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Bro Gary Hawkins 24: Smoking Meat

Coconut Flan

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I posted in the Scandals and Crimes thread about a Pastor in trouble with the law. The pastor is David McGee and he is from Winston-Salem. @thoughtful Any chance he could be friends with Gary?  Gary was on the road and Winston-Salem is in North Carolina.

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1 hour ago, Bluebirdbluebell said:

I posted in the Scandals and Crimes thread about a Pastor in trouble with the law. The pastor is David McGee and he is from Winston-Salem. @thoughtful Any chance he could be friends with Gary?  Gary was on the road and Winston-Salem is in North Carolina.

I don't remember ever hearing that name. I can't find anything on his church's website that specifies a bible translation, but some verses quoted on it are not from the KJV, so I don't think their paths would have crossed.



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Preacher boys did a good overview of baker if anyone wants to watch. It’s on YouTube. 

The fact that Baker shot himself in the chest twice means he was planning for an open casket. Grim I know. But that seems obvious since a lot of people shoot themselves in the head. 

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5 hours ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

Preacher boys did a good overview of baker if anyone wants to watch. It’s on YouTube. 

The fact that Baker shot himself in the chest twice means he was planning for an open casket. Grim I know. But that seems obvious since a lot of people shoot themselves in the head. 

I was just watching that. David Baker, David Hyles and Paul Kingsbury all in a “restoration ministry” together?! My jaw literally dropped.

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Gary's latest:



The text of the tract is underneath. I won't bore you with it.



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There is a loud hissing sound on the video from Impact Baptist this morning. I can't understand most of what the men from the church are saying, which is partly due to the sound, and partly because I've never heard such a group of mumblers in my life.

Gary's sermon starts with greetings and some joke attempts about Baptists and food, then John 2:12-25.


12 After this he went down to Capernaum, he, and his mother, and his brethren, and his disciples: and they continued there not many days.

13 And the Jews' passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.

14 And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting:

15 And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables;

16 And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise.

17 And his disciples remembered that it was written, The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up.

18 Then answered the Jews and said unto him, What sign shewest thou unto us, seeing that thou doest these things?

19 Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.

20 Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days?

21 But he spake of the temple of his body.

22 When therefore he was risen from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this unto them; and they believed the scripture, and the word which Jesus had said.

23 Now when he was in Jerusalem at the passover, in the feast day, many believed in his name, when they saw the miracles which he did.

24 But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men,

25 And needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man.

Among many small mistakes (lots of added and changed words), we also get:

KJV: After this he went down to Capernaum
Bro Gary Version: And after this he went down to Capriussss

KJV: and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
BGV: and the Je - Jesus went in unt - went to - up to Jerusalem.

KJV: make not my Father's house an house of merchandise.
BGV: make not my house a house of merchandise.

KJV: The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up.
BGV: The zeal of thine house is eatin' me up.

KJV: Then answered the Jews and said unto him, What sign shewest thou unto us, seeing that thou doest these things?
BGV: Then answered Jesus, uh - then answered the Jews and said unto him, What signs - and he said unto this - what signs sheweth thou unto us, seeing that thou doeth these things?

I'll come back after Gary finishes praying for God to have his "will an' way."

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Here is what google says about Family Baptist church now:



I hope nobody who hasn't heard the news showed up for services this morning, and thought the Rapture had come!

Back to Impact, Gary gets into his sermon proper. He says that people "ought t'take keer of" God's house. He announces his title: "Wha church isn't fun any longer."   We've heard it many times before, so I'm mostly listening for anything new, and whether the loss of the center of his entire world (well, after Becky, maybe) changes anything about Gary's usual crap.

He reads from Revelation (he slaps an "s" on it, of course😞


Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.

He yells about people not loving Jesus for a while. This is a shout-back church, so there are lots of men barking responses to him. One guy keeps saying "Oh, my," but I don't think it's George Takei. They also have an "uh-oh!" dude, as well as the usual "amen," "c'mon, preacher," and "yessir!" yellers.

He re-reads John 2:25, but keeps calling it "chapter 2, chapter 25." Well, that's a change from calling a single verse "verses," at least.

After lots more yammering about loving God (especially when God touches him), Gary announces "Fizzions chapter fahve, verses nahnteen:"


19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;

20 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;

His usual routine about church music follows. He tells a story about a singing group that was invited where he was preaching in Pennsylvania "'bout three years ago ah guess." I think we've hard versions of this story before. Here is this morning's:

"The preacher brought in these singers. Ah ain't gonna tellya 'bout th'dress code, _____ (?) that 'bout made me puke. Then they got up there an' sung, an' ah looked at mah wahf an' ah said 'Ah gotta preach after this messss.'"

So far, Gary seems to be bleating out his usual stuff, showing no signs of being affected by recent events. But I'm sure it's all what God was laying on his heart at that moment, and not a performance at all. /s

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I was wondering if Gary would mention the situation in his sermon. I don’t think Family Baptist is closed. The website is back up with an assistant pastor listed: Family Baptist Website. Also, it has a Facebook page again, but it’s now a private group. There were three posts on it today according to the part I could see.

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2 hours ago, thoughtful said:

He yells about people not loving Jesus for a while. This is a shout-back church, so there are lots of men barking responses to him. One guy keeps saying "Oh, my," but I don't think it's George Takei. They also have an "uh-oh!" dude, as well as the usual "amen," "c'mon, preacher," and "yessir!" yellers.

Definitely Gary’s kind of place. 


2 hours ago, thoughtful said:

KJV: make not my Father's house an house of merchandise.
BGV: make not my house a house of merchandise.

KJV: The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up.
BGV: The zeal of thine house is eatin' me up.

This particular group of misreadings is absolute comedy gold. Welcome back, Gary. We’ve missed you. 

He’s missing something by not publishing the Bro Gary Version of the Bible, complete with folksy misreadings, or at least The Quotable Bro Gary, a selection of his most nonsensical sound bites. At one point, I spent considerable time working on a Bro Gary glossary, but got bogged down rereading threads. 

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2 hours ago, thoughtful said:


So far, Gary seems to be bleating out his usual stuff, showing no signs of being affected by recent events. But I'm sure it's all what God was laying on his heart at that moment, and not a performance at all. /s

I really wonder what will happen to Gary should he lose his emotional support person. He really seems to need a keeper, and for some reason Becky seems to have decided she is the one. 

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3 hours ago, Joyster said:

I don’t think Family Baptist is closed. The website is back up with an assistant pastor listed:

Was the website ever down (well, I guess it had to be, briefly, when they were scrubbing him from it, but other than that)? I've checked it now and then, and the other two staff members have been listed all along.

 But you do have me wondering whether some portion of the staff and congregation did have church today.

Back to Gary. He reads from 1 Corinthians, "chapter 2, verses 4."

KJV: And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:
BGV: And my speech and my preaching were not - was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit of th'power - an' of th'power.

His usual bit about church not being fun because of "dead" preaching ensues. Fittingly, he shrieks most of this at the top of his lungs.

While trying to get across the idea that people should be willing to make fools of themselves for Jesus, he fumbles: "Ah wantcha t'think about somethin'. Didju know that when you was in Th'World, you made a fool for th'devil? Of yourself with th'devil?"

Here's something new (and sad, if it's true). He says his youngest boy told him just the other day "I'm very disappointed in preachers today. It's been ay long tahm since ah heard a message on hell."

He does a few minutes of anti-gay and anti-trans bigotry, says he'd kick his wife out if she "ever goes t'actin' lahk a man," claims a man wanted to fight a woman in the Olympics (which he didn't watch, of course, and he's "not aginst ya" but you're crazy if you did), and tells them it's all because "we quit preachin' on sin."

He asks why we're "in th'mess we're in" and paying higher prices. "It ain't Jo Bahden's fault." He turns and does this, don't ask me why:



"It ain't Harris's fault. It's our fault."

Of course, lest they think he's letting Democrats off easy by blaming our national problems on weak preaching, he reassures them that they can ask him after church who he's voting for, and that his last name starts with a T. He mocks someone warning him "not to do that" (talk politics, I guess).

He talks about preaching in nursing homes, and tells a story I can't follow.

On to Proverbs next.


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@thoughtful, both the church website and Facebook page were gone Thursday evening when I looked. I don’t know when they came back. The church page didn’t change much except for wiping Baker out. 

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Gary, suddenly quiet, reads:


Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

We need vision, every saved person is a missionary, Gary's personal history, etc. Biden and Harris come up again - Gary's not a fan of "those people who want to destroy America," but they need Jesus.

"Revelations 2, verses 13."

KJV: 3 I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.
BGV: 3 I know thy works, and where thou du-welleth, even where Satan sitteth:  sad place - it's a sad day that th'devil's got a seat in front of our churches. and thou holdest mah - holdest fast my name, and thou hath not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas my faithful martyr was slain among you, where Satan du-welleth.

He reads on, through verse 16:


But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.

15 So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which thing I hate.

16 Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.

Well, sort of - when he gets to the last verse, all he says is "He says, verse 16, repent or else."

I can't hear quite how he mispronounces Nicolaitanes, because someone coughs as he says it.

This is the section of the sermon about having a "stand." At one point he lets out a high-pitched shriek to rival any squealing Rod daughter. He mentions that he's still driving for SCATs, and advertises the bible Kollege a bit.

He announces another reading, but distracts himself into a tangent, and boasts about how he led some people to salvation. One was a man he took to and from a doctor appointment, who told him that the doctors told him he was going to die in six months."

"Ah said, 'Well where ya gonna go when ya dah?' 'Oh,' he said, 'Ah'm goin' t'hell.' Ah said, 'Man, is that where you WANNA go?' He said, 'No.' Ah said, 'Well, guess what?'"

And he goes on to claim the man asked God to save him within a few minutes of listening to Gary talk about the bible.




Maybe it happened.

Maybe Gary picked up a perfectly healthy guy with my late father's sense of humor.

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I can finish this - it's only nine more minutes.

Gary tells them about another passenger he led to God.

He stumbles through a few verses of Matthew 11:


 And it came to pass, when Jesus had made an end of commanding his twelve disciples, he departed thence to teach and to preach in their cities.

2 Now when John had heard in the prison the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples,

3 And said unto him, Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another?

The hissing sound makes it hard to hear what he draws from this about why church isn't fun any more.

He does his bit about how good it is that they still are not being arrested for having church, but "IT'S COMIN'!"

He tells an old story (he says it was when they had their motor home), about Becky telling him, on a Monday, that they needed $200 by Friday.

"Ah said, 'Well, we could call some people an' talk to 'em about it, or we could just call God'."

Of course, they got on their knees to pray, and had their $200 by Friday.

He babbles on about making church fun, then wraps up. "Th'bahble says, laughter is lahk a Madison."



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I kind of wish Gary would make up his mind.  Does he want there to be hard preaching about all of us going to hell or does he want us to laugh?  I have to tell you, I'm just not sure I can manage both - Madison or no Madison.

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This would be a good opportunity for everyone to re-evaluate their values and priorities and figure out how much their teaching is used as a cover for abuse, 

But I am sure Gary will learn nothing.

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5 hours ago, thoughtful said:

He does his bit about how good it is that they still are not being arrested for having church, but "IT'S COMIN'!"


FYI Gary, the pastor was not arrested for having church.


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12 hours ago, thoughtful said:

His usual routine about church music follows. He tells a story about a singing group that was invited where he was preaching in Pennsylvania "'bout three years ago ah guess." I think we've hard versions of this story before. Here is this morning's:

"The preacher brought in these singers. Ah ain't gonna tellya 'bout th'dress code, _____ (?) that 'bout made me puke. Then they got up there an' sung, an' ah looked at mah wahf an' ah said 'Ah gotta preach after this messss.'"

I'm not the only one secretly hoping this was Jill&Co, right? I know it probably wasn't, or he would've only mentioned the Madame, but it makes me laugh anyway.

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2 hours ago, MariaariaM said:

I'm not the only one secretly hoping this was Jill&Co, right? I know it probably wasn't, or he would've only mentioned the Madame, but it makes me laugh anyway.

I don't think they've ever been at the same church or other venue. I don't even know if they've ever met in person.

I remember enough about the other times he told the story (and it was implied this time due to what he was talking about before he told it), that I'm pretty sure the "messss" was the content (and maybe the style) of the songs that group sang.

I don't remember if the issue with their clothing was women in slacks, casualness (with ripped jeans and the like), or some combination of things.

It is interesting to imagine what Gary would think of a Rod performance. :think:

Gary would not be critical of anyone singing badly, as long as they were singing traditional hymns and not contemporary Christian music. Well, modern songs are OK as long as they're not 7-11, Hillsong-y ones that people wave their arms to. Sad laments about Jesus praying alone or people falling into sin, celebrations of dying and going to heaven, cheery ditties like the "Preach On" song that Becky used to sing, and hateful crap like Down to the Farm, are all OK.

Y'know - the usual; they have strict standards . . . until they don't, because they like something.

I'm not sure what he'd think of Jill's appearance - he might notice and disapprove of how tight her skirts are, but the rest of her look would probably be fine with him.

Gary preached at the late Sunday service, as well - I doubt he opened up his heart about his hero being gone, let alone why, but I will check.

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6 hours ago, AmazonGrace said:

This would be a good opportunity for everyone to re-evaluate their values and priorities and figure out how much their teaching is used as a cover for abuse, 

But I am sure Gary will learn nothing.

Really - this horror leading to someone making the connection that charismatic leaders can be dangerous would be great.

But they interpret any story like this to be about a good man who backslid and gave in to the temptation of the devil. Old crimes are under the blood, Jesus forgives so victims should, too, we are all sinners and all sins are equal, he was saved so of course he's in heaven now, etc.

Maybe someone in that congregation will come to the realization that Baker was a piece of shit and they were being used, but I don't think it will be Gary.

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After some congregational singing and atrocious "special music" at last night's Impact Baptist service, a man comes up to drawl:

"Praise th'Lord, praise th'Lord. Well, usually during revahval ah'll do uh uh somethin' about unique about testimony, testimony like, sometimes we'll say well who got - who got saved th'furthest from where we're at, or who got saved in what kind of a setting was it or so ah thought of a one that ah never done before, an' we're gonna do it by, uhhhh, population of  the city in which you got saved in, if  you just ___ (?) have to guess, an' not worry about whether you raht or wrong, it's a guess, OK, so, we're gonna do it tonaht, the first thing, we see Christ in the smallest community, OK? So, um,  ah looked up mahself real fast, uh, th'town ah got saved in, an' ah was goin' bah the population today, but if you wanna guess at the one you got saved, that's fine, let's do it by guess. And uh mine was 11,000 - 11,000 people, so if anybody - anybody saved in a smaller  community than that, alright."

He calls on Becky.

Becky: "I would say, probably 1500."

The man says that's pretty small and makes a comment I can't really hear, but that includes something about marrying your cousin.

Becky laughs loudly, someone asks "Where is that at?" 

Becky answers "West Virginia," and laughs loudly again.

Other answers are taken, and, of course, he says that they are all winners, and their prize is eternal salvation. Then he calls Gary to the pulpit.

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On 9/12/2024 at 7:16 PM, FiveAcres said:

If I believed in hell, I would believe that Bro Gary will burn next to his beloved pastor Baker. At least Baker took out the trash without causing further harm to his family: too many of these creeps turn to family annihilation. I do feel sorry for the hospital workers who had to clean up after him.

Wow, what a coward. Finally have to face the music and he bonds out and immediately grabs a gun and goes to a hospital to off himself.

On 9/12/2024 at 7:24 PM, thoughtful said:

 Becky posted, just as vaguely as Gary:

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I hope whoever typeset that quote spends the next year dealing with an itch they can't reach alternating with one in a place it's rude to scratch in public. That is horrendously visually offensive, with the missing spaces at the end of sentences and the word "way" just floating on it's own, orphaned.


On 9/12/2024 at 10:35 PM, JermajestyDuggar said:

I guess it’s possible he went to the hospital so his family wouldn’t find him dead. Nor would some random person walking by if he did it somewhere like a park. I imagine even child molesters could try to shield their family from the trauma of finding their dead body. 

That's a charitable way of looking at it. Another charitable way to see it is that at least at a hospital they have proper equipment, staff and PPE and are used to cleaning up biohazards.

Less charitable was my thought that he did it at the hospital in hopes he wouldn't be successful since medical care was right there, but would manage to gain sympathy and delay any prosecution. Even now he's elicited sympathy for his family while taking them opportunity for justice away from the victim.

And it makes me wonder if there are quite a few more offenses he hoped wouldn't come out after he was gone, because the charge we can see on the affidavit there is the sort that he easily could have cried about a bit and repented for and passed blame onto the victim and used to boost his testimony in the long run. He's seen it happen plenty of times, I'm sure.

I feel unkind saying this, but good riddance and I'm glad he took the trash out, but I also hope it doesn't stop any other victims or offenses from coming to light.

And I hope he has the kind of afterlife he believes in for people he considers "sinners." Lake of fire, eternal torment, separation from God forever, hopefully forced to experience all the pain he caused others in life over and over again.


10 hours ago, thoughtful said:

He does his bit about how good it is that they still are not being arrested for having church, but "IT'S COMIN'!"

Ironically it'll only be "comin'" if his chosen candidate is elected. Gary's church would be pretty far down the list of targets, but inevitably Project 25 would get things there eventually. Right now, Gary and his church believe the same things and would be on the "approved" side. But eventually it would get down to doctrinal differences and infighting and they'd fall out of favor.

And you know full well Gary would be thrilled if people were arrested for having "church" if it was a mosque or temple, or a pagan coven, or a Catholic church, or a church with a band and preacher wearing jeans who used a non-KJV bible translation. He's fine with legislating religion as long as it benefits his version of religion.

Right now he likes the idea of potentially being persecuted for his beliefs, because it makes him feel important and special and even a little rebellious. If it really happened he'd lose his bravado real quick.



He tells an old story (he says it was when they had their motor home), about Becky telling him, on a Monday, that they needed $200 by Friday.

"Ah said, 'Well, we could call some people an' talk to 'em about it, or we could just call God'."

Of course, they got on their knees to pray, and had their $200 by Friday.

Try DoorDash, Gary. That's what you'd tell others in need to do, right?

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16 minutes ago, Alisamer said:

Wow, what a coward. Finally have to face the music and he bonds out and immediately grabs a gun and goes to a hospital to off himself.

I hope whoever typeset that quote spends the next year dealing with an itch they can't reach alternating with one in a place it's rude to scratch in public. That is horrendously visually offensive, with the missing spaces at the end of sentences and the word "way" just floating on it's own, orphaned.


That's a charitable way of looking at it. Another charitable way to see it is that at least at a hospital they have proper equipment, staff and PPE and are used to cleaning up biohazards.

Less charitable was my thought that he did it at the hospital in hopes he wouldn't be successful since medical care was right there, but would manage to gain sympathy and delay any prosecution. Even now he's elicited sympathy for his family while taking them opportunity for justice away from the victim.

And it makes me wonder if there are quite a few more offenses he hoped wouldn't come out after he was gone, because the charge we can see on the affidavit there is the sort that he easily could have cried about a bit and repented for and passed blame onto the victim and used to boost his testimony in the long run. He's seen it happen plenty of times, I'm sure.

I feel unkind saying this, but good riddance and I'm glad he took the trash out, but I also hope it doesn't stop any other victims or offenses from coming to light.

And I hope he has the kind of afterlife he believes in for people he considers "sinners." Lake of fire, eternal torment, separation from God forever, hopefully forced to experience all the pain he caused others in life over and over again.


Ironically it'll only be "comin'" if his chosen candidate is elected. Gary's church would be pretty far down the list of targets, but inevitably Project 25 would get things there eventually. Right now, Gary and his church believe the same things and would be on the "approved" side. But eventually it would get down to doctrinal differences and infighting and they'd fall out of favor.

And you know full well Gary would be thrilled if people were arrested for having "church" if it was a mosque or temple, or a pagan coven, or a Catholic church, or a church with a band and preacher wearing jeans who used a non-KJV bible translation. He's fine with legislating religion as long as it benefits his version of religion.

Right now he likes the idea of potentially being persecuted for his beliefs, because it makes him feel important and special and even a little rebellious. If it really happened he'd lose his bravado real quick.


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He tells an old story (he says it was when they had their motor home), about Becky telling him, on a Monday, that they needed $200 by Friday.

"Ah said, 'Well, we could call some people an' talk to 'em about it, or we could just call God'."

Of course, they got on their knees to pray, and had their $200 by Friday.

Try DoorDash, Gary. That's what you'd tell others in need to do, right?

Since he shot himself 2 times in the chest, I imagine he didn’t want to survive. If he survived, there would be a trial and statements made by the victim that everyone could hear. And I agree that there was likely more to come out. And he wanted the investigation to stop with his death. 

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Did he lock the stall he was in? It would slow rescuers down, hospital or not.

Re the singers who were a mess: I am pretty sure there are verses in the KJV that say you shouldn't spread malicious gossip behind people's back. 

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3 minutes ago, AmazonGrace said:

Did he lock the stall he was in? It would slow rescuers down, hospital or not.

None of the news reports said whether he was in a stall, just that he was in the men's room.

Using the "correct" bathroom - a fundy right-winger to the end.

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