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Lawson and Tiffany 10: Grifting for Children's Toys on the Newborn Registry

Coconut Flan

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2 hours ago, postscript said:

She’s already informed us that the gender reveal involves a cowboys and cowgirls theme and a giant stuffed cow will be involved (cue a chorus from Gypsy - “including the cow”). The horse would fit right in. 

We’ve heard so much about this gender reveal that I feel we’ve already seen it. Whenever Lawson gets around to posting it, it will be the world’s greatest anticlimax. 

the only thing I will be suprised about is if its actually a girl and they've been purposefully messing up. but I doubt that and its probably a boy. and his name is predictable, it will be William probably nickname Liam, thank you Erin, for not letting your brother use hhis own name first and then Daniel or some cowboy name as the middle.

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9 hours ago, postscript said:

She’s already informed us that the gender reveal involves a cowboys and cowgirls theme and a giant stuffed cow will be involved (cue a chorus from Gypsy - “including the cow”). The horse would fit right in. 

We’ve heard so much about this gender reveal that I feel we’ve already seen it. Whenever Lawson gets around to posting it, it will be the world’s greatest anticlimax. 

Are they going to blow up the cow in the gender reveal? Will it poop out the gender? So many questions

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4 hours ago, HereticHick said:

Are they going to blow up the cow in the gender reveal? Will it poop out the gender? So many questions

Or they could milk it...

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Will they be able to post the gender reveal before the baby's birth? I was thinking there was enough time for sure even with their tendency of posting late, but it starting to look always harder. 

Remind me when is she due mid/late June? Or early July? 

If they are still 3 months behind and don't want to skip videos while keeping the actual pace of postings...they will realease the gender revael video around the baby first months pictures

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2 hours ago, Italiangirl said:

Will they be able to post the gender reveal before the baby's birth? I was thinking there was enough time for sure even with their tendency of posting late, but it starting to look always harder. 

Remind me when is she due mid/late June? Or early July? 

If they are still 3 months behind and don't want to skip videos while keeping the actual pace of postings...they will realease the gender revael video around the baby first months pictures

The late Bates, y'all!

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4 hours ago, Italiangirl said:

Remind me when is she due mid/late June? Or early July?

Late July. Lawson, whose birthday also falls in late July, is obsessed with the idea of being “birthday buddies” with the baby. 

Even their humpers are getting impatient with them. The comments on YouTube all comment on the likelihood of baby being here before the gender is revealed. 

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Apparently they're really truly cross-their-hearts going to announce today. I'll believe it when I see it.

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Posted (edited)

It's a boy and that was such an obnoxious gender reveal. I think more effort was put into it than her actual baby shower.

Edited by dawn9476
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7 minutes ago, JDuggs said:

The video is out. Someone else needs to watch it!

Watched it. It's a boy. Both Lawson and Tiffany were awful, him calling people traitors when they said they thought it was a girl, and Tiffany at the end being clearly disappointed but nasty about it (IMO). They're AWFUL, poor child!

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6 minutes ago, HermioneSparrow said:

Watched it. It's a boy. Both Lawson and Tiffany were awful, him calling people traitors when they said they thought it was a girl, and Tiffany at the end being clearly disappointed but nasty about it (IMO). They're AWFUL, poor child!

at the end she was like "we'll definitely have a girl next time"

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Posted (edited)

I feel horrible for Tiffany. 

I skipped ahead and happened to catch it right as the blue cannons went off, and I watched it from then on. The disappointment look on Tiffany’s face broke my heart. She clearly wanted a girl, but had to be so fake happy about it. It would have been better if they knew first in private, and she would have been able to grieve it in private. Gender disappointment is a real thing and people should be able to process it without shame. 

Lawson’s reaction makes me hope they never have a girl, because it’s obvious he’s not going to care about any daughters. Just his manly sons. 🙄

Edited by Adrienne83
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What is total grandchildren count now (including the current pregnancies) and what is the sex breakdown? Do girls still out number boys?

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Posted (edited)
30 minutes ago, 0 kids n not countin said:

What is total grandchildren count now (including the current pregnancies) and what is the sex breakdown? Do girls still out number boys?


There are 28 grandchildren, with 4 still cooking. There are 11 boys and 17 girls.  2 of the ones cooking are boys so that brings it up to at least 13 boys. 

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Unpopular opinion ahead:  I wish everyone would stop these ridiculous gender reveals. They're just dumb. Call/text your family and friends and tell them. Then move along with your life. 

The number of videos/reels, etc that show up with one or more adults crying because they are disappointed in the sex of the baby is embarrassing. What is that kid going to feel like in 10-12 years when they discover the video of their mom/dad upset because they are a boy or girl and that video has been shared all over the internet? I can tell you they are going to feel like sh*t. My mom wanted one child, a boy. I was the first born and a girl. She told me all about how she never wanted a girl and that they had no name for me bc they were certain that I was a boy. (this was pre-ultrasound days). It's pretty crappy to grow up knowing your mom never wanted you to be a girl. But at least that information wasn't plastered all over the internet in a gender reveal video. 

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Posted (edited)

Lawson's reaction really irritated me....all that jumping around yelling. He's so immature, I dread to think how he'll parent a son. I think Tiffany was disappointed and overwhelmed. If either partner has a strong preference it's probably better to keep it low key and find out privately before letting family and friends know.

Edited by Teaistheway
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I would like to think that for the next one they will be more low-key like Katie and Travis's was, but I bet it will be just as OTT.

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Lawson was at his most insufferable throughout, clearly expressing his wish for a boy, belittling people who said they thought it was a girl, and at the end talking about how he really thought it was a girl but was using reverse psychology. He also informed us his boy is going to be Rocky, Tom Cruise, and Chuck Norris all rolled into one. Way to put unrealistic expectations on a kid who isn’t even born yet. He doesn’t deserve a child of either gender. 

Tiffany was clearly disappointed but was at least somewhat gracious about it. By the time the baby gets here, she’ll be so eager to get it out of her, she won’t care. 

There is a great moment when Lawson is donning a white cowboy hat. He tells us it used to fit him but doesn’t any longer. I immediately think it’s because his ego has expanded so much no hat can possibly fit his head.

The gender reveal itself was as over the top as one might expect, coupled with plenty of unintentional hilarity. Michael and Brandon do the balloon arch and a lot of the setup. Do these two ever refuse to do one of these thankless tasks for their family? Then Lawson, Nathan and Trace spray paint the box which will hold the balloon, choosing to face into the wind, as Tiffany points out. Hearing Lawson yell “I’ve got paint on my pants!” Was worth sitting through 37 minutes of him being a jackass. Pure comedy gold.

The plan is to sit the giant stuffed longhorn on top of the box. Lawson will rope the longhorn and pull it off the box. That will cause the box lid to open and balloons to fly out. Lawson will then shoot the balloon open with a BB gun and the color will show. Let’s see how that plays out in practice, shall we?

Lawson practices roping, telling us how he used to be a really good roper. He fails miserably, getting the cow on one of about ten tries, as Trace and Nathan place bets (“Double or nothing!”). They also try, doing a bit better. When the time comes, Lawson once again brags about his former prowess at lassoing, before taking multiple tries to lasso the cow. Tiffany has to duck to avoid being roped herself. He finally drags the cow off the box, which tips over. After a bit of maneuvering, the lid opens and all the other balloons fly away before, finally, the crucial balloon appears (luckily, it’s tethered). Lawson then shoots at it and misses. He shoots again, hits it, and he and Tiffany, including Tiffany’s white dress and Lawson’s white cowboy hat, are enveloped in a cloud of blue. Tiff, I doubt you’ll be wearing that dress again. They’ll be lucky if this one doesn’t show up in compilations of gender reveal fails. 

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On 5/18/2024 at 11:38 AM, raayx01 said:

the only thing I will be suprised about is if its actually a girl and they've been purposefully messing up. but I doubt that and its probably a boy. and his name is predictable, it will be William probably nickname Liam, thank you Erin, for not letting your brother use hhis own name first and then Daniel or some cowboy name as the middle.

I still don't understand why it's such a big deal if siblings or cousins or friends use the same names for their kids. 

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2 hours ago, Sk8ter said:

Unpopular opinion ahead:  I wish everyone would stop these ridiculous gender reveals. They're just dumb. Call/text your family and friends and tell them. Then move along with your life. 

The number of videos/reels, etc that show up with one or more adults crying because they are disappointed in the sex of the baby is embarrassing. What is that kid going to feel like in 10-12 years when they discover the video of their mom/dad upset because they are a boy or girl and that video has been shared all over the internet? I can tell you they are going to feel like sh*t. My mom wanted one child, a boy. I was the first born and a girl. She told me all about how she never wanted a girl and that they had no name for me bc they were certain that I was a boy. (this was pre-ultrasound days). It's pretty crappy to grow up knowing your mom never wanted you to be a girl. But at least that information wasn't plastered all over the internet in a gender reveal video. 

I agree completely. I find it tacky, personally. We found out during our ultrasound and then just told our close family and friends. For our next babe we probably won’t find out and will have it be a surprise. My hubs and I both work in the medical field and have seen our share of not so great outcomes, so we were just grateful that our babe was healthy. I personally have a hard time understanding gender disappointment - not knocking it or minimizing it for those who do feel it, but I think if you’re going to be disappointed, it’s better not to do a big public reveal. So sorry your mom made you feel this way. 😢

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2 hours ago, Sk8ter said:

Unpopular opinion ahead:  I wish everyone would stop these ridiculous gender reveals. They're just dumb. Call/text your family and friends and tell them. Then move along with your life. 

This is not an unpopular opinion. I'm tired of everything in modern life having to become a major event with professional photographs. I'm tired of every party having to have a THEME with all sorts of disposable decorations and trinkets. I'm tired of transactions that should be private affairs (promposals, wedding proposals) having to become big creative public affairs. I am so glad I move among family & friends that don't do much of this, and I really feel for people that are introverted and/or not creative that have to plan and participate in these affairs. And of course people who can't afford this shit but feel pressured to do it anyway.

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1 hour ago, patsymae said:

I still don't understand why it's such a big deal if siblings or cousins or friends use the same names for their kids. 

My younger cousin and I have very similar names (think Kara and Karen) and it was a pain in the but when we were kids. She was actually originally going to be named Karen, so I can only imagine how difficult that would have been

So, I do get it. 

And sometimes the naming can be done for not great reasons. Like, another of my cousin's name her son, let's say, Brayden Charles. Her younger, half-brother, gave his some the exact same name a few years later, and makes a big about his Brayden Charles being the real grandson to his and my cousin's shared dad. So, yeah. 

I do think that when it comes to family names, like William is in the Bates family, anyone can use them in the some fashion. However, in my experience, unsimilar nicknames are good, to help distinguish. 

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2 hours ago, postscript said:

He also informed us his boy is going to be Rocky, Tom Cruise, and Chuck Norris all rolled into one. Way to put unrealistic expectations on a kid who isn’t even born yet.

Imagine if that boy turns out to be more of a sensitive, quiet, artsy type of child and doesn’t fulfill Lawson’s ideals and expectations of “manliness”. I already feel sorry for that kid.

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3 minutes ago, GreenBeans said:

Imagine if that boy turns out to be more of a sensitive, quiet, artsy type of child and doesn’t fulfill Lawson’s ideals and expectations of “manliness”. I already feel sorry for that kid.

It’s not like Lawson is the embodiment of those 3 rolled into one (apart from the ego)

I can’t stand Chuck Norris or Tom Cruise and have never watched a Rocky movie, but all of the actors have stunt/martial arts/fight training. If that is his interpretation of manliness, he FAILED it himself! As the “Gender Reveal”(🤢) video showed, his cowboy skills are rusty at best, his handyman skills are embarrassing and he is super immature. 

But sure, he’ll be the manly role model for the poor unborn boy…

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5 hours ago, Adrienne83 said:

It would have been better if they knew first in private, and she would have been able to grieve it in private. Gender disappointment is a real thing and people should be able to process it without shame

Tiffany said in the video that she wanted to find out ahead of time, but Lawson didn’t want to. Given that they each had strong feelings and one of them was going to be disappointed, they should have peeked ahead of time. Tiffany will eventually make her peace with the gender disappointment, but you know Lawson spent the entire ride home and the next several days gloating that his baby has a penis. 


9 minutes ago, anjulibai said:

do think that when it comes to family names, like William is in the Bates family, anyone can use them in the some fashion. However, in my experience, unsimilar nicknames are good, to help distinguish.

For a family the size of the Bates, name repetition will become inevitable at some point. We’ve already seen Jo repeated as a middle name and I would be shocked if William doesn’t show up in this baby’s name, given how often Lawson has brought it up in recent weeks. There will eventually be so many Bates cousins spread over such a wide age and geographical range that the cousins may not even know each other well. 


4 minutes ago, GreenBeans said:

Imagine if that boy turns out to be more of a sensitive, quiet, artsy type of child and doesn’t fulfill Lawson’s ideals and expectations of “manliness”. I already feel sorry for that kid.

I had exactly the same thought. Lawson envisions going hunting and fishing with his son. I don’t think it’s ever occurred to him (any more than it ever has to Jill Rodrigues or Jim Bob Duggar) that the kid will have a will of its own. 

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