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William and Catherine 4

Coconut Flan

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Okay, my friend just got home from there and we were texting; I told her about the story.  She said they were chatting with a couple who were in the waiting room with them, and the couple said they had seen her in a limo.

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The jury is still out for me. The palace could straight up deny her being there and I’m not sure I’d believe them. The palace has lied before. 

Regardless of where she is getting treatment, I hope it’s helping. I cannot even fathom the breakdown William would experience if Kate died. 

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If, and that's a huge if, they brought Catharine to MD Anderson, then things are not going according to plan.  

I have a rare disease and a super rare complication of that disease. There are something like five doctors in the world who are specialists in this. That is why I'm still parked in Los Angeles. I found one of the less than ten.  Otherwise folks I'm here to say that even living in a place as large as San Diego, I would be dead or dying right now.  Guaranteed I wouldn't have made it past the end of summer.  That's to say MD Anderson has doctors like that also dealing with cancer.  But you only need them when things are non-standard.  Doing some chemo just in case which is what the palace seems to be putting out is pretty much the opposite of needing one of the doctors who specializes in the rare and super difficult.  

I really think and hope it's just another 40ish, tall, slim, brunette.  On the other hand I have seen them sneak a celebrity or three in and out of hospitals.  

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19 hours ago, tabitha2 said:

I mean there are no other Advanced Cancer treatment centers in huge advanced cosmopolitan cities closer so A British Royal goes to all the way to Texas. A Royal Reporter says someone told her so it must be legit

Because that checks out. 

No idea if it's even true, but maybe she hoped to have more privacy than in the UK. I mean, London is basically her backyard and with the press lurking practically everywhere, I could understand going to a reputable clinic abroad. 

Edited by FluffySnowball
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Houston doesn't have the millions of cameras everywhere, that's   one thing.

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I tend to think if she were going to MD Anderson (or anyplace else) she'd have good enough disguises no one but a highly restricted treatment team would know it was her. 

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I’m highly dubious about this. She made the video announcing her cancer on 22nd March. I have a friend who has just finished preventative chemo for breast cancer after a mastectomy. She had 6 rounds, three weeks apart. If Kate is having similar-and I appreciate we don’t really know - then the timing would indicate she’s only just had her last round. If that’s the case I’m pretty sure they won’t know yet whether it’s worked or not. She has access to the very best medical care here in the U.K. so going to Texas seems a very drastic option to me. I also think William seems reasonably cheerful and if it is true, it would indicate that she’s in some real trouble health wise and I’m not sure he’d be able to hide that and be as calm as he seems in public. Of course anything’s possible and we may never know.

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I had chemo for six months, if I remember right; I had had colon surgery for a tiny tumor, but they biopsied 13 lymph nodes and 3 showed some involvement.  I had two different kinds because I reacted to the first type, which was oral, and they switched me to infusion.  

The rumor is spreading like wildfire; my cousin in Small Town Arkansas has heard it.  I agree with Lollipopgirl in thinking William isn't showing fright or anxiety, and I don't think he could be as normal as he seems to be if she was in grave danger.  She is his rock.


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William is a good point. The man cancels his engagements for any reason he can. If Kate was out of the country for treatment, I doubt he would be so visible. 

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I can totally believe that the texas place would have special treatments that wouldn't be available in UK. I used to live in Rochester MN, home of the Mayo clinic and knew a bunch of people who worked directly for the Mayo clinic. They had a whole staff of translators because people came from all over the world. They most needed arabic - because so many came from Dubai, Saudi Arabia etc for super specialized treatment. Small town MN is not somewhere super rich guys would go if there's any other place to get what they want/need. 

I went down the reddit rabbithole last night and the redditors were saying that there's been several articles saying she's been seen "out and about." They think it's palace propaganda because several articles used that exact phrase while nobody has taken pictures of these supposed outings and there's been nobody (regular people) setting off texts and messages saying they saw her - just these articles are saying it. People have said that the palace probably squash any pictures - which works in the UK but we've seen in the past when people won't publish in the UK they will publish in the US.

So I dunno the whole thing seems very very strange. And leads me to think she must be much worse off than implied.

Although reddit is full of bizarre theories that she's actually dead, murdered by william or has gotten sick of royal life and taken the 2 younger children and fled to another country (because apparently the younger children haven't been seen in a while either). 


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42 minutes ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:


Although reddit is full of bizarre theories that she's actually dead, murdered by william or has gotten sick of royal life and taken the 2 younger children and fled to another country (because apparently the younger children haven't been seen in a while either). 


The children typically are seen very rarely during their school year. Many years, we see them at Christmas and not again until Trooping the Color (which is this weekend). It's perfectly normal. There are also often stories from people who saw the family out and about without photos. That's nothing new. In Windsor (where they live, which is why they haven't been seen coming or going from Kensington Palace--another internet conspiracy piece of evidence), and Norfolk where their country home is, the locals leave them alone. The paparazzi has not frequently chased working royals in their private time since shortly after Diana's death and when they do, the British press does not publish those photos--the result of an agreement made after her death. So all of that is normal as well. 

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I just don’t believe it for the simple fact that if people think it’s crazy we haven’t seen photos taken with mobiles in the UK it’s even more crazy we haven’t seen them from the US- where there is even less push back if published. 
I can see her seeking the privacy that the US seems to grant (see Madeleine of Sweden), but let’s not act as if the US is the only country to get the very best treatment and have a chance for experimental treatments. There are similar hospitals in Europe offering all that which are very popular with crazy rich people from around the world. It’s never just only one but rather just the best in that particular country.

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I saw somebody who looks just like Kate the other day. But she was in scrubs so I am going to take a wild guess it was not her. 

Although maybe it was a REALLY clever disguise. 

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I still say leaving The UK and her entire support system to fly 5000 miles with the necessary retinue a Royal travels with  to Houston, Texas doesn’t make sense when the best medical expertise of Europe is at her fingertips. 

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2 hours ago, just_ordinary said:

(see Madeleine of Sweden)

I don't think she's comparable to Kate. If you showed 10 people a picture of Madeleine, you'd be lucky if one person could correctly identify her. However, if you show 10 people a picture of Kate, I'm going to guess 10 people will be able to tell you who she is. 

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Kate has released a statement on instagram. She is planning to attend TTC this weekend and also a few engagements over the summer. Her treatment is expected to take „a few more months“. Talking about good days and bad days during chemotherapy, she might be preparing us for possible cancellations.

Edited by prayawaythefundie
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And you know the trolls will say it's a body double 🙄🙄

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7 minutes ago, justpassingthru said:

And you know the trolls will say it's a body double 🙄🙄

No doubt she will be analysed from every angle, right down to her eyelashes ("does she still HAVE eyelashes? Are they real, or are they fake?" the reporters will breathlessly ask). The cameras will zoom in as closely as possible to Kate on that balcony, so we can examine every nuance of expression. Her weight will be remarked upon. Her wardrobe choice--is it concealing weight gain? Weight loss? Her hair--is it HER hair, or is she wearing a wig? There will be enough video and photographs of this brief appearance on the balcony to feed the media frenzy for weeks to come. AND yes, the conspiracy frenzy. That should be pretty epic.

I'm glad she'll be there, though. I really hope for all the best for her. And it will be lovely to see the children there as well. I hope Prince Louis isn't TOO well-behaved!😆

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I don’t even want to know what kind of nonsense the conspiracists and haters are going to come up with. 

Statement and photo: 






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She looks good but I'm wondering how recent of a photo that is. 

Overall, good statement. 

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5 hours ago, viii said:

She looks good but I'm wondering how recent of a photo that is. 

Overall, good statement. 

Taken last week by photographer Matt Porteus. 

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She looks fabulous to me! I wish her and HM well.

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It was lovely to see her and the children! I like all the pomp and circumstance.

As a huge musical theatre AND royal family fan, her dress looked like it took inspiration from Eliza Doolittle’s Ascot dress and the children looked ready to appear onstage for the Sound of Music.

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