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Lori Alexander 83: Fully Cook the Chicken!

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And I guess a nanny doesn’t count as a babysitter in Lori’s delusional world either. 

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Did you all notice that Ken, not Lori, posted comments to her yesterday FB post "You Can Afford a Large Family if You Live in Abject Poverty and Give Up Everything"?

She didn't post a single comment and Ken wasn't dreadfully awful ......... and........... surprise surprise ....... kinda sorta advised a woman to look into Medicaid assistance for her Downs child based on the family's single income/size.  

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Hidden among Lori's summer "Ask me Anything" stories on FB, she mentioned that she didn't know if she would make it t Door County this year. She said she didn't know if she was up to it and that she encouraged Ken to go alone and he insisted it wasn't as fun without her there. 

Purely speculation, but I wonder if she really is "healing" as she claims from her current "bad gut" issues.  It sure feels like there is something more going on with her health that she is either ignoring, trying to "cure" on her own with her current fad diet, or trying to convince herself isn't all that bad/just an inconvenience. 

I hope/wish her family would insist on a full work up with a real doctor.

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Lori said on a recent blog post about focusing on important things. that her health hadn't been good since she was 30.  As she's over 60 now that's over half her life she's had, among all her other trials, bad gut issues.

Over 30 years of a bad gut, parasites, abdominal pain, etc., etc., etc. but in her usual I AM A MARTYR (for Jesus) way she says that all her suffering has taught her to focus on the important things in life.

Now maybe I'm a wuss, or perhaps just a reasonably intelligent person -- but there is no way I'd put up with over 30 years of intestinal issues.  I'd get to a doctor in Month 1, then another and another and another and ....... until I found one who could diagnose the problem and cure. me.  I would NOT be a martyr and dose myself with woo.

Isn't insanity doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result?  Lori is obviously insane as in over 30 years her woo hasn't fixed her so so so so sick.  But she keeps doing it.

Why haven't Ken or her family dragged her to the gastroenterologist?  There is no way Mr. Dress would allow me to ignore a possibly dangerous condition, to be so so so so sick for years. and put up with my constant self-imposed Martyrdom for Jesus. He would have literally dragged me to the doctor. Because he cares about my health and quality of life.

Perhaps Ken and her family feel differently about Lori.

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I don't think Lori has been that sick for 30 years.  I think she just takes to her bed to avoid doing things.  She might have had some stomach related issues or problems with food allergies but nobody stays "sick" for 30 years.  I think Lori expected an easier life because she thought herself such a special princess.  When things like housework, cooking, and raising children got too difficult, she decided that she wasn't well and that someone else would have to help out or do the work themselves.

Today she put up a bit on Facebook about how women like to show their breasts just for attention from men.  It made me want to go buy a fresh chicken from Whole Foods and use it to hit her in the head.

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Posted (edited)

Trigger warning: body shaming



Under a spoiler because Lori’s comment is so abhorrent and mean - casting hatred onto overweight people. 

If Ken were indeed head of that household, he would get her under control. I know he feels the same way about most things; but he surely sees how her comments lead to a horrible reputation and reflect badly on him too. Things like this convince me further that he is a submissive husband and I wish they would just admit it. 

I have yet to figure out how Lori’s body shaming is teaching women to stay home. 

Edited by usmcmom
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4 hours ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

Lori said on a recent blog post about focusing on important things. that her health hadn't been good since she was 30.  As she's over 60 now that's over half her life she's had, among all her other trials, bad gut issues.

I hate to even get near the realm of defending Lori, but my mom had IBS for my whole life until she died and she so sweetly passed it along to me.  It's (ours at least) incurable and something one must learn to live with.  So no matter how many doctors one sees, there is only so much improvement one can get.  In my 60s I added another incurable gastro ailment so I went from somewhat bad to lifechangingly bad.  I hate to think Lori and I have that kind of thing in common but this one I can relate to that kind of experience. I've also had another incurable potentially fatal illness since my late teens.  Sometimes all you can do is live with it the best you can.  I think that's where I part company with Lori.  I generally reject woo unless one of my doctors thinks it might help and won't hurt.

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IBS doesn’t really have a cure.  It tends to get worse if one’s gallbladder has been removed.  I pretty much love on imodium and if I leave the house try to eat as little as possible.  Traveling is difficult because safe food isn’t always available.   Traveling is also difficult because you don’t always know where the next bathroom is, if you’ll be able to use it without buying something, if it’ll be clean or if they’ll be a line (especially in the case of planes)

I also think Lori’s already been to the doctor but is pretending otherwise to not come off more hypocritical than she already is.  Her real followers are going to be more amazed she toughed it out  and tried herbal remedies.

Jill should contact her-she has some snake oil that fixes everything, completely with special bone broth.

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This is from Lori's blog today. I'm just going to leave this here so we can all be in amazement and awe of Lori's holiness.


 I’m going to share some things that I have made a habit of doing in order to be set apart and holy.



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On 6/5/2024 at 10:59 AM, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

This is from Lori's blog today. I'm just going to leave this here so we can all be in amazement and awe of Lori's holiness.



Did she end up listing some of the things?



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Sung to what I can remember about My Favorite Things.  someone can do much better

When the children ring

When the husband shouts

When I’m all alone

Im simply remember my holy ways and know I’m no longer a nag

Women not working

Dressed in slacks and skirts

Debt, sex and tattoo free

Belong in the home 

and then i loose the tune.  It can also be adapted to Jill I’m sure and it is such a good song butchering it seemed like a sin

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Did she end up listing some of the things?

Oh yes, it was same old same old list -- and then more from Lori as she explains how it makes her holy, More holy holy holy of course than we FJ jezebels or any other women are.

(From her blog, in order; bolding is Lori's)

  • The number one way to not be easily deceived, women, is to be in the Word of God consistently and listening to solid preaching.
  • You must also learn to NOT be led by your emotions and feelings but by Truth instead.
  • I watch little TV. There’s little that is of any value. We are to set no worthless thing before our eyes. I only watch things with no sex, cussing, extreme violence, or anything of this nature. I can only handle about an hour or so a day of watching it any ways.*


*But she can handle hours and hours and hours a day on social media  :GPn0zNK:

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I just can't. On Lori's FB post about being subject to your husband blah blah blah from yesterday a woman commented that she's trying but is scared of his anger.

I wasn't sure if I should post a screenshot, so I copied and pasted this reply. I'm sick ya'll.


" I pray you get and continue to seek great, godly counsel on this sister. Please also consider that it is really important to protect the reputation of your spouse, especially in public."

There was one other reply encouraging her to get to safety, but I have no words for this ..

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Following up on her blog regarding how holy holy holy she is and what a great Christian she is, Lying Lori Who Lies has posted a YouTube video in which her lying is cranked up to Eleven!! (Spinal Tap reference).

Seriously, it was lie after lie after lie after lie after humble brag after humble brag after humble brag ......... Did you know her recliner was a cast off her neighbor was getting rid of. Lori is so pleased with herself over that.

And ......

Did you know that Lori never ever never ever never holds bitterness or grudges because it defiles you and causes mental illness? I guess she would know.

The fangirl leghumper comments were hysterical, especially this one -"Your skin looks amazing! It saddens me to see all the toxic skincare products pushed towards young children".

This one made me lmao "You handle a lot in a day, and answer A LOT of questions, on top of your health… "




Bonus she's reposted the "healing broth" blog link in her FB comments:


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On 6/4/2024 at 2:43 PM, Coconut Flan said:

I hate to even get near the realm of defending Lori, but my mom had IBS for my whole life until she died and she so sweetly passed it along to me.  It's (ours at least) incurable and something one must learn to live with.  So no matter how many doctors one sees, there is only so much improvement one can get.  In my 60s I added another incurable gastro ailment so I went from somewhat bad to lifechangingly bad.  I hate to think Lori and I have that kind of thing in common but this one I can relate to that kind of experience. I've also had another incurable potentially fatal illness since my late teens.  Sometimes all you can do is live with it the best you can.  I think that's where I part company with Lori.  I generally reject woo unless one of my doctors thinks it might help and won't hurt.

I suffered with reflux and chronic gastritis my entire life until it was finally diagnosed at age 43. Doctors told my mother I was just anxious for my whole childhood. Once I was an adult, doctors told me I didn't handle stress well and basically prescribed self-care crap. When I was 41, my dad was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Two years later, as his health declined, my stomach pain started being 24/7 (because yes, stress can make it worse, but it's not the cause). Given his diagnosis, my doctor finally listened and referred me to a gastroenterologist. I've had this my whole life. I could barely keep food down as a baby and young child. But no one would take it seriously. 

So, yes, even if she was seeking actual medical care, Lori could have sufffered with digestive issues all her life. 

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In her latest Facebook post entitled A Day in My Simple Life, Lori mentions for the second time (I forget what post had it first) that she takes her grandkids over to the neighbor's house to play on their swing set. Oh the questions I have! First, Is she really that friendly with a neighbor? Second, Is the neighbor home when these visits occur? Does Lori sit and chat with that neighbor? Third,  Why in the world does not Ken drop about $2000 for a snazzy swing set of their own that the passel of grandkids can enjoy? After all, it would get a lot of use as the weather is nice year round, as Lori is so quick to point out in this post.














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Interestingly, she also mentions in that blog post that 'I go for my 40 minute walk. Sometimes, I will listen to a sermon while I walk. Other times, I just want it to be quiet to think and ponder things.' Where's Ken? She's always talking about that 40 minute walk she and Ken take every day. Did that stop? Does Ken stay home now? Is he off getting a more edible meal at some fast food joint? Do they do anything together anymore?

Yeah, I've got questions, too. LOL.

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In her Things I Don’t Do as a Christian (🤮)video, she says she didn’t get “the jab” (no surprise), but then says a weird thing like, “I didn’t get them for my children either.”  Does she mean she didn’t vaccinate her children when they were kids, or that they didn’t get the covid shot either?  It’s just weird the way she says it, because it certainly wouldn’t be her who would decide whether her kids got the Covid shot, since they’re all grown adults. 

And she claims not one but two pharmacists on her street told her not to get the shot. 


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Lori lives on a short street.  I'd be surprised if two pharmacists lived there and doubly surprised if two did that Lori knew them both.

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41 minutes ago, kpmom said:

In her Things I Don’t Do as a Christian (🤮)video, she says she didn’t get “the jab” (no surprise), but then says a weird thing like, “I didn’t get them for my children either.”  Does she mean she didn’t vaccinate her children when they were kids, or that they didn’t get the covid shot either?  It’s just weird the way she says it, because it certainly wouldn’t be her who would decide whether her kids got the Covid shot, since they’re all grown adults. 

And she claims not one but two pharmacists on her street told her not to get the shot. 


I'm going to guess Lori didn't have her children vaccinated when they were kids, unless Ken insisted on it despite her objections. Lori retweeeted this highly irresponsible tweet from a Dr. Sherry Tenpenney:


Nobody should be vaccinated as in NEVER. There are zero safe vaccines on the market nor have there ever been any in the past. Humanity has been hoodwinked for over a century. That's hard to comprehend, I get it! But if you want to survive the coming weeks, months and years, Get Out Of the Vaccine guessing game and stop gambling with your health as of today. Your life and future depends on it. A recent survey confirms that vaccines are, by far, the #1 cause of chronic disease in America. And it turns out that they are also the primary cause of gender identification issues as well. The odds ratios are stunning. -

Really? NEVER? No TDaP? No MMR? No TETANUS shot?

This 'Dr' should be charged with murder if someone follows her advice and their child gets lockjaw and dies.:angry-banghead:

And MTG refused to call Anthony Fauci a doctor. Well, I refuse to call this woman one. 😕 

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2 hours ago, Loveday said:

I'm going to guess Lori didn't have her children vaccinated when they were kids, unless Ken insisted on it despite her objections. Lori retweeeted this highly irresponsible tweet from a Dr. Sherry Tenpenney:

Really? NEVER? No TDaP? No MMR? No TETANUS shot?

This 'Dr' should be charged with murder if someone follows her advice and their child gets lockjaw and dies.:angry-banghead:

And MTG refused to call Anthony Fauci a doctor. Well, I refuse to call this woman one. 😕 

Looks like she’s being sued and for awhile her medical license was revoked.  She’s based on Ohio.  

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I think Lori vaccinated her kids. In the 80s it was normal. It was in 90s and much more in 2000 that some people started questioning. 

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Lori has stated several times that in addition to zero well baby appts, that she did not vaccinate her children at all. For. Anything.

Her rationale seems to be based on the fact her maternal grandmother never ever never took any of her children to the doctor as she believed demons and doctors were the same thing, She used woo to treat everything  -- and all 7 of her children turned out just fine.  Except I guess Lori's mother who had life long colitis, that she supposedly cured herself.

Lori seems to come from a line of medicine-hating, woo-loving, crazy women.  

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Lori has decided to jump on the "hate Dolly Parton" bandwagon.  It's just too much for these people that anyone can be accepting.  It's all hate all the time.

She also mentions again that women shouldn't vote -- only the head of the household.  She is just so despicable.

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That is so infuriating.  "They are coming for Dolly!  We ride at dawn!" I mean, seriously.  Look at what all Dolly has done good while all Lori has done is spread hate and fear and lies and be captain of the woman-haters-club. 

And yes, she could get her own swing set. She prefers not to.  I bet she got her kids vaccinated, though and is now lying about it.  

Maybe she is doing her 40 minutes walk alone because Ken went to Door Country? 

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