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Lori Alexander 83: Fully Cook the Chicken!

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Families were also larger and daycare wasn’t as available as it is now.  I’ve talked to a few older (80+) individuals who said if they had been able to they would have divorced, once their kids were older, rather than stay in the marriage.  Some were emotionally abusive.   My grandma-in-law bought herself a condo with money that was left to her and with the help of her kids , to get away from grandpa-in-law.  The older he got the more verbally abusive he became and then the dementia got so bad he became violent.   From the outside they were happily married, reality they weren’t (well grandpa in law might not have known).

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On 5/9/2024 at 1:52 PM, Foursquare said:

Lori is on one of her regular themes on IG--that "schools weren't made for boys because they have to sit so long."  I've never understood this.  In the first place, schools were made for boys long before they were made for girls.  Secondly, I'm a few years older than Lori and so attended school in an era when I believe there was more emphasis on everyone sitting still in the classroom than there is today--and I don't think anybody back in those days was moaning about the poor boys having to be still for so long.  I'm guessing this is just another opportunity to bash schools and female teachers and push homeschooling.  

She doesn’t think girls should be educated either because the don’t need an edumacation to be meek house elves.  
So basically nobody should learn anything.  

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8 hours ago, Melissa1977 said:

When they weren't at school or doing extra curricular activities, her boys were on their bedroom for hours, until Ken arrived and cooked some diner. I guess Lori expected them to be quiet. Same than happened with Maxwell family! Anderson boys were homeschooled for a very short time. 

Lori has 4 children and at least 2 of them take children to a real school. She should shut up.

I had forgotten about that. 

Just another contradiction message Lori sent to her kids. “I’m going to take you out of school. It’s unhealthy for you to be expected to sit still and control yourself for that long. Now, go read quietly in your room until your father gets home.”

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Lori is praising Ken today for, among other things, wanting her home to raise their kids.  But Ken was the one who insisted she work early in their marriage, until kid #2 came along (and we all know how Lori tricked him on that).  Maybe Ken wasn't as dead set against working wives as Lori was.  Maybe he would have been OK with Lori continuing to work if she wanted to.  

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Ken also insisted Lori keep her teaching credential current.

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On 5/12/2024 at 8:34 AM, KWLand said:

Families were also larger and daycare wasn’t as available as it is now.  I’ve talked to a few older (80+) individuals who said if they had been able to they would have divorced, once their kids were older, rather than stay in the marriage.  Some were emotionally abusive.   My grandma-in-law bought herself a condo with money that was left to her and with the help of her kids , to get away from grandpa-in-law.  The older he got the more verbally abusive he became and then the dementia got so bad he became violent.   From the outside they were happily married, reality they weren’t (well grandpa in law might not have known).

It reminds me of the meme with the older couple that says “We used to fix things rather than throw them away.”  Well, some things can’t(and shouldn’t) be “fixed.”

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Posted (edited)

According to Dr. Lori today, virgins who marry virgins never need Pap tests. She is getting some rightful shit over this advice. 

If hating LyingLori is wrong, I don’t want to be right. 









Edited by Coconut Flan
Multiple images.
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Sorry Coconut Flan. It will never happen again! Thanks for fixing my error. 

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Not a problem.  Several people have forgotten lately.  Thanks.

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Lori also mentioned that she went to her doctor for natural hormones.  Why would she need those?  Didn't God design her so that menopause is normal and natural?  She doesn't want women to screen for cancer but she's a-okay with taking hormone substitutes?

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I desperately hope Lori’s gynecologist gets wind of this and lets her have it. 

This could really damage a physician’s reputation if people believe he or she teaches this stuff. 

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And how does going to the doctor for compounded hormones align with her philosophy that doctors are for emergencies and diagnosis?  (Speaking as one who had HRT for several years and was immensely grateful for it.)

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30 minutes ago, Foursquare said:

And how does going to the doctor for compounded hormones align with her philosophy that doctors are for emergencies and diagnosis?  (Speaking as one who had HRT for several years and was immensely grateful for it.)

And women aren’t to be working. 

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This is quite possibly her worst 'medical advice' yet. What's next, is she going to recommend black salve up the vagina? I would not put it past her for one minute.🤬

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On FB Lying I'm Not a Dr but I Pretend to Be Lori deleted all the comments* that disagreed with her stupid ridiculous wrong wrong wrong  "virgins don't get cancer" medical advice. (*comments from @godlywomanhood)

The fangirl leghumpers are all on the FB bandwagon that only the slutty slut jezebels get/need Pap smears because they are slutty slut jezebels that have sex.

Irony alert -- the photo she uses on FB is a young woman with a tattoo on her left forearm. Sooooo ....... is she supposed to be a non-virgin with a tattoo and probably debt (i.e., a slutty slut jezebel)  or a virgin with a tattoo and maybe/ maybe not debt?

Enquiring minds want to know


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Lori's response to one of her leghumpers who has for once disagreed with her because of serious cancer issues in her own family:



Cervical cancer only comes from fornication. You don’t get it if you and your husband have been sexually pure; sex only with each other. All research proves this to be true.

Thus speaks Dr. Lori. Stop arguing with her, dammit.


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Where's Ken? This strikes me as a mess he needs to shut down. 

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On Twitter (X), Lori announced a few hours ago that:


Only accounts I follow can now comment on my posts. I’m tired of the trolls, porn, and the many who are continually offended with what I teach. I don’t want a battle zone in my comment section anymore. If you don’t like what I teach, feel free to unfollow me!

I wonder how long that will last? Because this means her actual fans won't be able to comment, ether, unless they happen to be someone she follows. She follows 583 people, most of whom likely don't bother commenting on her tweets. The other 36 and a half thousand people are just SOL, I guess.🙄

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Posted (edited)

Dr. (Not) Lori is shilling her cookbook/ medical book:


If doctors were right about their prescriptions for diseases, then heart disease, cancer, and diabetes would be going down, but they’re not at all. Read my cookbook and learn how to take responsibility for your own health!

The fangirl leghumpers are competing with each other to signal their "we hate modern medicine" virtue with stories of quitting meds and using only natural cures.  One woman bragged her husband has heart disease but quit his meds for a natural cure.

This leghumper quote that has me shaking my head:


"......diseases are also a root of a spiritual warfare".

So .... ummmmm...... uhhhhhh ....... it's Satan and demons that are making you sick? Didn't we stop believing that after the Middle Ages?

Dr (Not) Lori is again touting that doctors only keep you alive, they don't cure you/ make you healthy but she has the answers to what ails you


In my book, I have many things I have found that work to heal whatever I am struggling with and there are no bad side effects!

I absolutely believe she said this to let us all know she's smarter/ better than her father -- because she moans


"my dad was a doctor and taught barely anything about nutrition"

Lori -- that's because he was a pathologist.

And Lori -- you are NOT a doctor, no matter how much you pretend and play one on FB.


Edited by Red Hair, Black Dress
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I just visited a friend (we’re both 71) who hopped onto the woo bandwagon after her husband died five years ago. She started learning from a problematic-sounding reiki practitioner and hangs on her every word. Suddenly she “doesn’t trust doctors” (despite trusting them all her life, especially when her 80-something husband had a heart valve replacement).

She’s a light-skinned blonde and does a lot of organic food gardening, growing most of her own produce—good for her!—and has a concerning-looking patch of skin on her face. When friends urged her to see a dermatologist about it, she shrugged them off, saying, “If it’s cancer, it’s cancer” and that the Lord knows when her time on earth will be over.

After our visit, she gushed that “This felt like a vacation!” because we hadn’t seen each other in several months. However, I drove home feeling as if I’d just put in a 50-hour work week.

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On 5/15/2024 at 2:28 PM, Loveday said:

wonder how long that will last? Because this means her actual fans won't be able to comment, ether, unless they happen to be someone she follows

AND.... she announces on Twitter/X that she's opening up comments again.  You knew she couldn't live without the attention. For the week there was barely 1 or 2 comments on her posts...She is so transparent -- nobody she is following wants to comments on her posts. She missed the fangirls, incels and the folks who legitimately gave her push back.  You knew it was only a matter of time. 

Same as when she turned over a new leaf about a year go  and said she wasn't going to argue with people online anymore either.  That lasted only a week as well. 

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10 hours ago, SongRed7 said:

AND.... she announces on Twitter/X that she's opening up comments again.  You knew she couldn't live without the attention. For the week there was barely 1 or 2 comments on her posts...She is so transparent -- nobody she is following wants to comments on her posts. She missed the fangirls, incels and the folks who legitimately gave her push back.  You knew it was only a matter of time. 

Same as when she turned over a new leaf about a year go  and said she wasn't going to argue with people online anymore either.  That lasted only a week as well. 

Yep, she needs to be told how wonderful she is at least 50 times each day. Her need for praise vs. her need for control. I’ve gotta think things get tense in the Alexander house while LazyLori’s deciding which one to satisfy each day. 

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On 5/20/2024 at 12:10 PM, SongRed7 said:

AND.... she announces on Twitter/X that she's opening up comments again.  You knew she couldn't live without the attention. For the week there was barely 1 or 2 comments on her posts...She is so transparent -- nobody she is following wants to comments on her posts. She missed the fangirls, incels and the folks who legitimately gave her push back.  You knew it was only a matter of time. 

Same as when she turned over a new leaf about a year go  and said she wasn't going to argue with people online anymore either.  That lasted only a week as well. 

Hahahahahahaha. I KNEW it! I really thought she'd last longer than that, but nope, barely a week. She's got a pathetic need for attention, no matter what kind it is.

@Red Hair, Black Dress, that bit about Lori's father the pathologist always annoys the crap outta me. He wasn't a practicing physician of any type that would be in contact with patients as far as I know; Lori has always described him as one who always worked in a lab. So why would he teach anyone anything about nutrition? There are so many different types of doctors, but as usual, Lori lumps them all together as one.🙄

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On FB Dr (Not) Lori posted a link to a nearly14 minute video that was supposedly for her recipe for bone broth.  Her magic medical soup that'll cure what ails ya.

What it is is nearly14 minutes of Dr (Not) Lori telling us how she's been constantly sick starting before getting Covid 2 years ago, then after getting it again a year later, and getting all the other illnesses that have befallen her in the past 2 years.

TL; DR. It tore up her already delicate gut. Gave her daily diarrhea for 6 months (and it keeps recurring for months on end), severe constant abdominal pain (that has her in the recliner with a heating pad all day), chronic fatigue, chronic sleeplessness, and she can't eat her normal healthy diet.

Ya'll she says she had to give up her salads!!!

But never fear, she read a book about curing Crohn's disease with bone broth (book sounds very quack-ish). Being the Dr she is (Not) she figured it would cure whatever she has (not that she's been to a real doctor to find out).

Soooooooo ........... she's been "eating" nothing but bone broth since. mid-Feb.  And finally she's starting to feel a little better.

She tells us she has 2 cups a day, the last by 4:00pm, because she goes to bed at 8:00pm.

Reading between the lines, she's not being being a keeper at home cooking Ken's meals and cleaning house. I wonder who is babysitting her grandchildren if she's so sick (the nanny?)  Who's cleaning her house (the housekeeper?). Ken's probably cooking for himself (he's overjoyed) and eating canned string cheese and crackers to his heart's content.

But as we can see from her social media, being sick for 2 years has not kept her from posting all day every day, and telling women how they are wrong wrong wrong slutty slut jezebel feminists if they don't follow her God's perfect commands,

As you might guess her fangirl leghumpers are trying to outdo themselves on who is sicker/ has the worst gut issues. Lori says hers has been bad since she was 30. That's nearly 35 years. I think Lori wins.

I'm a BEC  -- but she look ill in the video. Dry, thin, fried, lifeless, getting sparse hair. She's letting the grey show. Her skin is sallow, lined, and looks very dry.  Her face is thin and her cheeks are sunken.

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I watched part of the video. I should have counted the number of times she said “diarrhea” and “gut.” It was a lot for both. 

I am shocked, SEVERELY SHOCKED, I TELL YOU, that Lori’s already healthy diet did not protect her from covid, post covid illnesses, and all the other things that have destroyed her “gut.” *end sarcasm now

I recently saw a meme that read something like “If somebody talks about gut health but can’t name any part of the digestive system, they need to be quiet.” And I gave Lori and Alyssa an imaginary side eye. 

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