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John & Esther Shrader 22: Now with An Enforcer!


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10 minutes ago, Howl said:

Where's Esther on the baby factory assembly line? 

She's 43 and her last baby was born in January of this year.  I guess it's possible she could have one more but I hope she's at the end of her babymaking days.  They now have 14 children.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, John still in Zambia playing white savior.  He has a long post about some class he's been holding and that's now completed.  Unfortunately, one man drowned while transporting food across a river and a lady didn't come because they couldn't let her know due to no cell service.



The lines that really get me are, "...and he was taught he was born again by his baptism by them.  He seems possibly very serious as well, and we are praying for his genuine salvation."  John -- you piece of shit.  Sorry, but I'm losing my temper over him lately.  Who is he to think that he's the only one who knows the way to genuine salvation?  Isn't it enough that these nice people come to your sermons and haven't yet thrown you in the river for the crocodiles?  I certainly wouldn't spend my days listening to John hold forth for hours in order to "earn" a Bible.  

And that poor daughter who went along probably only told her dad that she was "truly in Christ" because he was starting to go into one of his depressive moods and she really needed for him to hold it together so they could get home.

I'm sorry that Rick doesn't know what to do with John but, if Rick loves his grandchildren at all, he needs to get them all back to the USA so John can get some help.  John is in need of counseling and lots and lots of drugs.


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At least the "drunk" canoeist had the opportunity to hear the true word before he died.  John is truly not well.

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These patriarchal mega families -- I'm not sure what the correct word is, maybe enmeshment?  The oldest kids are ageing out of the system, but can't seem to fledge the nest. The young men don't know how to do anything except follow in the father's footsteps.  There don't seem to be friendships outside of the family. 

I suspect that the relationships with parishioners are heavily bounded to just Jesus Jesus Jesus as expounded by Bro Shrader 24-7.  No deep friendships or personal relationships outside the family are allowed to develop, ever, especially the Shrader kids with locals. 

I suspect men who are attracted to an extreme patriarchal quiverfull mind set are somewhere on the narcissist continuum and the wife and children are there to worship them, rather than grow into their own persons.  

I always think back to Jaynee Lockewood as somewhat of an exception.  They have a mega family (12 kids) and would have had a lot more but she had to have a hysterectomy after kid 12.

She decided to stick with husband Daniel after he did something so awful (sexual indiscretion?) that he was immediately recalled as a missionary in Baja, Mexico.  Had they continued there, I think that family would have ended up a lot like the Shraders.  I was shocked at the time that they weren't going all out to learn Spanish. 

They moved back to Redding, CA where both have family, Daniel got a steady job with benefits,  they joined a church, the kids play  sports and socialize, Jaynee even taught school at their church.  They homeschooled but the kids probably had some church school education as well.  They didn't seem to do extreme gender roles; all the kids helped out with the chores, setting the table, cooking. 

Like their parents, the older sons and at least one daughter went off to and graduated from Bible college.  I haven't checked in on Jaynee's Facebook in a long time, but the older two sons got married and, like their dad, GOT ACTUAL JOBS to support  their families, while doing some preaching on the side. 

I'm sure they are serious Trumpers and anti vax out the kazoo, but at least their kids have social skills and are prepared to live relatively "normal" lives.

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His tag lines are getting longer and more grandiose. That’s the tip-off as to the state of his mental health.

The “please pray for” followed by a list of names reminds me of Paul’s epistles, I wouldn’t be surprised if John thinks of himself as a modern-day Paul. 

“Genuine salvation” in John’s mind is such a high bar. He seems to think that only he, Daddy Rick, Esther and maybe their kids have achieved it. I would have said definitely the kids, but his comments about his daughter sound like he isn’t sure about the kids’ salvation even though they’ve had the personal conversion experience and been baptized. 

Spraking of the kids, more and more of them are becoming legal adults. Are any of them taking steps toward their future, or does the entire group expect to be supported by Rick’s church until the end of time? The older kids should be getting jobs, furthering their education, learning trades, returning to the States to find mates. We’ve seen no signs of that, and it’s impossible to tell if that’s because John sees nothing other than himself or because the kids really aren’t doing anything other than assisting their parents. I suspect the latter (well, both). 

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16 hours ago, postscript said:

Spraking of the kids, more and more of them are becoming legal adults. Are any of them taking steps toward their future, or does the entire group expect to be supported by Rick’s church until the end of time? The older kids should be getting jobs, furthering their education, learning trades, returning to the States to find mates. We’ve seen no signs of that, and it’s impossible to tell if that’s because John sees nothing other than himself or because the kids really aren’t doing anything other than assisting their parents. I suspect the latter (well, both). 

Yeah I've wondered about this. The Katy church is currently supporting John, Esther, Wade and Vicky (probably co-supporting those two with other churches), Enoch, Timothy and Alatheia, as well as 11 current dependents ranging from 0 to 17 years. Assuming they stay there until the youngest is 18 the church is looking at committing until at least 2042, by which time who knows how many dependents will be there. That's a lot of adults currently being supported for a church which is not particularly affluent. I still wonder if the new preacher who came in to replace Rick left partly because they brought up the idea of not continuing to support John, or having a timeline for his return.

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This couple came over a year ago to visit John and the Zambia team. They promised to work with the team however I went down his Facebook profile and he is now pastor at Heartland Baptist Church in Illinois. I guess they saw the ways of John


This is the Beauchamps Facebook page. He recently changed his picture to working with John with a bunch of children. I see Esther in the picture and it looks like Carrie Beauchamp. If you look closely you will not see Wade in the picture as he throws rocks and shouts at the children of Zambia. 

The issue with John is he finds these guys with different extremes. Wade hates children by being an enforcer and throwing rocks at them along with shouting at them. Rick Beauchamp and his wife went to Europe to build an orphanage. I’m assuming that the Beauchamp family still stays in contact with the Zambia team with him putting on Facebook a picture of them working together with the children. 


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On 8/4/2024 at 1:26 AM, Ozlsn said:

Yeah I've wondered about this. The Katy church is currently supporting John, Esther, Wade and Vicky (probably co-supporting those two with other churches), Enoch, Timothy and Alatheia, as well as 11 current dependents ranging from 0 to 17 years. Assuming they stay there until the youngest is 18 the church is looking at committing until at least 2042, by which time who knows how many dependents will be there. That's a lot of adults currently being supported for a church which is not particularly affluent. I still wonder if the new preacher who came in to replace Rick left partly because they brought up the idea of not continuing to support John, or having a timeline for his return.

It could be 2 more mouths to feed and support for the Church in Katy if the Beauchamp family were to come back over. They moved to Katy and committed to join team Zambia. Then they took the Pastorate of a large Church in central Illinois 


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I'm assuming "committing to Team Zambia" in this sense means raising funds for them, not relocating. Possibly a more sensible approach.

1 hour ago, Bluegrin2 said:

If you look closely you will not see Wade in the picture as he throws rocks and shouts at the children of Zambia. 

I don't remember the rock throwing - was that in the prayer letter?

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11 hours ago, Ozlsn said:

I'm assuming "committing to Team Zambia" in this sense means raising funds for them, not relocating. Possibly a more sensible approach.

I don't remember the rock throwing - was that in the prayer letter?

Wade had it on his Facebook profile of hiding behind a wall on a property near the Church. He was shouting at the children who came to the Church looking for a meal as they were hungry and hadn’t been fed for the day. Wade started throwing and tossing rocks in the general direction of the children. His Facebook page has had many posts deleted by John as they were bad public relations for the work there. 

Wade does still ride his motorcycle around the neighborhoods and does have a sling shot for any unruly children or dogs. 

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On 8/1/2024 at 3:05 PM, Xan said:

Well, John still in Zambia playing white savior.  He has a long post about some class he's been holding and that's now completed.  Unfortunately, one man drowned while transporting food across a river and a lady didn't come because they couldn't let her know due to no cell service.

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The lines that really get me are, "...and he was taught he was born again by his baptism by them.  He seems possibly very serious as well, and we are praying for his genuine salvation."  John -- you piece of shit.  Sorry, but I'm losing my temper over him lately.  Who is he to think that he's the only one who knows the way to genuine salvation?  Isn't it enough that these nice people come to your sermons and haven't yet thrown you in the river for the crocodiles?  I certainly wouldn't spend my days listening to John hold forth for hours in order to "earn" a Bible.  

And that poor daughter who went along probably only told her dad that she was "truly in Christ" because he was starting to go into one of his depressive moods and she really needed for him to hold it together so they could get home.

I'm sorry that Rick doesn't know what to do with John but, if Rick loves his grandchildren at all, he needs to get them all back to the USA so John can get some help.  John is in need of counseling and lots and lots of drugs.


Can someone help explain to me what the statement I see over and over on genuine salvation. Also is John severely depressed? I have followed them on and off again on Facebook about the mission work that they are doing in Zambia for over 10 years. I have seen what he has posted about purchasing an airplane only for the parts and body to be stripped off and sold off. However I don’t understand about the righteousness of God that is mentioned in some of these posts. I thought salvation was believing in what Jesus has done for you and receiving this free gift of salvation. Is there something I’m missing or wrong about?

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I have no idea, but John has fanatically exacting theological points that adherents must believe to be "saved".  Not surprisingly, being a good Christian doesn't come close to cutting it with John and not very many (any?) are "saved" according to John. 

There's been a fair bit of speculation that John is bipolar.  He has grandiose plans that don't come to fruition, and then takes to his bed for periods of time, makes comments about how Satan is working hard against him, blah blah. 

He tends to preach for, literally, hours and sometimes more hours.  This isn't normal. 

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3 hours ago, Bluegrin2 said:

Wade had it on his Facebook profile of hiding behind a wall on a property near the Church. He was shouting at the children who came to the Church looking for a meal as they were hungry and hadn’t been fed for the day. Wade started throwing and tossing rocks in the general direction of the children. His Facebook page has had many posts deleted by John as they were bad public relations for the work there. 

Wade does still ride his motorcycle around the neighborhoods and does have a sling shot for any unruly children or dogs. 

I missed this entirely. He was tossing rocks to discourage them from coming to church? Children? I can't understand this behavior at all.

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On 8/3/2024 at 3:33 PM, postscript said:

Spraking of the kids, more and more of them are becoming legal adults. Are any of them taking steps toward their future, or does the entire group expect to be supported by Rick’s church until the end of time? The older kids should be getting jobs, furthering their education, learning trades, returning to the States to find mates

Do you know about their immigration/visa/working permit status in Zambia? Can you just live there as long as you like as a US citizen?

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23 hours ago, Bluegrin2 said:

Wade hates children by being an enforcer and throwing rocks at them along with shouting at them. Rick Beauchamp and his wife went to Europe to build an orphanage. 

I don't follow this thread closely because I find John both infuriating and depressing, but sometimes I read here. John's helper threw stones at kids???? Am I reading well???

And about Beauchamps building an orphanage in Europe, I my be wrong because I don't know all European countries laws, but I doubt some foreigners can build a real orphanage, because child protection laws are very strict. What country was it?

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17 minutes ago, Melissa1977 said:

I don't follow this thread closely because I find John both infuriating and depressing, but sometimes I read here. John's helper threw stones at kids???? Am I reading well???

And about Beauchamps building an orphanage in Europe, I my be wrong because I don't know all European countries laws, but I doubt some foreigners can build a real orphanage, because child protection laws are very strict. What country was it?

According to his Facebook posts the Beauchamps were in Romania as independent Baptist missionaries for almost 3 years. They were working with another American couple and a Romania family in building the orphanage. 

I’m personally guessing the Beauchamp family will end up moving there or frequently visiting on the dime of others. It looks like they all have switched from the plane debacle to just church and orphanage work when Wade isn’t shouting at starving children. 

How can a Church that has American missionaries in these poor countries not have food drive giveaways or have a breakfast and lunch together eating. Especially with the sermons lasting for hours on end and having to earn a Bible. 

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7 hours ago, waltraute said:

I missed this entirely. He was tossing rocks to discourage them from coming to church? Children? I can't understand this behavior at all.

Yes in the last prayer letter Wade admitted to shouting at the children. Most of the children came out simply to pray and be fed a meal. Our Church supports an orphanage that was started by American missionaries and then turned over to the national ministry people in Haiti. I don’t think John, Wade or this new family will turn over an orphanage to anyone in Africa. 

Wade had a post on Facebook sometime back but has deleted it and many other posts in obedience to John. The post had a picture of Wade hiding behind a concrete wall fence waiting for the children with a handful of rocks. 

Rick Beauchamp has on his wall that he is a servant of the Lord, a husband and a nutrition nerd lol 😆. Where does John find these people? One extreme to the other. Wade sits around all day eating unhealthy food while this Beauchamp guy promotes healthy food. Wade throws rocks at children in the direction of them and turns them away while this Beauchamp fellow feeds the children. Is this further proof that John has lost his mind? John is in the picture seemingly enjoying himself while the Beauchamp family are feeding these children with juice drinks, cookies and lunch meat sandwiches according to the original post. Wade is no where to be seen in this part of the ministry. 


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40 minutes ago, Melissa1977 said:

John's helper threw stones at kids???? Am I reading well???

Nothing says spreading the word for Christianity like throwing stones at kids, lol.

Do these fundies even bother to read their bibles? I just, I don’t know, act like decent human beings?

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12 hours ago, Bluegrin2 said:

Can someone help explain to me what the statement I see over and over on genuine salvation.

It's gotten more complicated over the years.  At base, it's the usual fundie belief that nothing you can do or no way you can live that can save you from hell.  We are all born sinners and you have to admit that you truly believe the only way to heaven is understanding that Jesus sacrificed himself for you.  Once you admit that you have that belief in your heart, you're saved and can't be unsaved.   It has nothing to do with good works or living a Christian life.

John, of course, has more hoops through which you jump about reading and believing Bible passages.  For John, you have to have studied those passages, understood them, and can parrot them back.  He holds classes that last for hours in order to try to save a soul or two.  So far, I can't tell if he's saved anyone in the ten years he's been in Zambia.

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I think he thought he had once, but then the guy back slid so he wasn't truly saved.  I don't read John's letters any more.  They fry my brain.

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Here's a verse for Wade: Luke 18:16.

"But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God."

As for John, I think that your status as a saved person is fully dependent on your standing with John. Do everything like he does? Saved! Disagree on one thing? You'll burn in the lake of fire. I think that, in his mind, you go back and forth from being saved to being unsaved. It all depends on John's whims.

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I hope the local law enforcement are told about Wades rock throwing activities. He sounds a right Bam pot. Hope he gets thrown out asap. 

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  • 1 month later...

John is being impersonated by a Congolese scammer. I really shouldn't find this as funny as I do.





No reputable missionary would ask for money!! They'd just heavily imply via prayer requests that they needed a fridge with icemaking capacity...

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3 hours ago, Ozlsn said:

John is being impersonated by a Congolese scammer. I really shouldn't find this as funny as I do.

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No reputable missionary would ask for money!! They'd just heavily imply via prayer requests that they needed a fridge with icemaking capacity...

Don't know whether to laugh, shake my head, roll my eyes....or all of the above.  John the greatest scammer in the mission field!

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