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Josh & Anna 58: Losing JB's Money All the Way to the Supreme Court


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20 hours ago, postscript said:

Much as I would devour a genuine tell-all, Josh’s version of the story would be, shall we say, suspect in its veracity. I also don’t see him saying anything that would jeopardize his relationship with Jim Bob. Jose needs the influx of cash from his dad in order to survive. 


4 hours ago, Sk8ter said:

This would certainly be written from the perspective of "I was framed! I never did anything wrong! The liberal heathens hate Christians and I being persecuted for my faith!" 

I can't imagine he'd blow up anything regarding JB and Michelle. He needs them.


Does Josh still know how much he still needs Jim Bob’s money and support? 

I could see him in prison, seething with rage and blaming his parents for the outcome of his actions. And thinking if Jill the Tattletale can write a best selling book then why can’t he? 

Even if he wants to write it, how would he go about doing it? Does he have access to a flash drive, word processor, email? And who would publish it? 

Edited by Father Son Holy Goat
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20 hours ago, Giraffe said:

Wow. If he does it I hope all proceeds go to the victims and not Josh or Anna. 

His children are also victims of his awful behaviour. If he ever does make money it should go into trust funds for each of them. 

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6 hours ago, Father Son Holy Goat said:


Does Josh still know how much he still needs Jim Bob’s money and support? 

I could see him in prison, seething with rage and blaming his parents for the outcome of his actions. And thinking if Jill the Tattletale can write a best selling book then why can’t he? 

Even if he wants to write it, how would he go about doing it? Does he have access to a flash drive, word processor, email? And who would publish it? 

He could pander to the fan base and write about his "repentance." There are people out there like Lori Alexander who would actually believe it. 

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11 hours ago, marmalade said:

He could pander to the fan base and write about his "repentance." There are people out there like Lori Alexander who would actually believe it. 

But wouldn't that be putting a confession in writing? From a legal standpoint, he might not want to do that. 

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On 7/12/2024 at 11:44 PM, marmalade said:

He could pander to the fan base and write about his "repentance." There are people out there like Lori Alexander who would actually believe it. 

In order to appear truly repentant it might be wise to eschew contraband cell phones. 

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On 7/13/2024 at 6:46 AM, Gobsmacked said:

I sincerely hope so. Hopefully he won’t be released until Anna is into Menopause years. 

I’m now about Anna’s age when germ is to be released. My periods are still regular but I feel different. I bet if I went and got tested I would test perimenopausal. At this point in life I just could not imagine actively trying for a babe. Fuck that shit man.  But I do have one already. I would hope that Anna has made her peace with 7 being her lot in life and doesn’t go gung hooo into more. Sadly. I don’t think that will be the case and she will be on every vitamin and magic potion from that shit fundies mlm sell, plexus?!! To have a miracle he was innocent I’m a godly wife baby. 

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On 6/24/2024 at 1:22 PM, Howl said:

Must be a huge let down for Anna. Now she knows that all avenues to free Josh are closed, and there is no more pretending that maybe he'll be freed and come home. 

Wonder what the kids think? 

Wonder what the kids know?

      Josh is a role-played, raised on reality TV. He appears to be very compartmentalized. His "family man" persona may not be entirely fake - he may have genuine feelings for his wife and kids. Anna was always googly eyes over Josh. He knew how to push her buttons. Remember John David flying her to visit him in rehab (wasn't Mason conceived during their conjugal visits?) Anna was so relieved their marriage could be salvaged. I think trauma bonding gave them emotional closeness during his trial.

      Josh and Anna have both been noted to have smug personalities and that may also been an obstacle in her seeing reality.

     Anyway, the time away from Josh and his devoted husband and father act has had to help Anna clear her head and see life is easier without him around. I doubt she's making googly eyes over Josh these days. What benefit would she gain from divorcing him now as opposed to a few years from now? It's not like he's coming home anytime soon. I don't know that at this point divorce would propel her life one way or another.

      As for a dog breeding business, at least she's doing something to generate income. It might not end up being the business where she ends up finding success, but it's a start.

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55 minutes ago, Cults-r-us said:

Wonder what the kids know?

      Josh is a role-played, raised on reality TV. He appears to be very compartmentalized. His "family man" persona may not be entirely fake - he may have genuine feelings for his wife and kids. Anna was always googly eyes over Josh. He knew how to push her buttons. Remember John David flying her to visit him in rehab (wasn't Mason conceived during their conjugal visits?) Anna was so relieved their marriage could be salvaged. I think trauma bonding gave them emotional closeness during his trial.

      Josh and Anna have both been noted to have smug personalities and that may also been an obstacle in her seeing reality.

     Anyway, the time away from Josh and his devoted husband and father act has had to help Anna clear her head and see life is easier without him around. I doubt she's making googly eyes over Josh these days. What benefit would she gain from divorcing him now as opposed to a few years from now? It's not like he's coming home anytime soon. I don't know that at this point divorce would propel her life one way or another.

      As for a dog breeding business, at least she's doing something to generate income. It might not end up being the business where she ends up finding success, but it's a start.

I don't follow them that much anymore, but I don't see Josh doing any repenting. I suspect he just feels framed and persecuted and aggrieved, and now he has another decade to let that stew. And if he hasn't already alienated all the other prisoners, he's serving his time with other sex offenders, who are notorious for not thinking they did anything wrong. They'll just reinforce one another.
I also don't see Anna waking up, and I doubt she finds life easier with Josh gone. She has to make decisions, she has to worry about money, and she has to work to keep herself on the good side of her in-laws. Plus some of the siblings have now come out about how they really feel about the Golden Boy. Prissy and TFDW have their own brood to worry about and can't be her rescue 24/7. My bet is that she is also romanticizing Smuggar as a persecuted Christian and herself as the faithful wife, and she's not going to give up that role any time soon.

I also strongly suspect that JB is convinced if the election goes there way there will be a presidential pardon in the works. No way do this father and son have a realistic idea of their place in the grand scheme of things.

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My guess is that Anna will be in survival mode for a few months while she comes to terms with this and then just go back to how she has been living. Her days are likely full enough that she gets through without having much time to think. I agree with Cults-R-Us that it doesn’t matter at the moment whether she divorces Josh or not; he’s locked up for another 10 years so she may as well save her money and just carry on with the kids. In her shoes, I would wait until right before his release date to do anything. Firstly, to prevent being cutoff from JB, secondly, to avoid putting additional stress on the kids and thirdly, either way, Josh isn’t living with the family for at least ten years. 
I do wish the courts had mandated counselling for the kids (and ideally, Anna as her wellbeing directly affects their wellbeing). 

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Counseling would come from a different court than the criminal court Josh was in.  It would only be ordered due to a CPS investigation.  

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It is possible for spouses and children of defendants in federal CSA/child porn cases to request (and receive) mental health services through the Federal Defender Victim/Witness programs. But the key detail is that it has to be requested and typically that happens in situations where the spouse is trying to separate/divorce from the offender.

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Anna has recently made two posts fangirling Trump.
*The first was after his trial (May 30) when he was convicted on 34 felony counts:

Who knew it only took twelve votes to prematurely deliver the win for a presidential election?!?!”


*The second was just yesterday after the shooting:

President Trump is a living example of Psalm 91
I am praying for a speedy recovery!

Now I’m not bringing up politics, it’s just that these are the only social media posts she’s made in two years. I do not believe she is in survival mode, thinks life is easier with Josh in prison or is contemplating divorce. She is still glub-glub-guzzling the koolaid. Some speculate she holds out hope for her hubby to be pardoned by Trump should he be reelected. She is all in. 

Edited by Cam
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10 hours ago, patsymae said:

I don't follow them that much anymore, but I don't see Josh doing any repenting.

When I spoke about Josh repenting, I should have said, Josh "repenting" because..  you know.. he didn't.

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11 hours ago, noseybutt said:

But the key detail is that it has to be requested and typically that happens in situations where the spouse is trying to separate/divorce from the offender.

True and we know Anna isn't going to do that.  The only way to order it i..e. force it is through CPS.

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17 hours ago, Expectopatronus said:

My guess is that Anna will be in survival mode for a few months while she comes to terms with this and then just go back to how she has been living. Her days are likely full enough that she gets through without having much time to think. I agree with Cults-R-Us that it doesn’t matter at the moment whether she divorces Josh or not; he’s locked up for another 10 years so she may as well save her money and just carry on with the kids. In her shoes, I would wait until right before his release date to do anything. Firstly, to prevent being cutoff from JB, secondly, to avoid putting additional stress on the kids and thirdly, either way, Josh isn’t living with the family for at least ten years. 
I do wish the courts had mandated counselling for the kids (and ideally, Anna as her wellbeing directly affects their wellbeing). 

Anna should quietly write a book then send it to a publisher a week after Josh arrives home. 

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On 7/12/2024 at 1:32 PM, Kiki03910 said:

field of fucks is barren 

Excellent line! Should be on a t-shirt and inspirational wall art😂

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2 hours ago, Mama Mia said:

Excellent line! Should be on a t-shirt and inspirational wall art😂


I saw it online!

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14 hours ago, Gobsmacked said:

Anna should quietly write a book then send it to a publisher a week after Josh arrives home. 

It will never happen, tho. Anna is fully ensconced in her current lifestyle with no plans whatsoever to change. Her two tweets in two years are not made independently. Wherever she’s living these days, whatever church she’s attending and sermons she’s listening to on Sundays, whomever the people and family members are she surrounds herself with, they are all of the same mindset and reinforcing each other’s views. Anna has never struck out on her own and she never will.

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10 hours ago, Cam said:

It will never happen, tho. Anna is fully ensconced in her current lifestyle with no plans whatsoever to change. Her two tweets in two years are not made independently. Wherever she’s living these days, whatever church she’s attending and sermons she’s listening to on Sundays, whomever the people and family members are she surrounds herself with, they are all of the same mindset and reinforcing each other’s views. Anna has never struck out on her own and she never will.

I still can't believe I was rooting for Anna when they went to DC. I honestly thought she was open to new ideas as she met people who were smart and active and doing things. Turns out she just liked the wardrobe and the good restaurants and basking in what she thought was the glory of being Smuggar's +1. She's as big a tool as the POS she's married to. Just hope one day some of her kids will be able to reach out to Jill and Derrick (yes, I know he's a tool, but a useful one in this case) or even JinJer and get a chance at a life.

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10 hours ago, patsymae said:

I still can't believe I was rooting for Anna when they went to DC. I honestly thought she was open to new ideas as she met people who were smart and active and doing things. Turns out she just liked the wardrobe and the good restaurants and basking in what she thought was the glory of being Smuggar's +1. She's as big a tool as the POS she's married to. Just hope one day some of her kids will be able to reach out to Jill and Derrick (yes, I know he's a tool, but a useful one in this case) or even JinJer and get a chance at a life.

My hope is on Jennifer and/or Jordyn breaking out and their influence on their bestie Mack.

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14 hours ago, patsymae said:

I still can't believe I was rooting for Anna when they went to DC. I honestly thought she was open to new ideas as she met people who were smart and active and doing things.

To be fair to yourself, that was over ten years and three scandals ago, so your optimism hadn’t yet taken all the hits. We hadn’t seen Anna’s true colors. All we saw at the time was a heavily edited reality show. The smoke and mirrors were working overtime. The severity of IBLP beliefs that the Duggars and others in the cult lived by were whitewashed by TLC. 

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You know, it just occurred to me.. why would Josh even think he deserves another hearing? He is nobody but a minor D-list player.. and a bad one at that. Yeah, I know we're all equal under the law, but... he's not all that..

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7 hours ago, Four is Enough said:

You know, it just occurred to me.. why would Josh even think he deserves another hearing? He is nobody but a minor D-list player.. and a bad one at that. Yeah, I know we're all equal under the law, but... he's not all that..

Because he’s Josh Duggar! Are you implying that isn’t enough of a reason?

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Why, yes. Yes I am..


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On 7/14/2024 at 9:46 PM, Cults-r-us said:

googly eyes over Josh these days. What benefit would she gain from divorcing him now


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