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Pearls 2: Michael, Shoshanna, et al

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41 minutes ago, sleepygirl1 said:

I wonder what the test was that the doctors wanted to do but they didn’t? I wonder if it was about the cancer or the lung infection.

They may have wanted to find out if the "lung infection" was actually metastasized cancer and not pneumonia. (Idr which place diagnosed him with the infection. It's also possible he has/had both)

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55 minutes ago, sleepygirl1 said:

I wonder what the test was that the doctors wanted to do but they didn’t? I wonder if it was about the cancer or the lung infection.

Among other things, they had him on a CPAP machine which he didn't like so he quit using it and felt better, so Shalom says. I suspect, though, that they probably gave Justin a grim diagnosis because, of course, they would be doing their own diagnostics while treating him for the pneumonia and draining the fluid from his lungs. 

While it seems as though Justin & Shalom would probably engage in the same magical thinking if they had stayed in TN, it is absolutely criminal that they were enticed into spending 10s of thousands of dollars on the quackery at H4$.

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I hope the longer they stay in the hospital, the more they can get real medical care. Even if it isn’t cancer treatment. 


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Reading this just made me cringe. Focusing on the food when your husband is dying. Ugh. I can’t. They are in such extreme denial it hurts to watch. 


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While I understand not everyone agrees with hospice (and you have to admit the person's dying), if he were on hospice he could be in his own home surrounded by his children and not have to experience the pain* of going between clinic and "clinic" until he finally dies. 

* I can only assume he has tremendous pain. Each transfer is probably brutal. 

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To add to the woe of the story, I've never heard of a People's Hospital in TJ.  That doesn't mean it isn't there, but not in the general line of hospitals usually talked about.  Google maps gives me an alternative treatment cancer hospital called Oasis of Hope when I try to get a location.  Also all the normal hospitals are near highway 2 while this one is off near the woo center they picked.  

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If a loved one was that sick and refusing to eat, I would be worried.

These people already have a mistrust of medicine, etc. and believe in a lot of woo. They wouldn't be inclined to listen to doctors anywhere, but that distrust is heightened by the fact they can't really understand doctors since they don't speak Spanish. (Or at least Shalom doesn't; any chance Justin does?)


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25 minutes ago, Bluebirdbluebell said:

If a loved one was that sick and refusing to eat, I would be worried.

If he's gone four days without eating anything, the "better food" at the overpriced spa won't appeal to him either. His body's probably shutting down. 

Regardless of their beliefs and prayers, at this point it's not the lack of "better" food that's causing him not to eat, it's that his organs are shutting down. Better food won't change that. 

Edited by Giraffe
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When you shill woo, you focus heavily on the non medical stuff. So I bet H4C says they have the best organic non GMO gluten free food. They have the best non fluoridated water too. Possibly alkaline since that’s what believers in woo are saying is good right now. They probably offer bone broth, raw milk, and whatever else fundies are into at the moment. Himalayan Salt lamps and essential oil diffusers galore! Mike and Debi have been believers in the woo for years. They primed their children for this. If anyone else gets cancer in this family, they might end up the same way. 

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1 hour ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

They are in such extreme denial it hurts to watch. 

Basically, yes. Every choice they've made has left them worse off, both in terms of time available and financially. It is painful.

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Some of their detox therapies listed. Of course coffee in your butt will help fight cancer! 


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From what I've read, Justin has lymphoma.  There are a lot of treatments for that.  Some of them give you substantial extra time and some have come close to being called a cure.  So why did Shalom decide that they'll go to Tijuana for alternative treatment?  Now he's far from home, they don't speak Spanish, and the reviews for the place are terrible.  I just don't understand.  I get that some people believe in the woo but this is a pretty serious problem and trusting the woo is downright dangerous.  At the very least, he should be back close to his children.

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And when he dies after not seeing his kids for months and leaving his wife broke, Shalom will say it was God’s plan. Because that’s all she was ever taught. She was never taught critical thinking. She will just accept it without thinking she could have done something different. 

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My experience is that women in fundamentalist and patriarchal religions typically do self-reflect after traumatic events, and often any criticism is directed squarely at themselves. The "God's will" schtick helps them quiet their inner critical voice. (As opposed to the men who are kind of in a position where they can't really reflect since they act, more or less, on God's behalf when it comes to family decision making.)

Shalom is in for a rough road. It's so sad.

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How many times have they planned to head home? And how many times have they been talked into staying longer? They won’t be heading home in a week. 


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The only reason they will head home is if the clinic wants him to die as far away as possible from them. So yeah, a week is possible unless they think they can stretch him out for another one.

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This is the book on his bed table: He Healed Them All: Accessing God's Grace for Divine Health and Healing

Healing is God’s Will!

There’s no evidence in the Gospels of sickness having a divine origin or being a blessing in disguise. Jesus never withheld healing from someone who asked. He was always full of compassion to heal the sick.

"...Great multitudes followed Him [Jesus], and He healed them all" (Matt 12:15 NKJV).

In He Healed Them All, author Barry Bennett shares the amazing truth that Jesus still heals every sickness. The grace of God is bigger than any affliction you may be experiencing.

So get your hopes up! It's never too late or too hard! Healing is always God's will.

There is grace today for you to be healed!

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Unless it's trick of the lighting his hands and feet are grayish not pink.  This is not good.  If they're keeping his pulse ox up by cannula, then he's in his last days.

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"We plan to be there for 7 days to recover." Recover to what? He's dying and you keep moving him between hospital and scam spa. All that seems to be happening now is prolonging his suffering! She's delusional. 

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On 7/19/2024 at 6:08 AM, Giraffe said:

"We plan to be there for 7 days to recover." Recover to what? He's dying and you keep moving him between hospital and scam spa. All that seems to be happening now is prolonging his suffering! She's delusional. 

She's been brought up to believe that any trace of doubt would be a reason for God not to help/heal, regardless of what that book he's reading says.

I feel for the hospital staff. It must be rough - for someone who went into the medical field in order to help people - to watch someone very sick reject any kind of help you offer.

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On 7/18/2024 at 6:50 PM, JermajestyDuggar said:

And when he dies after not seeing his kids for months and leaving his wife broke, Shalom will say it was God’s plan. Because that’s all she was ever taught. She was never taught critical thinking. She will just accept it without thinking she could have done something different. 

No, they'll find a way to blame People's Hospital or other traditional medicine providers.

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This will all be another case of "God gets all of the credit but none of the blame".  God apparently directed them to alternative treatments and healthy foods.  He didn't tell them to find the best cancer centers available.  He didn't encourage them to find talented doctors.  Nope.  God, moving in His mysterious ways, told Shalom to do exactly what she wanted to do.  If Justin doesn't make it then they will say it was just his turn to go and that God took him home to heaven.

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Everytime I open this thread I fear a stranger is dead, but open it so hoping he’s on his way home so his kids can see him.  

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7 hours ago, MariaariaM said:

She's been brought up to believe that any trace of doubt would be a reason for God not to help/heal, regardless of what that book he's reading says.

I feel for the hospital staff. It must be rough - for someone who went into the medical field in order to help people - to watch someone very sick reject any kind of help you offer.

I've known Catholics who were the same way, that if they just prayed to God he would do what they asked. 

As for the hospital staff, it must be particularly rough dealing with arrogant people who think they know more than you and can't really communicate since they speak the language. 

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H4C is giving Justin antibiotics for his infection. So at least they believe in those! Just not chemo or radiation 🤷🏻‍♀️ They keep saying they are planning on going home. Maybe Justin has decided he’s done. I get the feeling that Shalom just goes with what Justin wants. So if he is determined to go back to TN, then maybe they will. Maybe H4C knows they’ve bled them dry. 

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