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Lawson and Tiffany 10: Grifting for Children's Toys on the Newborn Registry

Coconut Flan

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15 hours ago, Kiki03910 said:

feel like we need to do a survey to judge which of the Bates 2.0 couples is the most boring. So many contenders! And yet they are each boring in their own special way, revealing disparate qualities of shallowness. Seriously, is there an interesting Bates 2.0 couple?

I’ve watched more Bates kids videos over the past year than I care to admit, and every single one of these couples has turned out boring, materialistic and superficial. It would be difficult to pick a winner in a most boring contest. In addition, for all their loud protestations of faith, all of these couples seem to lead remarkably secular lives. I would not be surprised to see some of them quietly fall away from regular church attendance. 

Among the regular vloggers, I can usually stomach Lawson and Tiffany because they are so incompetent as to be amusing. I can also sit through Carlin and Evan’s videos because their kids are cute. Evan is only marginally more tolerable than Lawson as a narrator. At some point. Layla’s antics will cross the line into bratty and that will be where I get off. 

Of the others, Hailey is also cute, but Travis looks like a teen dad while Katie’s eyebrows and makeup belong on a much older woman. I generally can’t manage more than five minutes of their videos. Alyssa is personality-free and the obvious favoritism for Rhett makes their vlogs difficult to sit through. I haven’t managed to make it more than a minute into one of Zach’s cooking videos yet. So many better cooking YouTubers out there. 

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7 hours ago, postscript said:

I’ve watched more Bates kids videos over the past year than I care to admit, and every single one of these couples has turned out boring, materialistic and superficial. It would be difficult to pick a winner in a most boring contest. In addition, for all their loud protestations of faith, all of these couples seem to lead remarkably secular lives. I would not be surprised to see some of them quietly fall away from regular church attendance. 

Among the regular vloggers, I can usually stomach Lawson and Tiffany because they are so incompetent as to be amusing. I can also sit through Carlin and Evan’s videos because their kids are cute. Evan is only marginally more tolerable than Lawson as a narrator. At some point. Layla’s antics will cross the line into bratty and that will be where I get off. 

Of the others, Hailey is also cute, but Travis looks like a teen dad while Katie’s eyebrows and makeup belong on a much older woman. I generally can’t manage more than five minutes of their videos. Alyssa is personality-free and the obvious favoritism for Rhett makes their vlogs difficult to sit through. I haven’t managed to make it more than a minute into one of Zach’s cooking videos yet. So many better cooking YouTubers out there. 

Well said. I haven't watched much of their videos. I get bored fast lol.

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It's very possible that William has been born. When asked about naming and Erin's reaction, she replied something to the effect of "When our Williams were born..." 

If she slipped up, it's the second time in as many weeks that she's spoiled a surprise for a future video. 

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On 3/7/2024 at 4:04 PM, Meggo said:

Oh man - I had the old school monitor (it was a hand me down) and I hated that thing. I had a preemie and they are a LOUD bunch of babies, constantly snorting and making noise. I could hear him just fine from across the hall. 
(I only used it if I was trying to be on another floor entirely and even then it was hit or miss) 

And my kid is a snuggler and even now at 11 wants to be carried. No can do, short stack - you're almost my size now!

Hey, now! I was never told I was noisy LOL

I know on the flip side, that there have been studies that preemies / those who were, are more bothered by noise. Like those constant, irritating noises like a car alarm that won't stop, beeping from places only a dog could hear lol Can attest to that being accurate. Thank you for coming to my PSA TED talk 😉

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On 7/26/2024 at 2:34 PM, postscript said:

I’ve watched more Bates kids videos over the past year than I care to admit, and every single one of these couples has turned out boring, materialistic and superficial. It would be difficult to pick a winner in a most boring contest. In addition, for all their loud protestations of faith, all of these couples seem to lead remarkably secular lives. I would not be surprised to see some of them quietly fall away from regular church attendance. 

Among the regular vloggers, I can usually stomach Lawson and Tiffany because they are so incompetent as to be amusing. I can also sit through Carlin and Evan’s videos because their kids are cute. Evan is only marginally more tolerable than Lawson as a narrator. At some point. Layla’s antics will cross the line into bratty and that will be where I get off. 

Of the others, Hailey is also cute, but Travis looks like a teen dad while Katie’s eyebrows and makeup belong on a much older woman. I generally can’t manage more than five minutes of their videos. Alyssa is personality-free and the obvious favoritism for Rhett makes their vlogs difficult to sit through. I haven’t managed to make it more than a minute into one of Zach’s cooking videos yet. So many better cooking YouTubers out there. 

I have some respect for Josie. She got a useful degree, got a job, and then made a successful business (as did Kelton). I find her beigeness boring, but she displays ambition and gumption, at least. I hope she stops having kids at a reasonable number and keeps working.

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On 7/27/2024 at 3:34 AM, LongTimeLurkerOG said:

Hey, now! I was never told I was noisy LOL

I know on the flip side, that there have been studies that preemies / those who were, are more bothered by noise. Like those constant, irritating noises like a car alarm that won't stop, beeping from places only a dog could hear lol Can attest to that being accurate. Thank you for coming to my PSA TED talk 😉

It's just noisy for a little bit - then they settle into being a normal baby and they aren't as loud. Interestingly - the nurses told us the preemies were a different sort of babies. They are just "different" (but she said it with admiration). She said they had more than one baby who would be put in the isolette with the little horse shoe of blankets forming a wall around him and they'd find him on the OTHER side of the isolette. These babies - who were TINY (my son was 5lbs when he left the hospital) somehow could make their way over a "wall" of a rolled up blanket and end up on the other end of the isolette. They'd regularly reach up and pull out one of their tubes etc. Just a busy little lot of babies. 


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19 hours ago, Kiki03910 said:

I have some respect for Josie. She got a useful degree, got a job, and then made a successful business (as did Kelton). I find her beigeness boring, but she displays ambition and gumption, at least. I hope she stops having kids at a reasonable number and keeps working.

I will give her credit that she has a usable certificate (not a degree) and made some effort in her business. Should something happen to Kelton, she has the skills and abilities to make money and take care of her kids (so long as she stops now or soon). Someone like Tori who has an unaccredited degree that won't open any doors or Erin who basically got a degree in what is a low paid or sometimes volunteer position at a church would be living on grifted dollars or moving back with Gil and Kelly. 

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Also it looks as if the Balkas live within their means; no large house (so far), new pool or Tesla for them. I think Kelton is more money smart and hardworking vs some of the other SILs.

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Where is that baby already?????

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9 hours ago, HereticHick said:

Where is that baby already?????

According to YouTube, newly arrived.

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Someone needs to watch it and report back! Who can stomach it?

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Omg Kelly said, “she never complains!” 

Stop this fundie women! Let these pregnant woman complain! Jill said the same thing about Nurie. Pregnant women should feel comfortable enough to complain. 

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It looks like he was born July 19 with a ton of hair. Poor tiff looked stunned after he came out. I think she was just overwhelmed and mentioned he was purple. But the nurse assured her it would go away. 

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41 minutes ago, JDuggs said:

Someone needs to watch it and report back! Who can stomach it?

I'll watch it later, after the premiere is over. At least if the baby arrived early, Lawson didn't get his birthday buddy. 

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I watched it. It is billed as Part 1. Lawson was beyond annoying. He was pretending to have contractions and to be in pain. This was in their home before heading to the hospital. Tiffany was doing well and was amazingly tolerant of her childish husband. I think that she might be a much better actress that we thought! At the hospital things were progressing well. Kelly and Lydia were there. Tiff had an epidural. But, contractions were not getting closer than 7 mins apart. She was given pitocin but it seemed to cause the baby’s heart rate to really slow down. I think there was a risk of a caesarean if the baby wasn’t born within a short time frame. Tiffany was a trooper and delivered the baby. She seemed stunned and, I think said that “he’s purple” but the nurse reassured her that that would quickly go away. The baby has lots of dark hair. 
I hope that Lawson is a supportive husband and father and not a childish idiot. Tiffany looks like she will need reassurance and support. Her parents weren’t there. They were due to fly in a few days later, Tuesday I think. The baby came early, possibly 11 days early. 
Don’t think that I can watch Part 2. Thank goodness my husband is nothing like Lawson. 

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24 minutes ago, Angelface said:

ITiffany looks like she will need reassurance and support. Her parents weren’t there. They were due to fly in a few days later, Tuesday I think. The baby came early, possibly 11 days early. 

Her parents were there. They arrived part way through the video. We only saw them briefly though. But they arrived before she started pushing. 

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I also watched. They could have cut that by half, if not more. Lots of uninteresting footage.  No matter what clickbaity title they use, it looks like a mostly uncomplicated birth. 

Initially, Tiffany is obsessively applying moisturizer and then makeup while telling us her water broke in the middle of the night. In the background, Lawson is telling her she's doing great, but then he goes into this whole routine about how he's in such pain and he can't stand up straight. It's impossible to tell if it's real or if he's trying to be funny. Either way, it goes on far too long and he's making an already nervous Tiffany even more nervous. Shut up, Lawson, and focus on your wife. She's the one who's about to pop out a tiny human. Finally, they call both sets of parents and head for the hospital. Tiffany's contractions are about seven minutes apart. 

Once they get to the hospital, Tiffany calms down. She gets an epidural pretty early on, and that helps. Lawson keeps popping in with updates, talking as if he knows what "dilated" and "effaced" mean. There is a point where baby's heart rate drops after each contraction and they worry about needing a C-section, but they shift Tiffany's position and the issue resolves.

On the whole, things go smoothly and Tiffany does just fine, though I can't help wondering why she doesn't pull her hair out of her face. She also refrains from smacking Lawson, at least on camera. 

In the midst of all this, Kelly, Gil, Lydia and Callie arrive. Gil is as much of a jackass as his son, more concerned about food than about his grandson. Kelly plops herself onto a couch and does nothing but talk. Lydia is there to take pictures. I can't figure out why Callie came. Gil briefly makes himself useful by driving to the airport to pick up Tiffany's parents. 

When it comes time for the actual birth, I wonder how Tiffany can focus with Lawson and the doctor simultaneously giving her instructions. Then the doctor tells her to open her eyes for the next push. She doesn't get it until she realizes the baby is coming out (which we don't see). They end by putting the baby, which looks big and is kind of purple, on her chest.  


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Iong , long days at work (something most members of the Bates family are not familiar with). I apologize for my mood. All I have to say is -wow. Lawson’s pinned instagram posts have only to do with his selfies/videos/so called music videos, not his wife, and now not his child. I have no words. As many have said, Lawson, you need to focus your energies on something other than a country music career. Don’t you see (hear)that at the very least, two of your brothers in law (and likely some of your brothers) far exceed your musical  talents, which are average at the very best regardless of what your family may have told you? There is no shame in avg talent. That is where most of us land. I don’t mean to be cruel, just forthright. Give it up and stop embarrassing yourself. Didn’t anyone teach how to be a man - own up to your talents or lack thereof and assume your responsibilities? I guess not - given your family’s well publicized history. I can only hope you read here and some of these comments give you pause and make you reconsider your path/responsibilities as a person, husband, and now father. 

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5 hours ago, postscript said:

I'll watch it later, after the premiere is over. At least if the baby arrived early, Lawson didn't get his birthday buddy. 

It was already not going to be born on his birthday because they were going to induce. She was supposed to be induced last Wednesday because the doctor was concerned with her small frame and giving birth. She went into labor in the early morning hours of the 19th instead. That's why her parents had to rush to TN. They were initially supposed to come in last Tuesday for induction on Wednesday.

ETA: The baby will share his birthday with Willow. Josie and Kelton's Willow was born on 7/19 in 2019 so she turned 5 on that day William Daniel was born.

Edited by dawn9476
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Anyone else think it’s ridiculous how they posted all these baby bump pics on Instagram when the baby was already there?

The craziest one is the “IT’S BABY TIME” one posted on the original due date where they wrote a very convoluted sentence about how the baby “still would’ve been in mummy’s tummy”. Obviously prompting some confused replies from followers about the odd grammar:

It’s like they had all these photos and posts prepped and ready to release on a set schedule leading up to the birth, and then the baby just wouldnt stick to the schedule but they didn’t want to waste these posts, so they just kept posting as if the baby hadn’t arrived yet. It’s crazy.

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7 hours ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

Omg Kelly said, “she never complains!” 

Stop this fundie women! Let these pregnant woman complain! Jill said the same thing about Nurie. Pregnant women should feel comfortable enough to complain. 

I don't believe Tiffany didn't complain. She is complaining all the time and now I have to believe that she didn't complain while giving birth? Oh come on, Kelly is a liar.

(It's not a negative comment about Tiff. Birth is painful and stressful! Go complain, shout or kick Kelly out of the room!).

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This is too many people visiting at once. I assume that Callie is being left there to be the scullery maid for a while?  I guarantee that Lawson will film a video being very dramatic about a diaper blowout and we will all want to smack him.

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I had my daughter in January 2021, so right after the covid vaccine came out for healthcare workers but not generally available.  No one was allowed to visit us in the hospital and if my husband had left, he couldn't have returned.  It was amazingly peaceful for us to bond with her.  I hope she enjoys all the fuss and hubub, I know some do, since it seems like quiet is probably not an option.

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2 minutes ago, GuineaPigCourtship said:

It was amazingly peaceful for us to bond with her. 

Yes, I also had my son in the middle of Covid, in 2020. It was just me and my husband for the first couple of weeks. My in-laws live close by and I think even they only visited when the baby was 3 or 4 weeks old. No other people visited until he was several months old.

No visitors in hospital either, just my husband. Even without Covid, there’s no way I would have wanted my parents or in-laws there. It feels crazy to me how fundies always have so many people attending a birth.

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11 hours ago, Melissa1977 said:

I don't believe Tiffany didn't complain. She is complaining all the time and now I have to believe that she didn't complain while giving birth? Oh come on, Kelly is a liar.

(It's not a negative comment about Tiff. Birth is painful and stressful! Go complain, shout or kick Kelly out of the room!).

Tiffany spent much of the last six months complaining about back pain and the baby kicking. The last couple of videos have featured her complaining about how hard it is to walk. No shade - she’s entitled to complain. But saying she never complains is an overstatement.

I thought she did very well during labor, though they may not have shown us the worst parts. She seemed to relax once she had medical professionals on call and drugs on tap. 

6 hours ago, HereticHick said:

This is too many people visiting at once. I assume that Callie is being left there to be the scullery maid for a while?  I guarantee that Lawson will film a video being very dramatic about a diaper blowout and we will all want to smack him.

Agreed, especially knowing the family would be descending on her the second baby was out. I would have left Callie and Gil behind. Even Kelly’s presence was questionable - as she pointed out, this is grandchild no. 30, so business as usual, and she didn’t do much other than sit there and talk. It was unclear who was present for the actual birth. 


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