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Maxwells 59: On the Road Again

Coconut Flan

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That’s very interesting. They allege a “dangerous and unbiblical situation.”  Unbiblical could mean any little thing, but dangerous is kind of worrisome. 

i wonder if they’ll let parents know what’s going on?  I’d certainly be concerned about a dangerous situation at my kid’s school. 

It’s hard to tell how old the couple is from their picture, if they’re anywhere near retirement age, but it’s going to be difficult for them to get another job I’d think if they’re not old enough to retire. 


16 minutes ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

This makes me thinks of the Becki Falwell business.  Absolutely not assuming Prof Anderson did anything resembling Becky Falwell's liaison. However Falwell was reported to be high-handed and all over faculty firings/ dismissals/ reprimands.  Being the wife of the President gives one great deal of power and clout, especially in a small college. 

I agree. 
When the couple said “dangerous situation”, and that they just wanted to protect their students, it sounded like a possible inappropriate relationship, possibly with a student. 

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34 minutes ago, kpmom said:

It’s hard to tell how old the couple is from their picture, if they’re anywhere near retirement age, but it’s going to be difficult for them to get another job I’d think if they’re not old enough to retire. 

I'm not sure about Rosalie but Daniel appears to be 74 years old.  They have five children and 18 grandchildren.  There isn't much on the internet about this situation.  I get the feeling that the ABC board of directors is trying to keep everything quiet.

Daniel is working on a book titled Biblical Slave Leadership: A Stewardship from Above to Lead from Below.  Not the best title....

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2 hours ago, Xan said:

I'm not sure about Rosalie but Daniel appears to be 74 years old.  They have five children.

Daniel is working on a book titled Biblical Slave Leadership: A Stewardship from Above to Lead from Below.  Not the best title....

I didn’t word my post very well, I was thinking about the Yowel’s  and how close they are to retirement. They had to figure they were risking their livelihoods when they made the complaint. So, I would think it would have to be something egregious, at least in their eyes. 

And, oh my, I agree, that title of Daniel’s book?  Good grief!  Servant sure, but Slave?  What an odd choice of a word. 

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3 hours ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

This makes me thinks of the Becki Falwell business. 

Yes. Just the fact that the couple has been there for over 40 years gives them enormous power over the place and everyone at it. Also, 40+ years could create a sense of entitlement where they both feel they can do whatever they want and itʻs "for the good of ABC."

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A poster messaged me and told me what the biggest issue is with Rosalie Anderson. She berates and yells at students in class to the point of making them cry. There’s some actual video evidence of this. Yet she’s still on staff. Some students will try to avoid having her as a teacher but when it’s such a small school, its hard. And obviously nothing will be done about this if two staff filed a complaint and were then fired. I truly hope she never yelled at the Maxwell girls until they cried. I think she teaches music and I don’t think either of them majored in music. So maybe the max girls could avoid her. 

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1 hour ago, kpmom said:

I didn’t word my post very well, I was thinking about the Yowel’s  and how close they are to retirement. They had to figure they were risking their livelihoods when they made the complaint. So, I would think it would have to be something egregious, at least in their eyes. 

Jeremy got his bachelor's degree in 1995 so that would probably put him in the neighborhood of being around 51 or so.  He got his Ph. D. this year from Liberty University.  Melissa looks slightly younger.  She has a Masters in music from Bob Jones.  I agree that they'll have a hard time finding work in religious education right now.

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1 hour ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

A poster messaged me and told me what the biggest issue is with Rosalie Anderson. She berates and yells at students in class to the point of making them cry. There’s some actual video evidence of this. Yet she’s still on staff. Some students will try to avoid having her as a teacher but when it’s such a small school, its hard. And obviously nothing will be done about this if two staff filed a complaint and were then fired. I truly hope she never yelled at the Maxwell girls until they cried. I think she teaches music and I don’t think either of them majored in music. So maybe the max girls could avoid her. 

This sounds believable and I can see why they would call it unbiblical. I’ve worked with people like this and they usually pride themselves on their behavior. The rationale tends to be that they’re just demanding the best from their students or they went through it themselves when they were in college, so it’s a rite of passage. But they usually enjoy making students/subordinates miserable. It can only be exacerbated because it’s such a small school and she’s also the president’s wife.  

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2 hours ago, postscript said:

The rationale tends to be that they’re just demanding the best from their students or they went through it themselves when they were in college, so it’s a rite of passage.

Many times, these are the same people who say itʻs godly to beat children.

Iʻd guess that the grievance procedure - if it exists - for ABC staff goes something like this:

  1. Identify and/or document problem.
  2. Use Matthew 18 to speak to the source of the problem.
  3. Source of the problem ignores you and/or doubles down on problematic behavior.
  4. Go to higher admin.
  5. Admin says you did Matthew 18 wrong so your complaint is invalid and therefore the problem doesn't exist. 
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It's got to be more than just her yelling at people. Traditionally young people are supposed to be disciplined by older folks. I doubt they would consider "unbiblical".  

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If there is a grievance process (which I doubt), I'll bet cash money the arbitrator is the President and that he never accepts any grievances brought to him.

I believe that the Andersons will do everything possible to prevent the Yowells from getting jobs in other Christian colleges. I'm sure the Andersons have a ton of influence in those areas.

It's not just Christian colleges, it's any college -- or any school. The Yowells were fired. Who knows what the records at ABC say about them?  Who knows what the Andersons will say about them when asked by potential employers about the firing -- if it ever even gets that far.

Plus it's late in the year to be looking for a new job in academia.  They were all filled by early Spring.

To me this whole things reeks to high heaven of Prof R. Anderson retaliating because the Yowells questioned or disagreed with something she said or did. Of course the President, her husband, backed her up -- and fired the Yowells for how very dare you question anything the president's wife says or does. She, like he, is infallible and never to be questioned or disagreed with.

Many years ago, straight out of grad school, I taught for one year at a very small Southern Baptist college. Oh the stories I could tell. Sadly what happened to the Yowells brings back all I saw during that year.

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4 hours ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

I believe that the Andersons will do everything possible to prevent the Yowells from getting jobs in other Christian colleges. I'm sure the Andersons have a ton of influence in those areas.

Sadly, you are probably correct about the Yowells being blackballed from future employment. 

Would love to see the complaint to the accreditation board move forward but that's probably unlikely since the ABC board of directors has backed "Professor" Rosalie Anderson.


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I really think the Yowells should take their friends and relatives advice and hire a lawyer. They’re naive to think sending an email to their former colleagues is the way to go. I would imagine their colleagues saw what happened to them and will be looking out for themselves rather than siding with the Yowells. 
Maybe when they realize their teaching careers are over they will change their minds. 

ETA:  Mary’s hubby, Sam was part of ABC’s  Gospel Heralds musical group who tour churches throughout the summer. The website lists Mrs. Anderson as one of the group’s two directors, so Sam definitely had a lot of contact with her. 

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5 hours ago, kpmom said:

They’re naive to think sending an email to their former colleagues is the way to go.

Yep. Time for some legal action.

5 hours ago, kpmom said:

The website lists Mrs. Anderson as one of the group’s two directors, so Sam definitely had a lot of contact with her. 

Looks like the Yowells were also heavily involved with the group which would explain why they had ample opportunity to observe Rosalie Anderson interacting with students:


ETA: They are years old but Rosalie Anderson's reviews on RateMyProfessors are not stellar:


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Ugh!  She sounds like a real treat. 

So, obviously this behavior has been going on for years, and I’m sure has been known to everyone at the school. 

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14 hours ago, kpmom said:

ETA:  Mary’s hubby, Sam was part of ABC’s  Gospel Heralds musical group who tour churches throughout the summer. The website lists Mrs. Anderson as one of the group’s two directors, so Sam definitely had a lot of contact with her. 

I think one of Sam's older siblings was also a member of the Gospel Heralds.

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1 hour ago, HereticHick said:

I think one of Sam's older siblings was also a member of the Gospel Heralds.

I can’t help but wonder if she has certain students she is actually nice to and then the rest get her wrath. 

I don’t believe is just yelling from her. I think she berates them. Like insulting them in front of the class. Embarrassing them in front of their peers. I have seen religious folks using the Bible to say some particularly nasty things to make people feel like garbage. It’s possible she’s using the Bible as an excuse to berate these students. 

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59 minutes ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

I think she berates them. Like insulting them in front of the class.

Thatʻs what it sounds like from those RateMyProfessors reviews. Then, she doubles down if a student attempts to find out why they are being treated so badly. SO Christlike 🙄

Clearly, she should have been pulled from teaching a long time ago but between being the Presidentʻs wife and the small faculty at ABC, that didn't happen. 

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On 6/27/2024 at 4:32 AM, theologygeek said:

The Peace Corps isn't a Missionary organization either; it's run by the US 

I was in Peace Corps ages and ages ago--1989 to 1991. We were not not expressly forbidden from religious activity--it just wasn't very likely given who joins Peace Corps. There were Christians in my group--one was Missionary Kid from the country we served in. She saw it as a way to give back. No one in my time evangelized. USAID, [the main U.S. government foreign aid agency[ is FORBIDDEN from sharing their faith. If they worship it should be with other expatriates, but no evangelizing. In Malawi, I wlorked with a USAID who, with his wife, used it as a high paying missionary job. She baked goodies for the children for Bible study, they invited couples (some of whom barely spoke to each other at home due to his "extra" wives)--husband and his "church" wife etc etc. They went in hope of getting a USAID or other international scholarship to study in the US. EXACTLY why it was forbidden. He's probably still alive out West and working for Project 2025 as we speak. He'd be in his late 70s now.

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Damn, she got herself a good-looking guy. 

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Are those blond streaks in Sarah’s hair?

Either way, she looks great and very happy. 

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She looks so different from before she escaped Steve's house.  I say Steve's house because he had to have been the driving force behind 99 per cent of what was happening for most of her life.

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Sarah’s smile, all crinkly and sparkly, makes me so happy for her. Her smile is so natural and effervescent. That is the kind of smile my mom’s heart loves to see. 

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Both of them look so happy and so blissfully in love.  Their smiles are so genuine.  Sarah's picture here is the exact opposite of those photos of her with wan, sad, tremulous half smiles with the sad vacant eyes of just a few years ago at the House of Stevehovah.

Kory is a seriously good looking man.  The Sarah we see here is the very pretty woman who was just waiting to appear after she escaped the House of Stevehovah. Happiness can change a person's looks.

Yes -- I do mean escaped. I knew that bravery was in her. 

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From what we've been able to see in the few things she posts online, Sarah's grownup away-from-Steve life has exceeded my hopes for her. I used to say I wished a guy would come along who either believed Steve's screed and quickly grew out of it, or else pretended to walk the walk long enough to get Steve's approval and get her down the aisle, only to turn around and make her life better. Instead, she moved out on her own, set her own ground rules for clothing/makeup and who knows what else, and dated online to find Kory. The fact that she moved out of Steve's house and took charge of her life the way she did makes me believe that if ever things were to become less happy and healthy than these pictures lead us to believe, she would reach for her resources and make tracks - something I would be far less likely to to think if she'd married a fundie in her 20s and pushed out a half-dozen kids or more. 

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