/11/2024 at 6:49 PM, 47of74 said:

Little Hitler meeting an embalmed corpse.

I was going to ask what is wrong with her face or is that a wax figure maybe?  Who thinks that looks good?  

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7 hours ago, Alisamer said:

Right now, these people think they are the Capitol citizens. They think they're going to stay that way. But what will happen is some of them will end up in the districts that support the Capitol and have some wealth, but most of them will end up in the poor downtrodden districts.

To be honest a lot of them are already there, they just are encouraged to think of themselves as citizens and to other everyone else. Some are close enough to power and have enough wealth that they'll probably stay there, but the rest? It's their children who are sent off to war, their children who can't find jobs, their jobs that are being shipped offshore. 

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19 hours ago, thoughtful said:



I really want someone to add him stabbing the Declaration in the back.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alina Habba sure is a willing customer for Trump merchandise. Of course, it's so badly done that, if the post didn't say it was Trump giving the finger, I would have thought it was an ice cream soda with a straw in front of him.




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