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Bro Gary Hawkins 24: Smoking Meat

Coconut Flan

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Poor Gary doesn't understand tariffs any better than his Dear Leader. If a 100% tariff is imposed on all imported food, as Trump has says will happen, his grocery bill will double. He better get himself a plot of land and learn to grow his own weens. Unemployment rates always tick up during Republican administrations so that sweet Door Dash gig might go POOF too.

Waxing political . . .Have we ever not had a recession under a GOP president in the last 50 years? I'm a little touchy on that subject because twice I've had my retirement savings pretty much wiped out during Republican presidencies. They took a good ding under Trump but have more than recovered since then.

Oh, look! According to Wikipedia:


CNN reported in October 2020 that 10 of the last 11 recessions started under Republican presidents, and that “Every Republican president since Benjamin Harrison, who served from 1889 to 1893, had a recession start in their first term in office


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Gary trying to process Baker's crimes, or just Gary being Gary? Hard to tell.


I wonder where he and Becky are attending church now.

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Gary did a Facebook video.  It looked as if he was waiting in the car for Becky and decided to use his time for a mini-sermon.  @thoughtful deciphers him better than I can so I'll leave it to her, if she wants, to get to the meat of the message.  What I took from it is that Gary is appalled at all the stuff happening now -- Iran attacking Israel, floods, hurricanes -- and that, of course, means that Jesus is coming soon.

I'm always surprised that the fundies take any good thing as a sign that God is happy and blessing people whereas any bad thing is a sign that He's going to end the world.  C'mon, fundies!  Didn't he promise not to flood the planet again?  Where's your unwavering belief in the Bible?

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3 hours ago, Xan said:

Gary did a Facebook video.  It looked as if he was waiting in the car for Becky and decided to use his time for a mini-sermon.  @thoughtful deciphers him better than I can so I'll leave it to her, if she wants, to get to the meat of the message.  What I took from it is that Gary is appalled at all the stuff happening now -- Iran attacking Israel, floods, hurricanes -- and that, of course, means that Jesus is coming soon.

Nostril-cam returns! 

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1 minute ago, postscript said:

Nostril-cam returns! 

I was just writing about the in-depth look up his nostrils!

I felt a little sad for Gary at first, but then his Garyisms swept that empathy away.

I watched it and want to wait for @thoughtful’s recap if she does one. However, I do want to mention he talked about how Lot slept with his children and his grandchildren were his children. However, in the New Testament he got right with the Lord and is in heaven. Do we think this was mentioned because of Baker? 

I think wherever Gary attended church on Sunday disappointed him, and that’s why he’s more active on FB. Plus, the hurricane, the Iran middle attack was on Israel, and his conflicting feelings about his hero Baker is making him double down on the Lord is coming message. 

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I just saw this, and am too sleepy to listen to it now, but I will recap tomorrow.

6 hours ago, Xan said:

I'm always surprised that the fundies take any good thing as a sign that God is happy and blessing people whereas any bad thing is a sign that He's going to end the world.  C'mon, fundies!  Didn't he promise not to flood the planet again?  Where's your unwavering belief in the Bible?

Oh, but they cover that! God only promised never to flood the world again. When he destroys it next time, it will be by fire, not by water.

2 hours ago, Joyster said:

he talked about how Lot slept with his children and his grandchildren were his children. However, in the New Testament he got right with the Lord and is in heaven. Do we think this was mentioned because of Baker? 

Interesting - could be. Processing something like that is earth-shattering for people with good minds and morals; I can't even imagine what it must be like for someone like Gary. Although, maybe it's easier with only two brain cells and a rigid belief in "once saved, always saved" and "it's under the blood."

2 hours ago, Joyster said:

Plus, the hurricane, the Iran middle attack was on Israel, and his conflicting feelings about his hero Baker is making him double down on the Lord is coming message. 

I'm not sure how he could double down on it any more than he has in the past - he's been screeching about how it could happen any second for years and years, and every Democratic political win, same-sex marriage, woman in slacks, and his sneezes, aches and hangnails, are signs of it.

OK, so I exaggerated a little at the end there . . . :my_blush:

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3 hours ago, sndral said:


I’ve been on team LinkedIn is an imposter/scam from that first graveyard poem. We’ve seen Phillip’s past attempts at poetry - who can forget the puddle & the mold of Hungary - and the 2 recent poems linked, although not good, demonstrate a comprehension of language/grammar that Phillip hasn’t shown in the past.

I have a couple of theories about what’s going on w/ Phillip, but unless Jill triumphantly posts that the prodigal son has returned, I doubt we’ll find out & for Phillip’s sake I hope whatever’s happening stays private.


On 9/29/2024 at 3:48 PM, Joyster said:

While Gary has been posting about Halloween and the need to scare preach in church, Becky posted prayer requests for his daughter and her family, who live in the flood stricken area of North Carolina and unreachable. She posted an update that a text reached them that they were ok but had no cell service. Gary posted this doomsday message:


Gary, I guarantee that if Harris gets into office:

1. You’ll still have the freedom to sprout off your nonsense in church and on FB.

2. You’ll still make a choice to drive a gas guzzler.

3. Nobody will own you. Nobody even wants to.

4. You’ll still have access to weens and gravy.

5. There will still be jobs. And doesn’t he have a government job (public transportation)? Also, I’m almost certain Door Dash will still exist,  but I can’t guarantee that one.

7. Since Gary thinks any church that isn’t KJV is a false church, that one was already true when Republicans were in office.

You don’t have to believe it, but if it happens, Gary will stay the same.

Does Gary not realize that the democrats are already in?  I live in California, one of the highest prices for gas in the nation and it isn't $5 gallon here.  Sure there may the one or 2 extra high priced stations but most of it is in the $4 range.  Still very high but not $5.  Luckily I drive an electric car and have solar on my roof to recharge so I don't feel that pinch.  We still have all the freedoms.  Government doesn't set the price of rent.  Again, here in California rent prices (and home prices) are very high.  But there are reasons for that that aren't in the government control.  Where Gary likes to live will never have rent prices like they are here so no worries for him there.  

I do wonder what their plan is for when Gary is unable to work or do door dash or whatever.  Like if he becomes disabled or gets older.  Those 2 will get almost nothing in social security.  Good luck living on that even where there are cheap rents.  I don't think Becky's kids want anything to do with him (possibly her too) and his kids are so poorly educated they will probably have it hard enough just trying to take care of themselves and won't be able to care for Gary/Becky. 

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The latest Gary interaction on the local FB group:


Positives: Gary was trying to be helpful. He used spell check. 
Needs improvement : reading context clues and looking at word parts. Gary misreading communicate as commute changed his understanding of the text. And, correct verb tense is still problematic. Chris must really be confused.

42 minutes ago, keepercjr said:

We still have all the freedoms.  Government doesn't set the price of rent.  Again, here in California rent prices (and home prices) are very high.  But there are reasons for that that aren't in the government control.  Where Gary likes to live will never have rent prices like they are here so no worries for him there.  

I do wonder what their plan is for when Gary is unable to work or do door dash or whatever.  Like if he becomes disabled or gets older.  Those 2 will get almost nothing in social security.  Good luck living on that even where there are cheap rents.  I don't think Becky's kids want anything to do with him (possibly her too) and his kids are so poorly educated they will probably have it hard enough just trying to take care of themselves and won't be able to care for Gary/Becky. 

One thing I’ve learned from reading the Columbia, Tn local FB page is that real estate cost has gone up dramatically in the last 5 years. The locals like to blame people moving on from California because of the moderate weather and low taxes. While not California high, rents would not be affordable for Gary and Becky if they were relying on social security. I live in a nice area of the Midwest. A friend of mine moved to Tennessee last year; she said my house would cost me $200,000 more in the area she moved to. There is a shortage of housing in and around Columbia. It’s all about supply and demand. This is a concept that Gary won’t be able to grasp. If you asked him, he would be against subsidized housing also.  If something happens to his working ability, they will have to move. I wouldn’t be surprised if they move within a year when their lease is up now that Gary’s idol is deceased. 

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Yesterday got very busy, but I am finally ready to recap Gary's video from 10/1.

First, Gary gets in a good tooth suck, with lots of mouth twisting and a loud wet "tsk:"



Tapping nervously as usual, he comments on the nice weather, "finally, after storms 'n' stuff."

"Folks, ah just wanna come ohn here an' inkerridge you . . . to . . . y'need t'seek God."

Is God lost again?

He does some of his usual end times stuff, including saying that people "have th'raht t'be wrong" if they don't think that "Isril" is "God's chosen people" (attacking Israel is seen as one of the signs, but don't mistake it for anything unprejudiced - it's as antisemitic as can be, part of a scenario in which Jews are useful in bringing about the end, before burning in the lake of fire for eternity).

"So ah kin tellya raht now whachu needta, whachu needta realahse is . . . (tooth suck) we are def'ni'ly in th'end tahms of th'closeness of th'Lord Jesus Chrise comin' very soon. An' ah don't know . . out of,  whatever, th'frensss, frens, frenemies, whatever you wanna call what you are, on mah Facebook list, here's what ah'm gonna tellya: you better make sure yer raht with God. You better make sure yer ready t'meet God."

He connects the hurricane to people not being right with God, of course.

"Mah wahf sent me a - showed me a thing - an' ah know what God can do, God can do anything - but it showed -  that this - th'next hurricane that's in lahn - is - comin' d' - comin' th'same path. 

He takes a few seconds for a "see?" face and one-shoulder shrug that seem to imply that we should know why that's significant:


image.png.e02d5967acc4ebf0f7db736e61ba8812.png  image.png.b0da5912d4151d4000ea603c4ffe2b74.png

"Now, could it change? ____ (incoherent mumble) it can change, ah have no doubt 'bout that. Ah know - ah know what kinda god ah serve - ah serve a great god, a big god, but  - if you know anything about th'bahble, an' you've heard any tahm - kinda preachin', ah think about preachin' 'caus ah mean ah grew up in church, ah mean,  ah'm almost to th'parta bein' in church for 49 years. Well, actually, if you wanna count bein' - well, actually, mah momma an' daddy didn't git me in church 'til ah was three years old, so - 49 yearsa bein' in church. Ah've heard th'preachers git up an' preach,  an' now here it is almost fifty th-  er, 49 years later, an' it's all comin' t'past."

"An you full - th'bahble's fulfillin' itsel - ah'm not settin' no dates! Ah've never, ah've never done that,  but th'bahble does say that we kin look an' see th'sahns of th'tahms (tooth suck), an' we are in th'sah - we are in those tahms, when a man tries t'git up an' take over, an' have global warni- warming, warming, global warming, and trahs t'change God's weather pattern, God just says 'Ah'll just show ya how it is,' ah mean,  y'know, you look at th'way things are, th'weather pattern, it is nothin' compared to what it useta be."

Gary, you idiot, the fact that weather patterns aren't like they used to be is one of the things that shows us that global climate change is happening. But Gary seems to think it is God punishing sinners and/or a portent of the end times.

I don't know who he has in mind when he talks about a man who thinks he is taking over and trying to control the weather - in Gary's mind, it could all go back to Al Gore. Or it could be Biden.:confusion-shrug:

Oh, and he never says why another hurricane following the same path would be significant - maybe just because it would show God's ability to aim?

He goes back to urging people to think about God. He talks about Noah, but assures us that God's not going to destroy this world with water again. He says it's OK if you don't want to believe in God.

"God does not send anybody to hell - God only honors th'choice thatchu make if you wanna go to t'hell. Hell was created for th'devil an' his angels - so hell was not even created for human life, other than th'devil an' his angels. B'then, from th'booka Ginisis 'til now, 21st cintury, people reject Jesus an' they dah an' go t'hell. It's not Jesus's fault."

He rattles off John 3:16-17.

That's about half - more later.





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detail I forgot
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On 10/2/2024 at 1:01 AM, thoughtful said:

Oh, but they cover that! God only promised never to flood the world again. When he destroys it next time, it will be by fire, not by water.

Meanwhile, many of the people who believe this are also the ones who claim that the floods during Katrina were to punish New Orleans for it's "wickedness" and some are claiming the same thing now about Asheville, NC. 

Which makes God sound like one of those people who makes a promise and then reneges with a "gotcha" at the end there. "I promised not to flood the world again, I didn't say anything about just parts of the world!"

1 hour ago, thoughtful said:

I don't know who he has in mind when he talks about a man who thinks he is taking over and trying to control the weather - in Gary's mind, it could all go back to Al Gore. Or it could be Biden.:confusion-shrug:

How about Trump, with his looking into whether it was possible to nuke a hurricane, and redrawing the path on a map with a sharpie?


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1 hour ago, Alisamer said:
2 hours ago, thoughtful said:

I don't know who he has in mind when he talks about a man who thinks he is taking over and trying to control the weather - in Gary's mind, it could all go back to Al Gore. Or it could be Biden.:confusion-shrug:

How about Trump, with his looking into whether it was possible to nuke a hurricane, and redrawing the path on a map with a sharpie?


That's one of the great ironies of Gary's (and many other trumpers') accusations against the politicians they hate - most of them can be answered truthfully with "that's not our guy (or gal), that's your guy!"

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3 hours ago, thoughtful said:

"An you full - th'bahble's fulfillin' itsel - ah'm not settin' no dates! Ah've never, ah've never done that,  but th'bahble does say that we kin look an' see th'sahns of th'tahms (tooth suck), an' we are in th'sah - we are in those tahms, when a man tries t'git up an' take over, an' have global warni- warming, warming, global warming, and trahs t'change God's weather pattern, God just says 'Ah'll just show ya how it is,' ah mean,  y'know, you look at th'way things are, th'weather pattern, it is nothin' compared to what it useta be."

This part took me a while to puzzle through.  So Gary thinks that people are now TRYING to change the weather?  To say that it doesn't make sense is an understatement.   I understand that old Gar isn't that bright but this is one of the silliest things I've heard him say.  

I agree with you, @thoughtful, that he probably just thinks it's another sign of the end times,  He could have just said that instead of implying that heathens were out there monkeying around with God's weather.

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4 hours ago, Alisamer said:

Meanwhile, many of the people who believe this are also the ones who claim that the floods during Katrina were to punish New Orleans for it's "wickedness" and some are claiming the same thing now about Asheville, NC. 

Which makes God sound like one of those people who makes a promise and then reneges with a "gotcha" at the end there. "I promised not to flood the world again, I didn't say anything about just parts of the world!"

Meanwhile, tornados, hurricanes, and everything short of a plague of locusts, seem to hit the southern red states on a pretty regular basis and you don't hear people claiming it's God's punishment for their bigotry, book banning, hating on LGBTQ+ people, and racism.

Okay, I might THINK that every time, but I don't go shoving it in their faces. I just make another donation to World Central Kitchen.

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3 hours ago, Xan said:

This part took me a while to puzzle through.  So Gary thinks that people are now TRYING to change the weather?  To say that it doesn't make sense is an understatement.   I understand that old Gar isn't that bright but this is one of the silliest things I've heard him say.

IIRC, he's said this before, in sermons.

To me, it relates to his creationist rant about how scientists can't do what God can do, creating the world. He always sounds like he thinks that scientists are claiming they created everything, rather than just figuring  things out.

I've never been quite sure if it's just that he expresses himself so badly, or if he really believes that humans are claiming to change weather patterns or create nature's wonders.


21 minutes ago, Black Aliss said:

Meanwhile, tornados, hurricanes, and everything short of a plague of locusts, seem to hit the southern red states on a pretty regular basis and you don't hear people claiming it's God's punishment for their bigotry, book banning, hating on LGBTQ+ people, and racism.

I bet that Gary would say that it is God's punishment on them, for not being True Christians ™️who condemn all of those worldly sins and live separated, wearing long sleeved shirts on the beach shore.

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Continuing our trip up Gary's nostrils - er, sorry; I was distracted by the stunning visuals - continuing the recap of Gary's 10/1 cartheist lecture, he urges people to get right with God.

"I mean, th'las' satistic that ah got, an ah'm sure it's an old satistic,  is that every second, six people dah.  Now you do yer little math an' yer cackulationsss, an' six - people dahin' every second in 24 hours - that's  a lotta deaths. Ah mean th'lassst that ah heard, th'last that ah heard, th'st - t'd - uhhhhhhhh, as of this mornin', was a hunnert an' twunny deaths. From this storm."

He mumbles on about the death toll, telling us that "there's over a  coupla hunnert dozen that hasn't even been found," as well.

He mumbles about the Asheville area, and how "outside of Asheville there's a lot of people  - (long pause) - that're missin'. Mah wahf tol' me this mornin' ah believe it wasss - somebody tol' me an' ah'm pretty sure it was mah wahf, that they was somewhere in North Ca'olina an' they went t'this house,  bin a house, where this house was just collapsed with all th'water an' stuff. An' they saved six people, praise th'Lord, hallelujah. 'At's good."

If someone I knew IRL told this story, I'd assume they mean that six people were helped to get out alive. But this is Gary - I have no idea if he means they were rescued, or proclaimed their faith in Jesus as they died.

He doesn't say, just goes on into one of his usual bits about how he can't tell who's going to hell and heaven because he's not God, but he knows more will go to hell because he reads the bible.

"An' then we wanna say this as well, think about this; because see, if - if we had not read in th'booka James - or is it Peter -  where that God said that Lot was a rahteous man, now we read about Lot in the ol' testament, he was a wicket man slept with his own children, his gran'childen an' his childen were the same. But then you go over t'th'new testament an' God said he was a righteous man you say 'Well how is zat?' Well he got raht with God."

"But if that was notta bin put in th'new testament, hadn't bin put in th'bahble, everybody woulda put Lot in hell, right? So ahwanna say this; there's gonna people - there's gonna be people in hayull that we put in heaven, and there's gonna be people in heaven that we put in hayull. An' that's - just th'way it is. That's th'facts of life. That's th'reality of life."

I can't tell you whether this was in Gary's mind because of Baker. I can see how it is tempting to think so. I can tell you that this is one of Gary's usual routines, that I've heard many times in his sermons.

We don't know who Baker's victim was, and Gary may not either. And he may still think Baker was innocent. His hero worship of Baker combined with his general stupidity may have enabled him to decide to do his Lot routine totally randomly. There may be no connection in his mind between the two stories.

He babbles on about his religious upbringing for a while, including this: "Mah daddy was a pasture. Mah momma was saved, mah siblin's, some of 'em - ah sorta doubt some of 'em's salvation, but - y'know, y'say 'Well ah thought ya didn't judge people,' well ah know mah siblin's better'n anybody else."

He goes on to remind us that he's not going to heaven because of his family or upbringing, but because he asked Jesus to come into his heart.

More urges to get saved, listing signs of the end times, and tooth sucks follow.

Almost as an afterthought, he mentions that they were worried about their daughter and son-in-law during the hurricane, and how they couldn't get in touch, then limply finishes "Mah wahf talked to mah daughter today - our daughter today - a little bit - but, um - (long pause) ah would think - ah would think about this because we're soon gittin' outta here, an' it's not gonna be long."

Still more urges to believe, in case you die any second now, imitating imaginary people who died in the hurricane claiming, a week ago, that they were "gonna live forever."

We hear a growl and some yipping, and see a furry tail wag near Gary's head. 

"Well, yer soul is one day gonna live forever, yer absolutely right. Ah gotta git off here, mah dog's goin' crazy, ah'm waitin' on mah wife, but, um, y'are - but yer body's gonna be laid down somewhere. Amen. Have a good day, make sure yer saved, make sure y'know who Jesus is, make sure he's yer savior, believe on th'lord Jesus Crise an' thou shall be saved God blessya have a good day."

I want to know why Gary was sitting in a vehicle waiting for Becky. We don't know what kind of shape she's in, but she had surgery recently. Maybe it was a doctor appointment, and maybe she didn't want him to come in - that's the most charitable version of what was going on that I can think of. I sure hope they're not back to their old habit of him sitting in a parking lot while she does all of the grocery shopping.

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I am calling it. Gary's done smoking meat.


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